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7077084 No.7077084 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know which board I could pose this question to, but I figure /lit/ is probably the most suited since you get a fair number of Zizekians/Foucauldians and the sort here.

So in short, does anyone else notice how 4chan is the most Superego-experience you can get?
Anything outside of the abnormal is immediately shamed and disciplined into a "don't act too silly/edgy" normality. I could ( and anyone else here could ) name a ton of examples.
Any experience, idea or lifestyle that seems non-ordinary will see the full salvo.

It's very weird how a forum full of outcasts is the most ruthless and direct in disciplining its users.

>> No.7077103

>It's very weird how a forum full of outcasts is the most ruthless and direct in disciplining its users.

Not really, those who are powerless in the "real world" crave power over others and seize the opportunity with even greater viciousness than those who hold the power over them.

It doesn't help that the anonymous nature of 4chan posting causes many people, in the narcissistic culture in which we live, to essentially view 4chan as a manifestation of their own mind. This place understands me, here I can be my id. Ironically the very conflicts that necessarily arise from differences of opinion between these id-selves are then treated as if they were existential threats or some kind of external assault, and people try to squash them accordingly.

>> No.7077104

wow it's almost like people on 4chan are outcasts for a reason huh

>> No.7077105

Get a load of this cum-guzzling faggot cuck nigger cunt bitch

>> No.7077115

I always thought that the 'normalfag' thing on r9k was the textbook example of Nietzsche's analysis of ressentiment... i.e. the powerless attempting to turn their powerlessness into a virtue.

>> No.7077126

>4chan is the most Superego-experience you can get
I'd say that's pretty much the opposite of reality. There are no consequences for transgressions in an anonymous environment, and the social mores here are much more permissive than those of the larger cultural contexts the users are embedded in.

>> No.7077127

It's pretty much a defense mechanism. /r9k/ is probably one of the most interesting boards on this site. Their behavior is extremely intriguing.

>> No.7077141



>> No.7077142

Thank goodness we have the residential armchair psychologists here to take 4chan seriously.

>> No.7077164


I think that's the first impression you'd get and the one which Moot during a TED talk also stressed.

But I don't think that's really the case.
Sure, it looks like anything goes, but the paradox of "anything goes" leads to it also being a fascist/racist powerhouse like nothing else you get on the internet. I'd say the 'anti-degeneracy' crowd is much stronger here than cheetos powdered reddit, which is more like filled with Tory-like right wingers if you do get non-liberal opinoons.
Stormfront and the like are very peripheral, with a small userbase. 4chan does not have a neglible usebase and isn't really that peripheral as memes immediately get into the mainstream ( case study: Pepe the Frog and Wojak the Feels guy ).

>> No.7077168


>proving OP's case

>> No.7077183

4chan has its own culture, actually, every board has its own status quo. I'm not taking 4chan "seriously", but there are some boards in which people voice/post their unpopular opinions because they're protected by this site's anonimity.

>> No.7077207


Trump is literally talking about "cuckservatives", 4chan has a bigger influence on popular culture than most people realize.

>> No.7077215
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i feel no sense of discipline on 4chan. i do exactly what i want

sometimes no one responds though, so i be edgy for attention

>> No.7077220

i have a degree you know

>> No.7077228

>Trump is literally talking about "cuckservatives"
What horrors did I commit to live in this reality?

>> No.7077233

and cuck is a decade old FYAD meme
truly the MEME MASTERS. they were so powerful

>> No.7077238
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Essentially what you have is a political incorrectness as policed as a political correctness, if not more so. If you were to take the word of the anti-pc crowd who shit on the pc-obsessed academia as excluding any transgressions to that system, you must simply take a look at the volume of posts and threads (on /lit/ particularly) to find this picture faithfully replicated in its opposite.

The anonymity generates a new reality; free to "transgress," posters erect their transgressions as a factual reality which cannot be questioned. Though anonymity is thought to be freeing, it just perpetuates dogmatism in another form. However, now the consequences are not getting fined for hate-speech; now the consequences of transgressing 4chan's "transgression" is to be accused of ignorance of "reality." Compare to Zizek's talk on post-modern parenting as more sinister than traditional authoritarianism.

>> No.7077274

Jesus, James Murphy is half-monkey
look at this facial hair

>> No.7077428


>There are no consequences for transgressions in an anonymous environment

If there weren't then people wouldn't react so strongly when they're insulted. The restrictions, in a sense, are self-imposed but people still mostly act like they have a vested interest in adhering to adhering to 4chan's cultural norms. Not to mention there are official rules.

>> No.7077448

My inner narrator was sniffing, spitting and squirming excitedly while reading this

>> No.7077468


The best slave is the one who thinks he is free.