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/lit/ - Literature

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7090037 No.7090037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write out your deepest, darkest secret

>> No.7090048
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>read pleb books
>enjoy them
>still talk shit about them here and IRL
>recommend "classic" books instead
>mfw I've never read a "classic" ever

>> No.7090049

I never read. I just post bait.

>> No.7090057

Have you ever read The Collector by Fowles? Yeah, I'm that protagonist guy.

>> No.7090060

i constantly post in threads about books and authors i've never read

the last one was hegel. i called him a "fucking knob" and saged the thread if i recall correctly

>> No.7090068

I spend more time reading then I do posting on /lit/

>> No.7090097

is this bait?

>> No.7090141

me too. Ive been here long enough to parrot arguments that are used in favour or against an author

>> No.7090147

Can you still sage threads? I never really understood why visible sage got removed.

>> No.7090156

>the last one was hegel. i called him a "fucking knob" and saged the thread if i recall correctly
fucking kek

>> No.7090159
File: 173 KB, 512x512, abel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to die alone despite being handsome, smart, athletic, good in bed and rich because my parents raised me extremely strictly in the middle of nowhere so I never learned to be good in group settings. Girls fall in love and then get over it when they realize showing me off to their friends won't go the way they want it to. I try so hard to be a better conversationalist but cracks in the facade always appear.

>> No.7090169

are you me?

>> No.7090170


maybe you should get better taste in music then abel got old after my first mixtape weekend boy.

>> No.7090172

>Spend all day saying Gravity's Rainbow is shit
>Only read 150 pages of it
>Still stand by my statement
>Have read Harry Potter 3 times
>Comfortable knowing that being able to small talk things about like that is more useful than reading GR at any point anyway
> :^)

>> No.7090179


i really know that feel

>> No.7090180

English is a not first language.

>> No.7090184

idk why this one is so funny but lol

>> No.7090190
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... dude

>> No.7090198

I never actually cared about literature and sometimes wonder if reading it is a waste of time.

failed hard at the group settings thing fam

>> No.7090200


>> No.7090215
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I've lost two really Grade A1 women, actual professional dancers and models with degrees from Ivy League schools who shared my values, over this specific shortcoming. It's a huge deal to girls and only becomes a problem in a long term relationship, which is all I want right now. I succeed at everything I try, have enough friends, and one night stands come easily, but my heart is breaking and I'm becoming more and more bitter by the day (explains why I'm on 4chan still).

I just want to be a whole person and have a family of my own so I can raise a well-adjusted son, and it seems like that's the only thing I can't have.


His old stuff is so good that I can't hate him for going stale.

>> No.7090227

I'm that way. I just bang girls and spend all my money hanging with buds.

>> No.7090228


I want to know: how did you lose them? Narcissism? Not trying to sound nasty or anything, I'm just wondering if you intentionally pushed them away or they just sensed distance on your part

Sorry to press, just curious

>> No.7090251

You sound like me a few months ago. Recently I've been going through life choices and my mind and realized that raising a family could very well destroy any chances I would have of happiness if I were alone or out in the world.

I used to see a family as a way to get through life easier and more comfortably, but when it comes to actual dreams what I really want is have a decent job and lots of money to do whatever I want

>> No.7090258
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Haha I'm not this narcissistic in real life. I'm not saying I'm 10/10 at all those things, but in a lot ways my life is fairly charmed, and I'm anonymous so I don't have anybody to impress. I was just being specific because I'm hoping to find someone else here who shares a similar assessment of themselves.

If anything I worry I'm too open and emotional with girls, but that one area of social ineptitude is the only specific thing either of those exs mentioned when we broke up other than the usual, "not the right time," "doesn't feel right" stuff that everyone says in those situations. They both fussed about it throughout the relationships, too. Like we'd have fun together, and with smaller groups, but a big party just kinda shuts me down about half the time unless I get wasted.

There are times I can seem emotionally cold, but those are pretty limited to immediately before and after athletic competitions and when I'm writing.

I wish I could be satisfied with that. Good on you.

>> No.7090259

>through life choices and my mind
in my mind*

>destroy any chances I would have of happiness if I were alone or out in the world.
destroy any chance of happiness I would have if I were alone or out in the world*, doing whatever I feel like.

>> No.7090267

You're quite good at recognising them. You're my apprentice now. Observe as I create chaos.

"Everything actual is only in so far as it possess the Idea and expresses it." - Chomsky in December 2012 clearly said something that could only be seen as a the biggest brain-fart of the last 5 centuries. Sam Harris BTFOd him by replying with: "Now, therefore, God is as consciousness, or the consciousness of God means that finite consciousness has its essence, this God, as its object; and it knows the object as its essence, it objectifies it for itself."

tl;dr - Sam Harris is not taken seriously enough. He might seem to be against religion but he's obviously deeply moved by Christianity and is the one who will surely go to heaven if we stop bombarding him with our pathetic nonsense. Zizek agrees by saying: "More than ever we need analytic philosophy today. Less healthcare, more ethical torture pills for my gulags."

>> No.7090275

I would say narcissism is about bringing people close to you and making them pay attention to you. I tend to push people away unless I'm already close to them or want to be friends with them because I find them interesting.

Honestly I don't even know what answer you're seeking here. Just doesn't make any sense to me personally.

>> No.7090280

Not looking for any kind of answer. This is a confessions/feels thread, so I confessed my feels.

What doesn't make sense? I have a major weak point in my social aptitude, and this turns out to be a huge deal to women despite my satisfying them in several other ways.

>> No.7090309

I'm not the most social guy but throw me a topic and I'll talk to you in the most sincere way possible without crossing the lines. Most people I talk to think I'm a nice guy and I'm always willing to share my opinion if I have something interesting to say.

My biggest troubles are one sided conversations tbh. And I do get nervous when I have to present a seminar in front of 30 people but I've seen worse.

>> No.7090316

Sometimes I pretend to support arguments that I disagree with, and I say retarded shit—not full-on twelve-year-old, just a little dumber than the average idiot. I leave obvious holes in my arguments. And of course I never respond to my own posts; I just leave them sitting there for other anons to argue against.

In this way I have changed more minds than I ever have by arguing my own side.

I've stopped, though. I was the serpent: petty, dishonest, creeping—the devil was in me. No cause justified it.

(The moral of this story: never form opinions about other kinds of people by judging anonymous internet posts)

>> No.7090329
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I can see the appeal, but I already have a decent job and lots of money. As much as I blame my parents for being so uptight and isolating me, family is still extremely important to me. When I see my future, I see doing the things my dad took me to do with my own son and having the kind of closeness with my wife that my dad has with my mother, and that my grandparents have with one another.

I hate to get all /r9k/ about it, but sometimes I do wonder if the way we approach sex now has poisoned the well for this sort of thing.

>> No.7090333

When I see something that I didn't really like being overhyped by presumably stupid people it makes me want to see them defending their position.

Sometimes they're obviously correct so I just ignore it and move on, and sometimes I'll even listen to what the baited anon has to say. The funniest replies are the ones asking me to prove my point, which is exactly what I don't care about.

>> No.7090345

>I can see the appeal, but I already have a decent job and lots of money. As much as I blame my parents for being so uptight and isolating me, family is still extremely important to me. When I see my future, I see doing the things my dad took me to do with my own son and having the kind of closeness with my wife that my dad has with my mother, and that my grandparents have with one another.

I have this latent feeling inside me too, but I don't know, I feel like I'm still too young to truly worry about wife or kids. Right now I feel like experiencing what the world has to offer, and to be honest what makes me feel secure is the thought that my parents would be there to help me if anything goes wrong.

The desire of independence is much stronger though.

>> No.7090352

>I hate to get all /r9k/ about it, but sometimes I do wonder if the way we approach sex now has poisoned the well for this sort of thing.
What sort of thing? Kids? You want to have kids soon?

>> No.7090354

i'm lonely and i read to distract myself from the void

>> No.7090361

For the next five or so years I know I just want a faithful partner.
I want to have kids before I'm too far past thirty and I'd rather have them with a younger woman.

I'm cool with putting off children for a while, but my parents had some serious adventures as a young married couple, and that's what I'd always wanted for myself.

>> No.7090368

We're in the same boat, anon. Having a kid sounds kinda lame to me right now though.

>> No.7090395
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at least you're a protagonist and not some half-baked distraction in an overwrought steinbeck novella

>> No.7090411

Soo they just don't like your personality?

>> No.7090421

this tbh but also i sell boatloads of self-published erotica and try to sneak actual art in there on top of it all.

>> No.7090425

I sincerely like most stuff I read. I've given one star on Goodreads to 2 books I've read in the last 3 years, and one of them was Eliot Rodger's. Even when I think something is mostly garbage like American Psycho there's stuff I can't help admiring in it and I'm glad I read it. I would never dissuade anyone from reading anything and I have trouble shit talking even stuff I really disliked.

>> No.7090462

I'm a lot like this. I'll read a trashy low-brow book and get some enjoyment out of it, even if the vast majority is garbage I come out feeling an overall positive experience.

>> No.7090500

I'm in lit instead of working on my book. I can't stop thinking of being fisted, and somehow this place is a middle ground between that and actually working.