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/lit/ - Literature

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7077940 No.7077940 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I never have time to read everything I WANT to read because I study literature and I'm to busy reading classics and whatnot

Please recommend me some refreshing and short books for when I do get a fucking break off these 800+ page 17-19th century tomes

>> No.7077947


Let me clarify, I'm espacially looking for really short and fast novellas like the Agota Kristof "The Notebook, The Proof, The Third Lie" trilogy, Patrick Modiano or stuff like that that I can possibly read in a single free afternoon.

>> No.7077965


Literally any short story, poem, or essay. Personally, I like Chesterton, Borges, Montaigne, Whitman, Melville, Hawthorne... The list goes on.

>> No.7077969
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Prepare for anons angry with you for disrespecting the western canon.

>> No.7077970

Check out Zweig, he likes short work. I was a fan of Chess Story.

>> No.7077973
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George Saunders could do you some good, Donald Barthelme.

>> No.7077974

Maybe you can try poetry? Many poems are short in nature but still offer a fulfilling experience