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/lit/ - Literature

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7119579 No.7119579 [Reply] [Original]

There is no Reason to read russian literature in the Year 2015

You would have to live in the time period to actually comprehend what classical Russian literature is about.
A lot of kids love to jack off to Tolstoy without the ability to think about what he wrote.

>> No.7119582

You should suck my dick

>> No.7119588

Russians still write books, you know

>> No.7119598

I agree. it would be a better use of this mouth

>> No.7119606

top juj

>> No.7119611


Poor troll, if you'd actually read any, you'd realize that the majority of their themes transcend time and space yet.

1/10 for making me reply.

Honestly, if you're gonna shitpost, why not /r9k/ or /b/? This board is one of the few that isn't UTTER and COMPLETE shit.

>> No.7119617

>This board is one of the few that isn't UTTER and COMPLETE shit.

fuck off to reddit

>> No.7119618

>refuses to read a large portion of great literature from the last 200 years as he is unable to understand the perspective of others and how it may affect emotions and actions

Not memeing here but that's autism

>> No.7119641


Funneh may-may.

Do you think responding in memes gradually erodes the capacity for critical thought?

>> No.7119647

>This board is one of the few that isn't UTTER and COMPLETE shit

lol how long have you been here dude this board has the same 50 threads every week

>> No.7119653


This goes for all history TBH fam.

infact anything 4 minutes old is already out of the volksgeist, thats why memes need to be fresh fresh fresh

cant understand the past who am i

>> No.7120046

I'm about 150 pages into reading Anna Karenina
It's a fun read tbh
I shouldn't have put this off for so long just because of the length of it.

>> No.7120172

You can't help but feel that the Russians are a subspecies

>> No.7120743

Certainly no reason to read Homer then.