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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 604x604, 1432625306369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7102546 No.7102546 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw foreword has spoilers

>> No.7102552

>tfw i get a literary feel

>> No.7102555
File: 59 KB, 513x510, 1441914701991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out Kevin MacDonald's books on Judaism as group evolutionary strategy from university library
>some salty Jewboy commented in them with black pen
>crossed out the publishing press and wrote "NAZI PUBLISHING"
>bitter sardonic comments like "Yeah I'm sure they were SO guilty!!!!" alongside underlined passages talking about actual Jewish crimes against gentiles
>tfw your book comes with free jewmad

>> No.7102563


tfwtitular councillor Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin got his coat stolen

>> No.7102571

Why dose pepe have these cute red cheekies? Does he maybe have a crush on Wojak?

>> No.7102572
File: 490 KB, 1280x709, a00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a book
>it's shit

every single time

>> No.7102602

>reading for plot
>caring about spoilers

plebs pls

>> No.7102608
File: 27 KB, 460x288, bush volleyball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you tell young people that they're literally chosen by God to rescue the world but the stupid goyim keep interfering.

I don't know how more people aren't disgusted by Jewish chauvinism. Is it really just because of the holocaust that this is accepted?

>> No.7102700
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>try to read classic
>so pleb you barely know what's going on
>tfw you just have to force yourself through the confusion and boredom

>> No.7102716
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>being unaware of the pleasures that discovering a narrative in the order it's meant to be experienced can bring
well i guess it's up to you if you want to just disregard an important aspect of most fiction i guess

>> No.7102720

>1st world piss babies so estranged from the human experience they can't relate to anything that doesn't have a hashtag


>> No.7102730

That story gave me mad feels. I'm glad he got his revenge though.

>> No.7102886


>> No.7102895

>preface to the foreword to the second edition afterword to the fifth chapter's sixteenth footnote

>> No.7102907

I only read fiction. The world is too interesting on its own to engage in childish escapism.

>> No.7102956

>Fiction describes people, places, events, and/or complete narrative works derived from imagination, in addition to, or rather than, from history or fact.

>> No.7102975

aiiii lmeu

>> No.7103302

It's not so much we're unaware of the pleasure, that it's mostly inconsequential to the experience of reading fiction by this point.

>> No.7103307

>you will never think about suicide often in your late teens and college years, in a mostly compulsive way that has no bearing on your emotional state and no real capacity to encourage you to feel any sadder than you already are and in a way that is ultimately superficial and unlikely to the point of seeming impossible of actually resulting in your ending your life and begin to gradually think about suicide as more of an inevitable conclusion to your life when your loneliness and isolation and regret and feelings of low-self worth and inferiority finally outweigh the few positives in your life and any guilt you have regarding the two family members whose emotional state and quality of life will be severely effected by your committing suicide and sit along again on a Friday night after a week of unfulfilling and frustrating work at a job you dislike and hate yourself for disliking so much and think of suicide again without the usual instinctive protest from your sense of guilt and underlying determination to live and accept without much hesitation the conclusion that it won't take much in the near future for you to find yourself in a position where suicide seems the only reasonable thing to do

>> No.7103387
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I, in fact, have done that.

>> No.7103777

>the third act foregoes narrative flow for the sake of tying up inconsequential plot points

>> No.7103795

>there isn't any narrative flow

>> No.7103811

Read a an entry about suicide in literature.
A book I want to read appears in it. Main characters die.
Book ruined.

>> No.7103828

Ay, me to.

>> No.7103842
File: 878 KB, 1200x1600, 2chan detolf display green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest picking up a hobby other than reading, anon. I collect anime figures and though some would call it materialism and that I'm wasting my money, it really does make me happy.

>> No.7103855

Intersesting, though I already have several other hobbies, such as drawing and skating. I'm feeling fairly well these days, the actual attempt and subsequant recouperation knocked out of my slump.

>> No.7103856
File: 225 KB, 499x430, feelsgoodman3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you read a paragraph and it is beautiful, and you read it again and again because it feels so good to read

>> No.7103859

Could you explain in which way collecting figures makes you happy?

>> No.7103871
File: 57 KB, 500x500, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, further westwards, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. It was falling too upon every part of the lonely churchyard where Michael Furey lay buried. It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns. His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.

>> No.7103875


Hot glue

>> No.7103887

Join the club

>> No.7103895

affected tbh

>> No.7103902

wallace dies at the end

>> No.7103905
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>> No.7103924
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Never thought that franchise would get so dark.

>> No.7103935
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>> No.7103941

this describes me surprisingly well

>> No.7103949
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>you will never fail to encourage yourself to treat your continued and gradually inescapable-seeming isolation and loneliness with a sort of self-depricating humour, and see it instead as a foreseeable and obvious consequence of your decision and inclination to stay indoors and avoid social interaction and overcome the anxiety and feelings of inferiority you have always felt when confronted with strangers in college who were usually optimistic and lively in a way you felt was evidence of their not being the type of person who could find you good company or worth being around and spend another Friday night showering and putting on nice clothes and catching the subway to an area of the city where people your age go to party and have a good time at night and walk along the highstreet and then take a sideroad and get lost and eventually find your way back to the same subway station and sit on the train back to your stop while reading a book on neurotic personalities beside a cute girl in a long red and black plaid shirt who seems like the type of patrician qt you have always felt extremely sad whenever you've seen them in public and reminded yourself of how much you've missed out on emotionally and existentially and how you will eventually be too old to even consider thinking about these girls as potential girlfriends

>> No.7103953
File: 82 KB, 780x427, Super+feels_5158af_5570932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't enjoy Dostoyevsky like I used to since learning about Buddhism and Taoism
>that feel when you can't feel that feel anymore

>> No.7103957
File: 24 KB, 660x495, feelsbad6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the type of patrician qt you have always felt extremely sad whenever you've seen them in public and reminded yourself of how much you've missed out on emotionally and existentially


>> No.7103965
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x1684, camus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you consider yourself a pessimist until you read real pessimists and you feel like a normie ray of sunshine in comparison

>> No.7103971
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>>you will never spend hours almost every day in one of your university's two libraries, partly as a means of reading things you enjoy and feel are beneficial to your self-awareness and mental state and partly as a desperate means of meeting a girl, and be sitting in the smaller of the two libraries one afternoon and have the person sitting to your right get up and leave and notice a girl who is cute and your type in a way that is almost cliched and continue writing out notes for a while before leaving at the time you usually leave and notice, while packing your backpack, that the girl has turned her face towards you again and is smiling in a subtly but seemingly obviously inviting way, and respond by staring blankly and with seeming incomprehension at her for around two seconds before leaving and walking home while regretting not saying anything to her and immediately leave again after arriving home and half-jog back to campus and arrive there around fifteen minutes later and rush to the library but feel your lack of self-esteem and conviction that rejection and humiliation is likely overwhelming your desire to speak to this girl and walk past the area where she was sitting instead without looking to see if the seat you occupied is still empty or if she is still there and sit instead at a seat nearby with your back to that area and remain there until everyone else around you has left and despite barely reading any of the book you have opened on the desk

>> No.7103972

>tfw every published author is a successful person and therefore you will never be able to read anything that really reflects the depth and hopelessness of your pessimism and sorrow

>> No.7103980

Presumably he means the perma-butthurt types of posts you see in this thread and others, colloquially known as "feels"

>> No.7103983

ruined it with the wish fulfillment of a cute girl actually being interested in you tbh

>> No.7104008
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Mainlander hung himself with a stack of copies of his published work for a footstool.

>> No.7104035


You are the next-level run-on sentence master.

>> No.7104038

>be at class
>teacher is banterfully ripping on writers (it's a lit oriented major)
>everyone laughing
>asks who wants to be a writer
>be the only one to raise hand
>do this instinctively
did i pass /lit/? have i risen above them? or did i just make a fool of myself?

>> No.7104041

You will NEVER be a writer

>> No.7104050

who's going to stop me? you?

>> No.7104054

YOU FOOL. You've already been stopped.

>> No.7104109

>tfw i feel like this should give me more pleasure than it does
What is wrong with me, is it the language barrier? Because i actually prefere english to norwegian.
I've also noticed that i very rarely get moved by poetry.
But then i read mccarthy and that first paragraph of mason and dixon and it's amazing, am i fucking up?

>> No.7104156

Could just depend on your mood/state of mind as well. I find myself having periods of being very susceptible to the aesthetics of a text and at other times I just don't feel it at all.

That's one of the reasons I don't read according to a schedule, picking up a book when you don't feel like it may work for practical information gathering purposes but for aesthetic enjoyment I find it best to only read when the mood strikes me.

>> No.7104164
File: 130 KB, 544x544, nooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW if I had just been born a few decades earlier English wouldn't be a joke of a career choice

>> No.7104176

That feel tbh fam

>> No.7104180

Holy shit, accept being medicore. A dumb person trying to act smart is a million times worse than a plain dumb person. It activates me autism and I want to choke you out while yelling, "FAKE!"

>> No.7104239

>tfw you read a shitty book from start to finish even though you're not enjoying it because your obsessive need to finish every book you start won't allow you to just give it up and you think about how much time you wasted and the more productive things you could have been doing instead.

Tai Pei was terrible.

>> No.7104278
File: 220 KB, 800x1204, 800px-Eugène_Ferdinand_Victor_Delacroix_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who seems like the type of patrician qt you have always felt extremely sad whenever you've seen them in public and reminded yourself of how much you've missed out on emotionally and existentially and how you will eventually be too old to even consider thinking about these girls as potential girlfriends

>> No.7104370

No no no, you're going at this the wrong way, Anon. Why was it terrible? Why didn't you like? What was it? Think about it. Remember, a good hunter makes use of even the bones. It's up to you to make it worthwhile.

>> No.7104378

You don't know what a run-on sentence is.

>> No.7104379


>> No.7104384

you do the winter gf threads on /mu/ don't you

>> No.7104399

Just having a physical represenation of a character or design that I find beautiful, really. I don't really have an in depth reason for why I do it.

Buy a figure anon, you'll know then.

>> No.7104403

I always do this not out of some autistic need, like you, but rather that I think I should give the author the benefit of my going all through the work trying to find something that makes it worthwhile.
I don't care about the time of the matter

>> No.7104405
File: 7 KB, 205x246, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post saddens me. I just hope I can wait until my parents are dead: even in death, the pain it would give them would haunt me.

>> No.7104421

>tfw used to collect figures
I know these joys of which you speak of but in the end I felt hollow and my materialism required novelty to keep it stimulated. I feel beyond it now, but I don't think this has made me BETTER than anybody else who collects figures or anything else of a materialistic nature. I do feel however, that if you eliminate a vice, there will always be a 21st century shaped hole inside you that needs some sort of arbitrary material stimulation that exists within our society as a means of giving people a sense of purpose in working meaningless jobs by giving purpose to the money they earn in, even if this purpose doesn't do anything to better you and only keeps you in a bubble of distraction until you die.

Existing outside of materialism and consumerism altogether will set you free, but you will also be lonely in that you will find it hard to relate to other people on a core level. Sometimes its nice to have a water-cooler conversation about Breaking Bad or Harry Potter, even if it is but a fleeting pleasure.

>> No.7104426

Pretty good, anon. Ditch the alliteration, fix a few grammatical bugs, maybe take some more time to describe the graveyard and you got yourself a real piece of work.

>> No.7104429

Go to sleep, Tao Lin.

>> No.7104439

I buy gunpla to build but the joy from it comes from the act of assembling and customizing it using artistic skill. I like to marvel at what I did to create that representation rather than have a totem to use when living my fantasies (Although I do still do that a little...)

>> No.7104441
File: 104 KB, 1280x1014, IMG_2778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, that was perfect.

>> No.7104444 [DELETED] 

have you heard of kyle donahue?

>> No.7104447

I think collecting hobbies are ok if they relate to a skill or greater understanding. A physical book collection for instance, or a collection of tools that you use for accomplishing things. Like collecting records, the act of searching for records broadens your musical repertoire, along with look badass on a shelf.

>> No.7104607

not him but

who gives a fuck

you knew what he meant and thats all that matters

>> No.7104628
File: 26 KB, 599x400, saad maan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>been sitting with this girl in one of my lectures since beginning of the semester
>shes always really nice, seems excited to see me every time
>decide to add her on facebook
>been 3 days and she hasn't responded.

>> No.7104643
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>character says something that strikes me, or really resonates
>not 100% sure if the author meant for anyone to relate to it positively, and feel like a pleb

>> No.7104653
File: 26 KB, 281x450, hardrainfalling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS anons,
if you decide to read Hard Rain Falling
(and you should decide to read Hard Rain Falling at some point in your degenerate weeaboo jagoff lives) make sure not to be fagets and destroy the reading lives of genuine sensitive soul readers who aren't at all like the majority of jagoff degenerates here.

>> No.7104656

the author is dead and a cunt, relate all you want

BNW is utopia

>> No.7104669
File: 61 KB, 500x465, constant sense of anxiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw completely illiterate pleb
trying to work on this but it's so hard, man. i'm just too stupid for this life.

>> No.7104678

I find that the worst part about depression isn't the gloomy thoughts, it's those long periods of time where you feel numb to everything, including sadness. It's like living in a constant fog where your whole body is covered in a giant latex condom to deaden every and any kind of stimulation you come across.

>> No.7104714
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This is accurate.

Except I like my job

>> No.7104724
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>read about sci-fi/fantasy book
>"hmm, sounds interesting, I oughta check it out"
>it's a whole fucking series of at least three whole books
why do you do this to me

>> No.7105033
File: 183 KB, 295x323, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foreword boldly claims that the book is better than Dune
>scowl, sharpen my sensitivity to errors; realize that this faggot has potentially destroyed my enjoyment by making me more critical
>he was actually right and the book was great

Lord of Light, in case anyone was wondering. I still don't think that whoever writes these forewords should be allowed to do that, though.

>> No.7105045

Lord of Light is amazing, and so... underhanded. Shame the Chronicles of Amber are so drawn-out, could've been good in one book.

>> No.7105127

But anon, sometimes it is worth persevering. People don't always fully understand something immediately. Some things take time.

>> No.7105136

>Go to library to borrow a book
>see a fantasy book with a neat cover
>go to take it out
>suddenly wonder what /lit/ would say about it
>feel like everyone in the library is now watching me
Jesus christ you fucking faggots have ruined me.

>> No.7105158

Op i read the red and the black and in the fucking introduction which i was very fuckin patient with this fucking no name shmuck from some college institution i'm sure went in depth spoiling the whole fucking book cause he thinks his analysis is so worthwhile, fucking suck a dick. He told me who died, who fucked. And i still read it, great book fuck the man.

>> No.7105165

>caring for what these meme-tards think

Grow up

>> No.7105169

is this why you're so miserable from having jumped from Dune to Finnegans Wake? Jesus, get over this board.

>> No.7106106
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>amazing premise
>book is shit
The worst shit

>> No.7106131
File: 285 KB, 1440x1080, [Sephirotic]Evangelion - 10 [1080p 8bit AAC] [ENG CH PT FR ITA SPA GER JP RUS] [159CB3FE].mkv_snapshot_03.55_[2015.09.10_16.54.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading for plot

>> No.7106139

Yiddish Policeman's Union could have been the greatest thing ever, but instead is just okay.

>> No.7106148

/lit/ is one of the worst "serious" literature communities you'll find. Most people here just puke memes over and over again without actually having read literally any of the books they're talking about. There's also the idiots who think they're supergeniuses whose intellect elevates them from the petty concerns of common men (since they're TOTALLY not just socially awkward), the wannabe writers who shit on everyone and everything but whose writing skills are at the level of an 8-year-old (just see the critique threads and you'll know just how deep the cringe goes), the smelly NEETs who got lost in their way to /r9k/ and now try to get into literature to have an edge over the "normies", and finally the shitposters who use terms like "genre fiction" or "patrician" at least twice per post each.

>> No.7106152

It's by Joyce you moron.

>> No.7106153

>the smelly NEETs who got lost in their way to /r9k/ and now try to get into literature to have an edge over the "normies", and finally the shitposters who use terms like "genre fiction" or "patrician" at least twice per post each.
this is me

>> No.7106154

>implying the other communities aren't worse with their housewives who expect kindness and encouragement for writing trash

>> No.7106172

Sometimes, I get a good recommendation from here. But I agree it's 99% shit, even worse, the same stale shit repeated every single day.

Yet it feels like it used to be only 80% shit.

>> No.7106191

the worst are metaposters who whine about /lit/ and think they're solving something

>> No.7106197

We're not trying to solve something, that is up to the mods.

>> No.7106206

How long have you been on this website?

>> No.7106208

>tfw bought like 10 books and don't know what to read and keep flip flopping between them.

>> No.7106211

8-10 months

>> No.7106216

Since 2011, though /lit/ has only been my main board since 2013. I've heard I missed the board's best times.

>> No.7106220

As evidenced by the name your age and favorite book thread, the main problem is that you're almost all between the ages of 17 and 21. Most of you will lose interest in literature in the next couple years. Most of you are only interested in being right.

>> No.7106366

was this the humiliation for an episode of kenny vs spenny?

>> No.7106381

>literary fictions depicts 'real life'(tm) in a neutral manner

>> No.7106406

if you have /lit/ so much why are you here or at least why don't you just lurk

>> No.7106650

I'm a published nonfiction author working on a series of short-stories, though.

>> No.7106690
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>tfw finish a long novel

>> No.7106781
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>when you get to that half-way point where the novel really starts getting good

>> No.7106784


jews have had a massive megalomania complex since antiquity m8

it's what happens when you belong to a race born for slavery

>> No.7106786

Every single time

>> No.7106908

>Joyce is incapable of poor writing

>> No.7106937

His published work is all well-written, and my point was that the paragraph wasn't written in this thread.

>> No.7106957

>The last page

>> No.7107126

I would read this if it weren't a run-on sentence.

>> No.7107141

>whose writing skills are at the level of an 8-year-old (just see the critique threads and you'll know just how deep the cringe goes)
Most of the writing I see in LCT are okay and far from a 8-year-old writing. Definitely not as good as the poster think it is, but not as bad as it is criticized by /lit/ users who are mean just "4tehlulz".
This said, knowledge of literature does not go hand in hand with the ability to write. Bloom was a good literary critic, but he has proved to be a mediocre creative writer.

>> No.7107157
File: 1.96 MB, 400x400, spongebob_eye_icon__full_size_by_zethiskatana-d3cdeq0[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the foreword has spoilers

>> No.7107198
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>> No.7107228

underrated post

>> No.7107284
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>text has spoilers aka foreshadowing

>> No.7107773
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I study psychology in Europe, Kevin MacDonald is seen as full of shit and nobody take seriously group-selection theory anyway.

>> No.7107793


Holy fuck you hit the nail on the head. The feels, man, the feels.

>> No.7107794

i get so hyped on last paragraphs

>> No.7107797

For some reason /pol/tards are willing to accept a theory that basically says Jews are the master race, so long as it confirms other shit they believe.

Keep in mind that Jews welcomed McDonald's theories at first, because they recognized that McDonald thinks they're a bunch of supermen.

Jews are shit and they really do run the media and have it out for the goyim, but if you believe McDonald's Just So Stories you're just being a good goy and accepting Jewish supremacy.

>> No.7107806

>Europeans aren't allowed to take an unflattering theory about Judaism seriously
Top kek who woulda thunk it?

I admit it's a, "just so story," but that's kinda the nature of the beast with most psychology.

>> No.7107825
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>thinking a highly complex pattern of behavior could be evolved in only a few thousand years

>> No.7107831

/pol/tards also peddle for Donald Trump whilst being socialists, they don't know a lot and quite frankly make proper politically incorrect types look silly by association.

>> No.7107836

Fuck yea mate.

>> No.7107841

Not a fan, but I don't see how this is a criticism of /pol/ actually. Most antisemites believe Jews are smart. It all stems from anxiety that someone who doesn't like you has control of your livelihood, which would be difficult for a bunch of retards to do.

>what is every culture ever

>> No.7108751

Learn to fucking write.

God, you suck.

Get off /lit/ and practice, you absolute moron.

>> No.7108942

Don't listen to those faggots, start with something simplier.

>> No.7108987

>tfw have to check the dictionary several times per line

>> No.7109705
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books being free is one of the best literary feels

>> No.7109738

keep going, fam. i do this with my kindle so it's ez mode i can just highlight shit

build that vocabulary m8

>> No.7109915

>you will never be a high school senior who feels a looming dread because he's slowly resigning himself to the situation of this threads collegial posters

>> No.7109953
File: 5 KB, 250x172, 1435853825404s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this post with Well I Wonder by The Smiths in the background.. will clear you of your last doubts tbh fam

>> No.7109964
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>> No.7109967

this is honestly me right now.

>> No.7110013
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>> No.7110021
File: 74 KB, 337x450, sleep eternal pupper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw writing in journal
>trying to explain your emotions and thoughts in a way that strongly hits the reader
>it falls flat on it's face and falls straight into shitty melodrama

I have so much to say, but it all comes out as drivel

>> No.7110042

i think our problem is precociousness tbh

>> No.7110051

>writing in a journal
>thinking about a "reader"
You're either delusional or don't know what a journal is

>> No.7110068

>tfw your mom won't let you live the literary lifestyle

Fucking whore.

>> No.7110076

Get over yourself faggot. The really great works of literature cannot be spoiled. Crime and Punishment, for example, has a summary in the fucking title and still reads fine.

>> No.7110079
File: 731 KB, 830x717, george.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading Underworld and it's so fucking long
is it worth it?

>> No.7110163

>then you read entries from weeks ago and think "what a fucking whiny cunt" before you realize it's your own former self that you hate leading to more immature angst..
never ending circle for me

>> No.7110288

I think about a "reader" in order to maintain my writing. Thinking about it in this way helps me to test different writing techniques and serves as practice for other things I'm working on. It's still shit anon.

I want to go back in time and slap myself

at least we'd like to think of ourselves that way

>> No.7110303

I dunno, are you enjoying it? I fucking loved Underworld. It never gets very exciting, but it never drags either I found. Infinite Jest, for example, has way more downtime where you just want to get back to the good stuff.

>> No.7110707

>Memory is so shit that you can't read three medium-length sentences without forgetting the content of at least one of them

>> No.7110755

So, let idiots remain idiots, despite their attempts to get smart? You sound like a selfish 'muh secret club' douche m8.

>> No.7110879

>a legitimately retarded man calling other people morons

>> No.7111650

>I only enjoy photorealistic paintings of real-world landscapes
>I only listen to orchestral music

That's how stupid you sound

>> No.7111925
File: 65 KB, 666x968, 1321314299001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see a cute girl reading on the subway and even if it's some trite Y/A you imagine asking her out and watching TV together in her cosy apartment, eating her home cooked brownies that are burnt but you tell her they're delicious anyway, reading in bed as you cradle her head in your lap, and living happily at least for a little while
>tfw you get off at your stop having never said a word to her

>> No.7112086

>hitting this close to home

I see a decent number of girls reading when I'm in the city each day, and quite a few give off impressions that they've noticed and maybe even want to talk to me. I'm decently attractive and am very sociable platonically, but shit the bed whenever I even imagine the conversation having a romantic hint to it.

>tfw uncomfortably aware that my good physical appearance and my position as "that guy reading" do more for me than my awkward attempts at conversation ever could
>tfw imagining conversations and even relationships just like you do
>tfw thinking that you're a pretty interesting guy who could have good prospects if he wasn't so autistic
>tfw your awkwardness and inexperience are pretty much the only downsides to you as a person
>tfw this will only get worse as you grow older

At least if I were ugly I would have something hereditary to blame for my failure.

>> No.7112270

>Hey, anon. You've been really quiet lately. Feel like talking? You okay with the breakup? Come on, man, you can be open with me.
>I'm okay, dude. Totally fine. See you around, man.

>go home
>turn off lights
>sit on bed
>spend night awake, staring into the dark, listening to Jungleland on repeat

>> No.7112282



>> No.7112378

The fucking sax solo gets me every time.

I think tonight's song is going to be Maps:


>> No.7112387

>yeah yeah yeahs

your taste is good and you should feel good

>> No.7112403

Sax is the best woodwind

>> No.7112479

Don't be afraid of rejection. The "awkwardness" and "inexperience" go away as you go out and do it more. You will be a stuttering, blubbering idiot the first time you approach a girl and they might get creeped out but they also might think it's cute that you thought they were attractive enough to approach when it's painfully obvious it's something you aren't used to doing. With time, you get better at it. It takes practice.

>> No.7112630

When did it all go wrong, friends?

>> No.7112673

But anon I spent over a year talking to girls in every setting imaginable in college, both sober and drunk, and while I got less awkward I still ended up feeling that success of any kind was infinitely far away. The same results as not trying, but with a lot more stress and embarrassment.

I can't know when or even if things will work out, and in the meantime every failure is not just disappointing, but painful, and doubly so when girls look at you and expect someone who knows what they're doing.

The sorrow of loneliness is a dull pain; embarrassment and shame are far more piercing. Considering how intensely my past failures shape my current personality, I refuse to try and fail again, adding another horrible memory to my already too-large collection. Every time I tried I was reminded why I didn't try more often, so I tried less and less, until I just stopped trying at all.

>> No.7112695

yeah, I am. The first 150 didn't really grab me but I'm getting into it now. I'm only around 300 now but I just have a long way to go

>> No.7113654

Wouldn't you rather experience an intensity of emotion, however negative, than a low dull throb of the same? Which do you think would be the better experience, the one more capable of promoting personal growth?

>> No.7113721

>hear about book X
>read about the author
>read people discussing the book to see if its good
>ask about the boom on /lit/ and read the thread
>order the book
>never read it because by now i am bored of it

>> No.7113780

the fact is it was always wrong

>> No.7113895
