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/lit/ - Literature

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7128253 No.7128253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's on your mind /lit/? Has anything gotten you down?

>> No.7128275

Literature will never eradicate loneliness and the feeling of what could have been.

>tfw can't fuck 9/10s and be patrician too
>tfw will never curl up with dank philosophy after a crazy house party and scoring with some chicks
>tfw will never live the aesthetic life, traveling with qt3.14 girlfriend, visiting museums by day, going raving by night

prob gonna off myself tbch

>> No.7128283

My shoulder has been aching for two days now. It's so bad that I had to readjust my desktop to write with some small measure of comfort.

Also, revolution is invariably perverted by the strictures of ideological thought and Tao Lin is a talentless faggot.

>> No.7128297

Correction: Useless faggot. He has talent, but it doesn't make his prose worthwhile.

>> No.7128302

Just paranoid thoughts after ordering some stuff from amazon. I'm looking to fix my anxiety by lifting, apparently it gets rid of all the stupid bullshit on your mind? I'm still like 100+ kg so I'm just jogging on late nights until I gather the courage to go to a gym. I'm pretty young as well, not even 20 fam.

Anyone got experience going to a gym for the first time?

>> No.7128310

I am depressed that i didn't went to college to study literature our creative writing and now i have to much work to do and zero time to devote myself to any artistic endeavor. Also i have the believe that i need some sort of degree or credentials to make art, eventhough i know there are expections i think the vast majority of great writers pursued some form of formal education in their field.

>> No.7128315

People keep saying all is one, all is one, all is one, but is it really so?

>> No.7128332

I have no motivation to study. I feel more willing to work on the physical aesthetics I want to achieve than read the great books that surround me, and I feel terrible for this. I've been wanting to change this for almost 1 year but I haven't been able to. I feel hollow, even though people tell me I'm intelligent despite the fact that most of it comes from a small period I decided to read a lot of things.

>> No.7128336

I recently realised i have depersonalisation disorder and constantly feel numb and like i'm in a dream. Could be permanent.
It probably came from the stress i put on myself to be courageous and come up with a structure of systemised thinking to recover from a shit life.
The irony being i've executed my plan so badly that i've lost the capability to even attempt it. so that's good
I'm a breddy gud individual

>> No.7128342

i've wasted my entire life and will never have one moment where i'm happy to be alive. i will never live a life that could be described as anything but pathetic.

i've been having chest pains lately and generally been feeling unwell. dont know whats wrong.

im starting a job soon and it will be awful. i will probably never have a job that i don't strongly dislike and that pays me close to or above the median wage.

i can't bring myself to write even though i've finally gotten a clear vision of my novel and think my prose ability to write it the right way is up to snuff. i just don't have the energy or the optimism to work on it.

>> No.7128350
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>Anyone got experience going to a gym for the first time?

Yeah, you should learn to ignore people. Depending on where you live, it shouldn't be hard, because there is always different people at the gym, and never the same people.

I have some social anxiety, and I was uncomfortable with working out around strangers, but I put on some good music, and I try to shut them out, and focus on lifting hard instead.

Just make sure you know exactly which exercises to do when you get there, so your thoughts don't start wandering.

>> No.7128353

>My gf broke up last monday after a more than 3 year long relationship.
>Says she wants to be herself and try something new
>Assures me that this isnt about another guy, actually, she says, the is the last thing she thinking about.
>We still live together until she can find a new place.
>I go home for a few days to stay at my parents, and cry, a lot.
>Comes back, we can still talk, im getting more and more confident that im gonna make it through just fine
>In a moment of desperation I go on her fb page
>Finds out shes been seeing another guy before she even broke up with me
>Finds out shes been having him over and fucking him in our bed (which we payed for 50/50) while I was away crying my eyes out
>Didnt even care to change the fucking linens, and I slept there for a few nights without even knowing anything
>Feels very bad

>> No.7128354

I watched Adaptation and had a small panic attack. I had to lay down and fight the nausea and ill thoughts.
Now i feel better.

>> No.7128360

Dude. You need to grow the fuck up.

Do you own the apartment? If so, boot her the fuck out immediately.

>> No.7128370

The thing is, I dont. We share the rent, and actually I cant boot her. Her name is on the lease

>> No.7128371

Get moderately built the learn to fight. I'd recommend Muay Thai. I don't know exactly what it is but it almost seems like the germ of anxiety is the possibility of death at its core and when you know how to fight and feel capable of self-protection a big wall of anxiety comes down as you know you have some recourse no matter how bad things get

>> No.7128372

Aight, will take this advice onboard. I feel like I'll stick out because I'm obese as fuck so I'll try to at least do some cardio before going.

>Just make sure you know exactly which exercises to do when you get there

Definitely planning on reading the /fit/ sticky, a friend of mine who lifts said it was pretty helpful for him.

>> No.7128373

Literally every fighting place around my area and beyond are phony mcdojos even the boxing places. Boxing was kinda my first bet until I found this out and then found out there was massive gym that was 10 minute walk from my house.

>> No.7128375 [DELETED] 

Why am I posting this:
>long-term marriage has failed-div finalized next month
>no rewarding career prospects
>can't pursue what I got a Master's for
>injured-can't even do my menial job atm
Literature is my refuge and solace. Would love to get into writing but not sure about ... much of anything atm.

>> No.7128389

Kill her.

Kill him.

>> No.7128392

>long-term marriage has failed

Damn, what happened,man?

>> No.7128395

This made me incredibly mad.

Not at you, but that bitch.

She deserves the worst of the world. Call me edgy, but people like that should be thrown in snuff films.

>> No.7128396

>The thing is, I dont.

Then leave the apartment and stay with your family until she gets the fuck out.

Do NOT have anything to do with her anymore, got it? She is not your girlfriend anymore, and you should preferably not even speak to her anymore.

>> No.7128410 [DELETED] 

I seem to have a ruptured disc in my back. I was trying to get things ready for my son to come live with me (been separated).

>> No.7128412

Hello /lit.
I am very new to reading but, I am very interested. I have read a few books from the wiki starter list. My problem: I feel I have forgotten how to read. What is the mindset I should have? Should I visualise every description or will looking at the words be enough? Do I need to remember word for word before moving on? I would reread every sentence atleast 3 times before moving on. According to some sites, it is reading OCD. I would be grateful if you share your experiences of reading - how your thought trail is like - in hope that I can restructure my brain and to one day enjoy reading as much as everyone else.

>> No.7128417

I think shes gonna stay at his place as much as possible now, moving home isnt rly an option sadly, I attend uni here and cant take the daily trip.
But yeah, the last point is definitely the only thing im conscious about.

>> No.7128418
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>how do I read tibetan fishing board?

>> No.7128419


But since direct aggressive action is illegal, do everything you can passive-aggressively to ruin her life before you leave.

Laxatives, "Missing" property, popping tires, emotionally breaking her and blackmailing as MUCH as you can. Fuck with the new relationship she has as well.

What she did was fucking unacceptable. Do EVERYTHING you can to destroy her mentally and emotionally. Use this thread to brainstorm ideas with us.

>> No.7128421

Nobody will tell me enough about whether or not Bulfinch's mythology is good, the best or if there is something better. Like what is the best book for mythology and dont give me that edith hamilton garbage

>> No.7128428

Man, that's just a perfect storm of bullshit. This probably isn't going to mean much but I do hope you recover quickly. Is there an estimate on how long it's going to take?

>> No.7128434

nvm this is all too painful and this is too public, but thanks for asking.

>> No.7128439

I'm reading Bulfinch's now. It's pretty good. I like how poetic he gets at parts, and how he quotes poems and shit by other people.

There's also Robert Graves' Greek Myths. He's not a bad writer but guy is OBSESSED with muh goddess cults, muh matriarchal religions stamped out by patriarchal ones a bloo bloo bloo. If you're into that go forit

>> No.7128440

I don't know. It's been hurting a few months so far. Yes it has been a perfect storm. Thank you for your concern, I sincerely appreciate it.

>> No.7128454

The reason I'm saying this is because the wound is open, and if you have contact with her, it's never going to close, so you need to put distance between you and her.

Frankly, I think it's kinda retarded that you even live with a woman before you graduated university.

>> No.7128474

Know what youre doing, stuff like SS the book (free on plg dropbox on /fit/) will help. Then ignore the cunts that try to give you advice, too much misinformation and blatant broscience going around. You'll slowly notice that giving advice at a gym is just dumb shit, the people who are really well learned wont do it, and its all just a bunch of poopoo heads trying to give you their "wise wisdom".

Dont judge and dont worry about being judged, verily verily i say unto you theyre dumb cunts if they do.
Thats really it brov

>> No.7128484

In hindsight I would def agree with you, and Im probably not gonna make such a mistake with anybody else for a very long time.

The good thing is, having discovered the whole cheating-ish thing has made me much less sad and heartbroken and much more angry and indifferent to her. I figure I need to channel this and just erase everything we had in my head, and never interact with her again.

Thx anon

>> No.7128492

Ignore the fact that she fucked someone else m8. Ruminating over that is not going to help.

Getting the fuck away from her will.

>> No.7128499
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Portlander at Powells today. Kinda hoping there's a /lit/bro somewhere around here that I can talk to while I patter away at my computer trying to write this fucking novel.

God I love this cafe though. So many fun people. There's the paper towel flowers guy here again, I talked to him the other week and found out he's published and that he had an interview on OPB the other day. He's old and black and really fucking cool. Told me the paper flowers are a total babe magnet and that all the middle aged women are WAY too interested in his work.

Good on him though. Hope I can be as much of a Casanova as he.

Nothing's really worrying me right now. I've moved past >tfwnogf and I feel pretty comfortable in my writing patterns.

If anyone happens to visit, I'm the Elliot Rodger look-a-like wearing a bomber.

>> No.7128504

You gotta just gotta internalize one simple piece of advice,

The past is the past and no matter how hard you think about it, it's never going to change so why worry?

>> No.7128507
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Back to city life, soon: the articulated roads, the impatient sounds, the aloof gazes and cold eyes. *Sniff*—ah!—the air of weariness; everyone's an ant determined to begin and end their days and repeat. Ah! :-) Everyone's a repeated song, and you can almost feel the week—this temporal, conceptual, abstract notion you'd think?—, you can almost grasp it with your bare hands, you can grasp your whole year like blocks of divide-by-seven (or buildings of divide-by-twelve, if you're optimistic!). Mulitiply by the thousands of heads, and you got your city! What a grey life.

I wish I could stay here, in this my life, exempt from public haunt. I would not change it, I am so close to Nature, and it feels great. My days are as I make them to be. But I have to go. God...

Anyway back to college soon. It's an imposed routine I have a LOT of trouble accepting and digesting, it completely depletes all of my energy and I end up not paying attention, arriving at class late, oversleeping, barely working and just pulling that extra focus for that day-before-the-test studying that eventually gets me high-grades anyway, but in a good way. This year I'd like to change.

Uhm, any tips for surviving it—how do you manage? Making it more pleasurable, being productive and enjoying it? Preserving your sanity. Because I'm typing weird just at the thought of it. I think I'll just stay all day night at the library...

false. your distress is true but some things it makes you say are false
the business of arts, as a business, is a sham. keep reading, write in your spare time. you had time to write that post didn't ya
...relationships not even once
can you run like Benny Hill?

>> No.7128508
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>go to /fit/
>read the sticky
>go to gym with routine based on compounds
>lift while ignoring everyone because that's exactly what everyone else is doing
>get over yourself and do what you want to improve yourself because you shouldn't care about other people's impressions
>move more eat less

>> No.7128512

>paper towel flowers


>> No.7128516

You are so right anon. Thx. It is just very difficult

>> No.7128524

The guy legit takes some paper towels and rolls them into stems, creases paper to make petals, and uses some nice glassware to display it while he does cool tricks by throwing the paper up and down at catching it.

You'd have to see it to understand. It's p cool.

>> No.7128531

If it's to run to see you then I'll pass my autistic friend

>> No.7128541


>> No.7128554

I'm considering suicide now more than ever.

>> No.7128556
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>don't know the first thing about cooking or food preparation
>can't make anything beyond 1. PUT WATER IN POT 2. PUT FOOD IN POT 3. HEAT FOR ??? MINUTES 4. CONSUME
>get "Cooking Basics for Dummies"





>> No.7128566

same tbh

>> No.7128567
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td32Uf79LnQ don't tho

>> No.7128582
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>everyone at school is a pleb
>surrounded by "weed lmao" types
>no one has good taste in anything
>roommate never leaves so I can't jerk off
life is suffering fam

>> No.7128585


>roommate never leaves so I can't jerk off
wow I'm so sorry

>> No.7128600

I'm sick
I didn't do anything all day because of that

>> No.7128601

Have you tried smoking some of those plebs weed?

>> No.7128603
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>> No.7128607

he's also watching every collegehumor video chronologically.

>> No.7128608

just leave the gas on while she's sleeping then take a looong walk after a comfy candlelight dinner

>> No.7128611

I smoke every day but that doesn't mean they're not dumb

>> No.7128615
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there are great minds on /lit/

>> No.7128616

I know that feel exactly, except I can actually cook somewhat well. Fucking pretentious cookbooks.

>> No.7128626

I don't know how to write this, so I won't. I'll just ask.
What should I read in order to develop some kind of moral system? To discern good from bad? What to enjoy and appreciate, what to disregard, how to be happy, what to be happy about, etc.
Imagine you could reconfigure yourself, a clone, another human being or that you're programming a robot. What would you teach them? What core system of beliefs would you have them follow? What is objectively the best 'method' of living life to its fullest? At least as far as our current understanding goes.
Because I'm 21 and I feel like my life is already over.

>> No.7128642

Definitely Stoicism. Look into Discouses by Epictetus and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

The core belief is that the only thing we can control is our thoughts/minds and rests are externals that must be discarded. Our unhappiness stems from trying to exert control over these externals(people,material goods,what people say to you.) It's a really practical philosophy.

>> No.7128643
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Have you tried actually living? It sounds like you have zero experience actually deciding and acting for yourself. I recommend reading as many philosophers as you can, but that will be useless if you do not throw yourself into the world and find out for yourself what is right and wrong, what will make you happy and what will destroy you.

Listen to me; NO MAN IS A PROGRAMMABLE ROBOT. He is formed by his experiences and his reflections, but his true self is determined by his actions. There is no meaning, no belief, that will turn you into a happy person unless you yourself discover it. Asking for this kind of help is useless because you only obtain the point of view of others, whose life experiences are and will be massively different from your own.

Also, asking 4chan how to be happy is like asking a homeless bum how to be financially successful. Figure this shit out yourself.

>> No.7128644

>Discouses by Epictetus

fug, I meant 'Discourses'.

>> No.7128661

You basically have to reconfigure your existence to be one with the memes

This is the unconscious and unacknowledged message of >>7128643. He speaks about different life experiences, and yet posts the encapsulation of mass-distributed life experience, a meme.

You don't have to "develop" any moral system any more than you have to figure out what is the one that is already circulating out there

>> No.7128664

Is this my public diary now? Cool.

DISCLAIMER: I've grown increasingly into a normie over the years--if that's gonna set off your autism, stop reading here.

I'm 22, I graduated back in May and I didn't have an internship or job set up. Kinda been floating along. My girlfriend is currently doing meaningful and fulfilling work in a coastal state while I'm in a flyover state. Here, I'm living with my mom. The only person I've really kept in touch with from my hometown is also in a different part of the country.

I've been applying for jobs, trying to get out of here. I don't really have any skills though. I started working, just on campus, when I was 20. Haven't had much luck. Thinking of trying to get an internship for the Spring even though I'm broke as fuck. I recently started applying to lower jobs, like retail, and I have an interview next week at one place. I'm using my degree to get a retail job. Pathetic.

I feel inadequate. I'm amazed my girlfriend has stayed with me this long, as she does so many amazing things, has great connections, experience, drive, and a kickass resume which will land her just about any job she chooses.

I feel like a fuck-up. But, I actually kinda enjoy this life. I run in the mornings, I post on 4chan all day, I masturbate when I want to, I have plenty of time to read and watch movies, and I get to have sex when I see my girlfriend. If I had an income and some more friends, it'd be perfect.

>> No.7128668


Pretty much this. Stoicism for the moral grounding, life experience as the trial by fire.

>> No.7128671


Something along the lines of nothing is perfect yet its fine like that. Acceptance?
Someone once told me the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows and many people live in the land of daisies and want ridiculous things - they want protection yet refuse violence.

Find joy in small things?
I found boxing competitively opened myself to a new world. camaraderie? you find people in similar situations to relate to? they share the same struggle no matter how small.

You should not be alone too long. private time is good but too much will hurt you. hippies aside, you need to socialise, in a way you are right now.

The most painful words I know: you just gotta do what you gotta do.

killing is always a bad thing. 2 evils doesn't make it good. but some bad stuff is better than another bad stuff.

Live true to a belief that you find - people will respext you too - make your sacrifices and smile on your deathbed.

>> No.7128760

now that's funny

>> No.7128769

Sounds interesting.
I believe we have complete control since it's just information. Everything, including people, can be distilled into systems that can be manipulated, changed or destroyed. Thinking even for a second that there are things out there we truly can't control worries me the most. And in a way, I know I'm wrong. I just don't understand how or why. Could be because I know it's possible in a universal way, but impossible for human beings, computers or anything we know of. (at least for now)

Therein lies my problem, I'm dead inside most of the time. And on the seldom days I feel 'different', I just think about stuff. Maybe this is one of those days. I hate people, so that will never work for me. Might be an eternal struggle then. If I am to be defined by my actions, they I could very well be classified as dead. I can't figure it out myself in my current state. I need a seed, a foundation upon which to build.

I don't have to do anything. But I can't live like this anymore. I almost killed myself last year, luckily no one found out. Can't go there again. I was given life, I don't know what it is or why, but I want to make the best of it, whatever the fuck that means.

I just want to understand the world, people, everything. I used to find joy in many things as a child, but it's all gone now. It's mostly due to the extreme physical pain I've been exposed to, it withered my emotions away. It's so fucking strange how I know this consciously, yet my physical body doesn't care. I need to find my beliefs and things to live for again. I used to force them upon me, but I'm way beyond that point right now. I started running this summer. On the first day, I read five cantos of Dante's Inferno, wasted the rest of the day, then went running at midnight. When I got home, I was so fucking happy I started dancing to the song playing at Adele's birthday party in Blue is the warmest colour. That's the happiest I've felt in years, maybe ever. But it never felt like that again, not one time. I do it ~3 times a week now. I also do some light exercise every other day and eat healthy. Doesn't help as much as it's been hyped to though.

Thanks for the responses.

>> No.7128770
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I've been trying to get back to reading these past days but I get so easily distracted. I'm probably too stupid or too distracted for literature.

>> No.7128799

>I need a seed, a foundation upon which to build

Yeah bud your actions provide that seed. By choosing not to act because of 'muh lack of inspiration', you are dead. Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.7128811

wondering when this xanny gonna kick in, FAM

>> No.7128825

the only thing we can do is search till we find it or die trying. I haven't experienced what you have yet but your happy moments and dancing sounded real nice.

>> No.7128827
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>mfw i realize literary difficulty is a meme-spook and my lit crit proffesors have been trying to spook their classes into thinking of things that don't require complex analysis as boring, as a way to pass on their own memes

>> No.7128833

I hope im not stupid for sharing this feeling myself.

>> No.7128834
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>I just want to understand the world, people, everything.

The book that most innovated my way of thinking was Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan. Things started making sense, the book is so colorful, and it uses so many vague, incomplete and yet thought-provoking aphorisms and connections that you actually have to do a lot of the work yourself.

I wasn't suicidal at all when the book came to my rescue, but it certainly got me thinking about a lot of different stuff and saved me a great deal of boredom, not really depression.

I think Dante is great. Have you tried memorizing poetry? Going for walks and reciting them to yourself. The problem here with the computer is that we can talk life and all but we have absolutely no control over your life experiences outside. Neither have books: that control belongs to you, completely. Considering that you've written what you wrote on this line of thought I suppose this should give you a bit of peace of mind. ("that there are things out there we truly can't control worries me the most.")

Anyway, my rec is absolutely personal and probably there will be books that will more appeal to you, who knows? You should be looking for them, if you really like literature.


>> No.7128853

I'm generally depressed, but I'm finally starting to get over my social anxiety and to start conversions with girls I like.

However, I seem to be uninteresting for them. They never attempt to talk to me or spend time with me. Pretty much every woman dislikes my facial hair, which may not mean much, but it's not helping me feel better.

>> No.7128859
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After moping around on lit all summer, I've decided to become a normie. I'm not totally committing intellectual suicide(still interested in reading), but I realized angst and petty attempts to "become well read" aren't going to leave me fulfilled. Small talk is valuable. People are more complicated than they appear and ultimately gratifying to deal with. It's possible to separate interests from friendships. If you look down upon most people you see, it's likely that your ego is just hanging on by a thread. You can become very knowledgeable and wise through reading, but you are still limited by time and your human brain. Just like money, if knowledge becomes your god, it will be very difficult to be satisfied unless you are just trying to surpass your peers. In which case the benchmarks will keep shifting. Others will still be better informed in certain topics than you or synthesize more profound thoughts.
Lol@idealogues, Lol@speculators thinking they know better political theory than top U.S. intelligence w/o the verboten info decisions are based on, Lol@people who think they can reach an objective understanding of the world beyond scientific necessities and do not grasp the beauty of subjectivity.

> feeling bad for someone whose subjective experience as a devout Mormon is laughable to you, because its founded on absurdity.

>> No.7128865

>live with parents
>no friends, social life, or any social media

How do I get girls?

>> No.7128875

suck more dick.
jk u get girls by looking good and getting girls.

>> No.7128883

Surely, posting on 4chan is the right way to go about getting a gf

>> No.7128887

Have you tried /biz/ so you can get money?

Actually, don't bother. Forget all the business sense and just start sucking dicks at $5 a dick. After 200,000 dicks sucked, you'll be a millionaire and won't have to worry about girls anymore since you'll be financially attractive to them.

>> No.7128894

hey! we think alike. lets start our business. when we git gud enuff we can expand. git oda ppl to du et den we b big and monies

>> No.7128900

there isn't much going on in a woman's mind
its pretty simple
either you're good looking or you're not
If you are, you just have to be confident
if you're ugly... you better have money

treat them like mushrooms...keep them in the dark, and feed them shit

>> No.7128904


>> No.7128919


my problem with rejection is more the gossip and what my friends will think of me. if you have no social life just go out and play it like a game

>> No.7128920

>go on a few dates with awesome person
>spend the night at their place
>no sex, lots of cuddles, talking, very nice+intimate
>"i really like you i wanna see you again"
>gets weird for a week
>"i really like you and i'm really interested in you but i can't handle anything romantic right now but i don't want to stop talking"
>doesn't really talk to me much anyways

>> No.7128931

'literally' this.

this is the substance of problems, the core of everything wrong with society, the heart of all suffering, the origin of evil, the inception of hate, the root of hell

>> No.7128934


care to elaborate?

>> No.7128936

My social anxiety just keeps getting worse.

>> No.7128939


Let me break this down for you.

>no sex, lots of cuddles, talking, very nice+intimate
You should've made a move.
>"i really like you i wanna see you again"
"omg you virgin autist niceguy"
>gets weird for a week
cuz you didnt fugg
>"i really like you and i'm really interested in you but i can't handle anything romantic right now but i don't want to stop talking"
"i'm fucking chad now and don't want to tell anon and hurt his feelings"

>> No.7128943


does anyone want to continue where this left off?
anyone a better debater than this guy?

>> No.7128962
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why don't you depressed fellows gather up for some chat

I personally don't think I can be of any real help but there's the link and it's a way more effective medium for these kinds of things than the slow thread I'd think

>> No.7128983
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>birthday was last week; got a bunch of books; they all look/feel stale now that I've got them

>been trying to get my hands on LSD, but it's rare as hell; people love to claim they've got "pure" LSD, but often don't

>psilocybin is harder to get and getting the wrong mushroom(s) can kill you

>dunno about mescaline; presumably it's harder than LSD and psilocybin

>mfw psychs being illegal is the most dangerous part about them

>> No.7128990

You are probably true, this is why I seek advice. I hope the recommendations I got here will help me. I am already dead most of the time; can't really imagine my life getting much worse.

Appears to be an universal truth. I hope to find something soon, no matter how little. I don't wish this state I'm in on anyone, you feel like you can't do anything. It's just not compatible with life.

1984 did something like that for me, I'll definitely look it up. Getting rid of boredom is certainly a great step forward. I did memorize some during high school, mostly because I had to, but later I realized I enjoyed doing it and can still remember two or three of them to this day. You never know until you give it a try, right?
Another issue might be that I just get bored easily. Once I can establish a pattern in the operation of something, or have too much / all information about it, it just doesn't interest me anymore. It sounds super weird when I say it, but it's the best way I can put it in words. For example, I traveled abroad this summer, and on the last few days I felt like there was nothing more to see, that I had 'experienced' everything there. I knew the buildings, the streets, I could easily get around without a map. And it becomes unpleasant, whereas for most people it's the exact opposite, they get a sense of security, maybe even confidence. Like I said, I'm no good with people.
From a certain point of view, it could be stated that I simply lost control over my life and I'm trying to get it back. I just don't know how. I try to do stuff every single day, yet, at the end of it, they seemingly add up to nothing. So this is why I believe the problem that needs fixing first is my attitude towards life in general.

Again, thank you for the responses. I hope that in the same way my life decayed in the last few years, I can grow back again even stronger.


>> No.7129089

Have you tried LSD before? I'm curious to hear /lit/'s thoughts on it

>> No.7129090

I know the feeling bro

>> No.7129103 [DELETED] 

>stealing my threads

>> No.7129108

just order some mushrooms on the internet, it's that easy.

>> No.7129110

Get some mushrooms breh, having tried both, they're very similar.

>> No.7129114

my gf ignored me after i laughed cause i thought she was quiet over a game of dota when i got home, then she spoke up to tell me i was wrong and compare it to something much more serious and i yelled at her. I've only yelled at her 2 times in the year+ i've known her, first time was when she flirted with a guy over text to make me mad when she got mad at me over a bad dota game.

I wish i was exaggerating, it gets me down, she's sweet but childish at the same time.

>> No.7129141


That sounds fucking disgusting. Why would you use literal grass when you need really starchy rice for risotto to taste good? Shit book man.

>> No.7129147

Let me help you out

Psilocybin is far, far easier to get than actual LSD, and are actually much safer than the stuff you'll actually be ingesting. Most tabs are usually either analogues of LSD or one of a number of various research chemicals, some of which can be highly neurotoxicity when ingested in fairly large doses. As the composition/dosage of tabs is unknowable unless you see the person cooking, you should generally gauge their quality by the area and by the actual dealer.

Mescaline is harder on the stomach, yes. Nausea is generally worse, and it's a much more dissociative experience. Still worth it.

>> No.7129155

I am slightly hungover and brain doesn't feel smart enough to write intelligently. Procrastinating- went into the yard to sit in sun for a minute, smoke a cig despite quitting four days ago, with a cup of instant coffee to look for inspiration. Half way through cig I farted and shit my shorts. No kidding. Still haven't written a line for my book after laundry and shower. That's where I'm at.

>> No.7129239

I graduated from university and I am still eternally bitter about the whole experience. I lived at home, had zero social experiences, friends, or acquaintances for all of the years I spent there. I picked a STEM subject I ended up having zero interest in (as opposed to certain other STEM subjects that I wished I had taken, and you can't switch in the UK).

I am a bitter also because I had the grades for anywhere but had zero good uni / career advice (parents didn't go to uni in the UK), so nobody told me the benefits of high ranking places. I'm not even some prestige whore ffs, I would've been happy being at some imperial college style hellhole where Chinese study 13 hours a day (based Asians). And I would've had tonnes more debt at different places, but I wouldn't mind that either, though my parents saved nothing for uni so I don't think I could've gone. I read about people having work shock / shock at being among the dumbest when they start uni... I wish that was me, I am jelly. Though my uni is seen as relatively good compared to many others... which amazes me.

My subject was one which career minded people take, which was demoralising (I chose it for almost no reason). When we had important assessed presentations to give some people would come in formal shirts and trousers. People could barely wait for dat office lyf.

I eventually lost so much motivation that, in the final third of my degree, my work ethic went from just about acceptable to barely above nonexistent and my procrastination was at olympian levels. I still graduated with an acceptable degree grade but for certain courses I would bet money that I handed in some of the worst pieces of work in their histories. I only did one all nighter. I remember planning three more, at separate times after procrastinating in my final year, but despite lots of caffeine i almost felt as if the apathy (or antipathy?) towards a working marathon (>2 hours) was immense.

One of my few consolations was hearing people with non local accents and realising that they must be dumb to be at the uni and also racking up debts. Also in my first year the old run down library was a cosy yet sparsely populated haven... And then it was torn down to make away for a new shiny library that attracted shitloads of normies.

Sadly the whole uni experience became steadily and then steeply worse. I have nostalgia for moments where I know I was unhappy at the time. Where I do have genuine nostalgia, its not for actual events, more like the atmosphere / ambience (the weather usually) of times where events would have taken place if they had ever happened.

>> No.7129421
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lol imagine how many similar things happen to people every day (not necessarily shitting your pants) and it only sounds this sad and pathetic when you write it like that. There are those moments when you go outside your body and see what you are doing and how a writer would describe the situation and you just want to jump off a cliff. Those kinds of thoughts are usually what spur me to change/do something

>> No.7130704
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touching story ukbro. I chose the path of finance. Started out with god level grades with ez classes. apathy kicked in, bitter hatred for business. Existential crisis, angst, disillusionment after leaving my friend's iphone app startup. I'm finally at a good place, accepting my future. Still loling at how easy business undergrad is compared to stem or anything else really. It's been helping me become a good socializer and i'm pretty well-adjusted tbh. Grades went to poopville soph and jun year, lost my scholarship. But ayy dat 60k/ yr. starting job as a glorified excelmonkey.
Are you Stemming it up right now or jobless? Also what do you wish you majored in?

>> No.7130725

What's wrong with Hamilton?

>> No.7130743


Quitting a morphine addiction this weekend after tapering for a few weeks. It is going to suck so massively.


Meditation is extremely efficient against anxiety. Try googling ncbi + meditation + anxiety and read a few studies.

Oh yeah, and Mindfulness in Plain English is available for free online.

>> No.7130745


>> No.7130765

eat healthier. eat healthier and you'll automatically eat outside the area of stuff that you just stick in a microwave/pot (frozen pizzas, stuff like that). eat healthier and you'll right away learn the basics, chopping, heating/pre-heating, when to put what in the pan, seasoning, etc. and eat healthier and your sense of taste will expand past dummy microwave food, and in turn the dummy microwave food won't be as appealing to you, and cooking/learning to cook won't seem like a hassle.

you ever eat ramen noodles?

>> No.7130770

trying to stop procrastinating so much
I've recently started Vipassana Meditation and it helps
Need to routine things more

>> No.7130775
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I'm feeling very grateful that I'm a first world NEET and that autumn is coming and everything is starting to get very cosy and the weather is starting to get cold enough to sleep under thick covers and there are walks to be had in the woods and dark beers to be drunk and everything is becoming nice.

>> No.7130784

Someone in my writing class said my writing was immature but besides that, "ok."

I want revenge.

>> No.7130790

I think I will just have to live with anxiety nausea for the rest of my life tbh
thought about killing myself because of it but I don't think I will

>> No.7130794

Have you tried medication, meditation, masturbation, murderofyourenemiesation?

>> No.7130834

medication stopped my masturbation tbh

>> No.7130837

Since I quit porn I've been thinking about nothing except slapping big bottomed girls on the arse.

>> No.7131059

What are you doing now? I'm going to graduate soon, had the same experience as you.

>> No.7131155
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>> No.7131538

maybe you can't but other people sure can

>> No.7131546


I feel for you. Everything's gonna be ok, anon.

>> No.7131645

Sick of my life but have no motivation to change. Working a dead-end job that i'm probably going to be stuck in for life. Still live at home, have no social life and been like this for 4 years (well i was actually NEET for 3 of them).

The problem is, i have no idea what i want, i just know i don't want the life i currently have. It's hard to think of what i want when i have practically no life experience of anything. My whole life has just been stuck in a small town, with nobodies who make nothing of their life and just get stuck here, and i'm going to be the same.

>> No.7131666

Figuring out how to masturbate with a roommate has been the hardest part of college for me so far. That and the crushing loneliness. I'm pretty sure I have depression and I can't make myself get help. I have a kneejerk distrust of being intimate with strangers and that includes sharing my emotions with a therapist. I'm not a suicide risk or anything. I'm just never happy anymore.

>> No.7131697

I lost my wallet today,so that got me down

>> No.7131715

I thought the girl I loved felt the same way but she didn't.
Seeing her made me forget the existential crisis I was having, now it's resurfaced and I wake up each day lamenting the passing of the day before.
Now I'm constantly anxious about wasting time, I can't relax any more and I can hardly sleep because I worry that I'm using up time in which I could have been reading, working or exercising.

>> No.7131725

I've got chronic gastritis and I believe also ulcers which will not go away, despite having been on and off medicine for the past six months, every single day i am in pain and I cannot sleep without popping paracetamol. I just want the pain to go away

>> No.7131734

I have a canker sore inside my throat. It doesn't seem like much but I haven't been able to sleep for more than a few hours at a time for the past few days and it hurts like a motherfucker to swallow. Life is pure hell.

>> No.7131738


>> No.7131829

I don't see why you can't do all of those things, just be a funny/interesting/decently handsome guy and you gets SOMEBODY. So long as you can listen to people talk about the stupidest shit without screaming "UH OH PLEB ALERT! BEE BOO BEE BOO" you should be fine.

>> No.7131891

hey, I'm this guy >>7128626
I kinda feel the same to some extent. I don't know what I want, what I should pursue, no life experience. You might find some advice on the replies I got. I started uni last year in a different city and that's where it all changed for me, so much so that it seems unreal. I never had a social life home, but I found a great group of friends in my new location who accepted me as I am; sure, they're not perfect, but they were there for me from the beginning and I'll never forget that. I think the biggest difference is life being forced upon you. I had to do stuff or I'd fall behind. Go here, do this, study, be involved in class, pay attention, learn. The truth is, however, I did get worse again over the summer. I'm still figuring my shit out, but the hardest part is starting.
My motivation? I don't what to be tired, sad, miserable and useless anymore. I want it to stop, I want to stop it. I have tasted happiness and hope I can one day reach it again. So I say try to make the best of it. This is what life is for me right now, being as happy as I can. Because it can feel fucking great every once in a while.

damn, that sucks. getting your papers redone is a bitch.

I never told the only girl I've ever loved how I felt about her. Then, all of a sudden, depression kicked in, I began to feel like shit and just started ignoring her. It's been almost two years since we last spoke.
Instead of worrying about wasting time, actively make sure you aren't.

>> No.7131938

I've been feeling a lot better since I realised the reason I'm always so unhappy is because I just hate myself. Going out and doing things makes me happier, even if that doesn't make logical sense to me. The happiness isn't even tangible; it's not like being high, it's just that I'm not as depressed when I do.

I need to put together some material for two or three open mic nights next week. Figure out how much I'm okay with recycling from older sets and what fresh stuff is ready. Maybe some excerpts from short stories as the new poems are either too short or rough as fuck.

>> No.7132074
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>mfw finding out that the swedish translated copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra was translated by the same guy who wrote the book in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSX4YgYkrpM
A translated quote: "But Ernsts arsehole was actually in a rather bad condition. It looked similar to a glowing meteor crater surrounded by dry bushes and thorny thickets. But when I inserted what I had to the testicles i noticed that the sphincter was more intact than grandpas."
Worlds are colliding.

>> No.7132080
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I extrapolate more philosophical "truths" from Fiction and Poetry than I do from most philosophical texts.

>> No.7132095
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I just finished War and Peace today and I feel deeply lost and directionless. There seems no way out of the current situation and the few opportunities i have seemed doomed to fail

pic related because there was a lot of fucking french in the book

>> No.7132099

Why do girls hate facial hair? I'm getting angsty about it and I hate that.

>> No.7132269
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>read the reddit /r/fitness wiki
>eat at a slight deficit and do cardio to lose weight slowly and steadily until you're at ~12% body fat
>read Starting Strength while you're in the process of losing weight
>start pic related (similar program to SS but greater emphasis on upper body) when you've lost the weight, focusing heavily on perfecting your form at the beginning

You can do this, anon.

>> No.7132271

You're talking as if you really value these ideals of the profound and intellectual life, but the only thing you're sad about not having is sex and parties.

>> No.7132279

>not realizing the point of the post was the best life consists of experiencing both

never gonna make it

>> No.7132385

that picture hurts my feelings because it relates to my personal experience.

>> No.7132406

Girls don't know what they want. You ask them the same question repeatedly and you will get different answers every time.
A beard needs grooming to look good, so either shave completly or take care of it and stop giving a single fuck about what people might think of you, if you think its cool and your parents are okay with it, do it.

>> No.7132437

girls want what other girls want

>> No.7132480

That makes sense.

Every guy that commented on my facial hair said it was cool, while every girl said that I should shave completely.

I'm torn between pussy and beard.
I never needed the pussy in the first place, right guys?

>> No.7132497


>> No.7132523
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I want to replace my bad habits - vidya, shit youtube, pot - with reading.

It's not working because I don't enjoy reading as much.

Trying to read E Annie Proulx's The Shipping News. S'okay. Preferred Brokeback's prose.

>> No.7132533

>put effort into improving your physical appearance, whether by exercising, dressing better, getting a better haircut, etc.
>get a job, if you don't have one, in order to make some money and meet people
>look for other opportunities to meet and connect with people, like through clubs, meetups, organizations, etc.
>start talking to girls, but also to other people; try to become comfortable talking with anyone you see

>> No.7132542


>> No.7132581

I'll never overcome my social awkwardness and I've lost friends because of it.
It's all in my head but I can't get over it.

>> No.7132599

I feel like both Roy Batty in Blade Runner and Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse V are both trying to deal with the finite nature of human existence.

Recently I met a girl who worked at the cinema. After two weeks I was able to ask her for coffee. She's gay. I think I'm in love with her. I wish I could escape from my own life and/or/but/ I don't feel like I deserve happiness.

These two thoughts are basically unrelated.

>> No.7132615

Start conversation with people you barely know and build confidence. That's what's helping me at the moment.

>> No.7132695

remember that

>> No.7132713
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I have the problem that once I know someone I'm not awkward at all, but trying to initiate conversation with someone new is pretty much impossible. I've been trying to do so with one person for weeks now and I just can't; even after she complimented a shirt of mine, even given that easy-ass ice-breaker "hey you're the x who likes y," I can't do that shit tbh

>> No.7133138

>i didn't went to college
>to study literature our creative writing
>i have to much work
>i have the believe
>eventhough i know
>there are expections

anon, I hate to brake it to you, but you our not cut out too be a rider

>> No.7133152

my old roommate used to jerk off with me in the room when he thought i was sleeping, he would literally do it with the volume on, no headphones. i would wake up to the sound of porn and be too scared to turn over and see him jerking his little chink dick

>> No.7133160

i'll never meet a smart, strong woman who doesn't use social media

i'll never meet a smart, strong man who doesn't believe in academia

>> No.7133214
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I'm sick of living in the present
I want to know where we'll be in 50 years

>> No.7133248

>tfw you don't know which theoretical approach you should take to write anymore

>> No.7134362

I'm starting to think dreams are equally as real as reality.

I'm really starting to question if there's a substance to anything outside of what I experience, if anything can exist outside of what I experience, if what exists outside of what I experience will even matter. I have this sort of suspicion there's a vacuum to the world, as if we ourselves are deluding a blank into some picture we want or happen upon, which is why people can disagree with each other so certainly, not because they found something but because there's nothing to find.

Maybe I'm the delusional one, though.

I got a gf recently however

>> No.7134377

>tfw procrastinating on my weekly injection again
I'm such a pussy when it comes to needles.

>> No.7134387

Write down what you like and dislike in all the philosophies of interest. Look at their flaws.

If you can't weigh out a superior one like that, hold none and play devils advocate or blend a new one.

>> No.7134404

Hey man here's some personal life advice.

Maybe it won't help, maybe it will sound like fluff to you.

You familiar with Zeno's Arrow? The shot that never strikes, just keeps going half the distance each instance?

Nietzche had a solution to the paradox. He argued that time and life wasn't composed of instants. You can't break down a moment to the nanosecond or below, you'll just keep finding indivisible ways to split it without end. Which is the issue with Zeno's arrow. Nietzsche argued that life isn't a string of seconds, it's a living single motion of being, a continuous thrum and wave without pause or particle but rather just continual expression.

I don't think you can prove the theory, I have a friend who loves maths and physics who told me that when I was down for a while. I just think it's a beautiful and comforting model for life, that we shouldn't expect to feel happy or feel one beat behind life, because we're continually moving through it, inalienably stuck to a single beautiful wave of all emotion and meaning.

I'm sorry if that was cheesy or stupid to you anon

>> No.7134419

except time is a perception as proved by Kant

>> No.7134438

What about an eternalistic model of time?

So as time exists outside the self as a solid object, with every instant already charted out.

Time as a perfect object is totally possible in a noumenal realm, hell the idea of a noumenal even implies it.

What could transpire then, is our ego experiencing that huge square of time in a continuous wave, like reverberations through jelly.

Also, perception and reality are arguably one and the same to many, reality could be seen as simply whatever we currently experience, not what actually exists beyond that.

>> No.7134448

I am not educated enough on this topic to have a relevant opinion yet, but i find this point of view interesting

>> No.7134467

This will sound stupid and melodramatic, but I've been stoned largely out of my mind for several months. I've just finished school and got A**,A**,A. I haven't finished a book since, apart from The Crying of Lot 49. I'm applying for Phil/Theo at Oxford, and I'm scared to start trying. I used to be so dyslexic that I couldn't write my name and now people think I'm a genius because I liked your reading list.

Fuck, I know I'm acting like a little bitch and my problems are nothing, but I could use a kick up the ass. I need to find a way to quit smoking, stop doing nothing, and get back in touch with the world. I live in a big city, what should I do?

>> No.7134578

reading is a skill and like all other skills it takes practice, also remember that anything you get recommended from here will be non entry-level.

i say start with something easy, and find something that makes you laugh. itll help you push through the boring bits.

as far as how you should be doing it, dont force yourself to read any slower than you want. once you read more youll start to pick up a love for simpler things like word choice and flow of sentence and thats when it gets great

sci fi is great to start with. try callahans crosstime saloon

keep it up man, reading is the one thing in my life i wont ever regret

>> No.7134586

I don't understand the filename.

>> No.7134595 [DELETED] 
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A new dawn is upon us.

4chan. Reddit. 8ch. Twitter. Facebook. Tumblr

The internet has been taken hostage by websites with no freedom of speech, with no fun allowed, pushing their sick propaganda into people as television once did. It's time we anons reclaimed freedom of speech on the internet.

I present you maasterchan.

This is a shitty, 1 year old still under construction chan made to escape the barbarism of the modern internet and to bring civilization to it once again, where people have the right for speech and expression. What makes it different? How was it designed to support muh freedumz? Two things:

>1) Mods can't ban you, nor delete your posts. Instead, moderation consists merely of an On topic/off topic system for threads.. once you go there you'll understand and it worked marvelously. Illegal content is deleted by very few mods, in order to curb the abuse that giving power to your every day faggot mod would bring (like what happened to 8ch).
>2) You can post truly anonymously if you use a "tripcode". It's actually an ID you use that doesn't display a name. If you go there now and post with the anon id tor1 and password tor2, your post won't be saved with your IP like 4chan does, but it will save with that ID. So you can post through any proxy, and by sharing an account with other people there is no way to know who the fuck is making the posts, and the IP can't be backtraced because it is not even stored on the database, or you could be posting through TOR anyway.

Anons, the internet is fun again.

Welcome to shitpost harder [1]

>> No.7134596

from /a/ to /x/, this is pretty much every single board's best description

>> No.7134609

yes you do

>> No.7134688

it's more important to pray than to read

>> No.7134828

Is the idea that people escaping war-zones are going to destroy Europe... somehow?

>> No.7134912

Grave's disease is about to make me homeless again. It's going to be horrible.

>> No.7134940

Wtf is up with /lit/ lately? All these threads about depressed people and having sex, I don't get it. Shut up and read.

>> No.7134957

> girls like x, girls don't like y

No wonder you faggots can't get laid.

>> No.7134961

>So long as you can listen to people talk about the stupidest shit without screaming "UH OH PLEB ALERT! BEE BOO BEE BOO"

I do this, but in my head. It's not much better

>> No.7134962

What's your explanation then? How do I get laid? Being as alpha as a chad?

>> No.7134976

I'll give you some advice. Any faggot saying all girls like x or y is a retard.

There are some girls out there that like facial hair and some that don't. You go and try applying broad ass advice to girls and will probably end up trying it on girls it doesn't apply to. Then you'll come crying back here and going on about how they're all retarded whores anyway with the rest of the permavirgins.

>> No.7135045

Sorry to hear it bro. I have an autoimmune disease too and it fucks my life up a lot. Hard to get a job, getting judged for not having one and generally having a shitty quality of life

>> No.7135103

don't be obtuse

>> No.7135152

Yup. It's going to kill me. II thought I could fight it but no.
We all lose this battle eventually but I really wanted more time.