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/lit/ - Literature

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7093400 No.7093400 [Reply] [Original]


I’ve been trying to get into books this last year. I’ve caught up on a lot of classics and am not sure were to go from here.

My question: Is there anything similar to /mu/core for books?

>> No.7093406

read the sticky

>> No.7093423
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>> No.7093445
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If anyone posts the /lit/ top 100, ignore it.
I shall post some charts for you to take a peak at.

Starting with the Greeks (I am aware you already read) is a great way of adding highly influential texts to your read arsenal.

Get Goodreads also, you don't need to use it to post reviews and the likes, but it is good for finding new books and keeping track of what you want to read.

There's a link to loads of charts somewhere; I am not in possession of said link.

>> No.7093451
File: 785 KB, 1504x2777, Viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone could post the link to the chart collection that would be kind.

>> No.7093465

why should it be ignored? It should be taken with a pinch of salt naturally but that doesn't mean it doesn't generally include some of the most worthwhile books.

>> No.7093471

Someone should make a chart of this: http://interleaves.org/~rteeter/grtbloom.html

>> No.7093477
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>> No.7093486

I should have written more. I agree with you; it should be taken with a pinch of salt. My issue with it is that its ranking of books (especially the latest one) misleads new readers into thinking its serious ranking, and in some cases leading people to 'follow' the chart. It's good for picking books out of.

>> No.7093491


>> No.7093503
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Cheers mate. Look through some of these OP.

>> No.7093528

Thanks for the responses!
I’ve noticed that not many modern books make it on these lists. I have no problem with that, but I also want to read a few contemporary novels now. If you can recommend some good books of the 21th century that would be cool.

>> No.7093543

say no more fam, go pick up a copy of Tai Pei by Tao Lin

>> No.7093550

These didn't pass the history test yet. Maybe we will forgot Infinite Jest in the future and those who wil look back at us will laugh.

>> No.7093565
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>mfw no fw

>> No.7093566
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Here's a chart just for you

>> No.7093607

I wonder if the people who make those charts even read the books included. It is inconsequent as hell.

>> No.7093611
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not sure if there's a chart for 21st century literature, but here are the best things I've read:

Zadie Smith - White Teeth
Thomas Pynchon - Inherent Vice, Bleeding Edge
Jennifer Egan - A Visit From the Goon Squad
Teju Cole - Open City

maybe Franzen's The Corrections but I have mixed feelings about it and /lit/ has mixed feelings on him

David Graeber - Debt
Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow

>> No.7093614

They are all contemporary novellas, aren't they? I don't think there's meant to be a reading order.

>> No.7093620

meant for >>7093607

>> No.7093648

“Inconsequent” as “illogical”. Some authors aren't worth mentioning, others have their worst work cited or the good one forgotten.

>> No.7093656


2666 is /lit/'s favorite 21st century book. Kafka on the shore is another one discussed often. Some of my favs: Austerlitz, Tree of Smoke, Cloud Atlas, The Road, The Sea

>> No.7093666

Start with Homer and then keep reading until you reach Joyce. Then you can read for fun

>> No.7093672

Ah okay I getcha

>> No.7093798

Read the sticky

>> No.7094634
File: 3.22 MB, 2560x2739, Christian Recommended Reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart thread?

>> No.7094740

Cannot find the underdogs in translation to pirate anywhere

>> No.7096351

Anyone have charts for horror or mystery novels?

>> No.7096477


>> No.7096493

kavalier and clay is a solid entry level lit, relatively simple but has a lot sitting right below the surface so you have to put in the smallest amount of effort to get what's going on

>> No.7096508

Is there a chart about Bildungsromane?
I just read Of Human Bondage and qnjoyed it quite a lot and want more in that direction.

>> No.7097119


The Phenomenon of Man should be added to this chart