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/lit/ - Literature

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7124111 No.7124111 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, this is my first time at /lit/, I spend most of my time shitposting on /pol/...

Now I know what you're thinking "This Nazi shitlord likes poetry?!" Yes it's true, and I'm hoping to discover some new ones today.

Post your 10 favourite poets...

1) Charles Baudelaire
2) Oscar Wilde
3) Allen Ginsberg (jews did 9/11)
4) Shelly
5) William Blake
6) Emily Dickinson
7) A.H. Auden
8) Charles Bukowski
9) Byron
10) Wordsworth

I've probably forgotten some and that isn't my definitive list, please share yours and if you'd like, your reasons for them being your favourite...

>> No.7124130
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1. Ezra
2. Baudelaire
3. Blake
4. Dickindaughter

>> No.7124135

Cool, I'd do mine but I haven't read much poetry! Welcome though!

>> No.7124144

1) Fernando Pessoa
2) Ezra Pound
3) William Blake
4) Walt Whitman
5) Shakespeare
6) Milton
7) James Joyce
8) T.S. Eliot
9) Shelley
10) Keats

I also like Rimbaud but never read him

>> No.7124154


I will read some Ezra now despite the fact he clearly had something to do with 9/11... Also, I've only read one of Tyrone Dickindaughter's poems, the on called "Gibs me dats"- I liked it.

>> No.7124161


Shit I knew I forgot someone, Rimbaud is probably number 3 for me ahaha

>> No.7124162

Who are the best free verse poets? Trying to learn to write

>> No.7124168

Fuck you, your shit sucks. Go buy some hitler shorts from a fetishist site.

>> No.7124176

Also, Oscar Wilde was a fag you hypocritical fuck.

>> No.7124182
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>> No.7124184

Never read Baudelaire. name me a poem

>> No.7124191
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>Ctrl + F
>0 results

>> No.7124201
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Epigraph for a condemned book.
I suggest you read "Les Fleurs du mal", though.


>> No.7124203


I never said anything against fags you fucking degenerate faggot

>> No.7124213

1. Brianna Albers
2. Emily J. Cousins
3. Patrick Dundon
4. Mary Jean Murphy
5. Mary Stone
6. Smriti Verma
7. Elvira Basevich
8. Cathy Allman
9. Marjorie Thomsen
10. Anna B. Sutton

>> No.7124216

how much do you miss out on by reading a translated poem?

>> No.7124230


If you asked about Chalres Baudelaire, I don't know how much you miss lol, but the translations I've read are amazing. Go and read "The flowers of evil". It's great.

>> No.7124232

My favorite is Gerald Stern. The other nine in no particular order would be:

Jack Gilbert
Philip Levine
Allen Ginsberg
Dylan Thomas
Charles Bukowski
James Wright
Philip Larkin
and uh, Homer I guess

>> No.7124249

By pessoa, do you mean all of his works or just the obes under that name?
>tfw tabacaria
>tfw Aniversário

>> No.7124253

For some reason I have always felt unbearable ennui and uncomfort when reading any thing by Ginsberg, Bukowski or Larkin on account of their poems coming across as uninspired banalities to my perhaps uninitiated stare.

I also passively drifted through Yeats, Homer, Milton and Shakespeare as though I was simply rehearsing their songs because I felt it was "correct" to do so.

>> No.7124259

Just buzz cut it, Charles.

>> No.7124266


Are you seriously "ranking" your favourite poets?

Do you actually enjoy poetry?

Are you fifteen years old?

>> No.7124268

Welcome to /lit/ fellow redpilled lurker.

As a redpilled man myself I welcome you to /lit/ and hope that you will help us overturn this board even further. We have -- in collaboration with /r9k/ -- dished out quite a few redpills, but there are still Marxists, women-lovers, and nigger-lovers here which need eradication.

Spread the truth.

>> No.7124281
File: 19 KB, 368x350, ∂.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u most be real fun

>> No.7124288

I believe so.

The post appears to be superfluous and I question the anonymous posters intentions...

>> No.7124289

They're obviously immature and dilettante. Let them have their fun with their posturing and omg so passionate doggerel.

>> No.7124291


All of his work
Mostly Mensagem and Ode Triunfal


>> No.7124326
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Whitman imo has definitive free verse, also Pound and Eliot pioneered the mode during their era. Hart Crane is beautiful. Matthew Arnold has some free verse, as well as Dickinson's stuff and Wallace Stevens. A contemporary who does free verse well is John Ashbery. Really just look at the "defining" American poets of the late 19th and early 20th century, "vers libre" was all the rage.

As for favorite poets it's impossible to pick. I'd say the ten I come back to the most are
>Hart Crane, easily
>Walt Whitman
>William Shakespeare
>John Donne
>Thomas Campion
>Edmund Spenser
>Alexander Pope
>Andrew Marvell
>Ezra Pound

>> No.7124342


You're a faggot


Hello Pol, weird seeing you here. I'll be sure to gas the kikes on this board whenever I can!

>> No.7124357

He has a point though. Everyone's just posting lists of names, hardly anyone's actually discussing poetry. Threads such as this, bookshelf threads, and "new purchase" threads makes me wonder whether this is board actually all that interested in literature or if it just likes the aesthetic of literature.

>> No.7124363

>this is board actually all that interested in literature or if it just likes the aesthetic of literature.
dued yo'eur durnk

>> No.7124368
File: 136 KB, 1000x751, leafyaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also OP you're already reading poetry so I'm not sure this will help you much but here it is in case.

Really if you're only looking to learn new names your best bet is definitely to pick up an anthology, Norton's anthology of poetry includes a bunch of them.

>> No.7124370

I'm on a lot of horse tranquilisers, but you get the idea of what i'm trying to say.


as opposed to talking about the books' content.

>> No.7124407

OP didn't ask for discussion, he wanted some names to check out. If you want to discuss poets, let's have some discussion then

>> No.7124413


haha, I started this thread so I could go through other peoples lists and read a few poems of each suggestion... "Look at me I read books, I know a lot of names, I own lots of books" - This quote highlights your attitude, only a child would assume its about "knowing a lot of names" (lol) An adult would understand that its about enjoying coming across new writers that you would not have come across otherwise, whether you end up liking them or not.

>> No.7124431

judgement free zone

keep posting


>> No.7125934

but...i specifically said they came in no particular order...

>> No.7125939

so what you're saying is...you really like Gerald Stern, Phil Levine, Dylan Thomas, and James Wright?

>> No.7125974

you have obviously not been adequately redpilled if you lump marxism in with the rest of that tbh fam

>> No.7127449
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Would you prefer we did not know a lot of names, own a lot of books and read books?
I like to take in to account that there always be someone sour.

>> No.7127455
