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/lit/ - Literature

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7119048 No.7119048 [Reply] [Original]

itt: /lit/ dreams

>I'm back in high school creative writing
>grill stands up to read her work


>wake up

what does it mean

>> No.7119073

It means only now do you realise she had a crush on you.

>> No.7119119
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Oh I had one that was about some island near Australia/NZ. I was viewing it from above as if floating in the air and I remember hearing something like "The works of Edgar Allan Poe were so important and influential that they made the people of this native tribe re-start their cultural development after ten thousand years of stagnation." And then I immediately woke up and maybe I was crying or was at least really fucking moved.

I have never read Poe in my life

>> No.7119145

He's okay, but not super meaningful. Not going to bring Oceania out of cultural stagnation.

>> No.7119198
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Yeah but this dream was really powerful for me and its one of the only few that ive managed to remember throughout my life. Sometimes I think about how great it would be if I could bottle this emotional impact and use it somehow

>> No.7119222

Could it have been some kind of seizure, maybe?

>> No.7119243

I had a dream where I seen DFW depressed on a couch, I tried to cheer him up but ended up just walking away. I think it means I didn't want him to kill himself

>> No.7119280
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I had a dream when I wasn't a failure and everything was beautiful

>> No.7119325

It's a sign. You must bring Poe to these savages.

A few days ago I had a dream where I was on a very large staircase. Knut Hamsun was in the next room teaching some sort of orchestral music class. August Strindberg then arrives and tries to cause mischief, until he slips and breaks his neck on the stairs. We disposed of the "evidence."

>> No.7119363


>> No.7119419

I had a similar kind of dream. I was at the grand ole opry and was with Amy winehouse. I tried to keep her from overdosing, but that druggy fuck did it anyway. Fuck you dream Amy winehouse. You're more trouble than your songs are worth.

>> No.7119454
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why do everybodies dreams are so elaborate and/or include great artists or historical figures ?

>> No.7119490

I cant even remember a dream right now.