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/lit/ - Literature

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7123997 No.7123997 [Reply] [Original]

I was looking at another forum and saw an interesting question: What's the most dangerous book you've ever read?

I'll ask the same thing but in a different way: If everyone in the world was forced to read one book, which books would inspire the most violence / societal revolt / change in behaviour? Maybe stuff like Das Kapital is long winded / boring / too complicated for many people to fully understand, so let's assume that the message will always get across to people.


My guesses based on ones I've read are maybe The Manipulated Man, My Twisted World (the Elliot Rodger book), The Ego and It's Own, and maybe a book that fully explains the recent financial crisis.

Also >inb4 someone mentions Nietzsche. Based on every /lit/ topic I've seen, Nietzsche is nothing more than a Rorschach test for edgy faggots.

>> No.7124018
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Industrial Society and Its Future

Anarchist's Cookbook

Improvised Munitions USSF Handbook

The Salesman, Johnny Labs, various other helpful posters on /k/

>> No.7124027
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>> No.7124041

sORRy but such things are mind ilussion narratives... it's clear there is no big conspiracy and there is no one charge of anything.. and that's exactly the beauty and mystery fo life.. nothing seems connected everything works as if they were but that does not obligatory means there's a higher order right?

>> No.7124088

Spooks: the thread.

>> No.7124096


No one made any grand narrative claim. MKULTRA has been admitted to have been a real program.

>> No.7124109

What's wrong with wanting to learn how to make explosives, especially if it's to the end of eliminating what the individual views as a detriment to his personal freedom? Didn't Stirner advocate anarchy, anyway?

>> No.7124147
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POS and what you have mentioned.

My twisted World is a fun read, if I had to tell a DDS.

>> No.7124173

'Things I wanna sit on' by your mom

>> No.7124178

idk, maybe some textbook on nuclear physics

>> No.7124507

objectively the communist manifesto
like... it owns that title.

>> No.7124526

The Hunger Games

>> No.7124529

What the fuck is dangerous about the ramblings of an autistic virgin loser (Elliot, not Stirner)

>> No.7124595

It actually looks like a psychological gold mine. Honestly, it could be a very valuable source for a writer trying to create a mentally fucked character.

10/10 would use as a primary source.

>> No.7124600

Probably the Old Testament honestly as it so counter-cultural nowadays.

>> No.7124617

>mentally fucked

It's called being 'redpilled' and it's the only form of consciousness that ISN'T mentally ill

>> No.7125099

The desert trilogy of course. Despite the press, those cults are not about peace and love

>Gommunism caused the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union and the droughts and famines.

>> No.7125180

>not mentally ill

On one of the days in July, when I was roaming around Girsh Park, a group of popular college kids
arrived to play kickball in the fields. They all looked like typical fraternity jocks, tall and muscular. The
kind of guys I’ve hated and envied all my life. With them came a flock of beautiful blonde girls, and they
looked like they were having so much fun playing together. One of the girls did a handstand in the grass,
and her sexy bare stomach showed as her shirt hung down. All of the girls were scantily clad. Rage
boiled inside me as I watched those people who thought they were better than me enjoying their
pleasurable little lives together. The rage was so intense that I couldn’t take it. I was insulted too much. I
couldn’t leave them without getting some form of revenge, so I drove to the nearby K-mart, bought a
super-soaker, filled it up with orange juice that I bought at the same store, and drove back to the park.
They were still there, having the time of their lives, and I wanted to ruin it for them. I wanted to ruin
their fun just like they ruined mine, as they would never accept me among them. I screamed at them
with rage as I sprayed them with my super soaker. When the boys started to yell and chase after me, I
quickly got into my car and drove away. I was giddy with ecstatic, hate-fueled excitement. I wished I
could spray boiling oil at the foul beasts. They deserved to die horrible, painful deaths just for the crime
of enjoying a better life than me

>> No.7125204

I should add that this is from Rodger's manifesto. This kid was so fucked up. He literally wanted to kill people for having fun.

>> No.7125224

Just started on this book.

The captive mind by Czesław Miłosz. 1953

It is a critique against totalitarianism. The central theme deals with deals with enslavement through consciousness.
It is about how ideas also are tools for totalitarian thought.

>> No.7125227

>Chooses a work by Stirner
>Dismisses Nietzsche based on /lit/'s discussion of him


>> No.7125232


His books celebrate the beauty of death in an almost irresistible way.

>> No.7125237

Ligotti - The Conspiracy against the Human Race (2010)

>> No.7125244

Also funny he never considered talking to people instead of eyehating them from afar (which is what 99% of guys who get laid do).

>> No.7125249

The Last Messiah by Zapffel.
That shit is like real life Snow Crash.

>> No.7125278

never really gives you the feeling of wanting to die yourself though. just to appreciate others.

>> No.7125293

Did noone choose the Bible yet. History is a living example.

>> No.7125309

everyone in the world? and they understand it?
capital, certainly

>> No.7125336

Sartor Resartus.

>> No.7125482

Yeah seriously. Me and a few of my friends (from a fraternity) were playing basketball the other day and some kid walked by. Instead of shooting us with orange juice and being creepy as fuck he came over and talked to us and we all played together. How the fuck did he make it to 19 without learning basic social skills?

>> No.7125489


It did cause the famines. And the purges.

>> No.7125492

>Nietzsche is nothing more than a Rorschach test for edgy faggots

way to make an absolute cretin of yourself m8

perhaps you'd like to add a trip so I can filter you in the future

>> No.7125572

How about some ecological radicalism, like Linkola? Makes it plain and clear that we should reduce our population to about a tenth of what it currently is. Ok, the end goals might be different from what you had in mind, but I expect making something like this a forced reading would lead to behavioral change in masses. (Also Heisman's suicide note, bashing "viviocentrism". Although probably no critical mass to take him seriously.)

>> No.7125743

The average person won't be interested in the word "cock" repeated for 500+ pages

>> No.7127462
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The notion of Communism evidently did not,
because it is open to interpretation,
but the reality of the USSR did cause famines and pogroms.
You seem to be spreading misinformation.

>> No.7127531

Why? His assertions about "life overdeveloped" are bullshit so lets put them aside.
After that, all it says is that you need anchors. Its a different way of saying you create the meaning of your life.