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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 1500x994, melissa-lozada-oliva-youtube-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7086812 No.7086812 [Reply] [Original]

slam poetry general


i'm competing this week. no white males wear glasses in slam, should i forgo mine?

>> No.7086813

not literature

>> No.7086820

>poetry is not literature
ok which board should i bring it to?

/pol/? they invade us enough

>> No.7086825

There is nothing poetic about slam poetry or the video OP posted.

>> No.7086833

Haven't these just become a hive of young girls with self-diagnosed mental illnesses talking about them with zero poetic license?

And then the crowd goes "OHH" every second sentence.

>> No.7086859

not really. my biggest problem is that the poetic format typically goes like this


>> No.7086866


What the fuck did I just watch?

>> No.7086869

A diary entry.

>> No.7086870

This would read kinda like Palahniuk but worse, at least Palahniuk tries to write for more than entertainment.

I mean... if you enjoy these and enjoy performing, props. It's just not good literature, and it's certainly not good poetry.

Why does most slam poets want to hold a pity fest around them tho? We get it, you're queer, black, a woman, fat... care about the art, not appealing to political correctness in the public. Jesus christ, that's why I don't care about slam poetry tbh, it's the same shit, same butthurt voices too. Makes me cringe that they take their victim statuses so seriously.

>> No.7086876

How was this poetry? Why is there an audience for this?

>> No.7086878

because it's a points system, and the adjudicators have to be people not involved in the slam community. so the poems have to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>> No.7086880

22 Jump Street was right on about SLAM


>> No.7086882

Poetry is not supposed to be a spectacle.

>> No.7086884

Poetry isn't supposed to not be a spectacle, either.

But, no, totally, tell me more about how the great poets were unconcerned with spectacle and image. With specific great poets. Comments on why eg Lord Byron and Ezra Pound were not great poets will be particularly appreciated.

>> No.7086901

In my opinion poetry should be like praying in one's closet. There's an intuitive aversion to the kind of dick waving that slam is. Competitive poetry leads to this strange victimized ranting against a points system. Sure, the ancients did this, but the style of slam as spectacle is style over substance. It sounds like a mess because it is one.

Byron and Pound and all the Romantics and whatever have the benefit of history to hide their veneer for what it really was.

>> No.7086905
File: 2.02 MB, 383x230, 1342252121593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you and the people you represent
heres a story for you /lit/

>highschool last year did slam poetry and breakdancing to celebrate martin luther king day
>fucking called the entire student body into the "theatre"
>principal gives a few short words about overcoming adversity
>troop of the school's tards come out on stage
>accompanied by one black girl
>they project a huge picture of MLK on the curtain
>black girl and the tards "breakdance" for like 2 minutes
>meanwhile some ludicrous remix of MLK's i have a dream speech is being played on the loudspeakers
>the remix is so bad
>but it gets worse
>the black girl stops doing jumping-jacks next to the dancers and comes towards the microphone
>after a few more minutes of that its finally over
>mfw the principal told us we could go back to our classes now and he just had a look of disappointment on his face

slam poetry is retarded
seriously fuck you, use proper sentence structure you fucking tard

>> No.7086911

Slam poetry is one of the few things I would call degenerate. It is like artistic incest.

>> No.7086914

Slam poetry is honestly the lowest form of literature I think has ever been conceived of.

I have more literary respect for people who write video game fanfictions than slam "poets".

>> No.7086923
File: 132 KB, 896x598, retardation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just so you know im not bullshitting this is a picture of the event from the student newspaper website of it

>> No.7086924
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>> No.7086925


Is that Asian girl really retarded? She looks cute. I'd like to take her virginity.

>> No.7086929

Tell me there is video.

>> No.7086930

she isn't asian, she is 1/4 black and has downs

>> No.7086935


Maybe it's the picture, but that's the prettiest downy I've ever seen. Do you have more pictures?

>> No.7086944

here's the student newspaper photos of the event


i suspect they took so few pictures because they were ashamed

>> No.7086950


Thanks for sharing anon. I'm sorry to make you dig through these memories.

>> No.7086956

Thank you for this.
This is the perfect example of what slam is at its core.

>> No.7086961

>for a Martin Luther King assembly

Holy shit lol

>> No.7086974

im sure they did record it but decided not to upload it, for obvious reasons

its okay, was kind of chucklesome
walking back to classes after the assembly you could hear people commenting on how bad it was

we kind of have a running joke now that when we want to celebrate or honor something, we do slam and breakdance in the most dishonourable way possible

>anon, what are you going to be doing for Veterans Day?

>> No.7086980


top lel someone screencap this so future slam poetry posters can see how shit they really are

>> No.7086983
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I actually made an involuntary disgusted gurgling sound

>> No.7087017

damn son

>> No.7087020

Maybe it's time to come out of that closet anon.

>> No.7087033



>> No.7087040

The only part in which her diction is somewhat unique and not the same fucking shitty slam poetry dramatic thing is when she's trying to be funny and talk in a plush bear's voice

I fucking hate slam poetry

>> No.7087060

I laffed heartily.

>> No.7087061

dear diary
today – I did something quirky
something that fringes on the border of political correctness
and boy was it silly
anyway, i've not much talent
nor much interest in developing worthy talent
nor much interest in those with talent
instead – i'm going to tell you something
something quirky
that I did today
and shine I will,
a light of carelessness and frivalty
upon my depression and anxiety and minor bipolar disorder
I diagnosed myself with
because fella, my mind I consider dark
but if I sparkle a little bit like a normal girl
then boy does my sparkle really say something
about me
because it's about me
and i'm interesting – trust me
and so concludes
a worthless giggle fest
of something quirky,
I – me – yes me
did today
I love poetry

>> No.7087069

Git on my level


but his poems are actually really good on paper, too.

>> No.7087082

i kinda like it, although i know nothing about poetry or slam poetry. it's entertaining, a bit funny and it shows that it has a point of commenting on some aspects of the modern adult life or whatever

i didn't understand that part about "hoping that my inmigrant ascendence doesn't matter" or something like that, what did she mean?

>> No.7087141

Poets like Tennyson loved reading their shit aloud. I think he understood that poetry ought to be read aloud so that style might be fully appreciated. I agree that here style seems to overrule substance, but there is a balance of the two that I don't think you are giving credit.


>> No.7087145

She would like to take yours

>> No.7087162


Quality cringe tbh

>> No.7087177
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I managed to watch a minute and 35 seconds before I had to stop it.

>pic related

This shit is baaad.... fuck...just baaaaad.

>> No.7087180

I love slam poetry. I've even written a poem of my own. There's a competition coming up where I live and I'm thinking of entering, I feel like I might have a good chance of winning. Here's the poem:

"i'm black
you're white
don't tell me what to do
don't tell me what to say
don't tell me you understand
because you never do and you never will
please old white men
just leave me alone
and go read Hemingway or something
love, a person of colour"

I'm not actually black but I think the judges will recognize that poetry is about language and imagery and not the skin colour of the author.

>> No.7087233
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I love how contemporary poetry is defined by an ability to articulate oppression - I've read on the kind of people that pioneer this; they're typically have some glaringly obvious personality disorder and have been a part of the literary community to know they don't have much talent, thus the niche where they're effectively the only people allowed to contribute.
I saw a unpassable half trap on tumblr today seriously say that gender was created by male white supremacists and if you disagree you're a white supremacist (I gave it a mostly friendly email correcting it, then I asked if it (who is Jewish btw) was aware that Jewish people have exceptional influence in the corporate and media worlds)

Post your stuff. And I don't give a fuck about your glasses. Wear a mask

I live in Oakland and also want to get involved in my local lit scene; contributing to readings, and because everyone is doing it I'll probably try poetry; I think that might be fun

I was looking up Joel Landmine who I met at a reading. He's a poet and more or less writes about the same things I would.
I'm just kind of pissed that we are in a bit of a dead zone because of that anti male campaign.
Apparently Joel used to read at a series that would've been perfect for me 'Anger Management, Bitchez & Brew' (I have no doubt in my mind why it no longer exists)
I could tell just by talking to Joel, a self professed 'curmudgeon', that being angry I guess is more a quality of his 'persona' than personality.
On friday, after my friend was feeling pretty insecure or something he started insulting the fact that I had a poetry book on my bed, he said that I was the type of person that didn't know how to think and I was desperately trying to find meaning - he says this in a smug and condescending way without being too aggressive and if I accused him of what he was doing, he will deflect his way out of it and outright lie when that doesn't work - that's the kind of disgusting snake he is.
I already know what I'm going to do and I wait a few seconds for him to finish before hitting him in the stomach a few times and holding his head on the floor while I yell at him and call him the nasty schizophrenic fuck that he is, then I push the poetry book in his face and told him that I'm going to become a well known writer just because I can. I tell him how I bought one of the books because I'm interested in getting to know the girl who organized the reading and runs the publishing house (also just fucking curious). then I showed him the other book and why I bought it (author seemed cool from the articles I had read and the book ended up being good)

I would've loved to go to that series. It's kind of gay that the kind of writing I'm good at is effectively being marginalized and how thre is zero opposition to the idea of silencing parts of the male voice in order to give the females a chance to shine and forgetting the fact that truly provocative lit from both genders has always been silenced

>> No.7087241

fucking honkey bitch

>> No.7087245

>On friday, after my friend was feeling pretty insecure or something he started insulting the fact that I had a poetry book on my bed, he said that I was the type of person that didn't know how to think and I was desperately trying to find meaning - he says this in a smug and condescending way without being too aggressive and if I accused him of what he was doing, he will deflect his way out of it and outright lie when that doesn't work - that's the kind of disgusting snake he is.

I had to end talks with a fucker who would do shit like this

Oakland, CA?

>> No.7087274

so slam poetry is probably the worst artform (or lit form), isn't it?

as far as I recall, I can appreciate something from any other form, but this... pure shit.

trying to think of other forms/styles I never care for... rock musicals are always bad I guess...

I mean, okay, flashmobs are always pretty corny. or anything where people, say, hold up signs with some positive (or angry) message online, or do that thing where they record videos around the world of different people playing the same Bob Marley song or whatever. or anything with hashtags (hashtags are so NEEDY). anything that comes across as lazy, pandering, feel-good political propaganda is somehow not exactly art... I'd put it more in a category with commercials.

but man, fuck slam poetry.

>> No.7087286

>I've read on the kind of people that pioneer this; they're typically have some glaringly obvious personality disorder and have been a part of the literary community to know they don't have much talent, thus the niche where they're effectively the only people allowed to contribute.

you totally nailed nearly everyone who does identity politics-motivated art or lit these days. it's the bastion of the uninspired.

>> No.7087303
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that was fucking gay

>> No.7087317

oh yeah, socialist realism is shit.

>> No.7087377

Linkin Park writes better lyrics than this

>> No.7087388

I love the level of contempt /lit/ has for slam poetry. Slam poets are basically /lit/'s bronies.

>> No.7087400


>> No.7087413


This is pure mansplaining but i actually like the way you write. Keep at it.

>> No.7087420


>> No.7087454

I couldn't listen to more than 20 seconds of this shrill cunt.

>> No.7087476

I capped it.

>> No.7087699

I hate that slam poetry has taken I get pretty much all performance poetry where I live.

>> No.7087730

the death of art.

>> No.7087768

Is there any artform as cringeworthy?

>> No.7087777

ITT : people too scared or unable to stand up and read their own writing with conviction

>> No.7087869

he's her arch nemesis

>> No.7087890

OP here, I'm not bringing any poems like that. I'm bringing poems about bones and words and time and television commercials. i've been told that people appreciate what i do because i don't care what's cool. I'm alright, but i know there's people who are better than me competing

>> No.7087896

in what sense are you using "cool" here?

is there no precision of language anymore?

>> No.7087909 [DELETED] 

>here's my one minute poem

beneath red tendons and blue riverbanks
is ulna, like an elm
whose radius lets us twist our wrists
let us strip
without disturbing skin's smooth surface
and learn from calcium's architect

above pillar where muscles stretch
is some small lake
carpus hooks piciform tangle
while marbled lunate reflects
triquetrum slipped between
hook and moon and fish
the meeting of swimming
and pulling
and the lunar faces look
trapezium and trapezoid
trap capitate head central
phalanxes of phalanges
stand ready to grip
or grasp
or trace
the shape
of bones
the lake

>> No.7087926

fashionable, not the temperature

>> No.7087954

Laughed loudly during breakfast tbh

>> No.7088005

Tbph you should probably kill yourself fam imho

Smdh rme

But seriously... It's bad in a baf way tbh

>> No.7088006

G8d b8

>> No.7088012

Word. that's another problem with slam, nobody gives you honest critical feedback.

i'll swap it out. what would you say makes it bad?

>> No.7088018

I can't tell what makes this poem better or worse than any other

poems are so shit in general

>> No.7088031 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7088042

Is that a projection of a rollercoaster?

>> No.7088072


>> No.7088076

Why isn't she slamming?

>> No.7088078

She's not a downy. Downies looks like their flesh has melted.

>> No.7088206

This is pretty good.


>> No.7088292

But poetry is meant to be read out loud

> no white males wear glasses in slam

What? Hail to the king

>> No.7088362
File: 126 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-09-08-09-53-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman campaigned against Tao Lin, she declared a day to burn his books and she's calling him sexist because he hasn't pursued a friendship with her

>> No.7089268

I fucking hate women.

>> No.7090312

Tell that to the Homeric bards, or any minstrel from an oral culture.

>> No.7090319

lmao ezra pound might be considered great but he wasnt very good

>> No.7090338

Lyrical poetry is.

>> No.7090359

>ok which board should i bring it to?
you shouldnt bring it to any board, you should shove it up your ass.
>/pol/? they invade us enough
>the great /pol/ bogey man
kill yourself

>> No.7090376

poetry spoken without meter is not poetry.

this is what spoken poetry sounds like

or this

or this

or this

or this

and, although I think Whitman not much of a reader, he at least doesn't read it as prose

"Slam poetry" is about as poetic as the word "slam" is. I'm embarrassed just to know that it exists.

>> No.7090419
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Cool story grandpa

>> No.7090432


Wut about psalms or rimbaud

>> No.7090449
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"True poetry" fags are seriously the worst kind of people. They make the banter between prose and plot seem like the most patrician dialogue on earth, they are so autistic and out of touch with art.

I honestly do not know what they get out of the poetry they claim to like so much while completely failing to appreciate.

>> No.7090505
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>mfw all this angry shitposting

>> No.7090541

I've never read the Psalms in the Hebrew so I don't know what to say, except that I understand they were sung, and they certainly make copious use of poetic devices like parallelism and alliteration. I find them really exceptional in the English translations I know, but I cannot say that they're the height of poetry as poetry in English. I am so indebted to the Psalms, but I don't know how to compare them to Tennyson, or to Vergil's hexameters, or to Pope.

As for Rimbaud—my French is very bad. On this I can say nothing. I do know what I think of the English poets; and I think versification a very good thing.

I shouldn't have been all-or-nothing about it. Yes, there is good prose poetry (you might have even mentioned some in English), which might even merit the name poetry. I don't have a high opinion of the form.

>I honestly do not know what they get out of the poetry they claim to like so much while completely failing to appreciate.
Have you ever asked them? Maybe you've got them wrong.

>> No.7090572

I went to a slam poetry reading once and there was an improv theatre group and one of the performers had such a nice ass that I made a note of it on my iPhone.

>> No.7090575

Pound, Whitman or Williams?
What about Dickinson and even Ashbury?

>> No.7090705

but 99.9% of poetry without meter sucks ass, and calling that dude "grandpa" just shows that you've got no argument to the contrary

>> No.7091114

Slam "poets" are just teens and manchildren appropriating art, they are the ones out of touch with art.

>> No.7091194

You think slam poetry was cool?

Wait until you hear slam death metal


>> No.7091646

this is embarrassing. >>>/b/

>> No.7091678

Made it to 1:03

>> No.7091702

sum1 need to slap dis bitch & impregnate her

>> No.7091704

lmlao the ad i got is using coneheads for advertising in 2015

>> No.7091712
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>I already know what I'm going to do and I wait a few seconds for him to finish before hitting him in the stomach a few times and holding his head on the floor while I yell at him and call him the nasty schizophrenic fuck that he is, then I push the poetry book in his face and told him that I'm going to become a well known writer just because I can.

>> No.7091726

Oh, don’t look at me like that. I don’t care that it is Rachel fucking Hanover. It’s not just her. I mean, I’ve read her stuff on Facebook. It’s nothing special. Just a bunch of regurgitated words. Look: when was the last time you heard or saw anything different from a slam poet? Have you ever seen one that wasn’t look at me, I’m so fucking special and oppressed in some way? Some twig-thin twenty year old girl talking about anorexia or bad relationships or daddy thinks hitting is the same thing as fucking? Or a gay twenty-year old black kid talking about how they perceive the world through taste and smell and how the color of their skin has fucked them? Or some twenty-year old sympathetic-to-the-cause white male talking about how ashamed they are to be a part of the oppression when in reality they’re doing it because they feel guilty, guilty that they never got around to writing that novel everybody kept telling them they’d write, and they spent so much time on preparing to do it that when it came time they just wouldn’t. They just couldn’t. They never got around to talking to other people like the world was real outside their own heads.

You go to slam poetry, and you hear brave people, people who are out there telling it like it is. They’re calling it all out, bitching about this and that, owning their labels, but they never spend too much time talking about themselves, now do they? I go to see slam poetry, and all I get out of it are a bunch of people psyching themselves into feeling like victims, getting off on looking like victims, putting all that shame they feel even though they’re not supposed to on somebody else, never admitting that the real reason they’re up there is they know they didn’t make it. They know they didn’t live up to themselves and whatever plan they had. They don't say it and that's what really turns them on. The mask comes on and they get sweaty. It’s this generation of people who know James Joyce because he wrote a bunch of letters about wanting to live in his wife’s ass. They read The Dead and thought that was all he did besides. There’s no dialogue, it’s just this is the artist. The art gets left behind.

>> No.7091727

It’s like when you go to a high school play and all the actors are sixteen and seventeen and they just don’t get it. They’re too young and they haven’t been in
the world long enough to do anything other than bullshit the same old stuff back and forth, only they’re not really bullshitting or talking or listening. Once in awhile you get a kid who can really pull it off, who can actually look like they’re listening, like they’re engaged and not just waiting to talk. Just like everybody, I mean. But at least once in awhile you say something and somebody listens. Mostly it’s like watching like fucking Dragnet. It’s watching people not saying anything, so eager to wait for the other person to stop so they can say whatever the fuck it is they’re supposed to say. People who want to be special, making themselves into characters. These are people who spent their lives memorizing their lines so they could spit them back out. A whole lotta talking that never goes anywhere. Slam poetry is where those people go after high school’s over, the ones who weren’t good enough to keep going. Like football stars who didn’t get signed to a team, so they ended up on the sidelines. It’s a bunch of people who are trying to get by through the way they used to be. People who never moved on, woke up, said Jesus fucking Christ, this is my life now.

I want to hear slam poetry, I’ll go to a fucking political rally. I’ll go to a job interview. I’ll tape myself the next time I start talking to myself in the shower and listen to it when I get drunk. I don’t need to go drink shitty coffee to hear about how bad everything is from some caricature. If I liked that, I’d be going to Church. So no, I’m not interested in going with you to some fucking slam poetry event. I’d get arrested for talking to God in the middle of the street before I went to see people who aren’t listening congratulating each other on their bitching. And at the end of all that, and I'm sorry about all that, and I guess I'm sorry I said all that, all I really meant to say is I’d rather be at home and fucking you on the counter. With Marvin Gaye on.

>> No.7091738


>slam poetry in an anonymous sea of fags

>talking to himself about himself


>> No.7091788
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>> No.7091806

thank you anon

i found your posts cathartic

>> No.7091846

>What exactly does being a light-skinned Latina mean for me? It means that all at once, I am just dark enough, too dark or not dark enough at all. It means that I’m the color white people want to be, but white people don’t actually want to be me.

>In college, a white classmate once touched my arm and said that she loved my tan. “How did you get like this in the middle of December?” she asked. “You’re the perfect color!” I guess I was supposed to feel honored. In that moment, however, I stopped being me. I wasn’t my abuelita’s mosca or my father’s melangango. I wasn’t a writer or a first-generation college student. I was just a nice tan. I may as well have been a chemically constructed liquid, something she could purchase in a bottle or spray on herself at the beach.

>The idea of being a “perfect color” is a product of colorism. Colorism favors people with lighter skin tones and violently dismisses those with darker ones. My sister’s Venezuelan classmate once told her that he didn’t speak to black or indigenous people because they were darker than he was and thus, beneath him. I’ve been told that I’m the “good” kind of Latino – that I don’t look like those “sketchy Dominican girls,” or “those Indian-looking El Salvadorans with the wide noses.” My “perfect color” means I won’t be followed around a store. You know what? If I dress a certain way – put on some boat shoes, a polo, maybe some pearl earrings – I could maybe even cross over into the land of whiteness. I could get a seat in a cafe there. Listen to Tame Impala.


>> No.7091858

What bothers me the most is just how formulaic this stuff is. Why do they even bother saying what the know has been said so many times in the past?

>> No.7091865


*Tips leprechaun

>> No.7091868

*tips sombrero*

>> No.7091877

*tip insecurity

>> No.7091878

Because the girl is considered nice by them and its a way they have of making people pay attention to her. The editor probably thought she was attractive or something.

This is how newspapers work. Anyone can write reviews like those they have at the New York Times. The reason why Michio Kukitani or whatever she's called gets the job but you don't is simple: she has the social connections that you have not.

More serious magazines like The NY Review, The Times Lit. Supplement etc. demand more talent, though, so it's usually professional writers/academics who write for them.

>> No.7091924

Again, that's quite obvious. It was more of a question of why she would write it in the first place. the best I can think of is that having more people say it gives her points more legitimacy, but there are better and more efficient ways to do that. When ever I read an article by a mainstream leftist, I can predict not only what it will say but exactly how it will be said. (I'm sure the same could be said for the right. I just don't read their writing.) There's a lot of benefit to the standardization of terminology, but it does produce quite a bit of banal crap.

>> No.7091962


Someone vainly reduced her skin color to a fad or funsy of whiteness. Typical teen ignorance btu still indicative of certain *ahem* issues.

I'm guessing journalism journals history and it's triumphs & woes. That is it's formula. Don't be bothered by it.

>> No.7091997
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>> No.7092011


As an australian i'm kind of annoyed some american girl is using tame impala as a metonym for whiteness

>> No.7092373
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>> No.7092397


pretty hard to argue with that flawless logic tbh fam

>> No.7092421 [DELETED] 

> that jew nose
