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7131103 No.7131103 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to start a novel?

>> No.7131118

with a sentence

>> No.7131133

>the main character waking up
>description of the weather
>description of the light in the room

all reliable and excellent openings

>> No.7131139

An anal rape scene never fails to liven things up.

>> No.7131184

It was a dark and stormy night...

>> No.7131189

You forgot the character describing themselves in a mirror.

>> No.7131192

perhaps a yelling of sorts...coming across the clouds

>> No.7131228
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Ghostface catch the blast of a hype verse
My Glock burst, leave in a hearse, I did worse

>> No.7131232

Doesn't matter it's going to be shit. The best thing to do is to write the first chapter however you want, then cut out the first 10 pages.

>> No.7131242

How does that work?

>> No.7131268

Well it cuts out the boring introduction and describing most people put at the star of their book, and instead starts at an interesting point. Any important stuff cut out can be added later.

>> No.7131271

Just start writing.
Your first draft will be shit anyway.

>> No.7131403

"It begun like this..."

then it writes itself

>> No.7131405


>> No.7131647


>> No.7131670

start by saying you don't know where to begin and then waffle for like a page or two about how tricky it is to know where a story starts etc and then jump into a fucking anecdote like halfway through and then go back and forth for no fucking reason until you've filled the whole story in

>> No.7131735

Sup fools

>> No.7131821

You should worry more on how to end a novel.

>> No.7131824

With a shitty epigram.

>> No.7131831

Camouflage Chameleon
ninjas scaling your building
no time to grab your gun
they already got your wife and children

>> No.7131839


English is not my main language,what is the correct version ?
Also thats the beginning of Celine's Voyage au Bout de la Nuit

>> No.7131940

Once upon a time

This is where it all began..

This is how our story started..

I was just a..

And then something awful happened..

>> No.7132009

With a sentence about someone noticing sonwthing about someone's feet


>> No.7132053

Now this is a story all about how...

>> No.7132091

Hemingway said to start with one true sentence and literally every good novel starts that way, so I'd go down that road.

>> No.7132123


Call me a shitty author.

>> No.7132133

All the best works start with the main char waking up!

>> No.7132154

Depends on what the novel is about. If it's fiction with a certain theme or anything different about it start with a normal sentence that has an element of this certain theme.

Woken by radio chatter if it's a war story for example. Describing scenery if it is sci-fi, Itching implants in the arms for cyberpunk.

It's not that hard tbh fam