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/lit/ - Literature

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7105242 No.7105242 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /lit/ I know this series is not he most literary of works or anything but for young adult fiction I think they're are fantastic, if a little repetitive if you read most the books, and was wondering what your guys all thought of it and general discussion!

>> No.7105247

I have a couple.
I liked them.
Very cozy books.
I was Saddend when I heard Brian died couple years ago.

>> No.7105252

All the descriptions of food made me obese I think.
Who wouldn't want a snack after reading a 6 page description of a strawberry cake with damsons candied chestnut and hazel cream frosting.
Fuck those peaceful Abbey dwelling rat bastards.

>> No.7105267


Badgers are op, need nerf

>> No.7105290


>> No.7105393

The man could certainly describe his food and his scenery descriptions were always a delight to read as well.

I did have one small problem with them however, mostly having to do with the Outcast of Redwall book since

At first they showed the vermin to just a little misunderstood and that he was trying to live with those in the abbey, but then they were all genuinely awful to him. I know he does a heroic sacrifice at the end but still. It was part of his sort of black and white morality system that was bothersome to me.

>> No.7105419

>hi my name is op
>i sa this book in the scifi general and decided to make a thread just for it
>that is all

>> No.7106272

Yeah, I feel that is the biggest sin of the series is the very cut and dry morality of the world.

>> No.7107992

I liked them when I was in 5th grade but adults who read them on their own are generally furries.

>> No.7108010
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>> No.7108017
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>bothered by black and white morality
>in a book by a Christfag
What did you expect?

>> No.7108319

Scfi and fantasy general, are you that new?
Did I have to type all of that out?

>> No.7108327


My problem isn't even so much that it's black and white so much as it's racial.

I mean, you're telling me that literally NO mice are evil and NO rats are good?

>> No.7108343

Not surprised by it, just pointing it out a strike against it.

I have to agree, if it wasn't so racially biased I think it would be much better, yeah have most mice be good, most rats be bad, that's fine, but a little bit of flex here and there would've be very nice to see. Over all I'm still a very big fan of the series and had a blast reading them growing up.

>> No.7108818

Oh man, do these hold up? I enjoy re-reading childhood favorites, because sometimes they wind up surprising me, and I can appreciate them even more as an adult. Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L'Engle and Diana Wynne Jones - these are good writers. But, I also re-read some Garth Nix, and found out that he's pretty much just a K-Mart Neil Gaiman - skilled, but nowhere near as edgy as I thought he was growing up.

I had heard that the Redwall books are all basically the same shit over and over, but I'd be happy to hear otherwise. Mossflower blew my dick off in the second grade.

"I am That Is" tho... I can't imagine that kind of shit working on me now. I'm already blushing.

>> No.7108872

I've re read a few of em after growing up, and they are a good bit campy. There's stupid silly shit that was astounding as a teenager and now just make me chuckle at how corny some of it is. But the world itself and the characters are all still a good bit of fun for just a light read, near the end of the series it gets noticeably repetitive in some areas, a lot of similar puzzles and stuff. The books arent great works of fiction that will change the way you think about the world but they are great young adult fantasy with some really fun characters and adventures.

>> No.7109232

Just a reminder they tried adapting the books into a TV series.
