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/lit/ - Literature

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7101323 No.7101323 [Reply] [Original]

What have you read so far in 2015, /lit/?

Here's my list:
DFW - Infinite Jest
Dostoyevski - The Insulted and Humiliated
Mishima - Confessions of a Mask
Kafka - Brief an den Vater
Foucault - The History of Sexuality 1
Jacobs - The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction
Barthelme - Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts
Borges - Ficciones
Flaubert - L'education Sentimentale
Williams - Stoner
Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama
Ball - Hermann Hesse: Sein Leben und sein Werk
Grass - The Tin Drum
Machiavelli - The Prince
Vanegeim - Revolutions of Everyday Life
Marcuse - The One-Dimensional Man
Zizek - An Introduction to Lacan
Abe - The Women in the Dunes
Kafka - Diaries of Franz Kafka
Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
Hoffmann - Der Sandmann
Gotthelf - Die schwarze Spinne
Fontane - Grete Minde
Busch - Max und Moritz
Busch - Von mir über mich
Die weiße Rose - Flugblätter
Fontane - Gefährliches Spiel
Goethe - The Sorrows of Young Werther
Wolf - Nachdenken über Christa T.
Rilke - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Ozment - A Mighty Fortress
Mann - The Magic Mountain
Elias - The History of Manners
Nietzsche - Untimely Meditations

Some of them aren't real books, like Max und Moritz or Gefärhliches Spiel.

>> No.7101329

Why ruin that painting for a meme?

>> No.7101334

What is the original painting ?

>> No.7101335

Everything is turned into a meme

>> No.7101338

For you

>> No.7101345

de Beauvoir - She Came To Stay
Smith - How to be both
Toole - Confederacy of Dunces
Bolaño - The Savage Detectives
Pynchon - Inherent Vice
Murakami - What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Lispector - Near to the Wild Heart
Metzinger - The Ego Tunnel
Kafka - The Trial
Lucy Shaw - The Motion
Huxley - The Doors of Perception
Becker - The Denial of Death
Rilke - Letters to a Young Poet
Canales - The Physicist and the Philosopher
Bolaño - A Little Lumpen Novelita

>> No.7101356


>> No.7101360


>> No.7101391

Don DeLillo- Libra
Don DeLillo- Americana
Karl Ove Knausgård- My Struggle 1
Karl Ove Knausgård- My Struggle 2
Jane Austen- Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen- Sense and Sensibility
Robert Graves- I, Claudius
Fyodor Dostoevsky- House of the Dead
Aldous Huxley- Brave New World
Aldous Huxley- Island
Philip Roth- The Ghost Writer
Philip Roth- Zuckerman Unbound
Philip Roth- The Anatomy Lesson
Cormac McCarthy- No Country For Old Men
Robert A. Caro- The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Master of the Senate
William Shakespeare- Julius Caesar
William Shakespeare- 1 Henry VI
Ben Jonson- Epicene
Ben Jonson- The Alchemist

>> No.7101412

White Noise
Falling Man
Don Quixote (t. Grossman)
A Scanner Darkly
Candide (t. Pearson)
The Tempest
Huck Finn
Moby Dick
100 Years of Solitude (t. Rabassa)
Beowulf (t. Heaney)
The Odyssey (t. Fagles)

And some non-fiction and maybe some others I'm forgetting

>> No.7101420

literally no point in these threads except to stroke your epeen

>> No.7101470


>> No.7101481


Nothing - Janne Teller
The Trial - Franz Kafka
Animal Farm - George Orwell
The Wayward Bus - John Steinbeck
Status - Erlend Loe
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
The Odyssey - Homer
A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
Introduction to Piketty's capital in the 21st century - Jesper Roine
On Liberty - John Stuart Mill
L'éducation Sentimentale - Gustave Flaubert
Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
Hell's Angels - Hunter S. Thompson
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 - Hunter S. Thompson
Stoner - John Williams
Onkel Danny Fortæller - Dan Turéll
Onkel Danny Fortæller Videre - Dan Turéll
Onkel Danny Fortæller i Timevis - Dan Turéll
Onkel Danny Fortæller på Tallose Opfordringer - Dan Turéll
23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism - Ha-Joon Chang
The Rum Diary - Hunter S. Thompson
Morkelygten - Jesper Tynell
Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone - Hunter S. Thompson
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick
Det Profane Testamente - Poetry Anthology
Crime and Punishment - Fjodor Dostojevskij
The Doors of Perception - Aldous Huxley
Aphorisms - Soren Kierkegaard
Essay on Boredom - Soren Kierkegaard
Essay on Sorrow with Three women - Soren Kierkegaard
The Double - Fjodor Dostojevksij
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
Walden - Henry David Thoreau
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway
Alle Tiders Noveller - Peter Budtz-Jorgensen m. fl. (short story anthology containing works by European writers 1200-1950)
Frydenholm - Hans Scherfig
The Gambler - Fjodor Dostojevskij
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Lev Tolstoj
The Eternal Husband - Fjodor Dostojevskij
The Art of Living Happily - Arthur Schopenhauer (reconstructed from notes by some italian scholar called Volpi something-or-other).

Short stories:

Bartleby the Scrivener - Herman Melville
Diary of a Madman - Nikolaj Gogol
The Overcoat - Nikolaj Gogol

Some titles and author names in Danish.

Currently reading Dead Souls by Gogol, got a taste for him after The Overcoat in particular.

Also about to embark on The World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer. Any prerequisites to understanding the work? I have a solid background in Kantian philosophy, primarily his epistemology and ethics. I daren't say I've got a firm grasp of his aesthetics, but I do have rudimentary knowledge of it. Would that be enough to read Schopenhauer, or is further reading recommended?

>> No.7101621

>Abe - The Women in the Dunes
How did you like it? I picked this up from a clearance bin on a whim but haven't got around to reading it. Hopefully your mistitling wasn't a reflection of its quality :)

>> No.7101641

Normally people rate what others read but it seems nobody can't be arsed today

I enjoyed it very much and read through it in a single go. Film is also great

>> No.7101646

this tbh. at least give a one sentence review ffs

>> No.7101665

No one cares, faggot

>> No.7101672
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>> No.7101687

I think these threads are great for finding new books. I definitely pay attention to posts that share my tastes.

That's a good idea. I think I'll go back to my post and do that.

>> No.7101688

roughly from best to worst

Paradise Lost
Love in the Time of Cholera
White Teeth
Heart of Darkness
The City & the City
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
The Buried Giant
The Utopia of Rules
The Other Wind
Masters of Atlantis
The Man in the High Castle
Them: Adventures with Extremists
The Boat
Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West
General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
Perdido Street Station
Here Comes Everybody
Tales from Earthsea
Saga: a Novel of Medieval Iceland
The Corrections
Carpenter's Gothic
War & Peace
The Bonfire of the Vanities
American Psycho

just started reading Vineland, that one and Against the Day are the only Pynch I haven't read

what are Kafka's diaries like? I didn't even know such a thing was published. also how are The Tin Drum and Stoner? interested in both but haven't picked up either yet

>> No.7101701

His diaries are loved by every girl on tumblr. Those are the type of people that read his diaries

>> No.7101724

stop using an author's audience as a critique of the work. it's childish and reddit.

>> No.7101726

Not really. There is great insight into the character of Kafka and his struggles. By saying that tumblr-girls read it you can't diminish it's incredible value.

The diarys are great, a lot of stuff is of course not that important, but it gives you a deep understanding of the life that Kafka lead.

Tin Drumer is very good, though i expect it to lose a lot through translations. The prose is very cheeky.

Stoner is good, touching, nothing extraordinary though.

>> No.7101733

They're -- his diaries -- literally melancholic tumblr sentimentalism.

>> No.7101737

Am i supposed to take you serious when all you can spout is tumblr this, tumblr that? Fuck off to /r9k/.

>> No.7101771

>War and Peace is beneath Ubik

Oh man

>> No.7101777

The Music of Life
The Sense of Style by Steven Pinker
Life on Mars by Tracy K Smith
The Book of Imaginary Beings by Borges
Slan by AE Van Vogt
The Death of Ivan Ilych and Others by Tolstoy
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer
Roald Dahl Omnibus
Voyage of the Space Beagle by AE Von Vogt
Southern Mail by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant
The Tao of Architecture
As I Lay Dying by Faulkner
A Wizard of Earthsea by Le Guin
Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis
Another Bullshit Night in Suck City b Nick Flynn
X-Men Dark Pheonix and Days of Future Past by Claremont
Spider-Man by Stan Lee
The Plague by Camus
Over My Dead Body by Rex Stout
Stoner by John Williams
How to Fail at Everything by Scott Adams
Devil Dinosaur by Jack Kirby
The Social Conquest of Earth by EO Wilson
Plutarch's Lives Vol 2
The Future of an Illusion by Freud
Declare by Tim Powers
The Periodic Table by Primo Levi
Top 10 by Alan Moore
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey

I also read some real short works that I wouldn't really include above:
Aesop Tales
Come Closer by Sappho
Escape from the Antarctic by Shakleton
Herodotus: The Madness of Cambyses
Sophocles: Antigone
Mortality by Hitchens

Currently working on
Don Quixote
The Serpent and the Rainbow
The Bible
This Idea Must Die
The Fountainhead

>> No.7101782

Am I supposed to take you seriously when you get buttblasted over his kafka's tumblr diaries?

>> No.7101785

The Fall - Camus
Siddhartha - Hesse

how am i doing so far

>> No.7101848

>White Noise
Really great and surprised there isn't a quirky indie movie adaptation already
>Falling Man
Not as good as WN but a few very solid DeLillo moments
>Don Quixote (t. Grossman)
What the fuck how is this so good
>A Scanner Darkly
My first and probably last taste of Dick
>Candide (t. Pearson)
Enjoyed it, can't help but compare it to DQ
>The Tempest
What the fuck can I say about Shakespeare? Found some dick jokes I didn't notice before
>Huck Finn
Way less offensive than I hoped
>Moby Dick
Not what I expected. A great dry sense of humor that keeps the book going.
>100 Years of Solitude (t. Rabassa)
The narrative style took getting used to, but well worth it for some steamy multi-generational incest erotica
>Beowulf (t. Heaney)
Loved how it put the original and the translation side by side. Made the Old English more approachable and Heaney's translation more impressive.
>The Odyssey (t. Fagles)
Much more interesting translation than the one I was assigned in college

>> No.7101870

I read it in translation so it's very possible that it lost something, but jesus a lot of that book was boring descriptions of battles and boring, repetitive ranting about theories of history.

>> No.7101889


Aw, that gave me a pang of sadness.

u mad mine's bigger than yours m8

>> No.7101895


4th: One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez
27th: Nausea - Jean-Paul Sartre
29th: The Damned Yard - Ivo Andrić


12th: Death and the Dervish - Meša Selimović
18th: South of the Border, West of the Sun - Haruki Murakami
28th: As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner


10th: Oblomov - Ivan Goncharov
25th: The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner


10th: Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino
21st: The Double - Fyodor Dostoyevsky






19th: Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes


21st: Moby Dick - Herman Melville
24th: White Fang - Jack London

I wish I've read a lot more by now, but not enough time sadly.

>> No.7102080 [DELETED] 
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I haven't read a lot this year but I'll play.

The books I'll mark with * are some recommendations.

The Rampage of Suzumiya Haruhi (SH #5) by Tanigawa
A Very Short Intro to Postmodernism by Butler
Schoolgirl by Dazai *
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde *
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare

The God Delusion by Dawkins
Neuromancer by Gibson
The Missionary Position by Hitchens
Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard *
The Setting Sun by Dazai *

Childhood's End by Clarke
Point Omega by Delilo
Stoner by Williams *
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Ligotti
The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Sacks
Mrs Dalloway by Woolf
Pale Fire by Nabokov *
As I Lay Dying by Faulkner
Of Mice and Men by Stenbeck

Meditations by Aurelius
The Cambridge Companion to Joyce
The Prince by Machiavelli
The New Life by Dante *
Beneath the Wheel by Hesse

Flowers for Algernon by Keyes *
Moon Palace by Auster *
Did Marco Polo Go to China? by Wood
Immediate Fiction by Cleaver
Demons by Dostoyevsky *
A Doll's House by Ibsen

The Sailon Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Mishima *
The Bell Jar by Plath *
Ariel by Plath *
The Secret History by Tartt
The Aleph by Borges *

On the Shortness of Life and Other Essays by Seneca *
Cartesian Meditations by Husserl
The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus

>> No.7102113
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I haven't read a lot this year but I'll play.

The books I'll mark with * are some recommendations.

The Rampage of Suzumiya Haruhi (SH #5) by Tanigawa
A Very Short Intro to Postmodernism by Butler
Schoolgirl by Dazai *
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde *
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare

The God Delusion by Dawkins
Neuromancer by Gibson
The Missionary Position by Hitchens
Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard *
The Setting Sun by Dazai *

Childhood's End by Clarke
Point Omega by Delilo
Stoner by Williams *
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Ligotti
The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Sacks
Mrs Dalloway by Woolf
Pale Fire by Nabokov *
As I Lay Dying by Faulkner
Of Mice and Men by Stenbeck

Meditations by Aurelius
The Cambridge Companion to Joyce
The Prince by Machiavelli
The New Life by Dante *
Beneath the Wheel by Hesse

Flowers for Algernon by Keyes *
Moon Palace by Auster *
Did Marco Polo Go to China? by Wood
Immediate Fiction by Cleaver
Demons by Dostoyevsky *

A Doll's House by Ibsen
The Sailon Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Mishima *
The Bell Jar by Plath *
Ariel by Plath *
The Secret History by Tartt

The Aleph by Borges *
On the Shortness of Life and Other Essays by Seneca *
Cartesian Meditations by Husserl
The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus

>> No.7102121

so far,

Fear: A novel of world war II
The first philosophers: The presocratics and sophists
Of mice and men
The discovery of heaven
Matter and consciousness: Introduction to the philosophy of mind
Travels with charley
The brothers karamazov
The fat duck cookbook
The millionare fastlane
Early greek philosophy
The summer book
Parkinson's law
The street of crocodiles
Never let me go
The stranger
Diogenes the cynic: Sayings and anecdotes

>> No.7102132

What did you think of them?

Only Camus I've read was The Stranger but I'd be interested in reading more. Siddhartha was probably my favorite Hesse (Demian second). I felt like it did a good job of combining Western narrative and a basic outline of Buddhism.

>> No.7102143

how is Never Let Me Go, I love the 2 Ishiguro books I've read and was thinking about doing The Unconsoled or that one next

>> No.7102147

The Fall is my personal favourite by Camus

>> No.7102159
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The Melancholy of Resistance
Stories of Nabokov
Sense of Style
Complete Poems of Dylan Thomas
The Savage Detectives
The Return
Chasing the Scream: First and Last Days of the War on Drugs
Completed Fictions of Flann O'Brien
The Possibility of an Island
Wittgensteins Mistress
Essays by Orwell
The Musical Brain
Imaginative Qualities of Actual Things
T.S. Eliot selected poems
Memoirs of Hadrian
Meditations in an Emergency

and currently V.

>> No.7102164

How are the other bolanos I only read 2666.
What did you think of the knausgard?

>> No.7102170

>The Melancholy of Resistance
How was this book?

>> No.7102184

>Fjodor Dostojevskij

I read it jears ago. What did jou think of it?

>> No.7102202

laszlo krasznahorkai - seiobo there below
marilynne robinson - housekeeping +
ryunosuke akutagawa - hell screen
nicholson baker - the mezzanine
karen joy fowler - we are all completely beside ourselves +
patrick hamilton - the slaves of solitude +
justin torres - we the animals
richard yates - eleven kinds of loneliness
margaret atwood - alias grace +
vladimir sorokin - ice trilogy
laszlo krasznahorkai - the melancholy of resistance
edgar rice burroughs - a princess of mars
richard yates - disturbing the peace
jerzy kosinsky - steps
louise erdrich - the antelope wife
kuzhali manickavel - insects are just like you and me except some of them have wings
meg wolitzer - the wife +
dezso kosztolayni - kornel esti
dezso kosztolanyi - skylark *
j. r. r. tolkien - the hobbit *
david ohle - motorman
h. p . lovecraft - the thing on the doorstep and other weird stories
gabrielle zevin - the storied life of a. j fikry +
j. r. r. tolkien - the fellowship of the ring *
ernst junger - storm of steel
katherine mansfield - the garden party and other stories
j. r. r. tolkein - the two towers *
dezso kosztolanyi - anna edes
j. r. r. tolkein - the return of the king *
michel houellebecq - atomised
angela slatter - the girl with no hands
robert walser - jakob von gunten
richard yates - the easter parade
raymond carver - what we talk about when we talk about love

+ book group choice, not my own
* re-read

>> No.7102210

Libra- Delillo (boring)
Island- Huxley (absolute shit-tier)
Macbeth- Shakespeare (loved)
Gravity's Rainbow- Pynchon (loved)
The Road- Corncob (loved)
Of Love and Other Demons- Marquez (loved it)
Thus Spoke Zarathustra- NEET-had-a-job-in-academia-at-a-younger-age-than-you-could-ever-hope-zsche (loved)

>> No.7102239

Pretty good. I read it in January and the mordant and sullen atmosphere of the book complimented the winter.

It was my first tackle at Krasznahorkai and it was a bit disorienting (endless paragraphs and whatnot). Funny in some parts and some wonderful passages, but overall it did give me a sense of dread afterwards.

>> No.7102259

>How are the other bolanos I only read 2666
Haven't read 2666 but I loved The Savage Detectives; one of my favorite novels that I've ever read. It's incredibly propulsive, like you're always just on the brink of something monumental.

>> No.7102266

>book group choice, not my own
what was the book club's theme?

>> No.7102276

we just take it in turns to choose and host
it's my turn next and i'm gonna make everyone read skylark

>> No.7102294


So danisj, I nåv. I kwajt lajk him.

Compliments Kierkegaard exceptionally well.

>> No.7102326

I'm not to /lit/ within the past two months but so far I've read:

Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History
I'm currently reading The Iliad

I'm hoping to get onto Plato's work by the end of the year.

>> No.7102332

>I'm not to /lit/


>> No.7102357


What did you think of catch-22? It seems that people either love it or hate, but strongly either way.

It took me some 3 attempts to get past the first one hundred pages, but I am overjoyed that I did.