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7125500 No.7125500 [Reply] [Original]

The absurd is really the only school of thought to subscribe to right?

>> No.7125503

absurdism a shit

>> No.7125507

Naw. There are funner ways to deal with nihilism.
But do what you like.

>> No.7125523
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>> No.7125531

such as?

I heard you were leaving, is it true? I hope not, that symbol has become too homely

>> No.7125539

no, there are plenty of others

or you could, you know, actually do some original thinking for once in your life instead of just blindly following what some other guy thought, to the point that you label yourself - it almost becomes part of your identity - another mans original thinking

pretty pathetic mate. work shit out for yourself. stupid cunt died in a car crash anyway, probably never contemplated suicide in his life, even though it is le emoste importane es philosophical quesion

he's a fucking poser. people contemplating suicide don't write these dreary 'philosophical' works.

and no, we don't have to imagine sysiphus happy.

>> No.7125542

>tfw i miss feminister

>> No.7125548

who was she/he? I wasn't around

>> No.7125551

not him but there's plenty of ways.

>not caring out 'meaning' at all
>buddha style dissolution of the 'problem'
>wittgenstein style breakdown of the question/problem into a misuse of language
>dasein analysis style

why don't you outline what your actual problem is and see if we can help you?

"school of thought" in regard to what question or problem?

>> No.7125570

Epicurean simplicity and a rudimentary understanding of Nietzschean (by way of Pippi Longstockings & /lit/) and Stirnerist (by way of Feminister & /lit/) teachings.
I faced my personal existential crisis and accept the insignificance and meaninglessness of myself and my people. But I assign myself a purpose in life, and it's simply to perpetuate and improve upon it
It's Quixotic.

I leave in a week and half. I'll have to wait and see about coming back some time. I think I'd have a story or two ready perhaps.

>> No.7125582

hedonism breh

>> No.7125598
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>I heard you were leaving, is it true? I hope not, that symbol has become too homely
being this beta

>> No.7125608


Pippi Longstockings? was that a person posting under a name or are you talking about the show?

>> No.7125615
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but the ubermench is an unobtainable ideal

>> No.7125625

Nice poster from a year ago.
Could search warosu if you like

No. The fictional character.


>Kill Chad! Kill him!!

>> No.7125632

Pretty rude. And I'm not sucidal

This seems like the way to go I really enjoy drugs

>> No.7125635
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>>Kill Chad! Kill him!!
>responding to that
youre pathetic

>> No.7125638

haven't seen the show in ages, she did kind of seem like the type who would use her will as a guiding point to what she wanted. Don't think she was as big on the good and bad consequences of her actions though

>> No.7125649

I think absurdism is overall a somewhat defensible position from a logical standpoint but not really from a standard of life standpoint.

I respect the conclusions of nihilism and understand the inclination to resort to hedonism in absence of any higher meaning but telling yourself lies by believing in an actual moral system or the values of a society is porbably going to benefit you more in the long run.

You would do well to remember that happiness is not simply indulging every whim or subjugating others. Genuine human connection and social cohesion can also be valuable assets in life even within the context of the absurdist lifestyle.

>> No.7125650

same. /lit/ needs some more feminists and some pro-gender/race politics leftists. the balance has shifted too much toward the anti-SJWs, which im a part of so is okay with me, but we could use some more variety.

>> No.7125667

I think a lot of them do it just to troll tbh

>> No.7125670

>the relative desirability of different experiences can be verified empirically
>prioritization of an illusory self over others cannot be justified without metaphysical assumptions

just what is so absurd?

>> No.7125677

There are a lot of us here who're from families that preceded the advent of the modern form of identity politics, who're resentful of the schisming between groups that by all rights ought to be working together for common goals even if they are apart on others.

One of my friends recently put it simply as, 'there are two certainties in life - leftist infighting and taxes.' Less original than Big Benny Frank, Holler at the Bank's original quotation, but pretty much true regardless.

>> No.7125684
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>This seems like the way to go I really enjoy drugs
Umm. I really recommend negative-hedonism.

>Don't think she was as big on the good and bad consequences of her actions though
She does come to the aid of the weak. Intimidating a bully and saving kids from a fire. She's not irresponsible in her fun pursuits
Google is being a bitch, so I can't find the essay someone made on it.

(Feminister's info-graph semi-related to thread)

>> No.7125688

>mfw when all the other maoists on tumblr are stupid terfs.

>> No.7125695
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Dumb frogposter

>> No.7125696

>18% of women raped
is this like bizzaro /pol/

>> No.7125699

18% is one of the higher figures, but it is between that and 10%.

Either number is pretty horrible, though.

>> No.7125700

Is bizzaro /pol/ a government website?

>> No.7125702

> 'marital rape'
Protip, illiterate fuckface: if rape is sex without consent, then there is no such thing as 'marital rape'. You gave consent when you signed that marriage license, and you can only revoke it with a divorce.

>> No.7125707

Can't find it either, all the links seem to be dead and I can't read the Swedish on that one site.

Its funny, I used to have a childhood friend who reminded me of her who would act the same way and she would get into all sorts of trouble because of it.

I think a lot of children protagonists have similar traits but stop at certain things like disobeying their parents.

>> No.7125718
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Makes me wish I had a daughter.
Or son even. Ah well.

HAHAHA. Lawyers.

>> No.7125724

throwing percentages around is always misleading. /pol/ gets their statistics from trustworthy sites too

>> No.7125728

look he you sjw fucking cuck if i ever got married my wife would consent to whatever the fuck I wanted to do, THAT'S HOW MARRIAGE FUCKING WORKS YOU RETARD

>> No.7125733

Sounds like you just described your retarded life.

>> No.7125734

>literally believing this

Jesus. The level of mouthbreathing misogynist virulence has reached an all time high.

>> No.7125735

what country are you from. I've never heard of a place where marriage=free consent to anything

>> No.7125736

>hurrr I'm an sjw retard hurrrr

>> No.7125745

I do hope for your own sake and the sake of your human decency that you are ironically posting these things.

Being unable to articulate your thoughts in anything but biting caustic sarcasm is a really pathetic and depressing way to interact with the world.

>> No.7125746

why call someone an sjw for thinking youre a misogynist. you are a misogynist. at least own it and be honest with yourself.

youre also insanely dumb and I wish you wouldnt post on /lit/, but I can't really stop that

>> No.7125752

I've always been Epicurean, even before I knew the guy's name.
I faced the crisis well before coming to /lit/
Not really into hard philosophy, I've picked up some pointers from here.
The quixotic mission should be enough to keep humanity busy. A good purpose, real heroism stuff, anon. Think of it.

Sounds kind of troll-y
Really dumb hobby. I wont miss it.

>> No.7125808

how do you know? have you asked every woman?

fuck rape statistics are retarded. apparantely it's the most unreported crime (how do they know that?), and yet between 10-18% of women have been raped?

that's bullshit. I would hink it's more like 1 in 15-1/20 for females, and 1/35-1/60 for males

>> No.7125809

>there is no movie theatre here, camus

Sick leap m8.

>> No.7125820

I'm very sorry for your rape anon :(

>> No.7125822

No, it's for people who grew up in devotedly religious family and then realised that God no real. Literally babbies first philosophy.