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7114155 No.7114155 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.7114158

did he really tweet that? smh fam smh

>> No.7114168


Fantastic scientist who has written some really good books on evolution but some of his tweets are real cringe. He needs to retire from Twitter if he values his legacy.

>> No.7114170

his twitters embarrassing

>> No.7114175

His legacy is being one of the leaders of contemporary young atheists in the USA. His tweets are part of it.

>> No.7114177

Shit, Dawkins is a real fucktard. Importent in his field of study as far as I know, but other than that just amazingly stupid.

>> No.7114188

You should instead "shake your head" at the unrealized irony of an atheist speaking in favor of truth.

>> No.7114200
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Yes, of course he is.

No one truly denies that truth exists. If they did they wouldn't be able to function, constantly skeptical about the solidity of their bedroom floor or existence of a mother who pays their bills.

The academic - if not actual - attack on truth and objectivity comes from stupid postmodernists unable to comprehend the fact that people frequently make untrue statements.

>person a says this, person b says that
>well obv everyone has their own truth
>i'm so enlightened

>> No.7114204

>missing the point this bad

>> No.7114210
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being an objectivist in 2015

>> No.7114212
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One of my favourites

>> No.7114220
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>No one truly denies that truth exists

>> No.7114221

not quite my meme tbh

>> No.7114227


Why bother writing?

You can not be sure the words you are writing can be comprehended by others, sport.


>nothing is real


>> No.7114234

>Fantastic scientist
How right you are! His 'science' is, indeed, pure fantasy.

>> No.7114240


>i was never good at chemistry or biology
>good job there's some continental who said it's all racist hooey

>> No.7114242
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>nothing is real
>well here's another place you can goouuoo
>where everything floouuoows

>> No.7114245

His tweets remind me of REIs posts. Similar style and opinions.

>> No.7114248

I'm not a 'continental'. (Except in the narrow sense that I live on a continent, not in la-la fucktard land.)

>> No.7114249

You mean autism

>> No.7114255

It's clear you don't understand postmodernism at all and their claims about truth

>> No.7114261

>Search for Truth

cringeworthy capitalisation tbh

>> No.7114262

Dick Dawkins is a literal meme scientist, right up there with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. People like him don't actually do anything useful, they just use their status as an expert in their field to leverage their own opinions and appeal to populist sentiment; and the sad thing is, millions of people eat that shit up. It's how you get pages like I Fucking Love Science, where people think liking memes about "did u know there r like a shitload of stars in galaxy checkmate christfags XD" makes them more intelligent than their peers.

People like Dawkins and Tyson are an embarrassment to the scientific community because they think their shitty opinions on religion/politics/social issues matter more because they're scientists.

>> No.7114264
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>there is no universal means of comprehending the world
>still uses language he fully expects other to understand

Comrades and friends - a postmodernist!

>> No.7114272

The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype can be included in the best scientific books of the second-half of the 20th century though.

>> No.7114275

I agree entirely

>> No.7114278
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>It is what human beings say that is true and false; and they agree in the language they use. That is not agreement in opinions but in form of life.
You need to do your homework kiddo.

>> No.7114279


Dawkins has literally accomplished nothing other than the word "meme"

>> No.7114282

>People like Dawkins and Tyson are an embarrassment to the scientific community

according to which scientiststs?

>> No.7114294


>>It is what human beings say that is true and false

Hm, not what I said and you know it.

>> No.7114297


The ones that don't use their prominent status in the scientific community to leverage their opinions on unrelated shit.

>> No.7114302

prove it

>> No.7114303

The point was about language. Only a sentence can be true or false. There is no "truth" as such. "Truth" is not "out there". There is no truth to be perceived.

>> No.7114329


Even leftist sites like Salon and Huffpost say his crusade against religion is pathetic and misguided, and many scientists have written against his Institute for Reason and Euphoria because it actually does jack shit besides reel in more free publicity for Dawkins

The common consensus is that he used to be relevant and sort of useful but now he's just a bitter old man whinging about Christians on Twitter all day and occasionally picking an easy target to "debate" on TV so his fans can all sit in a circle and have a good tug about how intellectually superior they are

>> No.7114645

How are you writing then?

>> No.7115282


Is he willing to dismiss the entire discipline of economics out of hand, too? Because varieties of economics are even more "regional" (actually local) than those of philosophy, and there's more of them.

>> No.7115286

>capital T

what a fedora cuck

>> No.7115292
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>> No.7115310

Before reading the meme trilogy, I would recommend the following:

1) Read the /lit/ starter pack.

2) Start with the Greeks.

3) Read the following sampling of the Canon:

The Divine Comedy
Canterbury Tales
Don Quixote
King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Paradise Lost
Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment
Moby Dick

Then you will be ready to appreciate what Joyce, Pynchon, and to a lesser extent, DFW have done with the medium.

>> No.7116840

Richard Dawkins is shit when it comes to philosophy.

>> No.7116866

Dawkins is a meme but leftists are against him because he criticises islam

>> No.7116895

Science isn't a search for truth lmao.

>> No.7116898


Why i'm not surprised a shitlord biologist doesn't know what mathematics is...

>> No.7116925

Why is that man dressed as a cowboy?

>> No.7116963

That man is Lennon.

>> No.7116982

>a field whose name literally means "Egyptian Magic"
>not region-specific

>> No.7116983

It's funny because "it's all racist hooey" is a rather specifically American complaint.

When you can't even allocate blame properly it's time to go to bed, Johnny.

Heck if he's going to that road he might as well dismiss some branches of mathematics too.

I think we have enough evidence to declare Twitter a brain disease now.

>> No.7117045


>> No.7117878
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>muh feelings

>> No.7117898

it is actually unreal

>> No.7117909

It's not like continentals actually call themselves continentals

>> No.7117917


>> No.7118001

why is every old person shit at the internet

>> No.7118004

*tea coming out my nose*

>> No.7118033

perfect example of no objective truth

>person a writes: 'there is no objective truth'
>person b writes: 'how are you writing then'
>person c interprets person a as meaning something completely different to the way person b has framed the conversation

one statement
three peoples interpretation
by this point person a will be creating a new paradigm in their head to further explain what they meant - for person a the meaning of the original statement has evolved
no one can know the true designs of another in this exchange, ergo there is no objective truth in the statement: 'there is no objective truth'

>> No.7118038
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>> No.7118041

i mostly just been reading you tards long enough to know how to shitpost anon into a stroke here

>> No.7118047


01010010101101010101011111001010101001101010101010101010101011001100101101010100101011010101010101010100101101001010101010101010101010101010101010101010101111111111111111111111111111111111111111101010101010100101011001101010101010101101010101100101011010101010101011010101010101010110101010100000000000001011010101010110101010101011010101010101010101011010101010101010101010101101010101010110101010101010101010110101010101010101010101010101011I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recoverliberty0000101101101010101001010100101011011010101111100101011010101010101010101011010101010101011010

>> No.7118069 [DELETED] 
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>You can not be sure the words you are writing can be comprehended by others, sport.
this holds only if you are some utilitarian or consequentialist.

The question is not to ask why bother if you are not sure of....?

but why do you seek certainty in the first place ?

Those who seek the certainty adopt the dichotomy necessity-contingency of the events in the world and refuse what appears as the contingency of the events in the world. Those people ate life really.
They are never satisfied. The tragedy is that they have no idea what certainty is and when they go into the world to look for it, typically through a universal agreement, about some topic, amongst all the people that they have encounter. Too bad that they never find this fantasized universality. And then they whine and and cringe to end up having faith, not in the objectivity as it was the case beforehand, but in the inter-subjectivity. Of course, they have no idea why they desire the certainty in the first place. Perhaps it comes from some angst ?

So they put their faith into mathematics and science. since they hardly study the fields, they miss that all scientific inferences (laws) are conventional and statistical, stemming from a premise of objectivity-only which consequently also limits its scope. Science, then, is obviously not solid knowledge and so strictly speaking they cannot believe in its products but they employ them as instrumental approximations of their fantasized reality.

I think that once you let go of the idea of certainty, you are so appeased that you do not want to go back. This is why I say that the truths are what appeases me irremediably.

>> No.7118078

wait, who the hell is nima
the google gives no help

>> No.7118096
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>You can not be sure the words you are writing can be comprehended by others, sport.
this holds only if you are some utilitarian or consequentialist.

The question is not to ask why bother if you are not sure of....?
but why do you seek certainty in the first place ?

Those who seek the certainty adopt the dichotomy necessity-contingency of the events in the world and refuse what appears as the contingency of the events in the world. Those people hate life really.
They are never satisfied. The tragedy is that they have no idea what certainty is and when they go into the world to look for it, typically through a universal agreement, about some topic, amongst all the people that they have encounter. Too bad that they never find this fantasized universality. And then they whine and and cringe to end up having faith, not in the objectivity as it was the case beforehand, but in the inter-subjectivity, which sadly remains just as ridiculous as their objectivity. Of course, they have no idea why they desire the certainty in the first place. Perhaps it comes from some angst ?

So they put their faith into mathematics and science. since they hardly study the fields, they miss that all scientific inferences (laws) are conventional and statistical, stemming from a premise of objectivity-only which consequently also limits its scope. Science, then, is obviously not solid knowledge and so strictly speaking they cannot believe in its products but they still keep their faith [and call it rationality] and they employ them as instrumental approximations of their fantasized reality.
These people begin by the end, in starting from a supposed reality. Once that they hit the point of relativism/scepticism/nihilism/solipsism, they become hysterical and claim that these stances are ridiculous.

>> No.7118098


When you take the cinema, you say that the films are not reality. that the films are socially constructed with many people working on each films. Yet you say that films are still a bit real because they make you feel.
But the realists say that the inanimate objects as the trees and the cars are not like films, even though they did not witness the creation of the film. These people choose to distinguish between trees, cars, flowers etc. from the films, the computers etc.

It no longer matters whether other people are like me, whether the tress, the animals are different form the humans and the humans are different from me.

I think that once you let go of the idea of certainty, you are so appeased that you do not want to go back. This is why I say that the truths are what appeases me irremediably.

>> No.7118113

he's an absolute madman

>> No.7118123

that's not at all how ""postmodernists"" critique objective truth

>> No.7118129


Who is this guy, he makes me laugh.

>> No.7118130

The continental/analytic divide is basically a tiff between the faculties of Oxford/Cambridge and Heidelberg/Paris/Freiburg over fucking writing styles. Anyone in the current year who unironically identifies with one side or the other is out of their mind.
Is this real? I haven't heard autism like this in a while.

>> No.7118163


There is no truth, just really really really educated assumptions. Even the laws of physical reality are tentative until quantum physics throws some shit left field on us.

>> No.7118170

>Is this real? I haven't heard autism like this in a while.

Probably - this is the guy who wrote God Delusion, after all. I think the accent covers up the autism so you don't notice until you read his random thoughts on twitter.

>> No.7118174


favorite dfw meme

>> No.7118175

And yet there are different agencies on different countries regulating pesticides, food and hygiene products, farming, health standards, with different positions given the political and economical influence of the companies involved. There are pharmaceutical frauds, deliberate concealing of information, there are people invested in patents for the use of specific plants from the Amazon or from South-east Asia, truly foreign scientist conquistadores willing to retain means of production to blackmail people for their health. There are discrepancies between scientists on the environmental impact of all kinds of engineering on a bunch of different levels. You have disagreeing archeologists, paleontologists, historians, producing different narratives of history even when analyzing the same material with similar methods, making some narratives more proeminent and consensual than others that are left out to hang out with the ancient alien theorists. You have pop-sci magazines and sites and shows favouring one idea over the other, presenting them in an easy but flourished way, often outright mistaken, creating whole myths around certain subjects and reaching young aspiring scientists who will take these fantasies with them as biases. Last but not least you have academia, which is an institution that recognizes itself, that is also regulated by each government of each country, but that creates a web of self-recognition, so that one university understands the other as capable of producing a valid scientist with a valid diploma, in spite of the differences in hours of work, infrastructure, teachers, students, standards, and that is fueled by not only science, but by politics, by who knows who, by how nice your teacher thinks of you, by the rhetoric of congress speakers, by ammount of money invested and so on.

At the same time, Dawkins here spergs out over the thought of noticing similarities between thinkers that shared the same institutions and places and cultural backgrounds, grouping them for the tendencies perceived in their writings in contrast to some other line of thinking, while particularly at a time that they could only reach each other by letters or long travels.

If you think you're a neutral thinker, separate from the world around you, perfectly objective and all, you are being used.

>> No.7118632

Any philosophers want to explain why he's wrong rather than just 'smh'?

>> No.7118637

I hate analytics

>> No.7118642

Gottlob Frege is my boy tho

>> No.7118710

the problem with the image you're using is that it pretends it has internal consistency.

the first two pictures use criteria to compare different things with one another (at least for the most part), whereas the later pictures pretend that there is an objective barometer for absolute quality

>book x is objectively better than book y because it employs literary techniques
this doesn't follow. who determined that the presence of concepts such as stream-of-consciousness made a book objectively better? does it get better if there is more of it? which techniques are better than others?

ultimately, our brains are complex input-output systems. the same input produces different experience depending on which brain it goes into, under which circumstances, etc. value is subjective.

>> No.7118726

Continental/Analytic was a distinction made by the British to separate their way of thinking from the European mainland. Continental philosophers don't consider themselves to be limited to specific regions and will frequently acknowledge their shortcomings if all their source material should be region-specific. "Continental" Philosophy has thinkers in Japan (Massumi), Argentina (Dussel), etc.. Dawkins is, unsurprisingly, operating from a position of not-knowing.

>> No.7118827
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>> No.7118868

Choose one and only one.

Economics makes Astrology look respectable.

>> No.7118910


quoting twitter on 4chan...thanks OP....thanks....

>> No.7118929 [DELETED] 
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Is there a more comfy actor than Jason Segel?

Is he the ultimate regular guy?

>> No.7120107

this cant be real its to good to be true

>> No.7120130
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it's real, he deleted the tweet though.

i think it's fucking hilarious that the man who wrote "the god delusion" invented the word meme

>> No.7120149


They are the pillagings of the works of far more capable scientists. Dawkins is an accessible writer with enough background in his subject to not come off as a total idiot, but he has made no original contributions to evolutionary biology.

>> No.7120249

Because he's an absolute Madman!

>> No.7120294

He was being sarcastic. I am following him on twitter and he does it all the time.

>> No.7120300

american fashion at the time

>> No.7120335

there is an objective barometer for quality

>> No.7120550
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tricky rick always brings the banter on twitter

>> No.7120677

Literally Stirner

>> No.7120702
File: 41 KB, 210x202, dealwithit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I genuinely do not understand what is wrong with positivism
>I think philosophers are just butthurt that they can't empirically prove any of their claims

>> No.7120713

>tfw I genuinely do not understand what is wrong with positivism
wrong indeed

>I think philosophers are just butthurt that they can't empirically prove any of their claims
what kinda claims

>> No.7120720

Don't be a faggot. If you actually understand what positivism is and why it is a point of disagreement amongst philosophers, then explain why. Otherwise, piss off.

>> No.7120808

>>tfw I genuinely do not understand what is wrong with positivism

the humanity constantly asks why this or that. The humanity always fails to ask why ''do we ask why this or that''.

there were three times in the humanity
-the times of the religion [theology] looking to break down the phenomena via the causation, causes and effects
-the time of the philosophy where we loose the religion but still believe in abstraction through secular causation, we believe in the law for our daily life
-the time of maturity: the time where we no longer ask why
we go back to empiricism and stop speculating on supposedly universal stances from the philosophers
this is typically enjoying science, too bad that science is based on pure faith

that was the positivism of Comte.

Now, the positivist of today claim that every question amongst the humanity is classifiable by logic. a question can be answered or if it cannot be, it means that it is not well asked and is stupid.

to answer a question means that we break down the question into smaller parts and very empirically whatever thesis is behind the question.

now we must deal with the verification of a statement through empirical method.

as usual, the positivist claims that
-there is a reality/clear understanding possible
-he reaches this unique clear understanding by his method

So they put their faith into mathematics and science. since they hardly study the fields, they miss that all scientific inferences (laws) are conventional and statistical, stemming from a premise of objectivity-only which consequently also limits its scope. Science, then, is obviously not solid knowledge and so strictly speaking they cannot believe in its products but they still keep their faith [and call it rationality] and they employ them as instrumental approximations of their fantasized reality.
the scientist allows only the doubt from the people that he likes.

>> No.7120813


A crucial point is as always ''how to know'''. We can have several scientific theses, each predicting more or less accurately what we have interest in, so how do we choose what theory explains our experiments ?

Since the rationalist has faith in objectivity, he believes that there is a unique thesis to explain things. Since objectivity remains dubious about reality, and dubious about the tastes hold by people [the judgements that people have towards what is good/bad/relevant], these People have then offered the concept of inter-subjectivity where now, they have faith in objective standards of judgements, typically to grade the scientific theories. Too bad that the inter-subjectivity is nowhere to be found in the world.

so you see the problem of the positivist, or even the rationalist in science,:
doubt is permitted only when the doubt is judged acceptable by the scientist [what is acceptable is what makes you have faith in what the scientist claims]:

-if you doubt too little from the statements of people talking to you, the scientist will call you a religious, a sheep, a guy spending his time on metaphysical theses which are disconnected form the reality [the reality that the scientist posits]
-if you doubt too much from the statements of the scientist , the scientist will wave then the card of relativism/nihilism/solipsism and mock you

the positivist is even more extreme than the rationalist. and the rationalist is his stance is not verified empirically.

>> No.7120833
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Even if science was absolutely 100% probabilistic, it would give more reliable certainty in its philosophical claims than any continental faggotry.

Considering most science and mathematics is actually quite definitive, I'm not sure what your complaint really is. It is possible to know things, it is possible to prove things, and if you refuse to do so, why should anyone believe you? Even Socrates would prove his claims.

>> No.7120836

Chomsky said something similar in the 90s that he couldn't tell if a scientific paper he was written by a white male, and that many of his colleagues who were neither would be equally baffled by the notion that their identity could be discerned in their publications

>> No.7120842

>conflating an epistemological claim with an ontological one

>> No.7120851

>Considering most science and mathematics is actually quite definitive
>science, where everyone refuses to make absolute claims and avoids them like the flu, is definitive
hahahah good one

>> No.7120854

You guys may not know it, but he isn't all THAT important in his field.

He made important contributions, but he's mainly a popularizer. His technical contributions, although they exist, are inferior to those of many other evolutionary biologists, ethologists, and geneticists.

He also created memetics, which is largely considerd to be a meme field of study, in the ironic sense of word.

>> No.7120857

It's sounds like you're toeing the line of:
>I don't know much about science, so that means NO ONE DOES

>> No.7120866

>kid who still wants to cling to mostly assumed world view aligns himself with his projected view of le bazinga science and rails against misinterpretation of pseudo pomo philosophy: the post


>> No.7120872

>y-y0u d0nt und3r$t@nd bruh!!11
cry more

>> No.7120875

>all of science is theoretical physics

Stop memeing for two minutes and think about how dumb you seem. I sincerely hope you're not about to tell me "I have a STEM degree" after the level of retardation in your post. Shuddering to think a university would allow it to happen.

>> No.7120880

The Selfish Gene is a great popular science book though, and while not exactly original, it did shift the focus of evolutionary science in a sense that the people he references didn't.

I don't really care for anything he did after that but that books I would recommend to anybody. Very interesting.

>> No.7121049

He literally invented memes. He is a meme.


>> No.7121071


he hit the nail on the head actually

>> No.7121093
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>> No.7121111


>> No.7121113
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i fucking hate this guy

>> No.7121115

Does anyone have his tweet about fedoras?

>> No.7121123


>> No.7121124

Literally reddit the human being

>> No.7121138


>>7118827 already posted it

>> No.7121144
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>> No.7121166

He really needs to wear a seatbelt when he internets

>> No.7121169

Math is absolute.

There's no argument against 1+1=2, so there's Truth in that at least.

>> No.7121172
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ricky doesn't hide his powerlevel

>> No.7121271

>define 1+1 as 2
>act like a smug little shit when you point out that 1+1 is always 2
>Universal Truth

>> No.7121290


What are imaginary numbers?

>the current year
>being a mathematical platonist

The cake at its toppest

>> No.7121292


>> No.7121293

axioms are not truths, silly

>> No.7121317

Stirner says he owns himself and everything he uses
try again

>> No.7121635
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1429563422766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ironic for Dawkins to be ignorant about memes?

>> No.7122600


>> No.7122614

I never understood this meme, like its obviously completely wrong but people post it all the time

>> No.7122619

>invented memes

>> No.7122627

Well he discovered memes and named them, without him you wouldn't be consciously memeposting.

>> No.7122630

As >>7118163 pretty much said, all knowledge is based upon assumption, and while there can be very accurate assumptions, they cannot be objective truth. Even in Kant's statement, "But though all our knowledge begins with experience, it does not follow that it all arises out of experience," the assumption is that knowledge can't arise out of itself or out of the self.

>> No.7122642
File: 82 KB, 1200x630, Greetings-Iraqis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prove that all knowledge is based on assumption.

Not so cunningly, you've rather brushed over that.

>> No.7122656

"Euclidean Geometry". What kind of a search for truth is person-specific? Euclidean Existentialism? Euclidean Poststructuralism? What nonsense!

>> No.7122660

what does he think about jeremy corbyn

>> No.7122674

Dawkins has never been right about anything. Even his hypothesis of the selfish gene was highly criticized and is not taken seriously in the scientific community.

He's just another post-9/11 anti-theist parakeet alongside Hitchens.

>> No.7122684

Antitheist pop culture propaganda is important though. The sooner we snuff out religious thought, the sooner we can get to building utopia.

>> No.7122694

It's as important as the existence of Lil Wayne. It's pseudo-intellect to the maximum. It's trying desperately to hold weight with it's mediocre middle school arguments of "who created God, then"? versus massive amounts of theological work that still remains in the obscure.

Anyone who takes the antitheistic movement as serious intellect is indeed your nextdoor pleb.

>> No.7122708

The point is not if it's legitimate or 'intellectual'. The point is if it's effective or not. Making snarky remarks that people can smugly 'like' and laugh about how you really showed those sheeple is far more efficient than actually taking theology seriously and trying to engage with them on their own terms, by which you already acknowledge some legitimacy to their approach. Best to ridicule them outright.

Propaganda needs to speak to the common person, not some dusty priest. That's not why you are trying to convince after all.

>> No.7122715


>> No.7122745

Well, these people think that they are scientifically right and that religion is wrong, dumb and harmful.

It is, then, ironical that they need so much these snarky remarks. They are actively trying to gain this "cultural war" with rhetoric and demagogy. This is not "scientific" at all. It is the same game played since forever.

It is shame that this "science" preached by antitheist became another buzzword. This doesn't make them any better than the people they are fighting.

>> No.7122752
File: 37 KB, 738x1080, 1431323068728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even his hypothesis of the selfish gene was highly criticized and is not taken seriously in the scientific community.
this is why he went into the entertainment industry [which loves failures turning into trolls]

it is media prostitution: the more cliché he is, the more he will be talked about

>> No.7122760

>Atheists meme on how bad religion and how stupid Christianity is
>still fully comply with Christian morals and values

fucking kek

>> No.7122763


>> No.7122767

Why do you think it's bait?

Yes, it's often intellectually dishonest and not lofty and superior. But it works quite well for the masses. As I said, it's propaganda. The goal of propaganda is not to be intellectually and morally superior, it is to be effective at achieving some goal. As far as the 'cultural war' goes these antitheists are quite effective. Means to an end and such.

It's not like their opponents are above such behaviour.

>> No.7123333
File: 21 KB, 195x232, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is ugly.
I suggest it be burnt.

>> No.7123595

hey witty ur so fine, ur so fine u blow my mind

>> No.7123613

here u go, csgo lewis gets kids today
