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7112182 No.7112182 [Reply] [Original]

>Christianity thusly stands lower than Buddhism, and Buddhism stands lower than the pagan religions of the various nations — and also especially those of classical antiquity — which themselves stand lower then the religion of the future: philosophy/Overman worship.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7112190

That he was a prophet.

>> No.7112196

*unsheathes saber*
*tips pickelhaube*

>> No.7112198

That uniform looks kind of shitty tbh, did he made it himself? is he cosplaying?

>> No.7112227

>actually wields a fucking katana
Truly the edgelord's favorite philosopher

>> No.7112246

thats a cavalry sword

>> No.7112253
File: 76 KB, 518x785, 1413338324381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism is one cure for ressentiment, an obstacle to the higher, aesthetic mode of existence. Swatting gnats is exhausting, particularly if you are already exhausted. Power preservation. Aquila non captat muscas.

>> No.7112261

that he needed more fruit

>> No.7112273

Is worshiping at the Black Cock Church a form of Overman worship?

>> No.7112298

>joining the cavalry
>not the infantry
truly the pompous faggot's favorite philosopher

>> No.7112300

he didn't join the cavalry, he was just playing dress up

>> No.7112343
File: 10 KB, 300x383, che-with-cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize living in a 'slave morality' culture rather than a 'master morality' one doesn't mean much and if you can't excel in a 'slave morality' one, you wouldn't fare much better in the opposite

>> No.7112603

No. He was in the Franco-Prussian war.

>> No.7112608

He wanted us to overcome both moralities and create something new. Nietzsche despised both master and slave morality. He just wrote about the latter more.

>> No.7113789

There are many different kinds of Buddhism though, something Nietzsche didn't know much about. Mahayana and Zen basically will be the philosophy/religion of the future - it just needs to be mixed with a bit of skepticism and western philosophy and science.

>> No.7113817


It wont. I'd consider myself a buddhist but people give it too much credit. It can get just as insane as any other religion. They are still hardcore idolaters and they can get pretty nihilistic death culty at times.

How many monks voluntarily comitted suicide? Fucking alot. I saw some vid debating about if a fucking 200 year old mummy voluntarily frozen to death on a mountaintop was really dead or just in "deep mediation". Either way they are not going to risk disturbing his medition so the answer is inconclusive... fucking christ.

>> No.7113836
File: 24 KB, 400x400, smug taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Christfag's hatred for Nietzsche's philosophy just makes it stronger by the generation

>> No.7113837

Zen is mostly nonsense.

>> No.7113960
File: 163 KB, 1440x1824, 1430228673304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no mate

europeans and now the asians are hedonists, and sincerely the human nature is more hedonism than anything else

this is why it is the Vajrayana will be popular [plus the hype from the dalai lama, plus the love of the secular salvation from the europeans seeking redmeption]

Vajrayana is the best branch for the people who cannot help to identify themselves with their desires and their pleasures. For most, the differentiation à la theravada is to harsh. even the asian monks drop from theravada and go back to their hedonism.

so Vajrayana for the pleb > Mahayana for the less hedonist pleb seeking some aestheticism, theravada for the patrician

>> No.7114090
File: 34 KB, 992x744, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.7115600

>quoting icycuck

>> No.7115695

And yet each lower religion conquered the higher religion about it, ending with our pathetic last man pseudo-hedonism beating Baby Boomer Buddhism. If the only thing that matters is winning, why did everything better lose?

>> No.7117299


>> No.7118748

>human nature is more hedonism than anything
Human nature is doing whats taught to them by their society/parents/etc. The deviants are the hedonists of the society, the super rich, the poor-but ill-minded, etc. For the majority of the society, there is very little hedonism.

>Vajrayana is the best branch for the people who cannot help to identify themselves with their desires and their pleasures.
Why do you think so? The sex acts? The drinking? Do you believe everything you hear in media to be true? Learn yourself some Varjayana, or better yet, learn yourself from general Buddhism this will get you better information than what you currently seem to have. Varjayana, like all other current buddhist schools, have a monastic order and a lay order. Lay can have sex and drink, though not advised, but they don't take the precepts. All monks of all buddhist school have precepts they take, that includes no sex/drinks (excluding Japanese, which have sex/marry).

>For most, the differentiation à la theravada is to harsh. even the asian monks drop from theravada and go back to their hedonism.
Thats because in asia, there is a short term where people have to be monks in their lives.1-2 year is the general custom after that they return back to their normal things.

You act like once a person returns to being a lay, all they do is party/have sex/drink beer all the time. Thats not the case. Return to lay is normal for most monks in asia because they serve short term.

>> No.7118777

There are two Faith Ideologies; Knowledge of the Law and Submission to the Lord, In India they worship the progenitors of the dharma and in East Asia they reflect the spiritual as was directed by the dharma prophet or Buddha. In West Asia and the Old World Equator there is complete submission to a universal god, in the West and the New World there's devotion to the character of the godly hero, or the Divine Martyr, Christ.

Now you understand why different people believe in different religions in 2015.

>> No.7118821

for most people the renunciation of the identification with the perceptions is far too harsh, so it is best that they cultivate the perceptions and pleasure so intense that it breaks conceptual elaboration of subject-object.

>> No.7118839

There are varying levels of renunciation in monastic order. Its not like a novice monk is supposed to follow all the monk rules. Going to monk is like going to school for many of the asian monasteries. There are varying levels of difficulties/renunciations.

>> No.7118874

yes, but the point is not to be a monk, the purpose is to become an aharant.
There is no miracle, at some point, every body on the path must decide whether or not to give himself the means to reach the end.

>> No.7120622
