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7133864 No.7133864 [Reply] [Original]

Two questions:

1.) What's the best English translation for "Symposium"? Should I just stick with the Oxford Classics edition?

2.) What other books are there like the "Symposium," where you have a meeting of men discussing a topic to it's furthest depth?

>> No.7133889

The way your post is phrased, it seems as if you've read it already. What exactly are you looking for in a new translation?

>> No.7133892


Anything I may have missed reading it back in college with the Oxford Classics

>> No.7133896

Plato or Xenophon?

Because, I would read Xenophon's before Plato's

>> No.7133898

Are you even going to remember it from then?

>> No.7133900


I still have my self-annotated oxford edition

>> No.7133905

Seth Benardete's translation is most literal and thus closest to expressing the meaning that Plato intended. It also comes with two excellent interpretive essays by Allan Bloom and himself.

>> No.7133942

Why is he touching his benis?

>> No.7133974

Seconding the recommendation for Seth Benardete's translation at >>7133905, which is the most accurate edition I've read.

There's also Xenophon's Symposium, which contains exactly what you're looking for in a text ostensibly depicting a conversation between men.

>> No.7134120


Who the fuck re-reads a book in a different translation?

>> No.7134129

Something wrong with that?

>> No.7134132

1) Symposium is already English so doesn't need translating but some synonyms are "forum", "discussion" and "convention".

>> No.7134140

Why wouldn't you? It's beneficial for both literary and scholary purposes.

>> No.7134141

Who the fuck looks at an object from more than one angle?

>> No.7134144
