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File: 111 KB, 639x545, karl-marx-wikimedia-commons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7099855 No.7099855 [Reply] [Original]

Is Marxism actually significantly different from "utopian socialism" or is that a lot of hype?

The way Engels used to go on about Marxism you'd think it was this totally new, game-changing development that's radically different from anything that came before it.

The thing is, when I look at the material written by the utopian socialists, I'm not really convinced that the Marxists are basically different from them in any sense other than having more of a focus on quasi-economic theories. I'm not sure someone who read a ton of Proudhon, Saint Simon or Blanqui would end up favoring a radically different vision of society from that which Marx and Engels promoted. In fact I think a lot of Western socialists are closer to the utopians than to Marxist-Leninist interpretations of Marxism.

>> No.7099907

Marxism is just as irrelevant as mercantilism

Not literature take it to leftypol

>> No.7099932

unfettered democracy + capitalism = socialism, he was right about that. poor people vote to take money from rich people.

I don't think he was particularly utopian. He was a bad economist with some moralistic positions who was right about a thing.

>> No.7099978 [DELETED] 

>literally being this underaged

Reported for still being in high school

>> No.7100014

who are you quoting?

>> No.7100018 [DELETED] 

Do something about it, faggot

>> No.7100125

You're right in one sense. A lot of contemporary leftists, especially left communists, are utopian socialists in theoretical terms and in terms of their vision of transition.

But don't buy into the Marxism of late Engels. Engels turned Marx into a founder of a science in the positivist sense, as if Marxism was a science on the order of geology or chemistry. He basically turns it into the mirror image of political economy, rather than the critique of political economy it is.

What distinguishes Marx from Fourier and others is: 1)a radical critique of political economy on its own terms; 2)a realization that communism could only develop through the tendencies already present within capital.

Capital undoes itself and communism is the real movement of that undoing.

For Marx, it's not about envisioning the society brought about by the proletariat. It's about determining what the proletariat is within capital and what it tends toward given its position within Capital.

>> No.7100290

Marx was brilliant because he unveiled the actual forces behind social relations and exposed what is truly at play in capitalism. Moreover, he paid particular attention to the trans-historical fact that has been a part of every human society -- the production of value and its distribution.

Just as man created God, but than naturalizes Him, forgetting he had created the idea, humanity had assumed value as an inherent quality within commodities. Capitalism has mystified the social relations present in the commodity, deifying it with qualities that are necessary for its reproduction and accumulation. Capital has ushered in the greatest level of freedom in human history -- humanity has realized themselves formally; they are endowed as individuals with the freedom to pursue hopes and interests. However, since the social relations under capitalism are obscured, humanity has also forgone its realization of what they are actually doing: humanity has forgot that it has created the commodity form, and what they are actually doing, constantly, without knowing it -- social reproduction. The question of resolving this question of distribution and social reproduction involves exposing social relations for what they are. It is realizing this intimate relationship between labor and social reproduction that Marx illustrated through his texts beginning on the premise of "a ruthless critique of everything existing."

>> No.7100292

>I'm not sure someone who read a ton of Proudhon, Saint Simon or Blanqui
You're describing Marx and Engels there mate.

>I think a lot of Western socialists are closer to the utopians than to Marxist-Leninist interpretations of Marxism.

Generally because they're moralistic middle class liberals with no interest in praxis.

>> No.7100294

marxism has nothing to do with the way things "should be". it's a system to describe human relations.

>> No.7100298

Marx was also an excellent historian. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852) is considered one of his best for its rhetorical brilliance and excellent storytelling infused with insight into the material relations at play.

"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language. Thus Luther put on the mask of the Apostle Paul, the Revolution of 1789-1814 draped itself alternately in the guise of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and the Revolution of 1848 knew nothing better to do than to parody, now 1789, now the revolutionary tradition of 1793-95. In like manner, the beginner who has learned a new language always translates it back into his mother tongue, but he assimilates the spirit of the new language and expresses himself freely in it only when he moves in it without recalling the old and when he forgets his native tongue."

>> No.7100329

>the trans-historical fact that has been a part of every human society -- the production of value and its distribution.
Reread the first three chapters of capital. Value is historical.

>> No.7101119

It is historical only so far in how it manifests itself. The fact that value has existed is a trans-historical fact.

>> No.7102407
File: 38 KB, 402x402, F.A.-Hayek-39293-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo niggas need some Hayek

>implying value is not subjective
>implying we don't need a price system to know what to produce

>> No.7102409

>But muh feels

>> No.7102415

>Is Marxism actually significantly different from "utopian socialism"
Yes. Read: Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.

>> No.7102428

this, honestly the fact that so many people falls into Marxist shit in 2015 is beyond me

>> No.7102433

bretty gud posts tbh

>> No.7102437

the fact that people fall for Hayek's claims that the Nazis were leftists is even more beyond me

>> No.7102439

>>implying we don't need a price system to know what to produce
But, we don't

>> No.7102452


>> No.7102465

But they were socialist racists and wildly anticapitalist, that is enought to any austrian economist to call someone leftist

>> No.7102467

>But, we don't

So how you can do such thing?

>> No.7102471

frivolous teenager who never suffered the fear and horror derived from socialist governements detected

>> No.7102475
File: 25 KB, 338x277, 1282908922326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But they were socialist racists and wildly anticapitalist

>> No.7102479

frivolous teenager who never suffered the fear and horror derived from capitalist [governments] detected

>> No.7102488

did I say something wrong?

>> No.7102493

I'm poor as fuck, but I can't buy or sell stuff without paying large amounts of money, am I fucked by capitalism or socialism?

>> No.7102512

all those counter-revolutionaries ITT

>> No.7102514

Nazism is a form of fascism, which is an ideology based around state-controlled capitalist production (corporatism, in Mussolini's own words) and totalitarian state control of a homogeneous nationality. Nazism is particularly distinguished by its heavy racialism, whereas Italian fascism is racist but defines race through "spiritual" identification with the nation and not (supposed) biological connection. For Nazism, "socialislm" refers only to " 'Aryan' society" and in Hitler's own words is a misappropriation of the actual terminology.

Socialism, in actuality, is an ideology based around establishing anti-capitalist communal modes of production.

But you might have known that.

>> No.7102521

Very clearly, capitalism. Try reading some Marx and Engels with an open mind, you might realize something.

>> No.7102527

>Socialism, in actuality, is an ideology based around establishing anti-capitalist communal modes of production.
But the means through which socialism is to be established is eerily similar to fascism.

A dictatorship by a vanguard party, a totalitarian state control of a homogeneous class.

I mean replace "jew" by "bourgeois" in Nazi doctrine and it really sounds similar to the USSR.

>> No.7102537

List of some (not all) of the nazi's socialist programs:
>use of imported raw materials was subject to strict controls
>as much as possible, avoidance of the international banking system through barter (eg german tractor for romanian oil) and not taking on long term loans
>Lebensborn program to support unwed mothers
>prohibition of new private issues on the capital market - companies limited in their expansion to the extent that own funds allowed. Companies wishing to expand beyond this extent ha to apply to Reichsbank for permission if it was in accordance with german economic policy. No other possibility to raise the funds existed.
>consumption of goods increased and decreased in line with economic policy by means of publicity and price reductions
>capital investment prohibitions, to prevent over expansion and overproduction and the using up of limited labor and capital
>KdF programs, holidays, VW etc
>all youth regardless of class in the HJ - provision of free hostels, camping, sports etc to all members
>education available to all for free, including the best schools in the country, like Napola.
>Winterhilfswerk and old age pension program expanded
>large scale public housing
>interest free loans for household goods given to newlyweds to enable the to set up their house

Yeah, defending dictatorships in the name of social justice, very nice m8

>> No.7102542

>national socialism = italian fascism
are you retarded?

>> No.7102547

>if it's racist it's not true socialism!

>> No.7102550

>Lebensborn program to support unwed mothers

literally sheds for SS men to dump their semen in young unwed sluts.

>> No.7102554


Bread and circuses; no-one calls Bismarck a socialist for starting the welfare state.

>> No.7102560

No, he is fucked by coporatism, under true capitalism he could sell his delicious waffles in the street without a hundred stupid licenses made mandatory by feeding lobbies

>> No.7102568

>implying all socialist governments are not bread and circus

>> No.7102578

>But the means through which socialism is to be established is eerily similar to fascism.
It isn't.

Fascism is established by a political party overtaking the political structure of society, reorganizing society toward war economy and through liquidation/genocide, and then building an imperial state through war.

Socialism is established by the peasantry and proletariat seizing the means of production from landlords and capitalists and instituting self-governance and worker-controlled economies, creating a dictatorship of the proletariat (a dramatic turn of phrase against the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie).

The vanguard party (not a body present in all socialism but one present in Leninist socialism, the most successful Marxist trends) acts as a liaison and organizer between workers and tries to build socialism and may or may not be totalitarian. The nazi party has direct control over every facet of production and population and is always totalitarian.

The difference between the "jew" and the "bourgeoisie" is that the latter is a category of people with actual control over society whereas the latter is a mysterious Other in which to channel frustration and fear.

>> No.7102581

this, this is an important fact to recognise corporatism from capitalism.
Sadly, socialists call corporatism capitalism and capitalists call corporatism socialism, wich makes the debates a little wingly dongly

>> No.7102582


>> No.7102586


>being literate
Always choose one.

>> No.7102592

Socialism is established by the peasantry and proletariat seizing the means of production from landlords and capitalists and established by a political party overtaking the political structure of society, reorganizing society toward war economy nd through liquidation/genocide, and then building an imperial state through war.

nice theory but do you even history m8?

>> No.7102594


corporatism is literally capitalism, swines

>> No.7102597

>Fascism is established by a political party overtaking the political structure of society, reorganizing society toward war economy and through liquidation/genocide, and then building an imperial state through war.
>Socialism is established by the peasantry and proletariat seizing the means of production from landlords and capitalists and instituting self-governance and worker-controlled economies, creating a dictatorship of the proletariat (a dramatic turn of phrase against the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie).

This sounds exactly the same to me. Overthrow the current government, seize the means of the production, establish a dictatorship, and liquidate the opposition (whether they be jews or bourgeois)

>> No.7102599

How did you fuck up that badly m9?

>> No.7102600

who are you talking about?
Also, how can you really say that italian fascism is the same as national-socialism?

>inb4 same enemy

>> No.7102606

>severe regulations

>> No.7102607

>This sounds exactly the same to me.
Because you make abstract two very qualitatively different things to the point where you can conflate them easier.

That or you're American.

>> No.7102617

>The difference between the "jew" and the "bourgeoisie" is that the latter is a category of people with actual control over society whereas the latter is a mysterious Other in which to channel frustration and fear.

Two of the biggest evils in the world, the banks and the media, are mostly run by Jews.

>> No.7102624


There are/were no regulations in corporatism, the state simply demanded that certain quotas of production be met, specifically those pertaining to war production. Everything else was left to free market conditions.

>> No.7102631

>Because you make abstract two very qualitatively different things to the point where you can conflate them easier.
I think you're suffering from cognitive dissonance. The "working class" establishing a "dictatorship of the proletariat" is absolute fantasy. The only practical way of approximating such a system would be to do the same as what happened in the USSR, i.e. an outright dictatorship, killing off all "troublesome" elements and creating a totalitarian state.

Socialism is inherently totalitarian, and no amount of ideological sophistry will change that fact.

>> No.7102635

That was exactly the same argument a fascist gave me some days ago.
You ideologized twats are allways funny

>> No.7102639
File: 99 KB, 856x1382, capitalism irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Hayek was wrong, then?

>> No.7102643

>the state simply demanded that certain quotas of production be met
yeah, simply, fuck off

>> No.7102652

So you can't really tell the difference between those ideologies?

>> No.7102653
File: 45 KB, 552x744, 1442002126661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait

>> No.7102659

>A fascist said that socialism and fascism are qualitatively different

Well, he was right and you're still wrong? Sorry mate.

You have a simplistic inherited opinion of USSR history or the history of socialism in general, so I'm not surprised you think so. Try reading Tamás Krausz's Reconstructing Lenin to start with.

>> No.7102660

>implying Hayek would ever approve that

>> No.7102672

>using the qualitatively different argument to defend you crazy economic ideas and mass killings

Fascists and marxists, everyone! :^)

>> No.7102676

>this triggers the capitalist

The problem is I do understand it and am talking to people that choose not to.

>> No.7102681

Of course he can't, calling someone illiterate is a solid argument!

>> No.7102686

He did, openly. He served in Pinochet's government.

>> No.7102688

>I am talking to people that choose not to understand

You are posting in a chinese cartoon imageboard so anyone can read your shit and I'm curious about it, stop being a fag!

>> No.7102693

Hayek was all for dictatorship as long as it protected the rich.

>> No.7102698

He wrote a lot condemning left and right dictatorships, what are you exactly saying m8?

>> No.7102701

I don't want to read Hayek: The Post

>> No.7102703


>> No.7102714

>not a single line in favour of Pinochet
>hundreds of pages written against all forms of dictatorship

Are you guys serious? I don't agree with austrians but are you really that kind of brainwashed leftist?

>> No.7102717

>You have a simplistic inherited opinion of USSR history or the history of socialism in general
Oh sorry I haven't gobbled up the required indoctrination material. I'll start right now, comrade.

>> No.7102721


>> No.7102722

I'm saying he literally said "my personal preference leans towards a liberal dictatorship" and that dictatorships like Pinochets are necessary to reverse socialist self-governance and establish liberalism. I'm saying that he served directly under Pinochet and never saw anything wrong with it, saying he butchering of Chileans and their freedom is a good.

>> No.7102726
File: 52 KB, 400x300, basedpinochet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinochet was based though.

>> No.7102727

God, what a shitty meme.

Syngman Rhee
Ríos Montt
Sese Seko

ur welcum

>> No.7102731


>> No.7102732

its allways the same shit, keeping the theory - ignoring historical facts

>> No.7102736

>Oh sorry I don't read, I just want to shitpost on /lit/
Sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.7102749

Agreed, liberals/fascists/rightists in general are insufferable.

>> No.7102750

"Don't waste your time reading garbage, which includes meme ideologies ending in -ism" - Schopenhauer.

I recall a quote something along those lines.

>> No.7102751

>dictatorships like Pinochets are necessary to reverse socialist self-governance
He was right.

Also, he isn't defending Pinochet regime, you need to read Hayek a little more to understand the context of his words

>> No.7102756

>"As long term institutions, I am totally against dictatorships. But a dictatorship may be a necessary system for a transitional period. [...] Personally I prefer a liberal dictatorship to democratic government devoid of liberalism. My personal impression – and this is valid for South America – is that in Chile, for example, we will witness a transition from a dictatorial government to a liberal government."

>> No.7102762

So there are people on /lit/ that defend socialism based only in theory and shit on capitalism based on things the government did? Really?

>> No.7102768

>Also, he isn't defending Pinochet regime
and sudoku. Or change your opinion since you're wrong, whichever.

>> No.7102776

>n fact I think a lot of Western socialists are closer to the utopians than to Marxist-Leninist interpretations of Marxism.
Yeah, and? A socialist doesn't need to be Marxist and for that matter a Marxist doesn't need to be Marxist-Leninist.

>> No.7102782

>He doesnt know that Hayek knew that capitalsm overthrowns any dictatorship regime

Just look how Chile looked before and after Pinochet died. Hayek would hate the way Pinochet managed Chilean government

>> No.7102794

>focusing on one sentence out of context
>ignoring all his books


>> No.7102796

>Just look how Chile looked before and after Pinochet died.
Chile is literally the richest country in Latin America.

Meanwhile, Cuba, which used to be the richest country in the Latin America before the revolution, is now one of the poorest.

Hayek was absolutely right, Chile transitioned from a liberal dictatorship to a liberal democracy.

Yet marxists will still cling on to their delusional fantasies.

>> No.7102811

>choosing between the lesser evil makes you a evil apologist
So that's the way you retarded brain works, isn't?

>> No.7102824

this is true, anyway if Marx were alive he would see the western as a kind of socialist utopia and would hate the low key intelectuals that run his ideology in a political level

>> No.7102830


Fucking Hegelian claptrap will never be purged from human history

>> No.7102831

>focusing on one sentence out of context
But it isn't. How about you present a condemnation of Pinochet by Hayek to show us how "out of context" it is.

>actually saying "liberal dictatorships are good" isn't saying "liberal dictatorships are good"
So that's the way you retarded brain works, isn't?

>> No.7102832

THIS, why marxists can't into non ideologized history and facts?
John Kenneth Galbraith was right, Marx was a genius but he created a cult.

>> No.7102839


>> No.7102848
File: 9 KB, 250x244, i sailorly hope you guys don't moon this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile, Cuba, which used to be the richest country in the Latin America before the revolution, is now one of the poorest.
I'm sure that has nothing to do with Chile not being blockaded by the world's largest military power and Cuba being blockaded by the world's largest military power.
>it's literally illegal for a McDonald's in Germany to sell food to Cubans in Germany
>it's literally illegal to treat Cubans with cancer treatment medicine manufactured in the US

>> No.7102854

Chile is a democracy, how about all the other socialists utopias around the world.
Do you realize that money in the hands of the people is more powerfull that money out of air made byt the guvment, right?

>> No.7102860

>Chile is

>> No.7102862

>he thinks that a small country can´t be rich by himself if he is economically smart
try again m8

>> No.7102866


This is true you cuck, look at Singapore

>> No.7102868


>> No.7102873

>I am totally against dictatorships

>> No.7102876

>I'm sure that has nothing to do with Chile not being blockaded by the world's largest military power and Cuba being blockaded by the world's largest military power.
That's a piss poor argument.

Cuba was still a shithole when it was supported by the second largest economy in the world, the USSR and the whole soviet bloc.

Isolated South Africa was still rather prosperous despite being an international pariah.

Next you're going to claim that North Korea is also the West's fault...

>> No.7102887

I think 'utopian socialism' is in the first instance used to link these thinkers (especially Saint-Simon, Fourier, Owen) to their approaches to society's transformation: i.e. bereft of revolutionary class action. I've never heard of Proudhon's anarchism and Blanqui's conspiratorialism being referred to as 'utopian'. I think this difference - their vision of nonviolent transformation - is what most distinguishes them from later socialist thought. This probably stems from the general period, where class antagonisms and the structures of an industrial, capitalist society were still obscured by its adolescence. Saint-Simon envisioned the industrials generaux - an industrial class who would basically rule in his socialist society. Owen, and to some extent Fourier, felt that it was the responsibility of the upper classes to initiate change, and that as it was a benefit to all, all classes would willingly embrace it. Engels says something along the lines of crude conditions producing crude theories. He's probably right when applied here, although his dichotomy of 'utopian' and 'scientific' struggles from there. In fact, Engels even praises Fourier's scientific, systematic thought - and Fourier is anything but scientific and systematic. Marx was clearly influenced by all three: Saint-Simon's attempt at devising a materialist approach to history; Fourier's stages of guaranteeism (socialism) and harmony (communism); Owenite economics ("the more civilised the product, the more barbaric the worker" etc), or atlas a critique thereof. The utopians were pretty explicit in their visions of a socialist society, whereas Marx was more focused on an observation and critique of the present without becoming lost in speculative fantasies. Of course the two can't be completely separated, which I think is what really fucked the positivist politics of the Second International.

>> No.7102891

no m8, capitalist and communist dictatorships in both Koreas had the same results! :^)

>> No.7102899

social programs are not the same as socialist programs

the Nazis were appreciably nationalist and anti-globalist but certainly not meaningfully anti-capitalist outside of some rhetoric

hell they actively arrested communists and socialists, and were known within Germany as a right-wing anti-communist party

the bullshit "Nazis were socialists" meme only makes sense if you accept the goofy libertarian dichotomy that capitalism is anything people outside the government do and socialism is anything the government does

>> No.7102903
File: 14 KB, 508x376, 1282569514342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a piss poor argument.
It's an objective fact, but we know reality doesn't work for liberals.

>Isolated South Africa was still rather prosperous
>Next you're going to claim that North Korea is also the West's fault...
You kids are too much. Enjoy your weekend, how you don't have too much homework to do.

>> No.7102906

>>it's literally illegal for a McDonald's in Germany to sell food to Cubans in Germany
>>it's literally illegal to treat Cubans with cancer treatment medicine manufactured in the US
Well, that is not how Hayek defines capitalism, are you blind or just unable to read Hayek's work on economic theory?

>> No.7102924

The DPRK was actually much stronger than the ROK economically during the 70s-80s.
>He probably doesn't even know that ROK was a complete military dictatorship until the late 90s and is still only a nominal republic

>> No.7102937

>It's an objective fact,
Kek, it really isn't. Neither is Marxism.

>but we know reality doesn't work for liberals.
You're misusing the word liberal. It has been appropriated by the american left.

>You kids are too much. Enjoy your weekend, how you don't have too much homework to do.
Wow, nice comeback, you sure showed me.

Eat a nigger dick.

>> No.7102938

>dictatorships based on happy feelings are great
>but we know reality doesn't work for liberals

I dindn't know we had that kind of retards on /lit/ tbh

>> No.7102939

>Well, that is not how Hayek defines capitalism
But it is the capitalism that he supported.

>muh theory, not muh real conditions
Marx was right tbh

>> No.7102947

>But it is the capitalism that he supported.
no it isn't, read some Hayek books and find it for yourself

>> No.7102959

Marxist rekt bye bye post: The Post

>> No.7102963

Where did Hayek voice opposition to the Cuban blockade? Is it in the same place where he said Pinochet was actually a bad guy and he didn't like serving in his government?

>> No.7102972

Just read Hayek and you find he is against all commercial blocks, really just read it and the you will be prepared for a decent debate

>> No.7102981

>Hayek serving Pinochet

ayy lmao

>> No.7102985

Hayek =/= Friedman, you retard

>> No.7102996

Hayek is arguably just as much of a utopian as Marx for believing that unfettered competition does not tend toward monopoly

>> No.7103010

see for a reasonable and informed critique of Hayek

>> No.7103016

but he was right about free market becoming a key tool for prosperity and freedom

>> No.7103019

ITT: marxists running out of arguments

>> No.7103040

>real conditions
>defending marxism

Are you a real human being?

>> No.7103050

>real conditions
ever read about XX century history?

>> No.7103063

It's already done.

>implying supply and demand account for modern production

The quintessential shift in agricultural to industrial society is from demand determining production to production determining demand. Y'all niggas need some Eric Hobsbawm.

>> No.7103075

and how a price system is not needed to determine how much people is willing to pay for a service or product?

>> No.7103087

>not a marxist shill

>> No.7103093

please anon answer this
Im genuinely interested

>> No.7103104

Friedman travelled to china after his chilean adventure and said the exact same thing there and guess what: no comments against from commies
top kek

>> No.7103137

he's not gonna answer, marxists have no arguemnt against the lack of price system

>> No.7103178

>industrial society
>production determining demand
you are a wage slave and don't know shit about producing and selling goods, I am right?

>> No.7103223

he's right, price system is a solid cornerstone for socialism critique

>> No.7103262

BUMP interest also

>> No.7103275

I'm not that guy but a lot of socialists (I would consider myself one) favor various types of market socialism, e.g. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2012/12/the-red-and-the-black/.. More hardline Marxists (I would not consider myself one) probably don't like that stuff though.

>> No.7103297

Kim Il fuckin' Sung let the peasants do that shit. If single moms wanna sell menstrual beads on etsy, they can, they don't employ anyone and benefit off of desperation and exploitation.

But, fabian, remember, any talk about "jobs markets" and it's 50 shots in your goofy ass.

>> No.7103322

what on earth are you saying

>> No.7103336 [DELETED] 

You don't even know what the fuck your talking about and you run your dum mouth. You just like markets because the ring of it makes porky happy and you're a socialist because you care about poor people too. You're a fuckboy and you can't hang.

>> No.7103479

Everything "scientific" about Marx's socialism seems to be in his critique of capitalism. Whether or not you agree with it, shouldn't this be called "scientific anti-capitalism" or something? Whatever else Marx is doing, he is clearly not prescribing how socialism should work, just how capitalism doesn't.

>> No.7103503

This thread did a great job showing liberals are the creationists of socio-economics.

>> No.7103535

>muh economy is a science!
>unable to predict human action

toppest kekko

>> No.7103560

lol yeah it's definitely not the people who talk about "Crusoe economics"

>> No.7103592

pls expand

>> No.7103618

I suppose I assumed you were using "liberal" as a synonym for "leftist" and not as a synonym for "neoliberal," in which case I agree with you.

In any case, libertarians and Austrians rely on a quite literal (and equally fictional) creation story when they talk about the foundations for the "rules" of economics: https://mises.org/library/crusoe-social-philosophy

>> No.7103647

>marxists think that Crusoe's hunger is oppressive

>> No.7103662

not sure what you're saying here but I think I can be confident that you totally missed the point

>> No.7103734

>The fact that value has existed is a trans-historical fact.

I'm sorry, but you're talking shit.
Get a job.
Join the union.

>> No.7103767

Austrian school is not "based on Crusoe's economy", you need to read some Böhm-Bawerk immediately.

>> No.7103773
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Bawerk is alpha

>> No.7103778

I have literally 0 interest in doing that ever

>> No.7103789
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>Böhm-Bawerk argued that capitalists do not exploit their workers

>> No.7103846

do it or stop posting false facts like the pleb you are

>> No.7103850

some of them do it, some don´t!
Ding dong!

>> No.7103858

>receiving a salary

you poor childs of the affluent society, the most luckiest bastards in the history of mankind, how happy and sad this is...

>> No.7103865

lol be happy with what youve got. people used to die as children so that means you have to accept whatever bullshit from rich fuckers they want

fuck you, this is not an argument, this is posturing

>> No.7103876

>that simplistic argument

okay, so 15$ an hour, allright?

>> No.7103914

personally I favor just direct transfers - tax capital income more highly (or just capital stock directly) and give the money to people in the form of a UBI

also rather than a minimum wage I'd prefer a federal job guarantee at $15 to effectively set a price floor so that anyone working for less knows they could quit and take a 15/hr government job if they wanted

but in lieu of either of those, sure I'll support the minimum wage if that's what has public support. there are better ways to accomplish that goal though

>> No.7103942

>It's an objective fact, but we know reality doesn't work for liberals.
You're rigorless, restate your argument without resorting to ideological spooks or leave.

>> No.7103970

> thinks the government created jobs financed by real business won't affect the existing jobs making it harder for everyone

why creating a hiper-regulated world for the sake of security? Don't you see the danger of a government with so much power?

>> No.7103977

>your labor generates capital
>boss takes the generated be your labor for himself, gives you a lesser wage instead
>not exploitation by definition

Didn't libscum used to just say that exploitation was actually really a good thing?
>b-b-but massah sed
Why kill yourself?

>> No.7103987
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>he thinks "real business" "makes jobs"
Holy fucking shit

>> No.7104001

but they have already lost, the black market, wich is the true capitalism, works better than ever. Marxist books in a fascist dictatorship, porn in Iran, cocaine in NY, the black market has everything! Even the most regulated environement, the jail, can`t escape from the black market.
So the people will allways have the products they want for the right price, period. Unregulated market is human nature, not fucking politics.

>> No.7104017

Do you think that your boss, who invested the capital, had the idea and hired you do not deserve more money than you? Dou you realize there are a lot of costs that must be payed and part of what you produce also must be spent in the business himself? Are you aware that a good publicist is more important than a simple worker and his labor is more valuable?

>> No.7104019

>not created by business
are you retarded or implying something?

>> No.7104026

Have you reds solved the economic calculation problem yet? No? Then fuck off and die already.

>> No.7104031

that is your response over your crazy "let's artificially inflate the number of workers and devaluate the price of work, it won`t have unpredictable effects on the cost of living" theory?

>> No.7104040

>the black market, wich is the true capitalism,
this is a retarded thing to say.

countries are more profitable when there's a legal system to enforce contracts and intellectual property laws to encourage and reward innovation.

economies grow faster when these systems are in place and abided by

IT's so annoying when faggy, leftist, philosophy and sociology kids try to talk about economics without knowing a single thing about it.

>> No.7104045

this, why can't socialists accept this?

>> No.7104060

i love hiper regulitin

>> No.7104061

hold on, boipussi, no one mentioned who "countries are more profitable", the black market is also "the market", it has forms of enforcing contracts, a lot of them non violent and it exists in every human environment.

>> No.7104067


An unfortunately small but still existent number of socialists are all about that free market. I don't think Agorists would technically consider themselves socialists, but they're definitely left leaning, and their whole thing is "black markets will kill the State."

>> No.7104078

I don't know if they kill the state, but the state can't do shit about it.

>> No.7104095

no gib free stuff pay 100% of my labor and nothing for you or nobody k?

>> No.7104097

Really? Then why isn't the publicist making the commodity that brings in the capital? Why isn't the boss doing it?

>> No.7104110

because he spends his time solving problems and looking how to sell the product so you can have your wage, don´t you understand that promotion has an impact in the value of a product?

>> No.7104124

Don't you understand that can't sell a commodity until it's produced? Don't you understand that the only value to a commodity is that is is produced by someone's labor? Don't you understand that the boss and his publicist aren't producing the commodity?

>> No.7104142

>Unregulated market is human nature
Ya boi that 199,800ish years before capitalism didn't even happen I tell you what.

>> No.7104166


only because people didn't have enough to actually have a market.

>> No.7104256
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This guy gets it

>> No.7104294
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>real human beans didn't have enough time in their 200,000 years to have human nature until roughly 200 years ago

>> No.7104300


No, thats not what I'm implying. Having enough surplus goods to engage in meaningful trade is a function of technology not some progressive human nature.

>> No.7104321

>Having enough surplus goods to engage in meaningful trade is a function of technology not some progressive human nature.
>Unregulated market is human nature

Which is it?

>> No.7104324

>this silences the capitalist

>> No.7104326


Well, I'm the first guy you linked but not the second. I personally think the question of an unregulated market as human nature is worthless.

>> No.7105330

You are obssesed with production, you need more people to sell the product you produce, also you are not the only one working on that business. You need more than just "production" to sell a good, you are a fucktard if you don´t understand this.
hurr-durr, production is more important than advertising and transportation! :^)

you socialist allways amuse me with your clueless views of a business.

>> No.7105333

no it isn´t, it's the way humans buy and sell even if the law forbids it, you are missing the point.
Also, business is natural human nature, like you can see in EVERY environment.

>> No.7105337

don't forget that you get your salary BEFORE all the goods you produce are sold, so your salary is really a loan from the employer, why are you so ungrateful towards the hand that feeds you?

>> No.7105343 [DELETED] 

lol this, this, this, leftists think that money grows out of threes and a produced product is sold de-facto, they don't know shit about how market works

>> No.7105388

>a commodity is produced
>everyone involved in selling that good after I produced it deserves 0$ from my labour

ayy lmao

>> No.7105461

>hurr-durr, production is more important than advertising and transportation! :^)
First, transportation is a labor position, not a managerial position.
Second, let's give this a thought for more than the .5 seconds you gave it:
>Group A is composed of management that sell and draw profit from commodities they can't make
>Group B is composed of only workers that produce and distribute a really existing commodity they alone make
Now rub those handful of brain cells together and figure out which group is actually important here. Let's go over it again:
>Group A want sell thing but no make thing
>Group B makes the thing Group A wants to sell so it can siphon a profit from it
Wow it's almost like there's nothing a management position can do that workers themselves can't do. It's almost like you don't need the Boss, but the Boss needs you. :0 It's almost like that's exactly why wage labor exists in the first place!!! :O :O :O WHOOOOOA DELLY

>> No.7105537

Lol not at all, producing a good its shit compared to selling it, you can easilly replace workers but no publicist and directives which is why their work is more valuable than a simple worker's job

>> No.7105543

More like workers make a product that can't sell by themselves kek

>> No.7105562

>implying workers woukd know how, what, how much to produce
>implying muscles are more valuable than brains in order to make money out of a product

>> No.7105565

>transportation is not managerial

you just went full retard there m8

>> No.7105572


>> No.7105582

what do you think about this harsh reality?
Why do you want your money before selling the product you made? are you that greedy and stupid?

>> No.7105592

yep, moving my hammer is way more important than getting deals with enterprises to sell the product, the hammer work by itself has a value because I spent a lot of time working on it mkay?

>> No.7105600

this really what marxist think

>> No.7105611

>a thought for more than the .5 seconds you gave it
are you talking about your own simplistic and childish understanding of how business work?

>> No.7105656
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>> No.7105716


/lit/ 2015

>> No.7105741

>explaining how a pile of mud can have value

>> No.7105755

>All this assblasted samefaggotry by an idiot that doesn't understand the difference between a fucking salary and a wage

Letting teenagers read Rand is actually child abuse tbh.

>> No.7105762

>implying workers [would] know how, what, how much to produce
Do.. do really you not understand what a worker does? Trust fund baby?

>> No.7105770

>producing a good its shit compared to selling it
>I can sell a good that doesn't exist

You can but that generally results in jail-time in capitalist economies.

>Liberals actually think like this

>> No.7105779

do really you not understand what everyone who is not the worker does?

>> No.7105782


Since the worker needs the capitalist but the capitalist doesn't need the worker why isn't that reflected in real capitalism? Why aren't the owners just making their commodities and selling them in the market without having to pay out workers?

"W-what's a worker co-operative?"

>> No.7105783

>what is future value?
top kek

>> No.7105787

worker co-operatives are great, but you know that aren't as profitable as a normal business because they lack the brain to do it, that's because they are workers and not entrepeneurs in the first place

>> No.7105792

businessmen need workers to do the dirty job, and workers need them too to create jobs.
If a worker is not happy he can allways create a co-operative.

>> No.7105795

>internet business
>hardworking rednecks no longer needed

wow, that sure isn't reflected in real capitalism m8

>> No.7105798

You don't, clearly, since you actually think workers don't know how to produce the goods they produce. There is nothing done by a salaried publicist or manager or ceo or whomever that can't be done by a wage worker, meaning the only thing they do is redirect profit toward themselves despite the fact that they can't even generate that profit to begin with without the labor of the worker producing the commodity they're selling. How do you not understand how markets work yet you keep invoking it?

>> No.7105803

>what is future value?
Not a commodity that will never exist. Something that only exists because of capital generated from material goods.

>> No.7105808

>There is nothing done by a salaried publicist or manager or ceo or whomever that can't be done by a wage worker
do you really think that? really?
>implying wage workers want more than just work, get their salary and live confortable lifes

>> No.7105811

>ITT: one lone lolibertarian manages to make a thread 200 posts long.

wow good job /lit/

>> No.7105812

>you know that aren't as profitable as a normal business
There are plenty of cooperative that are more successful than private businesses.
>because they lack the brain to do it
Show me the study of brain power deficiency in worker cooperatives vs privately owned businesses

>> No.7105813
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It's really annoying to see non-marxists without any knowledge trying to critique marxist theory.

However it's even more annoying that self-proclaimed marxists are trying to defend marxism with their sciolism on this topic.

Jesus fucking christs do you even Karl Korsch? All categories used in Marx's analysis are specific to capitalism, which means that workers and capitalists are defined by their position in the social totality. Capitalists CAN'T exist without an antagonistic working class and vice versa.

>> No.7105815

this, people dont ususally understand that higher positions on a company are stressfull and hard and must be compensated with more money. If you don`t pay them well others will do it.

>> No.7105818

>Assume world where businesses have hierarchical pay schemes, management makes more than workers
>Take same world but now everyone in all business have the same jobs but everyone has an equivalent wage
>The city of capitalism

>> No.7105824

>Capitalists CAN'T exist without an antagonistic working class and vice versa.
Who's denying this?

>> No.7105825

>he thinks a wage salve who worked in the same factory for more than 30 years can be compared with a self-made man who was born poor and became rich by having a good idea and working hard on it

Really, have you ever met any succesfull entrepeneur so you can talk to him and then compare him to the average factory worker?

>> No.7105827

who, me? :^)

>> No.7105828

>wage workers
>get their salary

>> No.7105832

>poorfags will defend workers can do all the job all alone
>richfags will defend the workers are not that important because they are interchangeable

They are both correct.

>> No.7105833
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>he thinks a wage salve who worked in the same factory for more than 30 years can be compared with a self-made man who was born poor and became rich by having a good idea and working hard on it

>> No.7105834

How's Business College?

>> No.7105840

>pushing a button = being Amancio Ortega

top kek

>> No.7105847

I'm the proud owner of some high quality vineyards, thank you.

>> No.7105849

So why isn't Amancio Ortega and every other business owner just pushing the button themselves and getting more profit by cutting out every worker's unneeded wages?

>> No.7105853

No, because he's a rotting carrot..

>> No.7105857
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t-they are busy running the business itself?

>> No.7105871
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this thread needs more Mises

>> No.7105878
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Bukharin already liquidated you leisure class fuckers and the nonsense of your atomized exchange. Take your weak dish and lay it at the feet of your sovereign lord professional gambler job creators, it has no purpose but flattery and concession to present contingencies.

>> No.7105887
File: 254 KB, 1024x811, tulipomania_by_timeothy333-d67l07t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending value objectivity

>> No.7105889

Wealth is the command of poverty, doofus.

>> No.7105892
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Been there, done that.

>> No.7105894


>> No.7105897

You wouldn't pay for something you could pick up off the ground.

>> No.7105898

Bukharin and Menger's theories are equally interesting tbh

>> No.7105901

amazing pic

>> No.7105908

it depends on the quantity and the value market of that hypothetical ground poduct, if I can invest my savings in infrastructure to transform those things, why not?

>> No.7105909

So that's a no

>> No.7105914
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>> No.7105927


keep the moralizing prax in your pants. Big boys only ITT.

>> No.7105930

Sorry, Gosplan wasn't praxy enough.

>> No.7105935

But are you the one transforming it?

>> No.7105942
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>you buy things everyday based on your subjective value perception
>you still in denial because a marxist said so

>> No.7105947

I'm the one investing the capital required to transform it and you are free to work for me. You can also create your own co-operative and be my competence if you want to.