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7129855 No.7129855 [Reply] [Original]

List your backlog and what you are currently reading.

>> No.7129861

the bible
the brothers karamazov
how to win friends and influence people
let me have it

>> No.7129900

Strugatsky Brothers - The Dead Mountaineer's Inn
Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles
Kim Stanley Robinson - 2312
Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man
Junot Diaz - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
Vladimir Nabokov - Ada, or Ardor
John le Carre - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Salman Rushdie - Shalimar the Clown
Patti Smith - Just Kids
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash

>> No.7129929

Backlog...as in all books I've ever read?

o boi...

>> No.7129944

Reading Ovid's Metamorphosis.
Backlog. oh boi.
Fear and Trembling
Poems by TS Eliot
Complete works of Arthur Rimbaud
Popol Vuh
A farewell to arms
Old man and the sea
For Whom the Bell tolls
Portrait of the artist as a young man
Also I'm a slow reader and work 4-5 days a week

>> No.7129950

the Popol Vuh owns. I mean, like all the stuff on your backlog is good (especially Dubliners/Portrait and C&P) but the Popol Vuh is so fun

>> No.7129958

>Hegel by Charles Taylor
>The Dyer's Hand by W.H. Auden

>A is for Ox by Barry Sanders
> The Genesis and Structure of Phenomenology of Spirit by Kojeve
>Infinite Jest by he who must not be named
>Stoner by John Williams

>> No.7129968

Master and Margarita
Homage to Catalonia
Animal Farm
Brave New World
Of Mice and Men
East of Eden
The Pearl
The Alchemist
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
Zorba the Greek
Divine Invasion
Transmigration of Timothy Archer
Man in the High Castle
Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
The Dark Tower Series
Desperation + Regulators
The Shining
Bag og Bones
Slaughterhouse no. 5
Catch 22
Name of the Rose
Alice in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass
Art of War
Blood Meridian
No Country for Old Men
The Road
A Voyage to Arcturus
Ender's Game
2001 Space Odyssey
Brothers Karamazov
Doctor Zhivago
Picture of Dorian Gray
The Great God Pan
Call of Ctulhu + loads of other shit by Lovecraft
Metro 2033 + 2034
Pretty much all the works of Terry Pratchett published till about 2005

That's about it for the beletry that I can remember off the top of my head. I'm not gonna list non-fiction and religious writings/scriptures.

Currently into Moby Schlong

>> No.7129976


In retrospect, I guess Art of War isn't really beletry.

>> No.7129982

If it's even half as good as what the band was I think I'll enjoy it a lot.

>> No.7129990

If you're going to read Cormic you should pickup Suttree.

>> No.7129991

>Popol Vuh
I finished that yesterday.
It was interesting.

>> No.7130000

The Elementary Particles - Houellebecq
Austerlitz - Sebald
Sturm - Jünger
Elective Affinities - Goethe
Der Keller - Bernhard
Embers - Marai
Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids - Oe
Agnes - Stamm
Im Café der verlorenen Jugend - Modiano
Petersburg Tales - Gogol

Currently reading:
Confessions of Felix Krull - Mann
Heinrich von Ofterdingen - Novalis

>> No.7130002


Thanks for the advice bruh. My future reading list is pretty full tho :(

>> No.7130022

Just went to a book fair so I got a lot of stuff:

* by the name means I've read that author before and liked their work

Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco*
Reflections on the Name of the Rose - Eco*
The Secret Agent - Joey Conrad*
Father Brown: Selected Stories - GK Chesterton
Bring Larks and Heroes - Thomas Keneally
The Burnt Ones - Patrick White
One Way or Another - Leonardo Sciascia
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquiez
I Claudius - Robert Graves
The Sailer Who Lost Grace with the Sea - Yukio Mishima
The Leopard - Guiseppe de Lampidusa

>> No.7130025

Men in Prison - Victor Serge
The Loser - George Konrád

>> No.7130096

>Reading Ovid's Metamorphosis

I got a 69 cent Oxford press copy from the thrift store, but now that I have it I have no desire to read it. It seems incredibly dense and all too academic for me right now. First of all I don't even know what the hell it is, an epic poem or a collection of Ancient Greek myths as told by a roman, or something else entirely.

What is your take on it? What's the basic structure?

>> No.7130134

It's a series of primarily Greek myths told by a Roman poet in a roughly chronological order (beginning with the creation of the world and ending with the Roman Empire, but skipping a lot in between -- it's by no means a complete mythological compendium).

The structure is that of a series of short stories which flow into one another through a variety of connections (there might be a frame narrative, or story X might be followed by the story of X's grandchild, or story 1 might end with something like "and then all the gods gathered except one, because he was off doing this and that which led to [insert story 2]"). It's considered an epic but it doesn't really have the traditional structure of an epic, it's more akin to a short story collection.

There's nothing very dense or "academic" about it. If you aren't familiar with who the Roman gods are you might have to look a name up occasionally because the author assumes you know that shit, and having read the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Aeneid can be helpful (but by no means necessary) in the later parts, but overall it's an easy read. Approach it as what it is: a series of wonderful stories flowing into one another.

>> No.7130158

Currently reading Blood Meridian. I don't know what to think of it right now. I guess I'm not too into it, but I'm only 100 or so pages in. I don't think I like the writing style.

To read, in no particular order:
The Tell-Tale Heart
A Tale of Two Cities
Anna Karenina
Of Human Bondage
1q84 trilogy
Metamorphosis and other short kafka's.

Probably going to buy a copy of Ovid's metamorphosis. I read a little of it a long time ago. >>7130134 Reminded me of how much I enjoyed the little I read.

>> No.7130187

Currently reading:
Fear and Trembling
Selected Poems: Ezra Pound
Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror
Collected works of Guy de Maupassant
Collected works of Katherine Mansfield
Doctor Glas

>> No.7130192
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>self-portrait in a convex mirror
i just got this book two days ago, how is it? i read a couple poems, wasn't too struck honestly. maybe need to spend more time sitting with it, though.

>> No.7130194

I read BM very quickly. I think you should stick with it.
Some scenes such as the groups assent and decent through the mountains is next level beautiful.

>> No.7130200

Currently reading:
The Baron in the Trees
Mohammed and Charlemagne
Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography

The Nonexistent Knight
Blood Meridian
The Old Man and the Sea
The Brothers Karamazov
Leaves of Grass
Parzival and Titurel
Caesar Borgia: A Study of the Renaissance
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
The Concept of Anxiety

>> No.7130211
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I don't have a "backlog" per se, but my general plan for the foreseeable future consists of:

Everything by "J G Ballard".
ISoLT 4-6
German, Chinese, Russian, Eastern European and British history.
Everything by Kafka.

>> No.7130348

I like it, something within me resonates with the scenes painted. It deals a lot with age, which is something I have some trouble with (I'm 25 and I'm pondering the youth left behind).

Beautiful and interesting language for sure.

>> No.7130355

Reading Siddhartha now. Master and margarita is next. Last one was the metamorphosis.

>> No.7130360

History of Madness
A Treatise of Human Nature
A Critique of Pure Reasoning
Genealogy of Morals
The Pale King
The Sound and the Fury
Inherent Vice
Swann's Way
The Divine Comedy

What I'm reading:

Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

>> No.7130363

Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos - Jorge Amado
Moral Tribes - Joshua Greene
Parallel Lives - Plutarch

>Backlog (The more immediate one at least)
Oscar Wilde Short Stories
The Catcher In The Ry - Sallinger
History of Greece - George Grote
Boca d'Ouro - Nelson Rodrigues
Espumas Flutuantes - Castro Alves

>> No.7130385

Based Ballard is based. I find his short stories to be fresh, albeit a little too "Dickesque" for my taste.

>> No.7130482

Moby dick

Hamlet (I haven't read this yet, I know)
Portrait of the Autist
At Swim Two Birds

>> No.7130499

Currently reading:
Lirael (Abhorsen series)
HP Chamber of Secrets (rereading the series as audiobooks during my commute)

The Emperor's New Mind
The Sense of Being Stared At
The Science Delusion
Shadows of the Mind
Black Swan
The Black Company series
Hunger Games series (audiobooks)
The entire translated works of Borges

Also I want to add some of Marx's core work to the backlog. I read Mein Kampf in the spring so I want to get the other side now.

>> No.7130511

As in the books you want o read fuckboi

>> No.7130514

Definitely read Ballard's autobiography "Empire Of The Sun" once you read a few stories/novels. It's uncanny how well the patterns in both reality and fiction fit.

>> No.7130515

>how to win friends and influence people

This book is unmitigated shit. It might have been good advice for the time but our culture is too different now for anything non-obvious to be derived from it.

>> No.7130519

It's in my backlog, but thanks.

>> No.7130529

À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs - Proust
Analysis of the mind
Leave of grass

the beginning of infinity
Les chants de Maldoror
dead souls
Philosophical Investigations
The world as will and idea
Time and being

>> No.7130534

I really liked abhorsen as a kid I almost want to re-read it

>> No.7132104

>not just impulsively reading what seems interesting at a given time without any pressure to finish or start something new

I'm reading Republic and I enjoy it.

>> No.7132120


>> No.7132752

Have you read anything of Conrad's before?

>> No.7132775

I'm reading Auden's Collected Poems at the moment, he is quite a unique sort.

>> No.7132789
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here it is

>> No.7133104

How many of those are shit though?

>> No.7133216

reading Mason & Dixon, Notes from Underground, All the Pretty Horses, and Ringworld atm.

want to get into The Sound and the Fury soon

>> No.7133242

why do people spell 'boy' this way? it looks really gay.

>> No.7133579

Currently reading,
White Noise
Brave New World (somehow missed reading it school)
The Dream of the Celt
and just finished Michener's Poland

Brothers Karamazov
the Foundation series
Infinite Joke
The Man in the High Castle
Enduring Questions of Philosophy

>> No.7133587

phor phun and because we are gay

>> No.7133593

who are all these people?
am i a noob or has anyone not heard of any author other than goethe?

>> No.7133609
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The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Confederacy of Dunces

Dueno Elegies/Sonnets
Satanic Verses
Works and Days
Slow Learner

>> No.7133637


You'e a noob mate

Houellebecq is a very popular living author; Sebald died recently but was a perpetual noble contender; Oe won a noble; Modiano won noble prize last year; Gogol and Mann are well known.

And I don't even read that much, if at all, thanks to wageslavery.