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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 220x339, Cloud_atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7110359 No.7110359 [Reply] [Original]

and let others r8 & h8

>> No.7110365

fuck gay ppl

>> No.7110371
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wew lad

>> No.7110386

Just reading this now tbh

What does /lit/ think of it? Feels under appreciated.

>> No.7110396
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Taipei by Tao Lin

>> No.7110427

b u m p

>> No.7110429

fuck off tao lin

>> No.7110512
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>> No.7110527

'Spretty good, references my local stately home.

>> No.7110542
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>> No.7110557


if that's really your favorite book of all books, you better have a damn good reason.

if it's b8, then I change my r8 to b8/10, but that's my final offer.

>> No.7110683
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Just grabbed this at the store OP, interesting so far.

>> No.7111428


>> No.7111461
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the dream songs

>> No.7111474

this guy values edginess above all else.

i believe him. it's not bait.

>> No.7112383
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>> No.7112397
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>> No.7112439
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>inb4 word salad

>> No.7112460
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>> No.7112502

Valerio Massimo Manfredi: Alexander Trilogy
the story of alexander the great

>> No.7112512
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>> No.7112518
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>> No.7112523

I'm guessing you only read the first 20 pages.

>> No.7112760
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>> No.7112940



>> No.7112941
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>> No.7112943
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>> No.7112948

This for me too. Read it six times and wrote my Graduate Thesis on it. It's left a permanent mark on my life there's no doubt.

>> No.7112971

Catch 22 was my first real lit, and it holds a special place in my heart and my sides.

>> No.7113055

I've been advertising Cloud Atlas on /lit/ for quite some time now (and mostly being shit on). Feelsgoodman. The book is pretty fucking amazing and deserves some recognition.

You oughta read pic related if you haven't done so yet. Although it's weird, I think it has in some sense a similiar essence - it is also a grand, in it's imagery almost manichean epic. The phillosophy there is much more subtle, though.

>> No.7113098

probably this but for variety's sake I'll say Midnight's Children or The Remains of the Day

>> No.7113100

Gotta give it to Gravity's Rainbow. I know it's a meme book around here to some extent, but man, that book changed my life. I'd grown up thinking reading was just homework. Whenever I had to read any fiction I just thought it was drudgery. This attitude lasted way into my high school years when if I wasn't sleeping in class, I was cutting them and hanging out in a friend's basement doing bong hits. We'd play this game where we would get really high and then make up a random scenario, like, OK, what if everything was very serious, right, like it was a serious place and time and everything was ultra serious, what if when everything was at its most serious and you expected the next moment to continue the trend of utmost seriousness, what if, at that very moment, a gorilla wearing a fez har riding a giant unicycle rode by. My friends and I would collapse into convulsions of laughter, punching each other softy and slapping our knees. "No! Stop it! Fucking stop it!" some red-faced somebody would choke out, wiping away tears. We called it this whole thing The Game. And normally we only played it while we were blazed in one of our basements, but once in a while we would play it in school. One fateful afternoon a few of us numbskulls had detention together, and so we sauntered in, high of course, and sat down to serve our time. At some point we decided to play The Game, right there in detention. The supervisor, an English teacher who was known for being kind of a hardass, was for some reason being supernice this afternoon. We occasionally got pretty loud with our laughter, but he didn't tell us to keep it down even once. He just sat there at the desk reading his newspaper, and we even a couple of times got a chuckle out of him. When there was about fifteen minutes left of our sentence, he came over and sat on a desk near us and we saw he was holding a book. "Here," he said, "I think you guys might get a kick out of this." We read the cover: Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. OK, we said, and took the book skeptically. I was the first one to read it, and my mind was blown. This guy Pynchon had been playing The Game since the early 70s. You think that since the book's about World War II that it's going to be all serious. But then you're like, wait, whaaaat? Did that guy just go down the toilet? Why is there a pie fight during the serious war? Why is there weird sex happening? Weed? This guy blew all our random scenarios out of the water. I gave it to all the other guys to read, and from that point on we pretty much stopped playing The Game entirely. We decided to leave it to the master. Pynchon, whoever you are, we salute you.

>> No.7113103
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Aw fuck, forgot pic related.

>> No.7113229


>> No.7113650

top jej

>> No.7113698
File: 202 KB, 700x938, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either three stigmata or ubik by PKD

aww yeah, 10/10

>> No.7113699

Not as good as "Naked Lunch" tbh

>> No.7113703

>implying rockets aren't sexy.
Now you aren't even trying.

>> No.7113725

This is something I came up with when I was 14, years before I ever read GR.
>I once met a giant from Venus
>Who had a rocket in place of his penis
>I said, "You'll be a terrible lay,
>'Cause your launch might delay!"
>Replied, "Fuck you 12 miles away, so it's genius."

>In the news there's a young girl from China
>With a rocket lodged in her vagina
>I called it a sin
>Since I knew it was him
>Said, "Goddamnit, one day I might find ya!"

>> No.7114414

if this isn't copypasta it should be. I've never seen Pynchon's lifeswork btfo this hard before.

>> No.7114481

People who unironically say btfo need to be sterilized.

>> No.7114497


>> No.7114506
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>muh purity of the English language

>> No.7114509
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One of the most underrated dudes out there.

>> No.7114625

it's copypasta, although the version I saw before was shorter.

degenerate pleb

>> No.7114742
File: 21 KB, 220x351, remains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any ishiguro love?

>> No.7114747

I'd like to read this again. Read it when I was 17 to look smart. Didn't understand a fucking work.

>> No.7114828

Only read Artist in a floating world. Pretty good, but I am not nearly japanese enough to understand the shame it tries to depict.

>> No.7114937

just read this not long ago. surprisingly funny, and actually made me feel feels like I haven't gotten from a book in a while.

>> No.7114961

that book was 2bong4me

>> No.7115697

Myyyyyyy nigger

>> No.7115710

It's a nice book. I enjoyed The Unconsoled too, although it was very very different.

>> No.7115729

One of my favorites is Floating World.

All you need to do is have one or two bad nights of drinking.

Read Nostromo instead. It treats a lot of the same themes much better.

Pic related is my favorite. It got me to read the rest of Orwell, which lead me to Dickens, Kipling, and Miller, which lead me out of shitty sci-fi and fantasy and into serious literature. I read it every year or so and still find it moving. I think it has as much to say about the nature of love as it does about politics, even if the politics are foregrounded.

>> No.7115736
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>> No.7115745
File: 175 KB, 401x680, siddhartha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a bit of pleb but this changed my life

>> No.7115749

This is good shit.

>> No.7116532

>enjoying white supremacist propaganda
I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.7116548

Mad enjoyable

Glad you can enjoy the classics. It's always better to read shit like this and Shakespeare outside of the classroom

Not my favorite Pynchon, but no denying it's a great, intelligent novel

About to start this. Very excited.

Ubik is some good shit. Wish it were a movie. I even read it with a cast in my mind.

>my favorite
A River Runs Through It

>close second

>> No.7117977

Bump. I'm surprised that a Cloud Atlas thread hasn't turned into an utter shitshow

>> No.7119594

I read to the lighthouse and loved it. Definitely my pick. Need to get round to Dalloway at some point.

>> No.7119700

Not sure how it will hold up as literature in years to come, but I honestly really enjoyed it. The format was fresh and I was surprised at how well he pulled it off. Interesting themes, characters, etc. etc. Thought the writing itself was really good. Probably the most fun read in recent memory, for me.

>> No.7120471
File: 7 KB, 300x440, House_of_leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, I already know /lit/ hates me.

>> No.7120667


>> No.7120675
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