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/lit/ - Literature

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7076359 No.7076359 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you cucks not Japanese?

Japan literature is best literature.

>> No.7076367
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pic related

>> No.7076374
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>> No.7076530

Had a hot Japanese girlfriend. She was a total pleb who read self-help books and Murakami despite being extremely well educated by their standards. 3/10 consumerist shame-culture with weird food. The two points are for natural and architectural beauty and the high quality breasts of the women.

>> No.7076936

great film lad

>> No.7076941

Post WWII Japan is the most cucked culture in history if you look past the racially homogeneous surface

>> No.7076955

Tell me, what makes their breasts more high-quality than others?

This is important for the future of the species.

>> No.7076979

Most cucked after Germany.

>> No.7076986

Maybe I just think Japan is more cucked because I think of it in contrast to all the pro-Japan weaboo nonsense I've seen online

>> No.7076998

Most white girls with big tits are too soft and feel like whatever's in there is thinner, more liquid. I've encountered exceptions but that's just a common gripe I have.
A nice set of Japanese mammaries is firm and shaped like a flawless set of fakes but with a really pleasantly firm yet pliant texture.

>> No.7077008

You mean Britain

>> No.7077023

Japanese lit is super comfycore. Nice easy to read with attention to aesthetic details and effective conveyance of simple themes. Stuff like Kokoro, Snow country, master of go, etc. Are just super nice reads.

>> No.7077067

Indeed. The only few old-men-grunting arguments I can vastly support are those of the authors from the Meiji (and Miyazaki's concerning anime, but nevermind).
This is why I also think Japan is more cucked than Germany. The only exception I can think of is Oe, but even at that, he's still something of a whiny cuck. Only in some rare and very unique forms of art -some film and plastic arts- does Japan culture really feel true to their industrious asian -almost German like- work culture. Free of the guilt, the shame, the horrors. On the other hand there's a whole deep movement of recreating the old arts. Maybe there'll be a boom or something.
Even though he's not a great hero of mine, Mishima's point of what went wrong with Japan in 'Runaway Horses' still applies. But not concerning to the infantile ramblings of 'boo-hoo, the burecrauts and the taikons don't mind the emperor any more' (which I think was greatly exploided when all the late 19th European culture was introduced and the figure of the emperor was something more special), but more so on the views of Honda.

This is all just a priori from having read lots of fiction and some biographies. There's a couple of huge History of Japan books laying around that someday I'll get to.

More contestant for the top positions in a cuck rankings are most late 20th century Latin American authors, esp. those living in exile or having dealt close with repression. And of course, the Leninists and the Trotskyists, but they didn't influence much art worth discussing.

>> No.7077090

I really enjoy Oe a lot.

>> No.7077119

I envy you in a good way, my friend.

>> No.7077134
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I enjoyed this.

>> No.7077155

That's a beautiful cover.

>> No.7077190

I'm not necessarily proud of my manwhoring but I did learn a lot.

>> No.7077234

not sure if it's just the translation, but japanese literature always seems so cold to me. just really dry.

>> No.7077259

because I don't want to live in a fascist anthill-like state filled with prole-otrons who work 48 hour shifts for the queen ant until they die of a heart attack in their mid twenties

>> No.7077267

Post-WW2 avant-garde Japanese poetry and theatre is great.

>> No.7077284

Because a Jap in America is a cuck. And a weeboo is a double cuck.

>> No.7077347

How strong is the literary culture of Japan today? I would imagine it's a little stifled with the cultural dominance of anime and manga. Wouldn't most aspiring writers end up writing manga or anime scripts for more dosh?

>> No.7077390

>cultural dominance of anime and manga

>> No.7077421

Is that not correct?

>> No.7077432

anime is niche as fuck in Japan, manga is pretty popular. Japanese normies think anime is for weirdos too.

>> No.7077483
File: 51 KB, 467x700, 1415629325_chiefkeef_money_69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'2" white college rugby player in the best frat on my private university campus with two 8/10 ballerina fwbs who don't mind sharing me
>tfw just marathoned all of the Attack On Titan Anime in two afternoons
>tfw nips would still think I'm an autist

>> No.7077501


>and yet you're still on 4chan having to post about your exploits which anyone with a brain and personality could accomplish

congrats XD

>> No.7077535

I'd say it's more telling that you think that's bragging than that I said it. There are plenty of pseudo-normies who come on here and feel some ambivalence about being attracted to such company. Sorry if that's not as funny to you as it is to me.

>> No.7077559


>tfw no where in the post it talks about bragging

go back to fapping to ur weeb trash nerd.

>> No.7077565

>he's on 4chan so he must be exactly as autistic as me
C'mon m8, we're a diverse and tolerant bunch here.

>> No.7077569

>How strong is the literary culture of Japan today?
>cultural dominance of anime and manga
You asked about literature and ended up mixing it with the audiovisual, btw.

Japan's non fiction culture is pretty rich because there are so many technical niches need to be filled with different publications. And their universities are prolific with papers, just like any other first world country out there with a strong influence on industry matters. They have a large population of asidiuous magazine readers.
In regards to fiction, manga is many times more popular than comics (compared to the Western world, I mean). The publishers in that area are very strong, and rivalred by publishers of other areas, not really a Random House, literature oriented kind of contestant. Regular book publishers are important in other roles, with an awful lot of awards whose recipients rarely scale much higher (think dozens of american book awards).
They have their young adult like literature (light-novels, but they're world of their own) and their bestsellers. Crime and suspense is also very popular. And they are insanely hooked to blog tier self published material. Of couse, manga and anime aesthetics dominate mainstream young culture and literature, though. So who knows what their culture will be like in 30 years.

Fortunately tv, film and music will keep them on a saner level.

>> No.7077590


Hey buddy don't start with me!!!!

>> No.7077592

What does tv and movies have?

Even a director like koreeda is making anime tier movies now.