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File: 119 KB, 400x320, 1440770265824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7092467 No.7092467 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is literally (LITERALLY) better than sex.

>> No.7092507

sure, for impotent men

>> No.7092518

I had a philosophy major friend who's girlfriend was called Sofia. Philosophy was sex for him.

>> No.7092523

Video Games are better than Sex - The Übermensch

>> No.7092529


>> No.7092540


pls clue me in on the source of this beautiful picture

>> No.7092543


>> No.7092544

this. i can't enjoy sex since i read alcibiades I, unfortunately.

guess her name and the fact that she was his gf isn't even a coincidence

>> No.7092547

i think its the pic discribing the metaphysics

>> No.7092551


sure, but WHO produced it? WHERE can i see it, possibly in higher resolution?

>> No.7092552


>> No.7092564

check it

>> No.7092571

anon, you just had to google for "metaphysics". at least it's what i did

>> No.7092584


much obliged, anon.

>> No.7092585


>> No.7092599

You're going to make it friend.

>> No.7092608


>> No.7092615
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I actually agree. I enjoy philosophy and stimulating critical thinking, such as math or music, more then sex. Sex is just a mindless struggle for a few seconds of pleasure. Stupid poeple love sex.

I love drugs more then sex, but love thinking clearly more than drugs.

>> No.7092622 [DELETED] 


>> No.7092624

Anyone who says something as stupid as what OP says, clearly has not had enough sex in his life.

>> No.7092631

sex is literally the only good thing in life

>> No.7092635 [DELETED] 


>> No.7092638
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>> No.7092643
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Most people will never know what it's like to feel a that desire to [kill] riding on a deep, slow confidence to break new grounds of thinking - the confidence of having blown away completely, rabidly creating existence and finding God; finishing something you've lost then found yourself in, compulsively building and searching for your whole life

>> No.7092644

I'm actually partially impotent because of philosophy. Unless I'm really into the girl, my mind wanders into the animalistic nature and the disgusting creature waving their ass at me to instinctually get pregnant and shit. I get all nihilistic and feel alienated, and my dick gets soft, and I apologize and leave if I don't know them or tell some sob story about ED struggles so I can at least stay the night.

It doesn't even bother me, I've just felt bad before when it's a friend, finding them disgusting when they don't really deserve that.

sex doesn't contradict philosophical understanding though, so I don't understand the point of your dichotomy, OP. It's like saying chemistry is better than spelunking.

>> No.7092645


>> No.7092648

>Sex is just a mindless struggle for a few seconds of pleasure.
You're doing it wrong.

>I love drugs more than sex
That might be a big part of your problem

>> No.7092654

>You're doing it wrong.

Well aren't you a lesbian? You're doing it wrong by definition.

>> No.7092655
File: 82 KB, 474x570, 28D4066600000578-3086717-image-m-79_1431975682807-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to use this pic for this

New joker speaks of contemporary enlightenment

>> No.7092659

Did she get period blood all over your dick or naw?

>> No.7092662

There's more of your problem showing. My my.

>> No.7092669

lol you trolled me, now fuck off

>> No.7092670

try not wearing your fedora next time you do it

>> No.7092677

Penis is made for vagina m8. There's no two ways about it.

>> No.7092679

you haven't seen my girlfriend

>> No.7092685

don't reproduce you memetic cunt

>> No.7092688

and then bragging about it on 4chan, don't forget that part

>> No.7092691

why not, pussyfaggot?

>> No.7092693

>he doesn't have an impregnation fetish

maybe you need to change your diet and exercise more or something

>> No.7092698
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Drugs>literature>sex>philosophy>life>yr nan

>> No.7092699

does being a pussyfaggot mean that I like to fuck pussies?

>> No.7092703


>> No.7092706

Have you ever stuck yours in a mouth or an ass?
Have you ever got a girl off without penetration?
I thought we were talking about sex. PIV is for making babies.

>> No.7092707

>impregnation fetish
No I have an abortion fetish, sadly your mom didn't.

>> No.7092713

Well, sex without penetration is boring.

>> No.7092715
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>he doesn't understand what a fetish is

>> No.7092719
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>> No.7092723
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>tfw you will never have sex

>> No.7092724

go on then explain why this isn't a fetish

>> No.7092737

You must be doing it wrong.

>> No.7092751

Not really. If there's no penetration involve at all, I could just masturbate alone and get the same result.

>> No.7092759

If you don't know the definition of a word then you should a) not use it and b) not ask other people to define it for you when you clearly have internet access.

>> No.7092763

Can you get intellectually transmitted diseases if you hang around the wrong people?

>> No.7092764

For >>7092724

>> No.7092766 [DELETED] 

You're >>>/d/elusional

>> No.7092767

You, and >>7092615 are doing it wrong. I assure you.

>> No.7092772

Yes its called Marxism and its incurable

It's a joke lads

>> No.7092778

You're >>>/d/ elusional

>> No.7092784

why can't you just explain?

>> No.7092786

Get out of here muff diver, your time is up.

>> No.7092787

how does fetish not work in that post

>> No.7092793

She probably uses a dildo anyway.

>penis envy

>> No.7092798

A fetish is: an object, body part, or sexual practices that is required for sexual gratification
A fetish is distinct from: Fantasy (e.g. impregnation)

>> No.7092810

>In common parlance, the word fetish is used to refer to any sexually arousing stimuli, not all of which meet the medical criteria for fetishism.[5] This broader usage of fetish covers parts or features of the body (including obesity and body modifications), objects, situations and activities (such as smoking or BDSM).[5] Paraphilias such as urophilia, necrophilia and coprophilia have been described as fetishes.[6]
fucking retarded faggot

>> No.7092819

In two in and half weeks

>She probably uses a dildo
I'll admit to that, but it's besides the point. Enjoy you PIV sex, but there's more to it. Like a story you need your beginning setup, your developing middle and your satisfying climax. People ITT keep talking about sex like it's a common porno, erection/insertion/ejaculation/end, the story equivalent being Character introduction/climax

>> No.7092822
File: 1.72 MB, 1196x1441, 1438984827417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appeal to plebeians as an argument
>words mean whatever you use them to mean maaaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.7092827

Sex is disgusting and too orthodox for me. It's also distraction from my studies. I just cuddle with my waifu at nights and sing to her when i'm bored, that's how life should be lived.

>> No.7092834

>People ITT keep talking about sex like it's a common porno, erection/insertion/ejaculation/end, the story equivalent being Character introduction/climax

But it is. There is nothing magical about sex other than it being pleasurable.

>> No.7092842

I hope you mean an actual girl and not a pillow you're cuddling.

>> No.7092843

Wow, so having received an answer after having begged for a definition that you were to lazy to look up yourself, you look through a wikipedia article on fetishism to find something you can use to call the provider of the definition (which you asked for) a faggot

Brava, well played

>> No.7092845

>There is nothing magical about sex other than it being pleasurable.
Stoic get out of here

>> No.7092846

>There's nothing else to a good story, they're all the same. First introduce the character, then end the story.
Again, you're doing wrong.

>> No.7092850

>ITT transcendentalist scum

>> No.7092860

very nice.

>> No.7092867

>You just gotta eat da booty like groceries but read her poetry before doing it

>> No.7092875

he doesn't

>> No.7092885

well i will probably never have sex but i can read philosophy. so i am going to choose to agree with you.

>> No.7092896

>A fetish is: an object, body part, or sexual practices that is required for sexual gratification

but impregnation drastically changes the body

>> No.7092935

Are you implying prolonged sexual gratification?
I think you suffer from delusion.

>> No.7092982
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>> No.7092997

Then you are literally, LITERALLY doing it wrong.

>> No.7093048
File: 998 KB, 500x267, A Sheedy TBC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7093068
File: 1.08 MB, 160x192, 1441616756233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7093411

teach me pls

>> No.7093432

Shakespeare thought sex was revolting.

>> No.7093438

"Sex was a mistake"

-Ron Jeremy

>> No.7093441

>all these mouth-breathers in this thread talking about how much they enjoy sex
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.7093784

sour grapes: the post

>> No.7094504

philosophy literally better than sex
sex actually better than philosophy

>> No.7094520
File: 174 KB, 282x400, e5352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its hegel

>> No.7094522

They are distinct activities that fulfill entirely different needs; they don't share a value metric.

>> No.7094541


Do go on.

>> No.7094544

If you had thought more about this you would realize that, as an animal, engaging in animalistic behavior is nothing to be ashamed of. What you call "philosophy" sounds more like autism or closeted Christianity.

>> No.7094548
File: 204 KB, 524x331, 1319506736940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7094555

which do you prefer anon, you don't have to make this hard

>> No.7094577

Sex is for degenerates.

>> No.7094590

I hate sex.

As soon as I become sexually involved with somebody, or develop strong feelings for somebody, my ability to concentrate on everything else rapidly wanes and it consumes all my thoughts.

Sure sex is great, but its so so distracting and just gives me a whole bunch of neuroses.

>> No.7094616
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>> No.7094626

I get it. It's more interesting to read about philosophy than it is to read about sex.

>> No.7094759

You're doing it wrong

>> No.7094775


Sex, obviously.

>> No.7096580

Sex for males is simple and boring, sex for females is a whole nuver story as ther brains r wired difrently

>> No.7096619

>PIV is for making babies
nice try

>> No.7096637

Smart people use drugs and have sex more than the general populace.

Sex is not for stupid people. Stupid people don't get a lot of sex and that's why they marry and have children and focus on relationships.

At my university there was a club literally dedicated solely to orgies, and it is considered a fairly elite uni.

>> No.7096640

Daily reminder that if you have ever penetrated another human being or allowed yourself to be penetrated by another human being you are IRREDEEMABLY TAINTED and will never produce good art.

>> No.7096660

>Sex is not for stupid people.
>I know this because there's a sex club at my uni and we're super smart!

Tippy Top unbiased sample m8

Meanwhile, outside of Anon's delusional headcanon, basically every study ever correlates high intelligence to low sex frequency

>> No.7096687

Smart people use drugs as tools, not as some form of dependency. Same with sex tbh.

Sounds cheesy, but I see it as an attempt against solipsism. We can probably never fully communicate our ideas to one another, but we can both achieve pleasure at the same moment.

>> No.7096780

what constitutes usage as a tool

>> No.7096828


>> No.7096939

>Gays and lesbians aren't really having sex
And yet you're so offended by it.

Nice try. But there's more to sex than just PIV sex.

>> No.7097324

yeah, i guess that means GRRM never produced good art then?

>> No.7097368
File: 17 KB, 403x265, you wouldn´t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but I guess you are using something as a tool when you use it to obtain a result unrelated to the issue itself
if you have sex for the sake of having it and for the sake of the pleasure you obtain from it, you are not using it as a tool. However, if you use it as a form of liberating stress/energy and not for the pleasure, wouldn't that classify the sex as a tool to obtain something?

>> No.7097397

I must say philosophy and reading in general has made me unable to enjoy most anything else.

Sex to me is like watching to monkeys mate. Women's breasts are in the end just like a dog's or a cow's; a functional organ.

All this love-sex-relationship drama I see as overhyped.

I dont even masturbate much anymore, and I do have a gynormous sex stamina.

>> No.7097432

>All this love-sex-relationship drama I see as overhyped.
Fucking this.

>> No.7097481


I'm the same too, except I compose music for my waifu

>> No.7097505

these tbh

not to mention that sex harms more than it does good

>> No.7097533

it harms?

>> No.7097535

stds, stupidity, feeds evil space-reptiles and demons, dehumanizes, etc etc. I haven't finished this thought and I'm still 20 yo but eventually I'll publish a book on it; the seeds are there though

>> No.7097556


It also does good.

However cultivated loneliness brings an even gooder one, according to my recent studies

>> No.7097560

yeah it does both good and harm, I'm not gonna lay the smackdown on it entirely, just hope whoever reads it (supposing I publish it) doesn't think it's harmless

>> No.7097567


Spoopy stuff for sure.

Are you going to touch the metaphysical / theological / "esoteric" side of it?

Everyone will mock you, we dont live in good times for that.

>> No.7097573

I'll reserve a side for it, perhaps even publish something all together different for the esoteric side of mankind since there's this undeniable stupidity of sacred sexuality or something like that going around in new age circles. Those people literally have no excuse because on their the material world takes a moral character and acts such as sexual indulgence can be seen for the corruption they represent in the full (but here there is also some good).

>> No.7097577

their views*

>> No.7098244

i can dig it

>> No.7098354

whats the joke?

>> No.7098360

I just got it..and I'm greek..:(

>> No.7098370

Sophia in greek is wisdom

a joke for redditors

>> No.7098817

how would one describe "reddit-tier" humor?

>> No.7098962
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>> No.7099002

I'd say romantic relationships are in general a gross form of being with another. Even with the best relationships, there is always the ever present disturbing current that comes when two distinct worlds decide to merge completely. Romantic relationships are driven by the overwhelming urge to turn two into one which either succeeds and flattens both or goes terribly wrong.

Very few people get these things right.

I'm not misogynistic or pessimistic about people at all. I enjoy friendly relationships with women, even intimate ones, but romance/sexual relations are terrible.

>> No.7099016


>> No.7099045

yep. this is it. no excuse me while i go nullify my life

>> No.7100476


>Research is led by a sex toy retailer
>Not biased