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/lit/ - Literature

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7108679 No.7108679 [Reply] [Original]

when /lit/ tells me to read the Greeks, which Greeks do you mean?

>> No.7108690

Start with the sophists.

>> No.7108692

Any you fancy.

The philosophers
The ancient myths
The playwrights
The historians or the contemporary histories

>> No.7108702

Philosophers and ancient myths for me

>> No.7108705

Plato and Aristotle, as far as philosophy is concerned.

>> No.7108710
File: 178 KB, 480x726, 1435269590746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything before socrates

socrates is what destroys the philosophy

socrates is arationalist and believes in objectivity

socrates is the one responsible for all the woes in the world for 2500 years

kill socrates

>> No.7108726

Have both of their complete works
Those pictures get better and better

>> No.7108748

"Churches cannot turn away homosexuals"
What is this baloney?
No one's forcing your church to marry homosexuals. The fu–?

>> No.7108757

Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Thucydides, Sophocles, Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle

>> No.7108764

What about the Illiad and the Odyssey are philosophically important? Or are you talking about mythology?

>> No.7108767

Only the last three are philosophers.
Culturally Homer is important

>> No.7108780

What about Sophocles?
Also, why is Homer culturally important?
Not being snyde, genuinely curious

>> No.7108806
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Sophocles is a playwright.
I meant Homer (and Hesiod) is culturally important to the playwrights and even the philosophers. Plato/Socrates use them to some extent...

G-g-goodnight lit

>> No.7108815

Is there a good reading plan for Plato or Aristotle?

>> No.7108823


>> No.7108828

Follow the reading order of the Hackett edition

>> No.7108862

Not that guy, but Im glad I got that edition.

Any recommended editions of the Illiad and the Odyssey?

>> No.7108898

I enjoyed Fitzgerald's translations. Many people also recommend Lattimore.

>> No.7108902

What about Fagles?

>> No.7108903

What makes Fitzgerald's better than Lattimore's for you?

>> No.7108913

I've no idea; I've only. It's just i've heard plenty of praise for Lattimore.
I've heard he's good, but not as good as Fitzgerald and Lattimore.
Look on this site and read excerpts of each translation to see which you like: https://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/homer/homertranslations.htm

>> No.7108928
File: 86 KB, 547x840, sappho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaron Poochigian's translation of Sappho is good stuff.

>> No.7108929

The Turkish ones that we just call Greeks nowadays.

>> No.7108933

>Also, why is Homer culturally important?

Are you serious?

>> No.7108939

He more or less invented literature

>> No.7108955

>not initiate with the ionians
You ruined being right, anon.

>> No.7108957


>> No.7108968

>Also, why is Homer culturally important?

Only on /lit/ folks

>> No.7109570

Been considering getting this for a while. Might grab it soon.

>> No.7109585

>tfw started with the Stoics

Did anyone else start with one of the fringe philosophies with few surviving works or do most people go straight to Plato + Aristotle?

>> No.7110842

the apology by plato

>> No.7110870

Zoom on the Zoroastrians

>> No.7110882

>Also, why is Homer culturally important?
Were you raised in a cave in the eastern hemisphere?

>> No.7110894

start with Mary Renault

>> No.7111551

that pic is 0/10 b8

>> No.7111763

Socrates (inb4 >>Plato)

everyone else is negligible.

>> No.7112061

Heraclitus was greek blood in a colony thag oppressed brown people