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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 255x364, slavoj-zizek1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7116753 No.7116753 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get anything this guy says.

Is he just a pedant worshipped by other pedants or he has something worthwhile to say?

>> No.7116756


>> No.7116763


>> No.7116769

oh god here we go again

>> No.7116800

*touches nose*
and so on

>> No.7116801


>> No.7116807

Appears to be the former

>> No.7116808

Further proof Zizek drones are all wankers with nothing to say.

>> No.7116811

ITT OP confuses good-humored charlatanism and sophistry with pedantry while everyone else makes fun of Zizek's mannerisms

>> No.7116812

he's basically a shitposter IRL, just ultra contrarian, which creates some interesting points, particularly about the fucked-uppedness of modern fake 'humanitarianism' and 'materialism', but ultimately he's a sad socialist slob who just wants to disagree with everything and has no alternatives or coherent overarching theory.

>> No.7116817

I agree with him on some more minor social "issues" but this is pretty much true tbh

>> No.7116831

Slavoj Zizek drinking game
drink every time Zizek:
Touches his nose
Gestures with both hands
Says 'scho'
Says 'and so on'
Says 'like dis'
Says 'capeetaleesm'

>> No.7116848


You'd be rushed to the hospital after five minutes

Even people who don't agree with him/think he's a charlatan can never say he isn't at least a little funny

>> No.7116861
File: 90 KB, 1395x730, zizek on 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7116896

hahahaha fucking brilliant

>> No.7116902
File: 2.96 MB, 720x700, zizek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zizek is the last true Socratic troll

>> No.7116911
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>There is an old East German joke

>> No.7116916
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this is amazing

>> No.7117006

lol this is actually good, what is someone funny and talented doing on /lit/

>> No.7117102

Does he subvocalize?

>> No.7117106
File: 59 KB, 585x600, rms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this man before

>> No.7117497
File: 25 KB, 300x400, CDmjV4TWAAIgc53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes a fucking chad

>> No.7118634

If you want to pretend chads exist as a category at least keep the definition consistent, Zizek is a flaming autist and spaghetti-dropper.

>> No.7118653


Well there is no way to understand what a philosopher says unless you have actually read some philosophy.

Zizek's main philosophical background is Hegel, Marx and Lacan. If you haven't read anything by them, then you are not going to get it.

>> No.7118706

fucking girls as a dirty old man is one of the categories of Chad.

A Chad in the none metaphysical sense is anything that you could find in your GF sexual past that makes her unpalatable. Only metaphysically does "chad" always take the form of biological supposed superiority.

a dog could be a Chad tbh. But most often what people are complaining about is an otherwise "good girl" who has succumbed to supposed biological imperative of the tall broad well muscled alpha "thundercock". The duress these implications try to impart is the impossibility of ever physically coming into the thundercock position unless born so biologically. And in this way the idea cultivates a biological hierarchy, which in one retard presents itself as natural, but on the other has more ideology in it than most classical dating knowledge.

>> No.7118716

I'd rather be a Chad than a motherfucking book guy.
Women are things.

>> No.7118720

And I wonder why I don't come here much anymore

>> No.7118723

I want /r9k/ to leave.

>> No.7118727



>> No.7118729

OP, it's 2015 and you aren't using English grammar correctly on an English-language literature board. Would you mind explaining this?

>> No.7118745

>English-language literature board
Wow, noninclusive much?

>> No.7118771

not *English-language literature* *board*, but *English-language* *literature* *board*

>> No.7118794

*sniff* Thish ish a typical case of pure ideology *sniff* my gott... and here I claim *hand motions* Thish man. ishh. how-should-I-put-it an absolute madman. absolute mad man *sniff* *sniff*

>> No.7118850


everything u need to know is HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxGLL0yuBYs

>> No.7118856

Look I know where you are at intellectually. I was once with you in that dark place comrade, in-fact I'm still climbing to a point of higher understanding. But I have some sources which will introduce a better perspective of Zizek's work, and you should be able to grasp his points on at-least some level.

Here is a good article showing Zizek's ideas used to tackle a real world situation. I find that he is easier to understand when his ideas are in motion, rather than just trying to understand the pure abstract. : http://www.businessinsider.com/neo-marxist-philosopher-and-cultural-critic-slavoj-iek-on-the-greek-crisis-2015-7

Also here are a few of his articles: http://inthesetimes.com/article/18385/slavoj-zizek-european-refugee-crisis-and-global-capitalism


Finally here is a video showing an in-depth explanation of his Neo-Laconian thought. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS6kYp3pk08

>> No.7118861

Don't bother with him if you don't want to, he's the Hagrid of Marxism.

If you want to bottle glory, hook up w/ the Paris Strangler.

>> No.7118865

/lit/ is truly the most highbrow board on this horrible armenian balloon-animal-enthusiast forum

>> No.7118885

>Somebody made this video

Holy shit I am DYING

>> No.7118896


>> No.7118902


>> No.7118916

sensible chuckle

>> No.7118936

>i will conclude
>1/3 way through the video


>> No.7118947

>"for example"
>"hard nipples"


>> No.7118948


Thats the definition of BEAUTY.

>> No.7118961

The /r9k/ worldview characterized by pessimistic determinism is the most relevant philosophical current of contemporary society.

>> No.7119165

>"dis is old ideology"

>> No.7119177

No, he has something to say in his books..the problem is more in his delivery when he speaks in public.
He often seems not prepared, and keeps making awkward jokes that nobody laughs at, and loses himself with the speed of his speech.

>> No.7119181

but what if *sniff* ze opposite is true?

>> No.7119197

I only read his stuff because he's a very at English and presents his ideas clearly. They are usually pretty stupid but hey!

>> No.7119211

Ah yes *sniff but truth is often misinterpreted as a fixed thing, hey? Truth, like many people said, and btw can i quote some err...*grunts famous *sniffs and cleans drool on his shirt historical character; you know the one that created the term assassins, no? Yes. so he said to his peasants or servants, wat eva "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" right? although there might be different translations, which could probably be interesting as they derive further from the truth of what he possibly said, ah? (silence) *sniffs

>> No.7119233

>tfw you have the same nose tic as zizek

I don't know what it is, my nose is just always itchy as fuck. maybe Im just oversensitive or something.

>> No.7119648


I think its the most comfy and worthwhile board tbh.

Followed perhaps by /out/

>> No.7119677

He has a double role as Youtube Star and as writer and philosopher.

Now the people who watch him are mostly not the people who read him, and what they get out of it is probably wildly disjoint.

As a philosopher writing in the present era, he's naturally going to be difficult to understand and his (philosophical) books are not really accessible to laymen.

As a speaker he is engaging and fun, although I'm not sure if anyone gathers much from him except interest on account of his profound tone and excited enthusiasm.

If you're interested in the content of his ideas then you need to read his books. Otherwise
he's a curious thing to look at and listen to, leave it at that.

>> No.7119841


>> No.7120116
File: 129 KB, 450x450, 179998 - brown_eyes cereal cereal_vore cheerios commission eating honey_i_shrunk_the_kids_parody micro milk molotav open_mouth pixel_art red_hair shrunken_man shrunken_men teeth unaware vore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ah yes, Hegel and Lacan illuminate *sniff* Marx and Kant brilliantly; just like in Soviet times, when the transition from Leninism to *sniff* Stalinism exemplified the inevitable, you know, if I may be a little bit vulgar, transition from food into shit, the dialectic of waste, and *sniff* so on...we see in Lacan's mirror stage something akin to the function of Althusser's Ideological State Apparatus, you know, the subject seeks to return to the lost wholeness and finds his way to Stalinism, and so on *sniff*