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7133274 No.7133274 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it cool to hate Chomsky?

>> No.7133283
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because muh free will

he is actually chill guy though, he answers pretty much any email he gets

>> No.7133289



>> No.7133295

It's cool to hate undergrads who worship Noam Chomsky.

It's never been cool to hate Noamy Choamy

>> No.7133298

Because he acknowledges the existence of Cultural Marxism.

>> No.7133306

Well, to tell you the truth, this board is filled with young men who are insecure about their intelligence and therefore profess to prefer philosophers who speculate in an obscure style on vague subjects to those who exhibit clear thinking and write lucid prose that even the uninitiated can understand.

>> No.7133313

I wish the guy would retire at his age and use his time for personal use. he is like the guy from Stoner

>> No.7133315

Dear Chomsky

>> No.7133405

I think

>> No.7133413

You are right.

>> No.7133414

I'm gay

>> No.7133417

How has he retained that hair line?

>> No.7133422
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>tfw you realize a 86 year old is balding less than you

>> No.7133431


>> No.7133475

A big part of it is he's just been so cool for so long that hating on him had to become fashionable. The whole late 2000s anti-Beatles thing in music criticism comes to mind.

On a slightly less prosaic note he is a little bit of an "anglo saxon." By that I don't mean that he's a descendent of the invaders of England in the Xth century whenever, but that he adheres to this school of atheo-scientism which has pervaded the English speaking academia for years, which writes of anything continental by saying "it's nonsense" without specifically saying what about it is so nonsensical. These guys' critiques have always been a bit lazy, and while Chomsky is certainly better than (for example) a Richard Dawkins, he's never really bothered to engage with this whole category of literature he dismisses so breezily.

>> No.7133581

>chomsky will die soonish

>> No.7133636

Intro to course in general linguistics says Chomsky is naive for his dismissal of saussure.

>> No.7133646

low test, as if the anarchism wasn't a clue

>> No.7133647

Way too coherent. I can't send him this.

>> No.7133658

He should stick to being a linguist and stop with his left libertarian bullshit he sells to stupid college faggots to sell books. The fuck head is a million for the love of fucking God

>> No.7133676
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>> No.7133750

Chomsky is very knowledgeable and interesting, the problem is that he can be very rights on some aspects and wrong on others, and Chom fanboys eat it all up.

I have great respect and admiration for the man and he could seduce me with his smooth voice.

>> No.7133838

His ideas will only become more widespread and accepted when he dies. Zizek fears that day.

>> No.7133875

woman has no penis, whatever

>> No.7133910

Chomsky's ideas already are
see: Russel Brand

>> No.7133925

Because Chomsky questions power, he raises the uncomfortable facts about Americas imperial violence abroad, and the economic ruin wrought at home

>> No.7133934

>but that he adheres to this school of atheo-scientism which has pervaded the English speaking academia for years, which writes of anything continental by saying "it's nonsense" without specifically saying what about it is so nonsensical.
You're mad about this http://www.chomsky.info/articles/1995----02.htm aren't you?

>> No.7133940

>ad hom pejoratives
well you've done it sir, you've done what no one else has ever managed, you've successfully argued against chomsky!

>> No.7133944

>I like his critique of state authority
>but whats wrong with corporations controlling everything
lolbertarian pls

>> No.7133951

Brand is a moron
And if there ever was a gatekeeper he'd be it
He argues for total disengagement from the political process and champions apathy
Thats perfect for the power elite, thats the sort of world they want the masses to live in

And its the opposite of Chomsky

>> No.7134070

One of my favorite Noam Chomsky jokes is from Archer
>Archer acting as leader calls a meeting about pressing problem
>Problem is weighing on everyone heavily and they're relieved action is being taken
>Someone asks "Okay, so what's the plan?"
>"I don't know, my plan was to bring you all here and crowdsource a solution!"
>*mumbles of frustration*
>Someone mutters "Thanks, Noam Chomsky..." irritated.

>> No.7134191
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>And its the opposite of Chomsky

>> No.7134199

Are you saying that if Zizek strikes him down he will become more powerful than he could possibly imagine?

>> No.7134201
File: 211 KB, 460x271, zizek (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's amazing. Please send it.

>> No.7134202

Since he BTFO Sam Harris he's become cool again

>> No.7134204

How did he btfo Sam Harris?
That wasn't a snarky comment; I actually want to know.

>> No.7134237

Chomsky is exceptional when it comes to linguistics, and I agree with his anti-behaviorist stance.

On politics I think he is right about some things, but wrong about others, for instance, I think he is too quick to put all the blame for Islamic terrorism on Western foreign policy.

>> No.7134265

Chomsky responds to most of his emails. Sam Harris sent him emails that Chomsky responded to. Harris eventually published the correspondence. Even though Harrisbots think he "won", people made fun of Harris because Chomsky made him look like an idiot (because he is one).

>> No.7134270

I literally have no understanding of Harris, so I still don't understand what the fuck's happened here with chomp and harry. But whatevs m8, thanks for trying bb.

>> No.7134275
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Sam Harris is a famous New Atheist and well-known apologist for the War on Terror.

Use Google faggot.

>> No.7134291

This is such bullshit it's not even funny, but keep sucking Glenn Greenwald and Reza Azlan's dick faggot.

>> No.7134301
File: 107 KB, 616x345, zizek sam harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Harris is a fuckwit means I like Greenwald and Azlan

>> No.7134305

No, it doesn't mean it, but we both know you actually do.

>> No.7134308


I'm not sure what Harris said about war on terror, but he's a huge torture apologist when it comes to the w.o.t.

Harris on torture:

>Nevertheless, there are extreme circumstances in which I believe that practices like “water-boarding” may be not only ethically justifiable, but ethically necessary.

Source: http://www.samharris.org/blog/item/response-to-controversy

>Given what many of us believe about the exigencies of our war on terrorism, the practice of torture, in certain circumstances, would seem to be not only permissible, but necessary

Somewhere in End of Faith

I haven't read anything by his going into the necessity of the w.o.t. so I can't comment there

>> No.7134313

He is clearly talking about in general, and it is in line with common utilitarianism.

Most people agree that if you have a choice between torturing an individual for information, and letting a million people die by a nuclear blast, it is pretty clear that most people would given the circumstances do the lesser of two evils.

But of course, this is taken at face value by deranged progressives like Glenn Greenwald, as to mean that he thinks the United States Army has the moral authority to torture anyone they want at any point in time for any reason, especially if they have brown skin.

>> No.7134703

lmao he didn't btfo Harris, that conversation was a mess and to assume either of the two men 'won' is silly. Though I know it's cool to hate Harris on /lit/.

>> No.7134708

>it is pretty clear that most people would given the circumstances do the lesser of two evils.


>> No.7134719

no, it really wasn't a mess. It was simple to follow and simple to see Harris get refuted time and time again.

I think Harris seems a legitimately well-meaning guy, nothing against him personally, just got destroyed. If you read it and thought about what was written i don't see how you could come to any other conclusion unless you are a harris fanboy

>> No.7134727

because he has smugly dismissed the opinion of one of at least one of your favourite authors as nonsense

>> No.7134759

he 'acknowledges' the particularly strange nature of intellectualism in France. Which is not the same thing as what the name "cultural Marxism" implies, though it attacks more or less the same writers for similar reasons—lack of seriousness, etc.

>> No.7134827

If you watch the vid, he says that the said writers were all Stalinists and Maoists who "mysteriously" became post-structuralist theorists as soon as Stalinism and Maoism went out of style.

That's pretty much game, set, match as far as I'm concerned. People don't change their colors that much.

>> No.7134865


His ideas will die with the remnants of the 60's 70 leftist idiots who caused and are still causing Europe and the US to lose their balls.

>> No.7134878

I love this photo.

>> No.7134898
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Same reason as killing toddlers: it's easy.

>> No.7134917

>the said writers

>> No.7134944
File: 6 KB, 300x200, shruggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. The other guy mentioned writers so I just rolled with it.

The point is that the PoMos are all tangled up with Stalinists/Maoists and that feminists use Marxist terminology (class, privilege, etc.) so it just adds up.

>> No.7136588

There are posmos that are self proclaimed marxists and others who aren't. The same way there are analytical marxists and analytical non marxists. Regarding what chomsky is talking about, it's pretty obvious that the disappointment with the soviet experiment forced some intellectuals to perform mental juggles. Cultural marxism itself is an oxymoron, and the conspiracy theories that it carries attached are retarded and have nothing to do with marxism. Saying that chomsky "acknowledges the existence of Cultural Marxism" based on that video is absolutely retarded.

On the other hand, class is a sociological concept that isn't restricted to neither marxism nor postmodernism (and, contrary to what you say, is usually lacking in modern feminist discourse, sadly), and privilege is not marxist terminology (in fact, i don't even remember marx using the word).

It's pretty obvious by your posts that you are a /pol/tard whose knowledge of marxism doesn't go beyond his imaginary battles against what you think is marxism: sjws.
Why don't you try to look up the ideas you relate to "cultural marxism" in marx's work?

>> No.7137481

>damage control
>ad hominem bullshit
It's crystal clear. The intelligentsia is full of communist sympathizers.

Marxism in practice is Communism. His theory means jack shit. In practice it means Maoism and Stalinism.

>> No.7137599

utilitarianism is the biggest heap of bullshit that ever came out of every high school seniors mouth.

>> No.7137651

You didn't address any of the points in the post.
Anon, you obviously haven't read marx and don't follow academia / read journals. Take a step back and ask yourself how the fuck can you make these kind of statements. What is it based on? I would feel pretty stupid just repeating what i've read on /pol/ without any actual knowledge on the subject.

>> No.7137704

I'm tired of you denialists refusing to acknowledge the problem exists, your wordgames and bullshit.

- Universities have Marxist professors.
- PoMo critical theory strongly influenced by "FLAMING" Maoists/Stalinists (Chomsky QUOTED in video)

Stop refusing to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

Why don't you stop being a disingenuous shithead and acknowledge the goddamn situation?

I'm tired of fucking liberal dipshits and their "NUH UH IT'S NOT HAPPENING" debate tactics.



>> No.7137738

Calm down mate. Universities have professors all over the political spectrum, the vast majority of which aren't marxist.

It's pretty easy. Look up the most important journals in each field of social sciences and see how much marxism there is. Then read marx and figure out in which degree is your perception of it accurate.

I'm not telling you to believe me, i'm just telling you to stop repeating everything you read like a moron and start forming your own opinions based on your own research. Then, if you are right, you will be able to come back and support your position instead of sperging out.