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File: 89 KB, 510x680, Timothy-Ferriss-4-Hour-Week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7126478 No.7126478 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book actually good?

I've heard some intelligent people speak well of it.

>> No.7126510 [DELETED] 

They're a fucking scam, faggot. If someone is resorting to a self help book for help, then, there's a high chance that the person seeking help is an idiot. And the fact that they're willing to buy a book in thinking that it will solve their problem proves that they're a fucking faggot.

>> No.7126612

Tell me which book you read so I can avoid it

>> No.7126620
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1413895779448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can i get rich and retire early?
>i know, i'll write a best-selling book telling others how to get rich and retire early

>> No.7126628

it seems like one of those things where one kernel of advice is stretched out to book length
not that that's necessarily bad
see: the lean startup
anyway, that can't take more than 4 hours to read, give it a shot

>> No.7126639

The wikipedia page sums it up nicely:
Sell something you don't have to make yourself
Make other people do the shit you don't want to do

>> No.7126643

The only self help books that are good according to /lit/ is How to Win Friends & Influence People and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

>> No.7126653
File: 24 KB, 318x450, 13336553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People also say this is good. And it's free.

>> No.7126667

>the lean startup
What's that book about? Wikipedia isn't very clear.

>> No.7126671

>haven't found a solution to his/her problems
There are realities beyond just yours, dipshit.

>> No.7126674


>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Nigga what? /lit/ shits on this book every time I see it mentioned.

And to be fair it's not self-help. It's hardly even philosophy.

>> No.7126678

Build a shitty prototype, see if it works. See what your users actually want (don't ask them though, users are stupid). Build that. If at any point stuff doesn't work, pivot the shit out of your mess, kill your darlings.

Build shit fast, you can build it *right* when you've already succeeded in making money. Don't have a clear goal, change the goal every day.

>> No.7126709

This book is:
Ask your boss to let you work from home
Outsource everything to India

There, I saved you. Don't read it.

>> No.7126716

there is only one self help book and my brothers and sisters on here know what it is

>> No.7126721

>we could all be working 20 hour weeks
>don't because wagecucks actually buy into 'muh work ethic ideology'

>> No.7126831

The holy Qur'an?

>> No.7126884
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>> No.7128290
File: 33 KB, 295x475, 46674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a great self-help book

>> No.7128314

The answer & The secret erryday

>Inb4 bullshit

I own a ferrari a mansion and a supermodel wife

I imagined them for 3 months straight and got them

so yeh, it works idiots

>> No.7128456

My nigga!
I didn't expect to see this book mentioned. It is single-handedly the one book which change my life for the better the most.

>> No.7128506

I want self-help faggots to leave.

>> No.7128574

just purchased this coincidentally since my therapist recommended it, i hope it doesn't disappoint

>> No.7128584

The New Reich?

>> No.7130469

Tim Ferris is a scam artist.

>> No.7130478
File: 872 KB, 250x205, 1393796486185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>736 pages

I'll just stay depressed

>> No.7130489

most people are lazy, so if you turn laziness into a secret weapon of success, you have their attention.
nassim taleb does the same with ignorance. PUAs with arrogance.

>> No.7131341


What is Lost in the Cosmos?

>> No.7131349

It's worth a read, honestly. It has a lot of useful skills, explains their application, and so on. Just don't expect to find everything useful. Also the title is gimmicky for the sake of selling to the masses. It doesn't reflect the actual contents.

>> No.7131797
File: 20 KB, 228x346, 51r8ZIGGYyL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just the author bragging about his start up.
pic related is properly more your style.

>> No.7131820
File: 62 KB, 576x382, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7132059

I've seen Marcus Aurelius' Meditations recommended a few times.

>> No.7132482


Not all self-help books are scams but Ferriss definitely is.

Just look at the proposition you're being sold, on the cover of the book. What's being implied is two things:

1. Main title: You can work just 4 hours a week


2. Subtitle: actually get "rich" on that schedule, no less.

This pitch is clearly a pipe dream and while I wouldn't class Ferriss with obvious charlatans like Tai Lopez, he's not above using the same kinds of marketing tactics and exaggerated claims.

Ferris likes to say that the title he chose was just "a marketing move" and that the strategies and expectations you'll see inside the pages are more modest. While I admit I haven't read the ENTIRE book, I did have a glance in the book store and in the opening chapters it seems he really is trying to convince you you can get rich "without working hard." Big red flag right there.

The whole self-help scene is at least 80% charlatanry. If you're going to invest in a self help product the first thing you want to look for is whether the person admits up-front that "this is going to take some work." If they're not willing to do that they're likely peddling BS and Tim Ferriss doesn't pass this test.

>> No.7133059

Why do self-help experts have such rabid white-knighters on the internet? google people like ferriss, tai lopez, robert kiyosaki, tony robbins +criticism and all the defenders come out of the woodwork.

>> No.7133092


They're almost certainly paid shills...

>> No.7133343

Is Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People a good book? I picked it up for free on a whim, and I've read the first chapter.

Is it worth continuing?

>> No.7133354

people consider it good for the genre

>> No.7133361


Go into more detail perhaps?

I'd trust over Amazon or Yahoo. Slightly

>> No.7133380

this ebook teaches you how to write an ebook to teach others to write a ebook...

>> No.7134346

Won't turn you into chad overnight but it's good

>> No.7134389

Don't read self-help

Josef Pieper's Leisure might be what you're looking for though.

>> No.7134539

The only people who refuse to read self help books are those who think they are above needing help.

>> No.7135785

Read 7 effects of highly ayy lmao

>> No.7135813

can someone tell me what the jist of this is