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/lit/ - Literature

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7139065 No.7139065 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get friends who are /lit/ af like me? I'm sick of associating with plebs who don't read

>> No.7139069
File: 34 KB, 525x556, cost_cockroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress up like this

>> No.7139072

I'd rather have friend who are just into literature

>> No.7139085 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 540x367, Twiggy026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This website is going to shit. It's not letting me post with my secure tripcode. Something needs to be done about this immediately.

>> No.7139091

testing 1

>> No.7139094


>> No.7139096 [DELETED] 
File: 776 KB, 360x270, 1428565233045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an injustice.

>> No.7139110


Join a book club
hang out in book stores
join a lit class in you're in school
read books in public hoping people will strike up a conversation with you

although even people who do read are huge plebs so this doesn't guarantee that you'll have patrician friends or anything.

>> No.7139120

testing 2

>> No.7139126
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It's an injustice.

>> No.7139388

I've met a lot of people, and literary elitists are rare to come by.
I've found that a lot of girls read, but usually their interests in literature revolve around topics that confirm their beliefs or cater to their emotional well being.
The guys I know that read are either into shit tier fiction or very spesific topics of politics or history.

The few people I know that are /lit/, are so mentally unstable and ambivalent I wouldn't know where to start with them. One of whom committed suicide last year. She was always going on about how she wanted to change the world, but I guess she couldn't deal with reality any more.

The other people I know that are more well read then myself struggle with depression, anxiety, and insomnia, all of which I've overcome myself. I guess a coctail of intelligence and mental issues bring out a need in people to read. It seems we're looking for an answer, but have no idea what the question is.

>> No.7139474

I'm trying to filter you, but I can't figure out how. Do you (or anyone else here) have the image showing how to do so?

>> No.7139483

there should be more skype daily conversation /soc/ bullshit goin on here
I know in not the only one here whos severely disappointed with the kind of people that are around me irl. Everyone needs that kind of daily interaction with like minded ppl

>> No.7139494

Fuck off, normie.

>> No.7139499

This should absolutely be a thing. I'm paranoid when it comes to my visual image, but an audio convo would be nice.

>> No.7139511

I'm going out right now, and I'm having a "friend" over later, but if you want to skype some time, feel free to add me. "Hnrklol". I'll probably be available tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.7139513

>tfw went on a working holiday at a farm and pretty much everyone was lit as fuck, 2 writers with good taste, english majors who did something with their lives.
Shame most live abroad

>> No.7139528

anyone get this allusion?: A sugarsticky girl shoveling scoopfuls of creams for a christian brother

>> No.7139530

I'm 23 years old, if that matters.

>> No.7139541

Fuck off, tripfag.

>> No.7139545
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, ComfyPupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I come, too?

>> No.7139546

Depends. How old are you?

>> No.7139552


>> No.7139554

23 as well.

>> No.7139668

Go ahead. Just add me on skype. I haven't recived any friend requests yet, as far as I can tell.

>> No.7139771

There is also that tinychat some dude posts sometimes. Can't remember the url.

>> No.7139874

Also 23 here.

>> No.7140266

Stay in higher education, best decision I've ever made.

>> No.7140504

There's tons of plebs at universities nowadays, though.

>> No.7142396

The web skype might be shit but I can't find you in the directory. My username is wiltes4

>> No.7142433

I love lit memes
It makes the hardships of waking life liveable. Memes are key to survival

>> No.7142441
File: 280 KB, 1024x681, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Although I did drop so...

>> No.7142506

>joined a writer's club
>they're all hideously dull, tumblr tier, or apes George RR Martin

>make friends with other english majors
>they don't read, don't write, don't know anything about english

>nobody's ever heard of the books I read, even when they're relatively commonplace

>most people haven't read a full book in years

I can't remember the last person I met who actually liked books.

>> No.7142522

>tfw all of these feels

Bookstores remain popular, yet I never see anyone else reading, let alone reading something good.

>> No.7142545

Holy fuck, are you me?

Every other English major at my uni either a) didn't read for leisure and only wanted to tweet John Green quotes or b) only read GoT or Tolkien stuff and talked incessantly about Harry Potter.

>> No.7142583

>join a club of about 10-11 people
>about 4 of us are actually well read
>everyone else is suspect or a dilettante

It's better than nothing, and they are good drinking buddies.

>> No.7142785

Anyone with google can get that allusion.

I did read Ulysses in grad school though.