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7091409 No.7091409 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the DFW of our generation?

>> No.7091413


>> No.7091415

who is DTF

>> No.7091436

I like that one where he's left alone in a home and burglars come.

>> No.7091445

He's post-DFW, IE New Irony

>> No.7091449

No, he's the JO Incandenza of our time.

>> No.7091459


he could have escaped

but now its too late

>> No.7091462

Is he the Dallas Fort Worth of our generation?

>> No.7091481

He's reddit tier humour; asdf movie for college students

>> No.7091544

Observational comedy will never surpass this video: https://youtu.be/d47Jibt-EOE

>> No.7091568


post someone funnier. lemme guess: you like quoting monty python and singing queen lyrics.

>> No.7091575

He probably wouldn't even exist without Monty Python tbh...

>> No.7091587

that video is dumb, he isn't any different from the people he criticizes and never suggests an alternative to how they could change themselves. He is the Socrates of our generation

>> No.7091603

I think he meant D Generation X

>> No.7091607

he's like kierkegaard but a little funnier and a little stupider

>> No.7091614

Life is funny fella. Hyde's just 'meta-ironic' mixed with some contrianism, perfect for college kids who want to feel smug and above, with an ironic shield to protect themselves

>> No.7091617


tbh what's ya point fam?

>> No.7091626

>perfect for college kids who want to feel smug and above

are you feeling smug and above by posting that?

Just wondering what comedians are funnier than Sam Hyde so that I can watch them.

>> No.7091632

nice smackdown Sam

>> No.7091642

samposting is the greatest thing ever to happen to /lit/

>> No.7091662

Watching comics for comedy is like watching porn to have sex

>> No.7091690

go 2 bed Sam

>> No.7091721

I bet this guy actually thought that was cleaver.

>> No.7091724

I bet he's fucking gay aswell xD

>> No.7091732


More like Diogenes of Sinope.

>> No.7091747
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>> No.7091752

He's pretty cute in that picture, IMO. I'd have sex with him in his butt.

>> No.7091871

I think stuff explicitly made in order to "be funny" is embarrassing inthr bad way...
Not needed in 2015.

>> No.7091921

He's funny but has no self-discipline or genuine ambitions. He's a /pol/tard who is stupid enough to think being a /pol/tard in real life will make him any more than a meme for youtube posters with anime profile pics. He's like 33 too, which doesn't bode well for his longevity in the meme market.

>> No.7091925


Even literature?

>> No.7091928

He isn't /pol/ in the least

>> No.7091936

>posts on /pol/
>tweets /pol/-related memes and phrases
>references the knockout game and racial stuff in his TEDx speech
>uploads a video of him driving around LA shouting at Arab people he doesn't know

Yeah, not a /pol/tard at all

>> No.7091937
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>> No.7091945

Wether he gets his ideas from pol or not, they basically are what is memed under the edgy young man theme on pol
/4chan/certain edgy internet outlets

>> No.7091956

this; he's contrarian-core. "But he's being ironic mum! You just don't get it!"

>> No.7091958

/This lmao tbh

>> No.7091960



>> No.7091961

>posts on /pol/
>tweets /pol/-related memes and phrases

/pol/ and 4chan in general steals all of its stuff from other places

Making fun of things doesn't make him /pol/

>> No.7091965

Saw fedora, closed tab

>> No.7091971

I mentioned other outlets?
Doesn't mean that they are not emerging content anyway...
Where is the source of that real oc, is his hyde's great content brain directly linked up?

>> No.7091984

I don't think he's ever said "top kek" or anything about Pepe, so he's not 4chan

>> No.7092001

Sh pls go

>> No.7092006

The best sketch comedy group of all time is Kids in the Hall. Posted this before but they're definitely funnier than MDE

>> No.7092009

It's not really a question of him being funny or not. I think he is and I've laughed my ass off with several of his videos but some people, himself probably included, internalize this attitude for real. It's not just humor for them, they become actual assholes.

They don't see the irony in taking their irony so seriously. I have a friend like that, intelligent and funny guy but he's also a cunt and hard to be open with because chances are you'll get a cunty reply for no good reason; it's a real shame since otherwise we could get along perfectly.

Their irony being a shield is a valid critique, they are afraid of taking things seriously because underneath their irony they take everything and especially themselves extremely seriously, and become less humane as a result.

>> No.7092013

Why would that be an issue for his youtube followers

>> No.7092020

James Joyce

>> No.7092023


>> No.7092025

Jonathan Swift

>> No.7092028

François Rabelais

>> No.7092031

Miguel de Cervantes

>> No.7092036

Tobias Smollett

>> No.7092039

Mark Twain

>> No.7092040

John Barth

>> No.7092046

William Shakespeare

>> No.7092049

Adam Sandler

>> No.7092052

Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim

>> No.7092055


>> No.7092057

He's literal just Tim and Eric but ediger lol

>> No.7092060

Why did he make a 26 minute video raging at a shitty ad company?

>> No.7092137

what do you mean? I didn't say it was

>> No.7092206

>not being young and naïve while drinking cheap lambrusco wine on the Giancarlo Hill overlooking rome

>> No.7092265

Is he the Earl of Rochester of our time?

>> No.7092383

>Just wondering what comedians are funnier than Sam Hyde so that I can watch them.

Try some British comedy. It's decades ahead of American comedy as an art form. Sam Hyde would be considered passé in the UK.

>> No.7092384

Your mom

>> No.7092385


His puns are top tier tbh

>> No.7092390

>I love that memory

>> No.7092391

No he wouldn't. People are just as pussified and liberal here as our American cousins

>> No.7092393

After Stewart Lee, Foot is the best comedian I've ever seen live. The routine I saw was quite /lit/ as well.

>> No.7092395


>> No.7092399

wot the fuck is this
this is extremely funny

>> No.7092406

If the fact that he's not a "liberal" is what you consider to be the defining trait of his act, then you are actually doing him a disservice.

>> No.7092469

>>7092406 I don't consider that his defining trait at all. Sam Hyde and his cohorts are basically the only comedians I know of that can effortlessly gut and parody the core tenets of any dumb movement by impersonating it in a slightly slanted way. I mentioned liberal because such people find it hard to laugh at themselves

>> No.7092815


Xavier: renegade angel

>> No.7093392


>> No.7093398

Is this website now populated by post-90's people?
Underage b&.

>> No.7093416
File: 457 KB, 600x336, samhYdeRACEWARNOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam gives a fantastic critique of psot Christian values and humanistic circlejerk very present on lit

he /lit/

Why dont you stop being an angsty druggie narcissist and embrace Jesus?

>> No.7093424

He's not the anything of anything

I find it hard to like him

>> No.7093786

>British humour

>> No.7094443

What an unfunny guy

holy shit

>> No.7094470

Whoa his face is repulsive

>> No.7094479

truly the voice of a generation

>> No.7094486


what video is that capture from?

>> No.7094495

John Donne

>> No.7094509

One time, Anonymous claimed that MDE is like Wonder Showzen without the subtlety & cleverness. In other words, several steps back. Can anybody here laugh about Randy Prozac, btw?

>> No.7094538

one of the Williamsburg fashion videos

>> No.7095096

this is pretty accurate tbh

>> No.7095100

this tbh

>> No.7095119

Are you little fuckers still not over sam hyde?


>> No.7095205

this is my favorite for some reason, his insults get me every time

>> No.7095212

I'm actually friends with Sam Hyde irl, so I may be able to shed some light on what he's actually like.

>> No.7095221

underrated post

>> No.7095232

please do, I've been a fan of MDE for a few years now but I can't imagine how they are outside of the videos.

>> No.7095246

this one's the best

>> No.7095253

What does he smell like? Have you maybe even smelled some of his older pairs of underwear? Haha. Idk, just wondering. Lol. It would be funny if you did.

>> No.7095254


this is my favorite

>> No.7095255
File: 50 KB, 480x360, four-lions-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try Chris Morris. Watch brass eye, paedogeddon specifically. Four Lions is really good as well, though I guess you won't like it because it has a little bit of more of a liberal spin than Brass Eye.

>> No.7095267

Sam is just pretty much heavily influenced by this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZvyPXBsiE8 , JDM cars, drifting, anime and electronic music.

>> No.7095275

Can we talk about Sam Hyde's shit taste in music.

>> No.7095292

Dan Quinn rules

also Sam Hyde is funny but gets somewhat dumber and more depressing when you realize that he actually does unironically hold retarded libertarian political views

>> No.7095326

I think the libertarian views he holds is just sort of a symptom of being really perceptive of how fucked up modernity is without actually reading anything worthwhile dealing with how modernity is fucked up. He falls for a lot of internet memes and personalities too.

>> No.7095330

Sam could kick DFW's ass.


>> No.7095347

yeah that's fair. I mean, he's an entertainer and ultimately I don't really give a shit what he really believes as long as he's entertaining, which he is

>> No.7095349

Paedogeddon and Four Lions are GOAT.

Also try (Blue) Jam, you can see where MDE gets their surreal editing style (between this and Wonder Showzen)

>> No.7095373

its sort of the comedian syndrome, they get to point out certain things in society, but they never expound upon it even themselves. its a populist mode of thinking? he is very entertaining though.

>> No.7095406
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, vanillagainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not. DFW was a powerfully built high-level amateur athlete who demonstrates a definite sadistic streak in his writing and grew up around caveman-tier midwesterners. He's fucked numerous women despite being a depressive. Sam's a pasty nerd from somewhere in the northeast with flabby middle-aged lady arms, poor hygeine and a fucking gut. If he's not a virgin, he probably nailed some gross scene chick with hot pink hair and a muffin top while they were both rolling on molly in a disgusting movie theater in Brooklyn.

The real question is could he beat Faulkner

>> No.7095417

DFW showed low mental fortitude and high bitchassness by killing himself. Sam has tenacity and the ability to use high level psychological warfare techniques in battle. Sam trained in shoot wrestling at Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. DFW hit tennis balls while wearing short shorts and a faggoty bandana.

>> No.7095448

Is there something I'm missing here? The videos on this channel go back less than a year compared to Sam's 5 years.

>> No.7095465

Dan Quinn has been doing his thing for going on about 7+ years? He just got out of jail a year ago and made a new youtube account.

>> No.7095483
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Well that's what I was missing then.

>> No.7095511

Honestly, MDE is just "I'm ridiculous so I'll out ridicule ridiculousness itself ;^)"

It's so painfully self aware I can barely bring myself to watch it. I'm actually surprised this dude is 33 years old, that sort of behavior should be gone by the mid 20s, and is just a response to the equally stupid "not self aware at all" people Sam seems hellbent on denouncing

>> No.7095544

He's 23, not 33.

>> No.7095553

I don't think Sam can stop making videos, I don't think he has any other skills, and MDE is actually taking off now so stopping would be retarded now. Even if he wants to change his style he can't now.

That's impossible.

>> No.7095556

he was born in 1982, it says right on wikipedia

>> No.7095575

Probably a typo, it should be 1992.

>> No.7095901


>> No.7095913

>no ambitions
>series got picked up by adult swim
>wrote a book

>> No.7095926

Check out Sam's latest video, its literally him showing off his fighting skills/muscles and notifying Lena Dunham of the consequences of attacking him.

>> No.7096001

+if he did the same stuff but wasn't a dick he'd probably be funnier

>> No.7096036

this is pretty much spot on tbqh

>> No.7096250

Chris Morris is a genius

>> No.7096649

I've seen his stuff and it's pretty much the exception. Brass Eye was also hugely controversial, particularly the pedophile episode, so it's sort of in accordance with my point really.

Oh and Four Lions wasn't really for me, suicide bombers aren't exactly difficult to make fun of

>> No.7096659
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way this dude is 2 years younger than me, I'm pretty unhealthy and yet he looks at least 5 years older

>> No.7096661

He's 33 idiot. He worked as an auto dealer for a few years and then became a NEET.

>> No.7097521

Could be.

>> No.7097873

Who gives a shit how he looks, you insufferable pleb?

>> No.7097967

Tell it to the judge buddy

>> No.7098054


>> No.7098071

so he criticizes everyone for having a lifestyle while he himself just gives up at life?

>> No.7098079

my diary tbh

>> No.7098115

I like MDE, but this video is everything wrong with Sam. The absolute uncharity of his temper.

>> No.7098123

have you seen sam's legs, DFW would just whip of his bandana and swipe his legs out from under him with it

>> No.7098222

>not slaving your life away for Mr. Shekelberg == giving up at life
good goy

>> No.7098385

He's one spooked /pol/cunt

>> No.7098487

Sam is hilarious but this video is lame. It did, however, give us the cheap lambrusco wine meme

>> No.7098541


>> No.7098823
File: 63 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally made fun of somebody's beard looking like this.

>> No.7098945
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>British "comedy"

>> No.7098986



>> No.7099707

sam literally copies his mannerisms

>> No.7099718


>> No.7100194

The man of the hour.

>> No.7100222
File: 43 KB, 600x290, REPORTED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7100237


>> No.7100326

well actually, chris morris is one of the only comedy people sam has said he admires (besides lena dunham obviously)

>> No.7100368

Who are some other ones? Tim and Eric better be or he's just being a hypocrite after ripping them off

>> No.7100514

he's exclusively pol and samefagging on lit not r9k b etc

>> No.7100532

Show some proof before you make such outragious claim.

>> No.7101263

I think you should learn how to spell "outrageous" first.

>> No.7101921

damn it's crazy how much older being fat makes you look

>> No.7101935

wonder showzen is shit because it's communist. otherwise it's good

>> No.7101943

when did dan quinn get back on the internet? i thought he was in jail again

>> No.7102293

Apparently he was released last month.

>> No.7102355

Hope Dan doesn't kill anyone

>> No.7102375

Holy shit, where?

>> No.7102579

Yeah, that literally spooked me, too.

No fucks were given, m8.

>> No.7102954

idk what that guy was talking about but this bit is at least vaguely anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9kTeEshewY

>> No.7103023

THat just looks to me like a song about how badass slaves are. What's the problem?

>> No.7103028

ya good point

>> No.7103188

sam is basically a more self-aware version of alex jones

>> No.7103282

Wow, that explains why everything he says is right!!

>> No.7103306

>anti-slavery = communist
The alt-right is so fucked.

>> No.7103332

Phomas Tynchon

>> No.7103352

his early videos with the other guys were cool, nowadays is just /pol/shit-tier I can't find anything appealing on his videos, he isn't funny or cleaver and seems that he is always making the same jokes

although nobody asked i found h3h3 channel a lot better to have a good laugh

I'M SAYING AGAIN, his early work was good, nowadays he is just riding on his on cock, he doesn't do more jokes about the world, is just him trying to be funny by himself or someshit i don't know

>> No.7103358

it's funny because sam fucking hates ethan and has accused him for stealing material

I'd say the peak of sam's career was probably TEDx

>> No.7103392

this is really unfunny. I don't like everything Sam Hyde does but it is all better than any of this

if his peak is TEDx he's already flown higher than most would dare to dream. that probably is his peak though

>> No.7103471


>> No.7103639

Someone please explain this MDE video to me, it seems like meaningless dross and I want to believe there's method behind the stupidity. I need to be spoonfed everything.

>> No.7103677

I don't get why sam is so proud of "Ideas man"

It is fucking mediocre compared to "college cunts"...or fuckin tissue box. That shit is gold.

Even sams monologues are more entertaining usually. Also the new one with chas + baby + c4 is hilarious

>> No.7105089

he's gotten a show on Adult Swim, finished pilot and first series in production

>> No.7105096

is that fucking Sam Hyde?

>> No.7105105

nope. it's definitely not

>> No.7105106

Clearly he's just some nobody that only 4chan cares about and his career is going nowhere

>> No.7105482
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>> No.7105487
