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File: 14 KB, 220x328, 220px-Jeremy_Corbyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7105125 No.7105125 [Reply] [Original]

This man... In my country he is everything.

>> No.7105128

Any tips for who he is going to pick as Shadow Chancellor?

Any recommendations interesting UK politics books?

>> No.7105147



>> No.7105150

What does based actually mean?

>> No.7105161

Damn these mixed feelings. On the one hand it's about time Labour actually stood up for some of the values and people it's supposed to represent and stopped being a slightly softened variant of Thatcherism.

On the other hand, there was a reason Labour went so far to the right, and I suspect it's that the British public is rightwing as hell. Which means Tories from here on.

>> No.7105162

time to embrace the abyss i guess
this country can go to hell tbh


>> No.7105164

But did he read Marx?

>> No.7105166
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Fuck off /leftypol/

>> No.7105173

he said he's read some marx but not much. i'd expect miliband to have been much more conversant with marxism tbh


>> No.7105175

I guess the good news is that a few decades of the Tories' neo-Victorian policies should produce a sufficiently large and impoverished underclass to either vote Labour in or put heads on spikes.

>> No.7105177

i expect the whole country is going to look a lot more like london

>> No.7105187

>put heads on spike

Ian Bone and Class War would finally get their chance at leading a revolution then lol

>> No.7105210
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5 years of big lad Dave and no class consciousness lad, i'm loving it. I wouldn't get your hopes up there Jez.

>> No.7105212

brits don't deserve class consciousness. they deserve to be fed into the meat machine of capitalism at full blast

>> No.7105213

Corbyn is so based.

>> No.7105239

The UK is the country in Europe with the strongest class consciousness, it is just that it is the upper class hating on the lower classes, the middle class wanting to be the upper class while hating on the lower class and the lower class being numb and self-loathing.

>> No.7105265

running dogs to the gulag NOW

>> No.7105274

What the fuck does UKIP getting 12% of the vote mean? Dumb cunt

>> No.7105314


>everything left of fascism is a conspiracy by da joos

>> No.7105317


>> No.7105325
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>> No.7105329

Someone who recognises that we are bipedal organisms, constrained to a rock via a spooky force known as gravity.

>> No.7105331

JC our lord and saviour

>> No.7105334

gravity isn't spooky
It still effects you even if you don't believe in it.

And Based actually is an old insult, meaning something was "base" or rough, unformed etc.

Then Lil B called himself the based god, i.e. a rough version of god.

Then internet idiots didn't know what it meant and it became a meme.

>> No.7105335

In comes Corbachev to issue a new era of Jerestroika.

>> No.7105336

Oh god.

>same generic capitalist ridden high street in every part of the country
>gentrified housing starting at £800k
>muh gastro pubs/artisan coffee shops
>everywhere looks the same

We are becoming americanised tbh

>> No.7105339

Prescriptive, let me introduce you to Descriptive language.

>> No.7105344

>It still effects you even if you don't believe in it
Nah m8, if you lose faith in Gravity you can transcend it and float away into the void

I always assumed another definition of based was that someone was down to earth, as in they had a basis.

>> No.7105351

>gastro pubs
fucking chips in a bucket m8 FUCKING CHIPS IN A BUCKET

>> No.7105352
File: 77 KB, 343x467, Stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Generally speaking, it must be said that of all the ruling classes, the ruling classes of England, both the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie, proved to be the cleverest, most flexible from the point of view of their class interests, from the point of view of maintaining their power.

>> No.7105360
File: 993 KB, 1023x877, Screen Shot 2015-09-12 at 12.51.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen this twitter

>> No.7105366

only £10 m8 truss me fam the best chunky chips u can buy tbh and you can have a bottle of beer with that for only £6!!!

>> No.7105369

top kek


>> No.7105374

Where's this from?

>> No.7105380


It's from one of his speeches

>> No.7105381

A WWII cemetery? You're weird.

>> No.7105384

An interview Stalin did with H.G. Wells in 1934. Quite interesting actually.


>> No.7105386

6 fucking quid for a beer
I'm triggered.

>> No.7105397

It's a British anarchist poster from the '80s.

>> No.7105398

And that's the standard price. I've ordered a bottle in central before, handed over a tenner, no change returned.

Would rather get a 3L bottle of frosty jacks from the corner shop and sit in a park tbh

>> No.7105402

>donald trump

It's scary how Americans will vote for him for being entertaining.... DFW was right

>> No.7105427
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I'm excited to see what reactionary articles the right-wing media will run

>> No.7105493

long live socialism

>> No.7105517

Why are proletarians so willing to bite the hand that feeds them?

>> No.7105523

I read this blogpost recently, it really makes a good point about how Trump and Corbyn have a lot in common.


>> No.7105532

you mean the the hand that only feeds the scraps

>> No.7105536

that blogpost is reaching at best.
load of bollocks.

>> No.7105540

Scraps is what you get. Once you go full Robin Hood and kill the golden goose, you won't even have that.
Always remember: wealth is created, NOT distributed.

>> No.7105542

At this stage half of the phrase 'right-wing media' is redundant. Even the Guardian hates Corbyn.

>> No.7105549

Except nobody is advocating for going full Robin Hood. And the proverbial Golden Goose is just a place holder.

>> No.7105556

>Even the Guardian hates Corbyn
No they don't, they just wanted Yvette to win.

>> No.7105591
File: 1.26 MB, 2048x1536, v218-Jeremy-Corbyn-Get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is for you, comrades

>> No.7105617

where can i cop that cardy?

>> No.7105629

thank :3

>> No.7105637

Wealth is both created and distributed. Largely upwards, at the moment.

>> No.7105641

I know that feel. Given how easy it is to leave the country, it's a wonder there are any young people left in England at all. The country is basically eating its young.

>> No.7105773

what the hell are you on about apart from that last sentence?

>> No.7105785

You fuckers have been dreaming about revolution for 150 years and it still hasn't happened and it never will
It's the left's version of the zombie apocalypse

>> No.7105790

>The UK is the country in Europe with the strongest class consciousness
>upper, middle, lower class
I hope you're not from the UK cause it's certainly not helping your claim

>> No.7105800

what you quoted is common knowledge, I've never read good insights by Stalin that weren't already articulated years before by others.

>> No.7105826

It's very easy to leave England. Why incur huge debts to study at a British university when there are plenty of free or very cheap European ones? Why spend most of your daily hours working just to funnel money into a landlord's pocket, when you could be actually making money, having fun and learning things in another country?

>> No.7105946


tbh the guardian has become a bastion of the psuedo-left

they slander left-wing countries like ecuador and venezuela because they harbor assange or because they arn't pro-US enough and they feature stuff all the time that calls for regime change in syria

>> No.7105957
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>> No.7105970


>> No.7105985

Like the very sly remarks concerning transition theory. Though Corbyn mentions the transition into capitalism as the most interesting aspect of Marx, it's clear enough that he's probably been doing quite a bit of thinking regarding what that might portend for a transition away from capitalism.

Corbyn starts at the right place: recapturing the commons.

>> No.7106009

but then again the main parties have been known to deviate from their core ideologies - Labour in particular. That's just something to consider, I'm not putting forth an argument though.

>> No.7106032

I see what you mean. I wouldn't say that they were psuedo-left though but more centre-left, I haven't fully developed my thoughts on their politics tbh, my interest in politics is relatively premature. That being said some articles do make my eyes roll into the back of my head.

>> No.7106048
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>Why yes I believe in socialism

>> No.7106051

so many corbynLADs on twitter now. ugh. think i'll support tories from now

>> No.7106059

You'll come crawling back when you've had enough of the #Torybantz.

>> No.7106268


>> No.7106281

>on twitter now. ugh.
what are you doing

>> No.7106282

zizek really lost some weight

>> No.7106327

The Guardian is basically just a SDP front that transformed into this strange, chattering neoliberal platform at some point in the past few decades.

It is populated by, as the cliché goes, Oxbridge graduates who jumped into journalism, who like the emotive 'feel-good' buzz that comes from pseudo-leftist positions and the sense of self-righteousness borne from constantly harping on about identity politics and fourth wave feminism. They are bien pensant to their very core, and what is more disgusting than their charlatanism is the sheer lack of awareness of being bien pensant.

Meanwhile, as anyone who looks inside the bonnet will notice, it's owned by Scott Trust Ltd - essentially just a media conglomerate of ex-bankers, corporatists and hyper-rich individuals who literally represent the antithesis of what the 'common' editorial position of the Guardian is reckoned to be.

Their support of the Lib Dems and their pretty disgraceful coverage of Corbyn is indicative of their true leanings as a publication. They epitomise, in my view, everything that is wrong with the British Left these days

>> No.7106509

Well said. I've started reading the Indy, but their website is shite.

>> No.7106536

The indy is worse lad. Get adblocker and browse a range of shitty British rags like the Guardian, Independent and the Telegraph to get the general gist of things but if you want actually want some substance then read LRB, Granta, N+1, Dissent and etc.

>> No.7106552

it means 'i hope reality itself gets cancer'

>> No.7106554

brap brap brap, LRB. Too bad I'm skint most of the time and I have to borrow second-hand copies from the library.

>> No.7106582

Charity shops (depending on where you live) can be your savior, my local Oxfam bookstore was selling Granta's from the past year for £2 a pop

>> No.7106605

>moaning about '4th wave' feminism
>using the phrase 'bien pensant' twice in one sentence


>> No.7106658

>Always remember: wealth is created

By workers and researchers, not by "managers" who use their power to misappropriate the fruits of productive labor to themselves.

>> No.7106688


>> No.7106694

Get rid of managers, see what happens.
Hell, there are already worker-owned cooperatives. Some of them are successful, and good for them, but most of them fail to rise to a level that is able to compete with large corporations. Maybe entrepreneurs and investors aren't so parasitic after all!

I swear to God, if schools taught economics properly there wouldn't be so many fucking leftists in this world. I live in a post-commie country and trust me, you people wouldn't want to live in those times.

>> No.7106703

I bet you can't name me one fucking successful country with lefty policies.

>> No.7106708

Define "success".

>> No.7106720

Because it's harder for a group of workers to obtain large sums of money to invest. Instead the government could give workers associations grants to start up worker-owned businesses. This could exist in a market based system. And individual entrepreneurs could still try to solicit funds from private investors.

>> No.7106742 [DELETED] 

Not Degenerate
Economically succesful
Keeps it's tradition
Isn't infested by jews

>> No.7106792

Democratic Kampuchea.

>> No.7106796

Could you name a country that applies to? Political orientation doesn't matter.

>> No.7106801


slate star codex is famous for really long, intelligent-sounding posts that are really good at disguising that they're pretty much all opinion.

>> No.7106813


ayyyy LRB lads

>> No.7106818


>> No.7106824

>that are really good at disguising that they're pretty much all opinion.
I don't feel like its a disguise at all. Scott is pretty straight forward that "this is what I think".

>> No.7106843

must lurk in more Islington charity shops

>> No.7106846 [DELETED] 

So is this entire board actually full of filthy commies or are you guys just pretending to be retarded.

I don't like this meme very much.

>> No.7106855

Have you got any points at all? Or are you just going to shitpost?

>> No.7106858

All of the people who went to 8gag and promised to never ever return have somehow found their way back.

>> No.7106903

in the key the conservative/liberal circle is blue-yellow, but in the times column its yellow-blue. m-m-m-muh autism!

>> No.7106920

You don't think that one didn't put forward any arguments at all?

>> No.7106931

>anyone on 4chan who doesn't blindly support the right wing just because they hate immigrants must be memeing

there's a board for you

>> No.7106938

Shit, imagine meeting one of you lot on the streets

>> No.7106945

Don't forget, for anyone out there who's interested, Jacobin and the NYRB.

>> No.7106946

Why is there a thread about Corbyn on /lit/? Does thsi mean I can make a thread about Bernie Sanders?

>> No.7107115

Who said it was mandatory to support the right wing?

I just want to know why there are so many people rubbing their dicks against the left pole in this thread (and board in general).

>> No.7107191

In not so many words, you did.

>> No.7107220

no, because mods are stupid americans who think corbyn is a writer or something

>> No.7107237
File: 3.01 MB, 294x238, 1440211070827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw even the most vocal super-wealthy advocate for socialist or social-democratic policies
>mfw the only people who advocate for 'free-market'ism are disgruntled economics and STEM majors who realized that those kinds of degrees are no guarantee for any kind of job in a globalized economy where their labor can just be got cheaper from elsewhere
>mfw the super wealthy are beginning to turn on the other super wealthy in manners that, far from being competitive or integrationary, are leading to what could only be described as out and out war for Capital

Nigga you don't have to be poor, a socialist or even a leftist to see that globalist capitalism is negative.

>> No.7107246

The roots of capitalism are in the desire of people to make their lives easier.
Capital is given to individuals who want to benfit themselves by supplying people with what they might want.
If they succeed in finding what the people awnt and fullfilling that need they gain more worth that allows them more luxuries and an easier living.
Eventually we get big companies and unifications for the production and dispersion of high cost products.
Such companies fuel and create new desires for them to fullfil.
If you can come up with a reason for why someone would decide to spend time from his life creating a dishwasher that is not material gain you will have overcome capitalism.
Unfortunately no automation or technological advance will make capitalsim absolete since ease of living and quality of life is always relative.
Even if overcome natural death and manual labour there will be further qualtiy of life goals and nessecities that would require relativly unwelcome effort for which one would need some sort of material remuneration.

The only way out of this is though some drastic paradigm shift in culture and philosophy and in general in how we view humans and society.

>> No.7107253
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He's the only chance this country has from staving off doom. If the electorate does not make him PM, they can burn as far as I'm concerned.

To have that opportunity and squander it...

>> No.7107256
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>> No.7107264

what ring-wing media? The spectator? The economist?

>> No.7107271
File: 206 KB, 500x326, Blighters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Them and the Mail and the Telegraph and the Standard and the Express and Sky and the Times and Sunday Times, and on particularly bad days, the BBC. Shall I go on?

>> No.7107302

>The roots of capitalism are in the desire of people to make their lives easier.
..by having other people do things for them.

>> No.7107305
File: 1.83 MB, 320x190, Altruism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-but muh enterprise and self-made man!

>> No.7107312
File: 46 KB, 1200x774, tsipras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoop de fucking do.
Everybody jump on collaboration train.
You fuckers learn nothing.

>> No.7107344

If inheritance didn't taint the whole thing and we really were made to order, Horatio Alger wouldn't be so far off, but there is no point in crying over spilt milk. Nobody is self-made when they are prey for their parents.

Which is why actual communist will absolutely not back down from the ruthless crushing of the family unit and patriarchy as it is the basis for Locke's natural law and Liberal Dogma.

Unlike all these little Orwellite peckers who bitch about the condition of "middle class families" and other shit. Fucking pseuds. A few of them even have the gall to call themselves Marxists.

>> No.7107379

>The economist
About as central as you come mate. Pretty much Lib Dems without the poor rep: the paper

Oh and also all of >>7107302

>> No.7107389
File: 15 KB, 207x191, MuhSensibilities.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying lib dems and economist aren't right wing

>> No.7107452

The Mail went apoplectic within minutes of his win. It was balls to the wall venom and will be for weeks. UK politics just got really interesting.

>> No.7107453

the electorate is so fucking stoopid, if Newsnight's interviews with the public during the Labour leader electio is any indication that is.

>> No.7107456

that sounds delicious

>> No.7107471
File: 913 KB, 1094x731, dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We may find this sort of thing funny but, depressingly, the absolute nonsense these papers churn out will actually make an impact on people's voting intentions.

The relatively mild abuse poor Ed received in the tabloids destroyed his chances of premiership. Now consider this: before Corbyn even became leader of the Opposition, the Mail was threatening civil war.

I trust you've seen the Eye's recent comparison of what Corbyn actually said versus the newspaper's headlines? These right-wing journos have no shame.

>> No.7107498

>british journalism

>> No.7107637

lrb is good but just ignore zizek articles. chomsky says that the reads the ft (capitalists don't lie to other capitalists)

>> No.7107648

the economist is oxbridge feel-good liberalism. everything would be a little better if they were markets. they never make a critique that is not this

>> No.7107871

I can't believe people think like this lmao

>> No.7107881

it's true. living standards in the developed world have been going down since the turn to neoliberalism and it's about to accelerate at quite a pace once the next global recession hits. unemployment and crime are going to be increasing significantly over the next couple decades and social mobility will be near nonexistent. we're already almost there. the only way out is socialism. it just depends on how long it takes people to realize this.

>> No.7107882

This man is an economically, culturally and philosophically illiterate cunt without an ounce of respect from people outside of the student bubble.

You do realise that above all else "m-muh Murdoch" would've wanted this win, right? It puts your vilified Conservatives in power for the next ten years.

>> No.7107888

there is no way out tbh

we're all doomed

>> No.7107892

Capitalism is the ladder, socialism is creating a society of seabed snails who do nothing but 'exist'. As if 'existing' itself is good enough.

Anyone with a brain is anti-socialist you moron. It's a money burner and provides incentive for lazy immigrants and the like.

>> No.7107897

>everything right of communism is a conspiracy by the capitalists

>> No.7107902

This board mostly defines itself in opposition to all the other boards
It's a sort of cultural cringe
None of them can argue for the economic side of things
He literally believes in printing money you spastic
The Nouvelle Droite has become a more credible revolutionary force than any 'movement' on the left

>> No.7107906

Jesus Christ this fucking thread is insane. I now understand why everyone constantly ascribes pseudo-intellectualism to people on /lit/. You think reading about Marx gives you an enlightened perspective on politics and economics.

>> No.7107909

>He literally believes in printing money you spastic
Learn about sovereign currency.

>> No.7107914

What does that post have to do with Marx? It is simple observation of the direction in which the developed economies are going. The coming decades will have mass unemployment, high crime, very low social mobility and degraded social services if we keep on this trajectory, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. The only way to prevent the developed economies (especially the US and the UK) from becoming Brazil-tier countries of gated communities and massive slums is socialism.

>> No.7107926

you failed to mention where that extra cash would be allocated to. It has been stated how QE would be used.

>> No.7107931



>> No.7107937

Fuck off Matthew.

>> No.7107954

That's the funniest part, he's calling it "the people's quantitative easing"
It doesn't matter where he's allocating it you stupid fuck it's still an unsound policy

>> No.7107964

No it's not.

Read this

>> No.7107974


also read this

>> No.7107996

Really opened my eyes about the public image of politicians

>> No.7108020

Address the point directly and in your own words

>> No.7108031

I could but it's a complicated question and a full explanation would require tons of writing, and if more qualified people than me have already done so why wouldn't I link them?

In short, Corbyn's policy is good because unlike something like the Euro, the pound is a sovereign currency and thus the UK's government has no constraints on issuing pounds. The UK can spend as much as it wants, its only constraint is inflation. New money spent that goes to creating new goods and services that would not be otherwise demanded will not lead to runaway inflation, and given the UK's low productivity despite being a wealth, developed country and level of underemployment, it has enough fallow productive capacity that it should be able to meet the increases in spending with increases in real output.

>> No.7108086

Except Corbyn is actually a socialist who is interested in enacting material moves towards socialism.

Tsipras and Syriza were first and foremost only attempts at anti-austerity. Nothing more.

>> No.7108104

But it will lead to demand push inflation
Also revenue is most certainly a constraint

>> No.7108114

>But it will lead to demand push inflation

Not if production can meet demand.

>> No.7108122


Oh my. After spending a few days browsing /pol/ I came to the conclusion its probably one of the dumbest boards on 4chan.

>> No.7108129

Wrong on both counts. Inflation only becomes an at capacity; revenue matters not a jot when doing QE.

>> No.7108142

There isnt the proper philosophical background today to allow one to succeed in such an endevour, and even if I am wrong and such a basis already exists then this guy definitely does not know about it.

>> No.7108164

What's it like to live in the england

>> No.7108180

Its alright really. Great countryside, good pub culture, ridiculously good history, always something interesting to do, and the people are really understated. I like being British a lot of the time.

>> No.7108196

But we're talking PQE not QE

>> No.7108205

>'good' pub culture
>always something interesting to do
l m a o

>> No.7108214

Irrelevant distinction.

>> No.7108228

>he doesn't think England has a good pub culture
uh, what?

>> No.7108238

Leftists are cucks

>> No.7108250

But those blog posts said the distinction was important
If you're talking actual QE then it will necessarily lead to inflation eventually

>> No.7108264

cons have guaranteed majority every election until he's gone

wew lads

>> No.7108274

labour will win in 2020. the next global recession that happens in the interim will help them when the conservatives do nothing to fix the massive unemployment.

>> No.7108281

Labour will not win in 2020
Europe is moving further and further to the right

>> No.7108288

It's irrelevant to your point about revenue.


Key word. The question is how much QE is required, and when to stop. Neither inflation nor low productivity are desirable.

>> No.7108293

do you live in holes in the ground like hobbits? i think that sounds incredibly cozy

>> No.7108300

I live in a 1960s commieblock, and I still live a ten minute walk from a castle.

>> No.7108302

>fascism not being leftist

>> No.7108365

Anyone else feel like the UK is a decaying carcass at this point?

>> No.7108411

Not really. Have you been diagnosed with depression?

>> No.7108421

all i can say is 'read sam kriss'


>> No.7108433

Everyone feels that way about the West in general

>> No.7108440

and everyone always has done, we've always been a few years from collapsing

>> No.7108473


then where's the innovation? China? Russia? Nope. The west is still where the ideas are.

>> No.7108513

As an American, it's sad to see the austerity-pushing, anti-Europe Tories basically get handed the 2020 election with Corbyn's ascension. Labour lost because the last election because they were too left wing so they respond by becoming even more left wing?

At some point, you have to move more to the center in order to win an election so you can prevent further austerity measures. It's about being a pragmatic reformer, not an outraged idealist. That's what Blair understood, even though Labour seems to hate him now after disastrously winning three elections.

Don't you want to win an election? Conservatives are celebrating Corbyn being elected opposition leader.

>> No.7108515


>> No.7108534

normal teemage/ya thoughts, nothing to worry about. Nest leaving processes in your mind are making the home seem less welcome.

>> No.7108637
File: 131 KB, 640x640, goalllls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti Europe Tories

Don't talk about stuff you don't understand you mong

>> No.7108644

tfw people I know from twitter are getting linked to on /lit/

>> No.7108663

They were going to win anyway, does anyone actually think andy liverpool, mini cooper or mrs blair stood a chance either?

>> No.7108691

Innovation doesn't need to exist
Chinese hegemony will make the world want the West back

>> No.7108844

Corbyn believes in homeopathy and thinks it should be publicly funded LMFAO

>> No.7108961

Sam Kriss is good

>> No.7108993

>Sent from my iPhone.

>> No.7109004

Your point is nothing more than naive revisionism tbh.

>> No.7109009

Damn, really? This damages him in my eyes far more than anything so far flung his way.

>> No.7109046

not true. he says that there's no harm in it being available on the nhs if there's placebo effects.

he's not a homeopathy crusader

don't believe the lies

>> No.7109050

He misused the word "isomorphic" once so I'm never going to take him seriously again.

>> No.7109067

You can like him for whatever reasons you want, but Corbyn specifically took political action in support of quack medicine. It's honestly kind of sad the lengths people will go to defend the stupid shit their favorite politicians do

>> No.7109072


They are disgusting democratic trash, they aren't even close to being right-wing.

>> No.7109085
File: 193 KB, 332x356, le reactionary face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello #nrx

>> No.7109104

God damn it, why are /lit/ mods such a bunch of faggot leftists?

If I made a thread about Nigel Farage, it would get deleted in under 5 minutes and I would get banned.

But this is perfectly a-ok because it's a thread about a fucking commie.

/lit/ is a joke

>> No.7109107

That's enough for you to write someone off?

>> No.7109111

i'm guessing he's joking

actually this is 4chan where autists reside so maybe he's not

>> No.7109112

Identity politics my friend. You can imagine what would go down in a pro-Farage thread.

>> No.7109114

you have the entire website to yourself. begrudge us not our inconsequential leftist outpost

>> No.7109115

culture in its traditional form is being abolished

>> No.7109121

Mods are sitewide. You just didn't report the thread with enough proxies

>> No.7109123

Indeed, and I even unfollowed him on Twitter because of that.

>> No.7109124

I never report threads. I'm not a butthurt leftist tumblrina

>> No.7109131

Well, I reported it for you since it's making you butthurt anyway, and you're unwilling to swallow your pride and report it yourself.

>> No.7109132

It's not about swallowing pride, it's about believing in free speech.

I'm not wishing for future leftist threads to be deleted, I'm wishing for future right-wing threads NOT to be deleted

>> No.7109136

pretty sure loads of right-wing natured threads have not been deleted. You sure you're not experiencing confirmation bias? It happens to the best of us from time to time.

>> No.7109137

But why should we be talking about politicians on the literature board? This board should be for talking about poetry, and nothing else.

>> No.7109142

In these cases if the conversation is worth having and people seem to be taking a keen interest in discussing the politics of x, in the environment /lit/, provides then why not?

>> No.7109143

>pretty sure loads of right-wing natured threads have not been deleted.
Pretty sure you haven't been here very long.

Because politics and literature are intrinsically linked. Banning politics from literature discussion is akin to banning instruments from a music concert.

>> No.7109145

Come on now, don't go resorting to assuming anything on anybody's part.

>> No.7109147

They totally have. Not sure about recently, but I've been in plenty of threads which got deleted while I was in the middle of arguing against /pol/.

>> No.7109148

Tell me what this thread has to do with the politics of poetry, then, and please try not to use any retarded mental gymnastics in doing so.

>> No.7109149

All right. I suggest you create a similar thread to this one about Orban or some other right wing person and see how long it lasts...

Literature is not limited to poetry, y'know.

>> No.7109150

>mental gymnastics

>> No.7109155

>Literature is not limited to poetry, y'know.
It totally is. The quality of a literary work is judged by how well it functions as a poem.

>> No.7109156


>> No.7109159

Deal. When/if I come up with something interesting to say from a right-wing perspective I will make one. But the possible flaw in that would be that my query will not come from a genuine place.

>> No.7109161

D'aww now don't go letting up that quickly.

>> No.7109164
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How the heck would you transcribe Marx into a poem? Or is Marx not literature?

All righty. Just to warn you, I once got banned for making a slightly provocative thread against leftism (pic related)

>> No.7109169

You can talk about Marx on /pol/ or the nonexistent /phil/

>> No.7109170


>> No.7109175

>or the nonexistent /phil/
What's the point of creating a million boards for every niche? Philosophy falls under literature, it makes sense to discuss it here. So does history, and whether you like or not, politics.

>> No.7109176

I reported this thread so hopefully it gets deleted and OP banned for 24 whole hours

>> No.7109178

Politics isn't inherently literary, and this thread is a testament to that. I dont' think Corbyn's even published any books

>> No.7109180

>Politics isn't inherently literary, and this thread is a testament to that.
Sure, but discussing political works of literature on this board makes sense.

This thread is shit, I agree. The only reason it's still up is because /lit/ mods are leftists.

>> No.7109187

Should we be allowed to discuss mathematical literature here because math is done on paper and in books? Should we be allowed to talk about science because scientific papers exist? Should we be allowed to talk about cars, music, food, anime, movies, video games, the outdoors, cosplay, hentai, sexy beautiful women, weapons, high resolution images, etc, because there are books about all of those thigns?

>> No.7109195

No, those already have their own dedicated boards.

Stop being obtuse.

>> No.7109204

For what it's worth, politics falls into the category of the humanities/social sciences, where literature also resides.

>> No.7109264
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>capitalists aren't right wing
>all democrats are far from being right wing

Good God man, what have you been drinking?


Led a sheltered life, Anon?

>> No.7109383

Those chumps rustled my fucking jimmies.

>> No.7109471

if only politics had their own dedicated board

>> No.7109490


>> No.7109638

/lit/ should just be 4chan's board for relatively intelligent discussion, generally anchored by literature discussion.

>> No.7109662

404 get

>> No.7109696

they typify the xfactor/sun hazed infantilism of modern british adults.

>> No.7109702

Angela Eagle if he's prudent.

John McDonnell is he wants to go full socialist.

>> No.7110026

see u at the fuck parade m8

>> No.7110126

Quite nice really.

>> No.7110141
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I'm just pleased there's a guarentees Tory government for the next 5 years

>> No.7110156

>socialism is creating a society of seabed snails who do nothing but 'exist'

Existence being whatever they want to make of it for themselves.

Hard for you to imagine the full horror of that, I know.

>> No.7110286

/pol is a sewer, a cancer.

>> No.7110316

Humans are creatures of practice. To truly be alive consists in creative interaction with one another and enterprises. Capitalism creates empty shells that are forced to live by routine and rote—that is mere "existing" in the bad sense, the sense you were using it.

>> No.7110352

You mean the next 10 years. There was already one for the next 5 years, what with the election and all.

>> No.7110493

/pol/ is the greatest board on 4chan

>> No.7110525
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>Forgive me, for during a brief daring sojourn in very infected territory I, too, did not altogether escape this disease and began like everyone else to develop notions about matters that are none of my business: the first sign of the political infection.

>> No.7110563


Oh fuck, I didn't even think of that.

Oh shit I'm rock-hard.

>> No.7110590

after the next recession and when you have 30% unemployment like the US, the voters will just vote in the opposition, especially since corbyn will probably be running on employment stimulating fiscal policy.

>> No.7110592
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Here you see the spaz (Latin: spaza) in its natural habitat. We've been advised against getting too close this particular creature given its propensity to fling shit at unassuming passersby.

Hm, quite fascinating.

>> No.7110602
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Face it, he's the right man for the job.

>> No.7110612


My god, Cooper looks like ET.

>> No.7110645

And here I was thinking conservatives could only achieve erection by killing off disabled people

>> No.7110666

your mom gives me erections m8

>> No.7110676

Oh look. Dave himself has arrived

>> No.7110690
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Do you think he's using a dongle or has wi-fi at the Tuscan villa?

>> No.7110733
File: 15 KB, 252x300, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>witness the ever madder howling of the "conservative" dogs who are baring their fangs more and more obviously and roam through the alleys of western governments. They seem opposites of the peacefully industrious "liberals" and ideologists of redistribution, and even more so of the doltish philosophasters and brotherhood enthusiasts who call themselves socialists and want a “free society;” ..and even of conspiratorial anti-Semitic screamers... but in fact they are at one with the lot in their thorough and instinctive hostility to every other form of society except that of the autonomous herd (even to the point of repudiating the very concepts of “master” and “servant”—ni dieu ni maître runs a socialist formula). They are at one in their tough resistance to every special claim, every special right and privilege (which means in the last analysis, every right: for once all are equal nobody needs “rights” any more). They are at one in their mistrust of punitive justice (as if it were a violation of those who are weaker, a wrong against the necessary consequence of all previous society). But they are also at one in the religion of pity, in feeling with all who feel, live, and suffer (down to the animal, up to “God”—the excess of a “pity with God” belongs in a democratic age). They are at one, the lot of them, in the cry and the impatience of pity, in their deadly hatred of suffering generally, in their almost feminine inability to remain spectators, to let someone suffer. They are at one in their involuntary plunge into gloom and unmanly tenderness under whose spell the west seems threatened by a new Buddhism. They are at one in their faith in the morality of shared pity, as if that were morality in itself, being the height, the attained height of man, the sole hope of the future, the consolation of present man, the great absolution from all former guilt. They are at one, the lot of them, in their faith in the community as the savior, in short, in the herd, in “themselves”—

>> No.7110788


You've picked a good way of sounding both pseudo-intellectual, and like a complete autistic fucktard.

10/10, congrats, here's your certificate to prove you're a failed abortion.

>> No.7110825
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>every childish insult in the book

Too cliched and somewhat boring.

Face it, your parents and school let you down.

>> No.7110908

Oh but you're mistaken my good friend. There's a crisis in Northern Ireland right now so clearly it's time to be watching a few games of cricket in "everyone here hates everyone" land

>> No.7111058

4chan has nothing other than dumb boards

>> No.7111166

IDK what country you live in OP but in my country (the UK) he is the undertaker of the Labour Party

>> No.7111170

Corbyn just killed the Labour Party.

>> No.7111206
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>> No.7111218
File: 155 KB, 1368x768, Screenshot from 2015-09-13 23:30:36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you implying

>> No.7111343

9 members of the Shadow Cabinet resigned in protest. Nine of the most important members of the party, representing the official opposition, never mind those who openly opposed Corbyn before the vote, like Danczuk, and who're openly working to rebel.

And before even talking about his track record, from trying to pull apart the Labour party in the 80's by rebelling at every opportunity (voted against his party more often than Cameron has, and a known rabble rouser), or the opinions and company he keeps in Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRA, he's the unelectable crisis that the Conservatives were waiting for.

>> No.7111380
File: 404 KB, 2000x1000, AreBoris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying this country is somehow wonderful right now
>implying Corbyn is the anti-Christ

So, you're one of the unthinking cretins we were discussing earlier in the thread? Parroting whatever the tabloid headlines say?

This country's doomed because of drones like you, not because there's a few people who support much-needed change in industry, education and foreign policy like Corbyn.

>> No.7111452

up the ra

irish lit > brit shit lit

>> No.7111469

They're replacable. His breaks with the party seem to have been reasonable ones though such as voting against the iraq war, increased data surveillance, allowing ministers to intervene in inquests and for greater transparency in parliament. I'm not sure the deal about him being in bed with all thess organisations really rings too true either. It just seems to me like he's a man who doesn't revel too much in conflict in these situations and prefers to approach things diplomatically

>> No.7111545

>Nine of the most important members of the party

I don't think a motley crew of spads and PR specialists are contenders for the label of "most important members of the party".

>representing the official opposition

None of them voted against the Welfare Bill. How the fuck can labour even be given the dignified laurel of Her Majesty's Opposition if it cannot oppose complete subversion of social security that the Labour party historically founded?

>And before even talking about his track record, from trying to pull apart the Labour party in the 80's by rebelling at every opportunity (voted against his party more often than Cameron has, and a known rabble rouser)

wew lad, it's as if you want constant neocon adventures in the ME, constant government surveillance, complete parliamentary opaqueness and corruption, and general social degradation - all of which Corbyn voted against.

>or the opinions and company he keeps in Hamas, Hezbollah and the IRA

Yeah, and he's a raving anti-Semite as well. Nice MSM hatchet jobs you got in your inventory there. If Orwellian accusations that vague association with questionable individuals and organisations is tantamount to treason, then you might as well incarcerate the entire political apparatus.

Because of course, it's fine if Blair talks to Sinn Féin in peace accords after decades of marginalising them, and it's fine if we coddle up to dictators and jihad-peddling regimes such as Saudi Arabia. But hey ho, let us allow cognitive dissonance to get right in the way of facts.

>> No.7111602
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This, this so much.

>> No.7111639

/lit/ - politics

That said, ROTHERHAM

naive leftist traitors so eager to stand up for the "other" over their own.

>> No.7111648
File: 64 KB, 580x326, savages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I firmly consider the chavs "other", and so do you.

>> No.7111819
File: 261 KB, 2048x1342, 11896330_698301740302704_7385576596627191302_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7111827

those are poles you idiot

>> No.7113173

>calls someone childish and puts up a picture of Peter Hitchens

I mean, you do know how you come across, aye?

I just hope that this is just how you talk to people online.

>> No.7113193

I know, the molestation of children covered up by corrupt self serving bureaucrats concerned only with the face of their ideology and the organisation was wrong.

Thats why I'm not a Catholic. or a Tory. or any long standing establishment really.

>> No.7113254

The general public in Britain really are a bunch of drooling morons, who probably deserve what they get.

It is pretty well established the majority of the public actually agree with all his policies, but they will believe the right wing tabloids anyway that he is a dangerous communist.

>> No.7113263

No, it is first when he comes to power that he will become everything. Your mother, father, your sister, lover, your priest and god, your bank and wallet.

Learn this phrase it will serve you well. Corbyn is love, corbyn is life.

>> No.7113391

I'm with this guy up to the point where he starts fellating Putin. which is enough to completely erase all the other stuff.