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/lit/ - Literature

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7117000 No.7117000[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post /lit/-tier films and discuss them.

Pic very much related. How do those of you who have seen it interpret the final scene of Barton on the beach?

>> No.7117004

/lit/ - literature

>> No.7117005

We've had plenty of film discussion on here before.

>> No.7117011

The Turin Horse

>> No.7117018

I haven't seen it but after reading a brief description it sounds interesting. I'll definitely check it out.

>> No.7117023

Barton Fink is not by a long shot the best Coen Bros. film but I love it for the little touches, like how they get you to just accept and believe that "wrestling picture" is an established genre.

As for the picture - well, it seems he achieved one of his dreams, but it turns out the literal realization of the dream is really nothing compared to what it represented (success, which Barton emphatically does not have).

>> No.7117027


>> No.7117040

>Muh symbolism

Get this pseudo shit out of here.

>> No.7117055

Interesting interpretation. I always thought the final scene represented Barton becoming fully immersed in the low art that he hates as the picture always seemed to be something geared more towards the "common man."

Also, I'm interested in hearing your opinion on what the best Coen Bros. film is. I haven't seen all of their work so I'd like to know what to watch and what to skip.

>> No.7117058

Go back to catching butterflies, Nabokov.

>> No.7117077

I think every Coen film is worth watching (The Ladykillers is their worst and even that's not too bad), but my favorites are A Serious Man, The Big Lebowski, Miller's Crossing, No Country for Old Men, and Inside Llewyn Davis

>> No.7117080
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>> No.7117089
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>> No.7117092

I haven't watched any anime besides Cowboy Bebop. Is Evangelion really as good as everybody claims or is it overhyped?

>> No.7117097

>This thread could be great
>Never will be

>> No.7117104

Then please post some films that you think would make this thread great.

>> No.7117107

Cocteau's Orpheus is very /lit/-tier, and very good.

FLCL is the most /lit/ anime.

>> No.7117111

Evangelion is the best of the best but the movie sucks compared to the show


based anon

>> No.7117112

As someone who loves Cowboy Bebop and isn't a big fan of anime, yes. It has an interesting history... It's kind of become the Star Wars of anime, in the over-merchandising and new films. The story about it's creation and the creator is equally as interesting as the result of it.

Watch the series, then straight to End of Evangelion. No Death & Rebirth (basically just the series summed up into a movie), and no rebuilds (see: Star Wars of anime).

I have yet to see it. How so?

>> No.7117115
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>> No.7117116

I really enjoy it, but I doubt it's as deep as weebs think it is. An enjoyable movie with cool imagery, but not that /lit/ of a movie.

>> No.7117119

Orpheus is great. That cast is impeccable.

>> No.7117127
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An obligatory /lit/ film.

>> No.7117132
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>> No.7117137

Stanley Kubrick
David Lynch
Michael Haneke
David Cronenberg

also Heathers, Mean Girls and CryBaby

>> No.7117141

I've read the novel but I haven't seen the movie. I might watch it tonight.

>> No.7117147

it's actually really good. They left out the third book, but it still works.

>> No.7117153


>> No.7117156

I love Mean Girls, but would you mind explaining to me why you find it to be /lit/?

>> No.7117170
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>we've had plenty of cancer before

>> No.7117178
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>implying the sound era produced anything worthwhile

>> No.7117179

Yeah, and you're part of it. If you don't like a thread stay out of it.

>> No.7117181
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my dude. just finished watching this about 10 minutes ago for the first time. Poor Bruno ;__;

>> No.7117184

As someone who doesn't watch much silent films, what are the essentials?

>> No.7117188

This. Silent films are so fucking good.

>> No.7117189


>> No.7117192

Battleship Potemkin
The Passion of Joan of Arc

these are the relevant ones at least

>> No.7117193
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>tfw they walk into the crowd

>> No.7117200

Fritz Lang's movies like Metropolis, Nibelungen, Testament of Dr Mabuse.

>> No.7117202
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a must see masterpiece

>> No.7117205

Fuck dude, I'm on page 396 right now. I tried to pick up Gravity's Memebow just to see how much farther I had to work up my reading skills, and found that Pynchon is easier to digest than Grass.

>> No.7117215

>Kenneth Branaugh's Hamlet.

Shakespeare was a playwright, his works were meant to be seen acted out, and this is a damn good rendition of arguably his most famous work.

>> No.7117223

>pretentious about film
>uses term sound era and silent era

films were never silent. get your film music history straight

>> No.7117235
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>tfw looking back on the scene where antonio gives bruno the a ride to school
when will the pain end

>> No.7117236

I had a tough time getting through it too, but I thought it was extremely rewarding.

>> No.7117245

The Birth of a Nation
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
A Trip to The Moon
Chaplin's "The Rink" "One A.M." "The Adventurer"
Nanook of the North
Fritz Lang's filmography
Edison Classics "Rescued From an Eagle's Nest", "What Happened in the Tunnel?" "The Gay Shoe Clerk"

>> No.7117248

Books like this make me think that I could never write a novel.
Every. Fucking.Named.Character.Is.Developed.
Grass is some kind of creative backstory sorcerer.

>> No.7117252

really hard to get through if you're not in the right mindset, it's really quality stuff, but I had to stop halfway through

>> No.7117256

Airplane! is honestly the most /lit/ movie

>> No.7117271

How so?

>> No.7117276

the kind of script that /lit/personalities in the 90s wrote, humor based all around pastiche of shitty films, casually surreal, enough drug references, sexual references and racism to keep up with the average /lit/ poster

>> No.7117288
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That's a pretty fair analysis, actually.

>> No.7117395
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Gaspar Noe is very /lit/

>> No.7117447

The mother and the Whore - Jean Eustache

>> No.7117456
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Mean Girls
Problem Child 2
Sex in the City: the Movie 2


>> No.7117470
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Paul Verhoeven is our Shakespeare. Can you name a director who has come close to bridging the gap between plebs and patricians as well as Verhoeven?

Royal Space Force would be a better stop after Bebop and before Evangelion. It's a movie so the time investment isn't anywhere near as severe, it's got a good English dub if moonspeak still frightens you and it's made by the people who would go on to make Eva and shares a lot of themes so you can get a feel for what they were into.

Where's Intolerance? You can't talk about silent movies without Intolerance.

And one more thing, pic related is the greatest movie of all time.

>> No.7117472
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Last Year at Marienbad