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7082614 No.7082614 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the logical conclusion to philosophy?

>> No.7082616

Literally who?

>> No.7082626

Nietzsche's ultimate legacy is as the pre-eminent philosopher of the losing side of history.

The Orgy Of The Will is just Nietzsche dumbed down and applied to inane topics like PUA.

It won't have much of a legacy.

>> No.7082635

>of the losing side of history.

>> No.7082655

Uh he's a Nazi or something

>> No.7082659


i'd say the ubermensch is never coming. democracy won. mankind is being domesticated.

>> No.7082668

The Will is not a meaningful consistent term but an artefact of Augustinian theology misused through recent centuries by a series of particularly unpleasant philosophers compensating for their lack of actual status, like a certain Hegel-cucked woman-assaulting fellow

>> No.7082680

Damn, need to filter the word cuck again

>> No.7082695

But he also predicted that.

>> No.7082732

>Augustinian theology
what is the will in this context ?

>> No.7082743


>The last man (German: der letzte Mensch) is a term used by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in Thus Spoke Zarathustra to describe the antithesis of the imagined superior being, the Übermensch, whose imminent appearance is heralded by Zarathustra. The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security

To put this into ethological terms; rank theory is the concept that organisms that lose status games enter into a state of depression to inhibit further failed attempts at overturning the social order that result in injury or death. Solitary organisms don't exhibit depression, since submission in their case leads to being eaten. Contrasting the losers are the winners, who exist in a constant hyperactive mania that allows them to micromanage their fiefs. The last man is an ethological loser, and the ubermensch is an ethological winner.


>democracy won

Wealth is less evenly distributed than ever before. Many western governments are now openly considered police states by their populaces, and this is no longer a subject of conversation, but a legal inevitability.

>mankind is being domesticated

We can't even domesticate microorganisms to the point where they don't kill us. Insects are becoming immune to everything we throw at them. Everything is evolving to compete with humanity, and we've set the bar so high that only the best remain, and death comes invisibly. The rest of the biosphere is catching up to us.

What if the ubermensch isn't human? Random molecules really can result in life, and if you already have life exposure to new mutagenic and tetragenic molecules can induce the birth of whole new species. Nylon eating bacteria are considered a true example of macroevolution, countering the primary argument of creationism.

Moreover, a smaller and smaller percentage of humanity gets involved in any given war as history goes by. It's getting harder to effect the greater whole of humanity, not easier. We're splitting apart, and one of those pieces may be the ubermensch.

>> No.7082747

Augustine is the origin for the concept of 'will' as used in Western philosophy, to mean an act of consciously defying God or morality, which he equates to god; the 'willfulness' of a child acting out for its own sake is in Augustine equated with human sin. There's a clear continuity between this Christian theological concept of will and its appropriation by Schopenhauer etc
The use of the word Will in translations of earlier texts is apparently misleading, I've forgotten the details but a greek word commonly equated with it would've had quite a different meaning, does anyone know?

>> No.7082784

>>Augustine is the origin for the concept of 'will' as used in Western philosophy, to mean an act of consciously defying God or morality, which he equates to god

but the will now is the classical liberal will of an agent. There is no longer a deity involved.

>> No.7082800

Exactly, and this is a foundational flaw in those Enlightenment ideas of society and its actors, god has been taken out of the equation but will continues to be treated as a consistent concept, when really we often mean quite unclear things by it.
We're left with things like the debate about free will, where we need that idea for our idea of society to function and feel right but we can't prove it's real or adequately formulate it, or the mystic worship of Will to mean any number of things by post-Schopenhauer writers. Will was an idea in Western Christianity to explain the nature of sin and how we can be held responsible for our actions despite an omnipotent god, and we need to reformulate this idea now that foundation is no longer there

>> No.7082803

>What if the ubermensch isn't human?
It's possible sure, but I don't think nylon eating bacteria will count, more like if an alien meteorite crashes into earth or if we engineer some super-creature. Remember that man is the bridge between beast and overman, you need some of the properties a human has(or maybe not I'm not a Nietzsche scholar)

>> No.7082925


>or if we engineer some super-creature

I'm leaning towards that, and I don't think there'll be one super creature, or only one group making them. The ubermensch will come in many shapes and sizes.

>you need some of the properties a human has

> It is an etymological twin with German ober, and is cognate (through Proto-Germanic) with English over
>Über also translates to over, above, meta, but mainly in compound words

Ubermensch is one such compound word. It's used as a very general place-holder, and means basically 'that which is above man.'

What could be above a man? Intellectually, physically, emotionally and industrially? Consider how powerful humans are, and than imagine something above them.

Sounds like a god to me. Theologically, gods have always been considered above men. Nietzsche argued that it was nihilistic to be content living as a mortal man on Earth, destined for a second life in Heaven. It was the defining act of the ubermensch to refuse life as a mortal man - to break the chains of eternal return, and forge his own destiny. Once the ball towards ontological autonomy starts rolling, it doesn't stop until the ubermensch has wandered time and space to a point where he enjoys godhood.

Since the gods don't exist, the refusal by man to become them precludes their creation. A global spite binds everyone on Earth - no one wants anyone else to be free. Removing yourself from the company of other people precludes exposure to this spite, and it's absence produces the Will to Power. The more you treat your body like an avatar in a video game, the stronger you'll be.

>> No.7082995

The ubermensch will be a memetic agent. An idea that is only toxic to weakness and cannot be avoided except by shutting out everything and becoming catatonic.

We already have ideas that can produce a weakened effect, but we haven't yet created a "wrapping" that lets them penetrate and persist within the mind. People are able to go to sleep when the thoughts plague them and awake when they are gone. There needs to be a way to make it so the thoughts never leave, and so they can never wake back up.

>> No.7083047

go away alex

>> No.7083735


>> No.7083833

Humanity sure is up for some interesting changes once we (or some of us) really start to augment ourselves.

>> No.7084099


>> No.7084111

wow guys i found the ubermensch

>> No.7084120

demonbane can beat icycalm


>> No.7084149

icycalm would just dip demonbane in fondue and get his forum members to pay for gay porn subscriptions

>> No.7084824

As above, so below. The Overman will arrive in an age where he is least likely to appear.