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/lit/ - Literature

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7101463 No.7101463 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never inherit a large central New York / London / Vienna house from your parents along with a very large sum of money
>you will never spend your time in independent coffee shops with like minded patricians
>you will never have a private education in multiple countries and languages that is more rigorous than 90 % of universities
>you will never go to Oxford / Harvard / Yale / Amherst / Williams / [art focused institute]
>you will never do a degree that is 100 % useless outside of academia
>you will never never have a real job and live off your inheritance
>your parents will never be deeply disappointed in you for refusing to inherit the family business while your brother goes in to banking and your sister in to exclusively upper class but braindead and not very well paid work (e.g. art gallery curator), squandering her very high intelligence but none of you really care because she's female and not much is expected because your family's old fashioned like that
>you will never have a night out that ends up with you being mugged and beaten by lower class people which almost gives you an epiphany but not quite due to your immense privilege
>you will never be homosexual before it was cool, while also having constant sex with thin, supermodel sized 8+ women, while remaining ridiculously unemotional and dismissive towards them, as would be judged by an outside observer
>you will never wander art galleries around the world while dismissing the pre-modernists as gauche while muttering under your breath and giving mean looks to the American and Japanese tourists
>you will never walk through Paris on an Autumn day while handing 100 euro notes to street musicians you like and spitting on the mimes and immigrant beggars

>you will never live...


>> No.7101469

>you will hide this thread

>> No.7101472

But anon, Böhmen does not exist anymore!

>> No.7101483

That's not bohemianism, you fucking degenerate; that's dandyism. Read a book, nigger.

>> No.7101486

>you will never be a trust fund kiddie
Why even bother with literature?

>> No.7101495

fabulous is that u

>> No.7101500


I don't believe it. You need money and a good education to be a bohemian now, or else you're a dilettante. Maybe 600 years ago you could open your mouth and instantly come up with world changing philosophies. These days the low hanging fruit is gone so you would need level 5000 autism to do that. Also same for poetry / prose, where quality these days is by definition licking the canon in a way that shows off how much you know

>> No.7101503

You should lol yourself for genuinely thinking that's Bohemianism

>> No.7101557


>> No.7101564

Note that John Green checks some of these off

>> No.7101596

hey look, Anonymous is shitposting again

>> No.7102192

So did OP kill himself yet? Maybe OP could live stream it.

>> No.7102236

You will never know any of those feels either anon.

>> No.7102255

Sounds more like the marxist lifestyle.