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7135174 No.7135174 [Reply] [Original]

Most convincing vision of the future in literature?

>> No.7135181

My postautobiography

>> No.7135221
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>> No.7135240

whatever nick land says

>> No.7135243


New Testament

>> No.7135257

Nick Land wilfully contradicts himself, saying the Great Filter will wipe us out and also we'll be inconstant simulations in computers and also we'll be serfs under a great techno space king.

>> No.7135264

"nothing ever died of contradictions" - deleuze & guttari

>> No.7135283

I said wilfully. You'll just have to find a way to envision a future in which you're dead, a robot, and a serf.

>> No.7135295

all of them at the same time

>> No.7135304

was implied yes

>> No.7135307

harrison bergeron

>> No.7135312
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>> No.7135316

How horrible D:

Brown people!

>> No.7135357
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we have no bodies (i.e. we're dead) but our minds will survive in computer simulations where we will play Counter Strike all day while in the real world the ubermensch run everything

>> No.7135367
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The Institution, by Terra Dime. A compelling foray into the slow collapse of industrial civilization, set in British Columbia and spanning several centuries.


>> No.7135377


>written by a woman

Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.7135388


>A work of real literary distinction . . . [Houellebecq] has been the novelist who has most fearlessly and presciently tackled the rise of Islamic extremism in recent years . . . He is a writer with a gift for telling the truth, unlike any other in our time - I've been consistently saying he is the writer who matters most to me for many years now. I've read Submission twice in the last week with ever growing admiration and enjoyment. There's been no English-language novel this good lately. With Submission Houellebecq has inserted himself right into the centre of the intellectual debate that was already raging in France about Islam and identity politics . . . There is nobody else writing now more worth reading. (David Sexton Evening Standard)

Sounds interesting. I'm not going to get "huh huh that's the so called Religion of Peace for ya" jokes throughout am I?

>> No.7135391
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>> No.7135392

cuz I ain't no Houellebecq girl

>> No.7135412

Camp of the saints lmoa

>> No.7135420

the future is the rich and genetically superior (mostly the same btw) living in technological paradises
everyone else lives in the Islamic swamp

>> No.7135426

"cuckservative" is an alt-right term.

>> No.7135433

Infinite Jest is pretty close to how we are now, which was the future when it was published

>> No.7135435
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The Time Machine by HG Wells

it's all gonna be Eloi and Morlocks around here in a few thousand years, you mark my words

>> No.7135452


It's quite good, quite subtle. There's also some hilarious writing in it.

It's not a hurry durr Islam is biggest evil book. That's only what people say who haven't read it.

>> No.7135462
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I'll give it a look then, cheers.


>The Camp of the Saints is a novel about population migration and its consequences. In Calcutta, India, the Belgian government announces a policy in which Indian babies will be adopted and raised in Belgium. The policy is soon reversed after the Belgian consulate is inundated with poverty-stricken parents eager to give up their infant children. An Indian "wise man" then rallies the masses to make a mass exodus to live in Europe

Ooh, dats topical.

>> No.7135593

Super Sad True Love Story

>> No.7135651

Some story about how information technology can massively influence the job market. It's pretty scary and believable for the first chapters, then he goes full dystopia. And spinal implants.
I completely forgot it's title, though.