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File: 278 KB, 684x1416, 1440168666-20150821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7083251 No.7083251 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7083267

What a fundemental misunderstanding of stoicism.

There is no denial of pleasures in stoicism, only those that serve no rational end. For example, going out and getting locked wif da boyz was fine because the stoics appreciated that socialising is important and a rational end in itself.

Fucking hookers on the other hand, not allowed. You could bang your wife as much as you wanted though, as long as it was for the sole purpose of recreation and you did not let yourself get caught up in it and stop being rational.

>> No.7083268

Stoics were a bit silly with their appeal to nature tbh.

>> No.7083271

>rational end
contradictio in terminis

>> No.7083277


How so?

>> No.7083283
File: 236 KB, 424x448, disgusting2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>webcomic artists

>> No.7083286

Reason is impartial, therefore it does not have ends. Ends are the result of desires, which are irrational. As the fat lad said: "`Tis not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my finger."

>> No.7083304

>not appealing to nature when before sleeping

wut, how do you do that? basically can't sleep otherwise tbh

>> No.7083307

Has any ever thought Stoics were to deny themselves ALL pleasures? I thought it was just pleasures without substance that leave you feeling unfulfilled? Following the example used above, my friends might go out on Saturday night, get blind, wake up in poor health and hating themselves. I'd stay in and read a book or shitpost on /lit/, and feel like maybe I'd learned something new or was indulged in some escapism which made me happier. Am I a Stoic? Or is this purely subjective pleasures?

>> No.7083311

>our way is the best because it's NATURE'S WAY
>your way is stupid because it's AGAINST NATURE

This is the foundation of all Stoics thought and it's defined completely arbitrary, Stoics were idiots who tried to systematise Cynicism and thereby ruined it.

>> No.7083315

Hedonists believe that momentary denial of pain is pleasure is happiness is good
Webcomic Stoic here believes that denial of momentary denial of pain is self-control is happiness is good

The idea that denial of momentary denial of pain is "pleasure from smugness" is dumb

>> No.7083320

Stoics are just the fedoras of Christianity (yes, we know they predated Christianity, it really doesn't change anything given God is real).

Jesus redid their philosophy in a much more holistic and understandable way.

>> No.7083328


Ah, thank you for clearing that up.

>> No.7083332

"Given God is real"
>Believing this un-ironically

>> No.7083335

It is the consensus among philosophers far and wide. That it is the Christian God is a bit more hotly disputed, but Christianity's case for itself is indisputable, really.

>> No.7083340

>It is the consensus among philosophers far and wide.
Maybe if you include all the dead silly ones. I hope you don't define scientific consensus that way as well.

>> No.7083341

Why have they concluded the Christian God and not Allah? I'm not trying to start an argument I'm genuinely curious

>> No.7083350

>"pleasure of stoicism"


>> No.7083351

That is the part that is more hotly disputed.

Muhammad was a rapist pedophile warlord, though, so you do have to wonder who was telling the truth between him and Jesus :^)

>> No.7083369

Why modern people can't see anything but pleasure?

If you can't accept that some one could do something because of God, or because of virtue, or whatever the highest good someone chooses, then you can't really argue with the stoics. You already too much inside Epicurus camp to be able to discuss anything.

>> No.7084155

dibs bedora

>> No.7084194

stoics deny themselves pleasure to inure themselves to temptation and intoxication

it's not about being smug, even aurelius says on many different occasions to never walk around like you're king shit

but what do you expect from a guy who thinks a webcomic btfo a 2000 year old philosophy

>> No.7084209


>> No.7084218

Stoicism is pretty interesting but has any stuff from Epicurus or some other opposing philosopher survived? Stoicism's surviving works are pretty scarce as it is but I don't think I've seen a work by Epicurus?

>> No.7084224
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Watch it pal. I got a really big hat and I'm not afraid to use it.

>> No.7084232

Being a rapist pedophile warlord does not prohibit someone from being truthful. Saying that one is literally God is a better reason for distrust.

>> No.7084244

Essential Epicurus
On the Nature of Things - Lucretius

>> No.7084274

stoicism is fag shit

>> No.7084280

alright, thanks for the recs. Much appreciated.

>> No.7084282

stay attached to externals and remain a slave for the rest of your life lmao

>> No.7084292
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1432089602565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga. I'll never understand how everybody gets stoicism so wrong.

>Hey, maybe go easy on chasing pleasure if it distracts you from the things that matter, causes you harm, or harms others
>Self control is pretty important, since really yourself is the only thing you can control at all.

Somehow becomes

>Hurr, I hate fun

I don't get it, but whatever. That bullshit only bothers me as much as I let it bother me.

>> No.7084296

nietzsche wrote that stoicism was a method of damage control compared to epicureanism and is only fit for violent and sudden settings

what's your opinion on that

>> No.7084333

>Somehow becomes
>Hurr, I hate fun

Did you even read the webcomic? It begins with the comparison against hedonism.

It obviously caters to people who are hedonistic and serves to mock the strawman that argues against their lifestyle, while making them feel smart about whoring themselves.

>> No.7084339

>There is no denial of pleasures in stoicism, only those that serve no rational end.
But stoicism also encourages you cut people out of your life who are not stoics. So you wouldn't want to hang out "wif da boyz".

>> No.7084342

Literally every single philosophy ever appeals to human nature. Even lefty faggoty communism and so on.

You cannot name one philosophy that doesn't.

>> No.7084344

lol what

i wish you faggots would actually read the philosophies you're arguing about

>> No.7084349

he's right because nietzsche is the only philosopher who is pretty much never wrong

>> No.7084359

neetshay was such a genius tbh
don't know why we don't teach his philosophy to children since grade school

>> No.7084364

..maybe you should try doing so instead of quoting the one person you likely read.

Many stoics know you reflect your company, so you'll reject the company of the drunkard. This is basic stoicism, faggot.

>> No.7084366
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Because only the elite will ever get his philosophy, or even try.

You cannot democratize his philosophy. When he gets spread far and wide he gets bastardized

>> No.7084375

ive read aurelius, epictetus, musonius, and seneca. get on my level faggot.

none of them encourage you to cut people off, only to avoid getting dragged down into their low level of discourse, and in fact, be patient with them if they're being assholes.

stop using stoicism to justify being a weeb faggot

>> No.7084381

I'm not, I'm just pointing out that stoicism does make pressures on the type of company you maintain, which puts a bit of a hitch in your intellectual giddyup.

>> No.7084385

How did he do it?

>> No.7084393

>le elite maymay

Niit wasn't a biologist, as far as blood is concerned, he has no fucking clue

>> No.7084415


By being Nietzsche

He cleverly does something similar to Stirner but also pulls the rug from under his conclusions

>> No.7084421

Lol what? Nietzsche says so himself, that only a select few will truly comprehend his work

>> No.7084428

Pretty much every school of thought tries to harness human nature to a productive end. It's just that they disagree on what that nature is and how it should be harnessed.

>> No.7084440

Yeah except those interpretations are not exact nuances

People pick human nature to conform to their exact ideological stances.

>> No.7084445


>> No.7084463


>> No.7084475

this guy tearing holes in the ancients, what dumb dumbs

>> No.7084483

Yeah true, there's one but he's a faglord

Because the first sin against the Holy Spirit is idle feet ;-)

>> No.7084484
File: 139 KB, 1130x1600, realphotoofnietscheyesitsactuallyhimitsnotshopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was just insanely smart, he could easily find the flaws in Stirner or the stoics and debunk their entire arguments just like that

>> No.7084488

Thar picture looks edited

>> No.7084500

its not, its just one of those rarer pictures that doesn't get posted much.

>> No.7084512
File: 7 KB, 197x256, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare nietzsche thread?

>> No.7084519

Not as dank as rare pepes

>> No.7084647


No twelve year old christian scientists on the board thanks.

>> No.7084694
File: 51 KB, 499x499, Überpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

>> No.7084707

What if I have no wife and bang a hooker to put my sexual energy where it belongs instead of feeling frustrated for the lack of available vaginas? Now that I have rationalized an impulse, am I worthy of stoicism?

>> No.7084719

>he thinks stoicism just means rationalizing whatever it is you actually want to do

reddit is that way m8

>> No.7084740

Best pepe


>> No.7084823
File: 37 KB, 400x529, 1389871997740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks stoicism just means
No. I know stoicism is much more than that with many more words that these, but it is simply a condensation for the sake of argument and a little bit to pull your leg.
But it seems I'm actually mistaken and instead fucked you in the rear, since you seem to be breddy butt-blasted.

>> No.7085367


>> No.7085376

Except he totally does, implicitly

>that whole section on love

>> No.7085380
File: 26 KB, 353x500, Ravachol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a picture of French anarchist Ravachol edited to look like Nietzsche.

>> No.7085388

Where does he appeal to human nature in order to devise normative ethics?

Give me an example of where Stirner says 'you ought to act this way because it is natural' and 'you ought not to act that way because it is unnatural' like the Stoics do.

>> No.7085405

>Where does he appeal to human nature in order to devise normative ethics?
>Give me an example of where Stirner says 'you ought to act this way because it is natural' and 'you ought not to act that way because it is unnatural' like the Stoics do.
Human nature doesn't lead to ethics, dummy. It just means you're making statements about the way humans are.

>> No.7085410

Why don't you quote someone instead of saying what stoicism says?

>> No.7085516

yet: "Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them."

>> No.7085636

Appealing to human nature is something else than saying something about human nature. The former is my problem with the Stoics.

>> No.7085639

Thereby being the rational means to an irrational end.

>> No.7085667
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>human nature doesn't lead to ethics

>> No.7085683

>hasn't read Rousseau

Not really. If I say humans are intrinsically good, that has real, tangible consequences for how people are expected to act, without being a normative statement in itself.

>> No.7085693

nice harry potter spell NERD

>> No.7085723

>. If I say humans are intrinsically good, that has real, tangible consequences for how people are expected to act
Descriptive statements describe how things already are. If you expect your statement to have consequences you are in normative territory.

>> No.7085731

>Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil. But for my part I have long perceived the nature of good and its nobility, the nature of evil and its meanness, and also the nature of the culprit himself, who is my brother (not in the physical sense, but as a fellow creature similarly endowed with reason and a share of the divine); therefore none of those things can injure me, for nobody can implicate me in what is degrading. Neither can I be angry with my brother or fall foul of him; for he and I were born to work together, like a man’s two hands, feet or eyelids, or the upper and lower rows of his teeth. To obstruct each other is against Nature’s law – and what is irritation or aversion but a form of obstruction.

The Marquis de Aurelius

>> No.7085735
File: 62 KB, 365x365, a15289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"taking pleasure in one's own self-control is still hedonism because you used the word pleasure! HAHA BTFO YOU'RE STILL THE SAME AS ME POPPIN MOLLIES DOWN AT DA CLUB"

wew lad

>> No.7085746
File: 53 KB, 795x442, nietzsche re stoics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Nietzsche who blew the Stoics the fuck out.

>> No.7085765

No. Descriptions about the way things are do effect normative statements. Just not directly.

I know Hume's razor well and you're misapplying it. If I said "humans do not steal only if they have enough stuff", and "stealing ought to be avoided", then you can combine those statements in a syllogism to make another normative claim.

If you take Rousseau, who says all bad human things are done because of economic conditions, then if you take the one normative premise that we ought to avoid bad things, which is true of literally everyone who's not a nihilist (even if we disagree on what's bad), then other things do follow necessarily.

>> No.7085769

>anno mmxv
>accipiens nietzsche serio

i used google translate btw

>> No.7085776

>asspained Stoics

Rage all you like, it won't restore your ruined rectums

>> No.7085789
File: 145 KB, 406x425, le smug thief face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you're even against stoicism, it's not like you're some hardcore hedonist m8, you spend your days shitposting on a literature board on a chinese cartoons site

>> No.7085792

There is literally no reason to believe in a personal god, it's delusional as fuck.

>> No.7085795

my waifu <3

>> No.7085798

>not knowing a good point when you see one no matter who wrote it

>> No.7085889

Theophrastus said it was a greater offense to sin out of pleasure than to sin out of anger. He did not account for the 4chan toddlers of the future, who scream online out of frustration with their own lives but do not even derive pleasure from their shitty in-jokes and trolling anymore. They only keep doing it out of habit because it used to be funny ages ago.

>> No.7085937

A passion is something that predicts its own continuation. If you can snuff it out, then it's wrong.