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File: 1.30 MB, 1914x1481, chieftepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7133312 No.7133312 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Native Americans get butthurt about "stolen land", yet history empirically proves they went around slaughtering each other and "stealing" each other's land? This is particularly true of tribes in the North East, around New England and Canadaland. The Maori did the same here, but PC buttwhiners try and cover their arse by saying "you are white so your culture inhibits you from understanding the culture". Why the fuck does postmodernism ruin everything?

>> No.7133325

Im Native American. Im not butthurt

>> No.7133330


>> No.7133344

the complaints are sometimes valid in terms of "theft" rather than "conquest" because treaties were signed which were later selectively ignored once the natives were no longer in a position to fight back
i don't give a shit about such things, but it's not wrong to put it in those terms

>> No.7133346

Okay, not saying all Native Americans are to precise. And I'm not saying not all Maori do the same here.

>> No.7133347
File: 55 KB, 446x553, 1442375201122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do conquered peoples adopt passive-aggressive tactics and a position of hostile weakness towards their conquerers?
It's easier to bitch and make things up for the misguided sympathy than to make something of yourself. Some of the stuff that happened to them is awful, but it's an established fact that things aren't going back to the way they were, and most native wouldn't want to live without the white man's technology anyway. It's the same way alcoholic white trash with an IQ of 85 complain about the system being rigged against them. Even though they're descended from the people who wiped out the Indians, it's all the same to them now.

>> No.7133355
File: 14 KB, 271x300, commodore perry the original weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone was a dick. We were just the best at it, at least for a while.

t. Europeans

>> No.7133381

Much the reason why America was settled by Europeans was because of diseases such as smallpox and measles which the natives had no immunity to. This is a something a lot of people tend to overlook. Medical technology needless to say, wasn't as advanced as it is today and scientific knowledge of the medical sciences wasn't as prevalent in those pioneer days of the 16th-18th centuries and the expansionist period during the 19th century. Many people don't seem to be aware how much of an impact of something as mundane to us as the common cold can have on a population of people who have been living in isolation for much of recorded history. If I went deep into the jungles of Papua New Guinea, or the surrounding islands and was the first to make contact with an isolated tribe, I could easily wipe them out within a week. This is why trying to establish contact/diplomacy with such people, even in this day and age is such a risky endeavor.

>> No.7133433

Yeah I know, but they didn't all die in time to have no interaction with the Europeans. Hell, my family's land used to be a Cherokee plantation complete with a big white house and slaves before they got rounded up and sent out west.

>> No.7133449
File: 249 KB, 622x713, File (hide ) - 1441897593510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a maori not an injun you stupid honky cunt learn your savages fucking whities get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7133463


>> No.7133483

>individual wars cancel out the moral failure of a near complete genocide
Can I just nuke all of Europe and say "Russia and Ukraine were already killing each other so you can't get mad"?

>> No.7133491

because of Capitalism

>> No.7133511

Where did OP ever say their pic was of a Native Indian? The filename is 'chieftepepe,' I'm pretty sure they know the pepe is Maori.

>> No.7133521

i was trying to be funny im sorry

>> No.7133527

Sorry man, but I don't know if that was a joke in any sense of the word...

>> No.7133564

>small pox

>> No.7133566

pick one.

>> No.7133570

That's because contact wasn't that extensive. It wasn't until they began settling en mass that foreign disease really began to make an impact.

>> No.7133575

This ain't politics, this is about postmodernism and objectivity ya nong.

>> No.7133599

Is this a big deal in America? In Australia all the indigenous people got shipped off to desolate hellholes in the middle of the desert so we don't have to look at them. You guys considered that?

You know your country's pulling off multiculturalism well when this is allowed to exist: https://youtu.be/XkjPbu8A3Dk

It's all just bantz between friends.

>> No.7133615

because it's convenient for them? what's the point of asking this question

>> No.7133633

We did, but we don't have as much totally worthless land as Australia so the logistics were tricky.

>bants between friends
If the Abbos are anything like they're portrayed in that video, then I strongly doubt they consider you their friend.

>> No.7133772

There's a world of difference between sporadic & relatively-insignificant acquisitions of territory and the rapid decimation of an entire continent. I'm willing to concede that some of the Mississippian & Mesoamerican cultures probably stole significant amounts of territory, but even then, there was always somewhere else on the continent to flee to if you wanted to escape. The Leviathan of "Western" civilization encompasses everything now. There are no more forests & deserts to escape to.

>> No.7133792
File: 119 KB, 1200x842, 2003_twip_2003_0724_01.ss_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so it's all cool so long as you can run away with your anus bleeding and without your wife. I'll be sure to perform my next sporadic and relatively insignificant assault on a village somewhere there's lots of empty desert for the people to run to.