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7123803 No.7123803 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: literature women will NEVER understand

>> No.7123809

That's redundant

>> No.7123829

The will to shower escapes me.

-Friedrich NEETzsche

>> No.7123850

The will to plow 'er
Freddy Nietzchad

>> No.7123855
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not canon

compiled by a woman

>> No.7123858

The will to Bauer
Frodo Nutherland

>> No.7123859


The pill to power

-Friedrich Polzsche

>> No.7123901


Is it any good

>> No.7123905

Why can't liberals recognize that their own feigned altruism is just them seeking power by being able to pretend they have the moral high ground and patting themselves on the back?

>> No.7123925

ITT: philosophy for men who will NEVER get laid

>> No.7123937

"I'm a selfish fuck, therefore everyone else is too." - You

>> No.7124115
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Kaufmann and Hollingdale are terrible translators, stop posting their translations as representative of Nietzsche's philosophising.

Walter Kaufmann:
A pernicious Jewish scholar that built his career on preparing Nietzsche for liberal digestion, that is, sanitizing, de-contextualizing, disassociation of Nietzsche from the most obvious ramification of the man's teaching (National Socialism), incorrectly presenting Nietzsche as a wisdom writer and then tellingly doing absolutely nothing about the fraudulent platitudinization of Nietzsche by liberal 'critical-theorists' like Derrida, Klossowski, Butler, Foucault, Deleuze and similar garbage. Kaufmann's translations are useful, just so long as the reader pays absolutely no attention to his notes.

Anthony M. Ludovici:
Ludovici is better because his English comes from a period in which there was still a natural artistic life in the language and because his mind is better suited for comprehending Nietzsche. He has a better grasp of Nietzsche's comments about 'aristocracy' because the man was, unlike Hollingdale and the post-war Jew Kaufmann, not naturally opposed to all of previous history. With Kaufmann and Hollingdale, 'aristocracy' becomes a kind of platitude that can be relativized by any Other on the basis of their present political situation. By this thinking liberals become 'aristocrats' because the tea-party resents Obama's dissolution of American sovereignty, so they're just resenters and 'resentment' also becomes a peculiarly free-floating truism that can be adopted by anyone to slander anyone else, always in the name of 'objectivity' (impartiality), which is a fraud because by doing so their morality is not understood as particular to their nature but something coming from beyond--from God! They deliberately drop the Nietzsche distinction between Power and Weakness. In contrast Ludovici correctly understands the historical continuity between Christianity, Liberalism and Obama.

>> No.7124150

The Will to Fruit - Friedrich Nietzsche

Select all images with bananas

>> No.7124158


Or just post a picture of yourself

>> No.7124273
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>most obvious ramification of the man's teaching (National Socialism)




>> No.7124299

>A few out of context paragraphs.

Much has been written and more has been said about the Nietzschean influence behind the new regime in Germany. And while some have condemned National Socialism offhand on that score alone, others (among them some Nietzscheans) have condemned it for being a travesty of Nietzsche — i.e., for having misinterpreted and misapplied the Master’s teaching.

But no matter how the dispute on these points may ultimately be decided, it seems fairly obvious that there must be a strong Nietzschean influence in National Socialism, if only because of the powerful breath of pre-Socratic Hellenism which has prevailed in Germany ever since the NSDAP seized the reins of government.

For the sake of those readers who are not quite clear regarding this association of Nietzscheism with pre-Socratic values, perhaps it would be as well to point out that, according to Nietzsche, the history of mankind falls, as it were, into two halves — the period preceding Socrates, during which the public estimate of a man was always based upon his biological worth, and the period following Socrates, during which the public estimate of a man always tended to neglect or ignore his biological worth. How Socrates changed the point of view in order to make things tolerable for himself (a degenerate specimen) I have already explained in these pages. Thus, Nietzsche claimed that the Socratic way of looking at men which ignored their biological worth, or regarded it as negligible, was a way which favored degenerates, just as it had favored the great degenerate who first instituted it; and the German philosopher advocated a return to the pre-Socratic values which, by being concentrated on biological worth, would combat and eliminate degeneracy.

>> No.7124315

the world would objectively be a better place if the nazis had won

>> No.7124344

these aphorisms speak for themselves
>Miscellaneous Maxims and opinions
no fucking context needed
he eschewed nationalism, antisemitism, cult of personality and "culture policing", independent of the philosophical phase he was in.

>I have already explained in these pages
at least delete the conspicuous parts of the shit you're copypasting from somewhere else

>> No.7124351

>please let me misinterpret nietzsche to adhere to my niche brand of leftism

>> No.7124376

>would combat and eliminate degeneracy.
Nietzsche speaks about the value of having enemies, "degenerates" in this case, in Twilight of the Idols. That is, to eradicate the decadent, the church, etc, with the kind of fervor that the nazis have is not nitzschean.

>> No.7124594

>mfw a woman wrote and published OP's book
>mfw OP is retarded

>> No.7124604

>his mind is better suited for comprehending Nietzsche

tipping at the speed of light

>> No.7125213

That's just a shitty book of disconnected thoughts.

There are obviously brilliant females with doctorates in philosophy, OP.

You might try visting the campus of a world class university sometime.

>> No.7125233

>she thinks there is a correct interpretation of Nietzsche

>> No.7125268

Mein Kampf

>> No.7125286

>A few out of context paragraphs.

Meanwhile you haven't provided anything except 4chan copypasta.

>pre-Socratic Hellenism which has prevailed in Germany ever since the NSDAP seized the reins of government.

Middle-class populistic nationalism is pre-Socratic Hellenism now ?

> two halves — the period preceding Socrates

In Genealogy of Morals he locates this at the slave rebellion of the Jews in Egypt.

>and the German philosopher advocated a return to the pre-Socratic values

Not at all, and it's debatable wether he thought such a return was possible. Nietzsche advocated a creative change of values, as he say himself, ones that overcomes both master morality and slave morality. You'd have to be an idiot to paint Nietzsche as a full-blown reactionary when his most accomplished work (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) is all about being a visionary.
Ad for what it's worth, the Nazi were pretty slave-moralistic themselves, with all their resenting the Jews for being (so they thought) successful. That they are traces of Nietzsche in nazism (and there certainly are) doesn't mean Nietzsche would have condoned nazism. Your brain should be biologically equipped to handle that level of nuance, no ?

He didn't display any leftism in this post, and note that at least he tries to actually interpret Nietzsche by looking at what he wrote. The need to strawman anything in your preferred enemy is a sign of intellectual weakness.

>> No.7125435

Kaufmann's notes really are terrible. But his translation is so much easier to read bruh.

>> No.7125892

Compiled by a retarded nazi woman who thought starting a colony of white germans in the rainforests of south America was a good idea.

>> No.7125905

Ludovici is one of the best Nietzsche interpreters, sure, but I'm not so sure about his translations, even compared to Kaufmann. Then again, I've only compared specific passages and excerpts, not any of the completed works in their entirety.

>> No.7125947


>> No.7126053
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Now we finally have a case for torching the fucker's oeuvre without the leftcoms and SDs and pseuds bitching and moaning about the loss of his "contribution". It's gonna be cathartic.

This Ludovici dude is an ideological godsend.