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File: 50 KB, 303x379, Derrida_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7133745 No.7133745 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Jacques Derrida so despised by certain groups?

>> No.7133786

Same reasons as all contemporary philosophers, he uses big words that are hard to make concrete, quick and easy definitions out of.

Academics hate him because academics are allergic to any new ideas.

>> No.7133808

because he is a hack

>> No.7133812

Ha! Got it. Funny, Opie.

>> No.7135518

Rationalists and scientismists are like the new priesthood; they hate being told that their practice and beliefs isn't all that special because they don't want to lose power

>> No.7135522

He literally is the definition of a hack.

>> No.7135717

He took old ideas and needlessly warped them without adding anything new. His theories also had a profoundly negative impact on liberal arts, fouling the discourse so bad that anybody can say anything without having to seriously defend its validity. It might be said he's the biggest charlatan in the history of philosophy.

>> No.7135722

>his theories
you don't understand Derrida (then again, neither does anyone here (except me)).

>> No.7135740

While his theory's raise a bunch of good points that can't be ignored they still don't really go anywhere or solve anything

>> No.7135745
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You are playing chess in a coffee shop with another good chess player. You are visibly invested in the game, grimacing, wringing your hands, and so is your friend, the good chess player. A guy sidles up, "may I play the winner?" he says. You both agree. You finish the game, and you win. He sits down opposite from you. For his first move, you let him move first as he is a new player, he moves a pawn all the way to your front row. He takes a pawn.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
"We're playing fairy chess," he says.
"What are the rules?" you ask.
"You may move in whatever way allows you to win."
"But we're not playing chess, then" you object.
"I'm liberating you," he says, "you should feel joy. You will be able to win now. Before you were so uncomfortable, as was your opponent."
"But, I," you say, astounded, "if it doesn't have rules, there's no game."
"No, there is a game. The game so far has been defined by what you could not do, I have chosen now to define it by what you can do."
"That's not chess," you say.
"Bigot," he says, moving another pawn, jumping it, taking your king, "I win. Next player?"

>> No.7135750



>> No.7135786

PMT(pretty much this)
Its a shame he has good ideas worth considering in theory, but applied theyre camcerous to anything.

>> No.7135814

this sums up all of continental philosophy. While they might make some good points in the end its utterly pointless

>> No.7135870

Some consider him a crypto-reactionary.

>> No.7135890


It's pretty well summed up by a letter, signed by a bunch of analytic philosophers, protesting Derrida's honorary degree from Cambridge:


>> No.7135895

Look up Sokal, fam. Derrida is a hack.

>> No.7135949


>> No.7135964

isn't that the paper that basically decredited all of continental philosophy? nothing but a bunch of fraudsters

>> No.7136030

Sociologist Stephen Hilgartner, the Cornell University science and technology studies department chairman, wrote "The Sokal Affair in Context" (1997),[12] comparing Sokal's hoax to "Confirmational Response: Bias Among Social Work Journals" (1990), an article by William M. Epstein published in Science, Technology & Human Values.[13] Epstein used a similar approach to Sokal's, submitting fictitious articles to real academic journals to measure their response. Though far more systematic than Sokal's work, it received scant media attention. Hilgartner argued that the intellectual impact of the successful Sokal hoax cannot be attributed to its quality as a "demonstration" but rather to journalistic hyperbole and the anti-intellectual biases of some American journalists.

>> No.7136058
File: 14 KB, 250x251, tm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science and technology studies

>> No.7136093

you mean the paper that proved Sokal to be a shallow petty hack who has tried to make a career out of mocking ideas he doesn't even bother to understand? Derrida did the best thing possible and just dismissed the whole event.

>> No.7136095

But wouldn't the same be said of Schopy and Nietzsche in their times, by the academics?

>> No.7136124

They both exemplify clarity despite dealing heavy ideas though, essentially the complete opposite of Derrida.

>> No.7136126

If you've ever bothered to read anything of or by Derrida, you can see why what he said would rub people the wrong way.

shit thread.

>> No.7136550

>bringing the politics of academia to /lit/


>> No.7137891
File: 379 KB, 720x1280, 1422550604285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sad part is that you think it is bad

it is as if you enjoy being castrated

>> No.7137922


tbqh fam, bobby Fischer hated conventional chess and what it became and purposed fisher's random.

So maybe inventing rules before each game(or tournament) is not that bad of an idea.

Your pic related is a bigger hack, tbh.

>> No.7137971
File: 104 KB, 667x558, homerdescending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those who have read a lot of his work can correct me, but the thing I noticed in the bits I've encountered is he's often interested in the implications of poetics in the discussions of meaning, rather than only for aesthetic use. This is bound to rustle no?

>> No.7138006

Schopy maybe, but Nietzsche's infamous for concealing his ideas in aphorisms, gesture, and bombast. The fucker pretty much says he's not telling you what he thinks throughout Beyond Good & Evil.

>> No.7138057

Derrida never used the term "logical phallusies" in his works. The person who wrote this obviously had never read anything by Derrida.
If you want a good introduction to Jacques Derrida, read Geoffrey Bennington's "Jacques Derrida." (Derrida co-authored it.) It is very accessible and will dispel many of the misconceptions you may have about Derrida. If I had a nickel for every know-nothing analytic type who claimed that Derrida believes everything is a text, or that every reading is equally acceptable, or whatever else.

>> No.7138065

Sokal didn't even mention Derrida in "Intellectual Imposters."

>> No.7138095

Jonathan Cullers' On Deconstruction is lucid and interesting.

>> No.7138113

Because deconstruction actually means inviting a stranger with whom you share not a race to your house and letting him fuck and impregnate your wife while you take care of the bills, expenses and half-breed spawn while being told it is morally required for you to do so.

>> No.7138119

>implying >>7315745 wanted to revolutionize chesst

>> No.7138122
File: 10 KB, 197x400, gul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that's what Kant meant with hospitality

>> No.7138182

Was there ever any doubt? Derrida used the Kantian notion of hospitality to promote immigration and diversity back in the seventies.

>> No.7138191

can you please stay on your containment board?

>> No.7139529

That person looks like a trap and that food looks shit tier.

>> No.7139562
File: 248 KB, 636x355, Screenshot - 09192015 - 06:03:24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just ridiculing the anxiety of the pure aryan-blooded master race kid.