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7081268 No.7081268 [Reply] [Original]

How do people even bother turning up to universities ranked lower than the top 30 in the world? I go to one in my hometown ranked between 100 and 200 so I can lie to myself and say "at least I have no debt, I could've made sometihng of myself" but I know that I dun goofed and missed any chance of being any sort of intellectual.

They're places filled with mindless normies. I doubt anyone even cares about anyhting other than normie stuff like dat rad party last night and dat rad upcoming party and who got slightly more drunk than usual. And let's not forget their typical wageslave jobs they unironically look forward to, which they think is the reason that uni was invented.

I just see all those large buildings and huge amount of people and think that they're monuments to mediocrity, at best, and normie delusion at worst. It's like normie delusion, anti-intellectualism, and entitlement flows through these institutions and erodes all academic standards, intellectual discussion, self-examination, and when you enrol look inside there's nothing there except "da yoonay lifestyl, bezt dayz of ye liyf m8, free jagerbombs at filthstitution dis friay" (said in the style of a Radio 1 advert).

>inb4 shoulda gone to the library

My uni library was a normie sanctuary. Much moreso than any of your university's libraries I'm sure.

>> No.7081273

>being this much of a virgin faggot weirdo

fuck off

>> No.7081287

>being this much of a virgin faggot weirdo

fuck off

>> No.7081291

>How do people even bother turning up to universities ranked lower than the top 30 in the world?
because they're still fun and improve your expected lifetime earning even if they're not global top 30.

btw I went to Cambridge university and most people still have social skills and go clubbing even though people do often get into pedantic discussions or dscussions about hypothetical scenarios more often than other university students.

>> No.7081293

yes university has almost become essential unless you want to be an apprentice to some trade

it's sad, but it's the truth

globalization has made it so that you're comparing yourself to the rest of the first world, when really you should be comparing yourself to your immediate surroundings

so yeah, you're mediocre, but most people are

maybe work hard and get into a good grad school if you want to keep at academia

or give it a few years in the workforce and then what university you went to is peripheral

but I'm ok cuz I went to a top 30 university and I graduated with no debt ;)

>> No.7081301
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>being this much of a sexually frustrated neckbeard loser

>> No.7081300

The real resource you go to university for is the faculty. Disregard dumb classmates, engage with professors who eat, sleep and breathe your fields of interest. You pretty much have to be a community college to get faculty who aren't worth talking to.

When you aren't probing professor brains, loosen up and have some fun with the normies, Jesus Christ, that's what they exist for.

Also top 30 in the world is a bit stiff. There are thirty worthwhile universities in the US alone, not including liberal arts colleges and the lower-tier unis that are still good for specific majors.

>> No.7081313

Only sex matters in this world, right?

>> No.7081316


>> No.7081318

most of the people i know who went to top tanked unis are just as normie as anyone else

>> No.7081321

Anon, you will look back and realize you were miserable because of you, you failed because of you, other students used your school to do all the things you dreamed of doing

If you're lucky you can atone, become a striver, earn confidence. Read A Problem From Hell to shed your pathwtic entitlement. Then read 7 habits unironically and get working.

If you want to you can do it. If not, enjoy bitter mediocrity, the normiest normie norm of all.

>> No.7081324
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Why don't you kill yourself already?

>> No.7081326

Nope, and neither does being a miserable "intellectual" faggot stiff.

>> No.7081331

>other students used your school to do all the things you dreamed of doing


>> No.7081334

I feel no urge to do it

>> No.7081341

How does it feel knowing that you'll have zero friends from university attend your dismal funeral, faggot?

>> No.7081349

I'll be dead, it won't matter.

>> No.7081357
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>> No.7081376
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>> No.7081490

OP, could you be more autist? Why are you so against other people enjoying their lives?

>> No.7081519


i like you, friend

>> No.7081531

i go to school at Wayne State (in Detroit) but it's pretty tight mayne. i didn't fill out a one fucking essay i literally typed in my shitty GPA and next day got an email CONGRATULATIONS UR A WARRIOR

and i was like, sick.
there's so many brown girls i can't focus

>> No.7081533

>"normie" used ad nauseam

poor OP is such a special widdle snowflake

>> No.7081559

it is what it is
just get some anti depressants and deal with it

>> No.7081579

This guy goes to uni for his classmates.

not for the resources he can pull from the university's endless pool.

You're one of the exact people you complain about. you just feel superior because you label them as 'normies'

>> No.7081582


It's not better at the top universities. Drinking is out of control everywhere. Careerism is prevalent everywhere. If you really need to be around people who only care about ancient poetry, then you could find a handful of them among the hoard of future investment bankers at Harvard and Princeton, but you'd still be disappointed because they turn out to be mostly self-centered assholes just like everybody else.

You're suffering 75% from deluded narcissism and 25% from actual justified disgust at the state of things.

>> No.7081583

Yeah, basically.

>> No.7081691


What I learned from this thread: Jesus was a virgin faggot weirdo sexually frustrated neckbeard loser

>> No.7081694


>> No.7081700
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hm? what's that?

>> No.7081742

>implying one needs to go to university to be an intellectual

assuming you're american, have you not kept up with what's happening at schools across the country? intellectual debate is being stifled because certain words and ideas are too offensive to our delicate sensibilities. they are indoctrination centers for pussified leftism.

>> No.7081766

>that's what they exist for.
I didn't realize there were whole segments of society especially bred for the purpose of serving a social function such as this one. Thanks for letting me know.

I'm obviously just kidding; not being sarcastic either. The scenario I pictured reading your words was truly entertaining/funny

>> No.7081779
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Went to a top-tier American University, can confirm that most people are just exceptionally smart and motivated normalfags. Fortunately there are plenty of people with interesting talents and interests to make it worthwhile, in addition to the badass professors.

>> No.7081784

Actually for an undergraduate and Master's degree, non-top-30 universities are fine. You just have to consistently exceed the expectations that they have of you.
It's only when you're doing your PhD that a non-top-30 university matters. That's your last chance to get an impressive uni on your CV. So, exceed expectations so that you can make it to a Stanford, a Cambridge, a NUS or whatever. Then you're set up for life.
Wish I had known that when I did my PhD.

>> No.7081809


I did this when I got my undergraduate degree. I went to the University of Ghent (Belgium), which is a decent university but it resembles the institution OP described. My grades were good enough (GPA 3.91) to go to Oxford for my graduate degree. Now I can put Oxford on my resume, without spending shitloads of money on tuition.

But why go for a Phd if you're not pursuing a career in academia?

>> No.7081817

This is awesome advice.

Wish I read it 5 years ago. Now I'm jobless and in a massive amount of debt. The utility and worth of any degree had been diluted to the point of insignificance, which is why getting to know your profs is even more important than the knowledge gained during your undergrad.

>> No.7081859

Even if you're not going into academia, it will always and forever impress people that you are an Oxford graduate.
Other Oxford graduates will smile when you say it. They will ask you what college, and exchange friendly barbs about how their college was better. Non-Oxbridgians will act bored but secretly envy you and think you a superior person.
Until the end of your days.

>> No.7082178

dude, you spend an unreal amount of time telling people on /lit/ that you got accepted to Oxford. I've seen you post about it literally a half-dozen times. and I barely come here anymore. I know it's you because you did your undergrad at Ghent. do you do anything else besides browse this forum?

>> No.7082316


I keep posting my advise because I genuinely want to help people get into top universities by doing the same thing. It get you the same result, but it saves you a shitload of tuition fees. Also, the academic year starts in October, so I still can live like a NEET on /int/ for another month.

>> No.7082344


OP is performing a version of status-comparison, status-caring, and status-preening. Although his conceit about mediocrity is correct, he forgets that even the apex of humanity (or whatever ivory tower he has in mind) amounts to exactly the same thing in the end, which is nothing. Also insert some other platitude about how plenty of great people went to non-prestigious schools (which we all know, though admittedly, the number of presidents who spent time at Ivies, just as one metric, is unusually high).

>> No.7082354
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>tfw top 5 universities for my bachelor's, master's and PhD

>> No.7082355

Well, take it from me. When you start, you won't have time to get on the ol' Cambodian basket weaving bulletin board except for a couple of minutes spent browsing the catalog. I started my grad program last week and this is the first time I've even thought about posting here.

>> No.7082383
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The Virgin is strong in this one.

>> No.7082390


That's actually true, though. Christianity has a loser-centric ethic via its elevation of the poor and the weak. That is, losers.

Happily, women have been made to go along with this scam for years (this helped by their natural, general ethic-of-care which doesn't apply to their sexual choices) , thereby producing a society worth having at all, where technology advances via beta men, and people are free-and-expected (under the social contract of the scam) to pair off. Unhappily, they (women) have recently disentangled themselves from social shaming via feminism, and the results are plain.

Since we are on 4chan's most uncritically left-wing board, if anyone should even care about this comment at all, then it is to be expected that someone will take exception. To which it needs emphatically to be said, that the above is in fact, and unironically the case. That is, that it is a sadness that women have to be tamed by some fiction in order that any society worth having even exist at all.

>> No.7082396

T50 is still good, r-r-right...?

>> No.7082401
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As a man who actually gets laid with and dates top-tier women on a regular basis, this is sadly true. You want them to be your partner but ultimately you have to either give them a fiction (in my case, the lie that I'm a viable thing to put her faith in) or subjugate them with less pleasant means. So far I've stuck to bluster and feel-good shit, but it hurts to have to do so.

>> No.7082416

no university is the ascetic ivory tower ideal that you imagine

just establish relationships of the mind when and where you can get them and forget about blaming normies for your own choices & your own feelings

you should also just accept what has happened in your life... and make goals + do things that will improve your situation- because if you don't, and if you constantly ponder the possibilities if you'd made different choices or compare yourself to others... you will just be unhappy

there is no other outcome of this sort of angst, envy and rumination... you'll just make yourself angry, passive, and sad

>> No.7082421

Caltech and Harvey Mudd come close, to be fair. Getting in to either of those and then actually being enough of a freak to enjoy it is another matter.

>> No.7082442

This woman's face bothers me for some reason.

>> No.7082456

>going to college at all
>not being self-educated

get a load of this turbopleb

>> No.7082534
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>not having private tutors
Hey guys look, it's another flyover-state welder who thinks his indiscriminate reading on the internet is equivalent to studying with professors who dedicat their lives to their subjects!

>> No.7082536


>> No.7082540

You have a mindset in line with someone who will never be successful. Not trying to be a dick, j/s.

>> No.7082571


>needing private tutors

most professors are not worth the salary the universities pay them. just because you're an unmotivated dunce doesn't mean it's impossible to furnish yourself with a top quality education for a few hundred dollars.

>> No.7082580

I'm pretty sure you made this thread or something pretty similar once already. Sounds like you have a bit of a bad attitude, to be quite frank.

honestly get some therapy or take some happy pills

>> No.7082584

>most professors
>he didn't go to an Ivy, MIT, or Stanford
You're not making a good case for yourself here.

>> No.7082593


>he didn't go to a liberal shithole institution full of overpaid layabout professors and trust fund kids who spent more on SAT prep than most working class trash spend on their entire education

college is fine for turning out automata and parrots, but if you want to be something else then you'll likely need more than any institution can give you. even leaving aside the fact that most colleges today are micro totalitarian states

>> No.7082599


>> No.7082603



thanks for conceding. enjoy your speech codes and trigger warnings m8

>> No.7082610

I'm not the guy you were talking to m8

>> No.7082641
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>more money on SAT prep
Funny you bring that up, because all the prep I did was with a book I got from the public library. My private school's copies were all checked out, but when I went down to the public library, lo and behold all their copies were still on the shelves despite it being prime SAT season. It's almost like the kids those books were meant for just didn't care enough to check them out.

>overpaid layabout professors and trust fund kids
Lel, you have no idea what you're talking about. You think an average salary of $60k is an astronomical sum for a white collar worker with the most demanding academic credential devised thus far? Your fantasies about your social betters being inferior because "muh skool of hurd noks," "muh grit" is just that, a resentful fantasy. They're smarter, taller, better looking and more capable at what they do than the working classes. You can protect your ego by denying it, or you can face reality and put your ego on the line to better yourself.

>> No.7082648

Gonna go ahead and make one more point. If you think professors and graduate students are lazy, you have clearly never even talked to someone who works in a laboratory. That shit is life-consuming. Why do you think so many biology graduate students and lab technicians are female but all the professors are men (not that you're likely familiar with this pattern)? You can't have a normal family life with that job.

>> No.7082675
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Im doing my first year in an english degree at a mediocre uni, if I do good can i complete a M or PhD at a good one? I feel like if i graduate with an english degree here ill amount to nothing. Also is establishing relarions with your profs really that worth it?

>> No.7082681

>if I do good

>> No.7082685

for a board that supposedly is spook free, you kids are pretty vain about this top-30 uni shit.

>> No.7082690

Yes, I know people from Bumblefuck State who are doing PhDs at Harvard, but you will have literally no hope of going to a good graduate school without professor connections. A top-tier PhD program is going to want you to have done scholarly work as an undergrad, and that's only going to happen by working with one or more professors.

>> No.7082693

>english degree
you are already fucked

>> No.7082696

>Objectively better faculty, peers and prospects post-graduation
>It's just vanity!

>> No.7082704

>If I get into this good university, my life will have meaning and I will be happy!
spooked to the future and back m8

>> No.7082707

But anon, I already graduated from one and it was pretty great.

>> No.7082716

But anon, I am so thoroughly spooked and it's great.

>> No.7082719

I high school kid who thinks going to a particular university will fix his life is spooked.

Someone who seizes the opportunity to use an elite university to further his own ends is just getting shit done.

>> No.7082722

you sound like a stem autist tbh

>> No.7082753

What do you guys have to offer to the world?

>> No.7082754

>They're smarter, taller, better looking and more capable at what they do than the working classes

Well fuck I hope so, otherwise I don't see why they shouldn't belong to the working class

That being said I was fortunate enough to be born to wealth and status, so I am under no compulsion to sell my hours. A slave is still a slave, whether he works for Walmart or Boeing.

>> No.7082755

>bitter mediocrity, the normiest normie norm of all

>> No.7082773

If you're getting an undergrad degree, that's true. However, there's still opportunities to be seized. Research to participate in, friends to make, shenanigans to do. Study and build bridges: it will pay off and allow you to pass into the land beyond of graduate programs.

>> No.7082798

Yes, but on the way to my (shitty ;_;) uni I go past UCL a lot, which ranks as number 4 in the UK and probably very high in world rankings as well. The chatter I hear from the students there is as normie as anywhere else, and they look normie as fuck as well except they're a bit better dressed

>> No.7082807

>why would you go to a school where liberal arts majors censor speech?
>oh no the big meanie is making fun of me for being poor and stupid, liberal arts majors pls help!

>> No.7082819

OP don't listen to retards / redditors like >>7082693. I have an English degree and have known a lot of people with humanities degrees, all of whom have jobs (because muh job is the object of education, r-right?). What you need is experience and demonstrable skills, both of which are gained via internships, work experience placements and part-time jobs.

>> No.7082824

at McDonalds?

>> No.7082934

what uni

>> No.7082936


>> No.7082939

East London

>> No.7082950

City University London
a-at least the journalism department where I study is considered the best in the country

>> No.7082980

nigga pls

>> No.7082985
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>> No.7083005

I work in journalism in London and many if not most of the young, new journalists I keep track of graduated from City Uni. Do a lot of internships if you can m8.

>> No.7083010

Which branch of journalism do you work in, if I may ask? News? Magazines?

>> No.7083294

How do you like journalism? I'm studying history at Warwick but I'm interested in possibly going into journalism following graduation.

>> No.7083385

tbh i think this but would replace world top 30 with your country's top 5
yes uni is fun, but it is a ridiculous state of affairs where a majority of school leavers go into so-called higher education, often with BBB (i.e. satisfactory) or worse at a level, land themselves in huge amounts of debt, and for what? a second-rate cv
i would abolish at least a third of university places in the uk

>> No.7083389


What the fuck are you saying? I have a library at my university. I take the elevator to the top floor, find a corner by a window and ignore every living soul. This is total nonsense.

>> No.7083396

top kek

>> No.7083759

>how does anybody bother going to any schools but Princeton, MIT, Stanford, Harvard or Yale?
Nah, 'Muricans have more decent schools than that.

>> No.7083846

yes, because sex is all people have to look forward to in their unsatisfying, caged lives.
people think it's wrong to keep other animals captive and don't see the irony.