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7075774 No.7075774 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Favorite author when you were 12, 13, 14

>> No.7075778

If you can even remember that age you are probably a no life faggot TBH

>> No.7075796
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>> No.7075797

Lawrence Block, Andrew Vachss, James Ellroy, Bernard Cornwell, A. J. Quinnell. Can't remember the others, but I mainly read crime thrillers. A little later I became obsessed with sci-fi, and then when I was 18 or 19 I started reading mainly literary fiction.

>> No.7075807

>tfw read Aurelius and Epictetus at 14

>> No.7075810

probably pynchon

>> No.7075949

Liking vonnegut at 13 is alright anon

>> No.7076680

jk rowling

harry potter is great for kids, easy to read, makes reading fun; that's fine if you are a preteen.

>> No.7076725

10-12: O'Doyle
13: Tolkien
15: Toriyama
16: Camus
18: Robert Ludlum
19: Dumas & Dostoevsky
20: Camus
21: Céline
22: Borges
23: Hemingway & Emile Zola
24: Cortázar
25: Soseki
26: Bolaño
27: Mishima
28: Gene Wolfe
29: Thomas Mann
30: TBA

>> No.7076754

i read hesse and kafka when i was 14 because an older friend got me into it. now i don't remember shit and have to read it all over again.

>> No.7076755

go to bed, grandpa

>> No.7076791

10-13: Crichton
14-16: Twain
16-18: Vonnegut
19-28: Pynchon

>> No.7076794
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Friendly reminder that unless you either kill yourself or go under some cryogenic procedure (which is analog to suicide) this very minute, you will continue to age from this very second, to the next, and so on... until eventually you'll reach 30.

That's what's so funny about time and aging. Nobody is exempt. Not even bratty trolls.

>> No.7076799

Steinbeck, Heller, and Twain

>> No.7076806


>> No.7076824


>> No.7077053

Agatha Christie, don't remember and Maxim Gorky.

>> No.7077065

Clive Cussler for all three.
I first read a book of his at 11.
Now I have 5 hard covers, 30 paperbacks, and most of the rest in digital format.
I like pulpy action.
Hasn't been a favorite author of mine since I was about 16 though. Still like them.

>> No.7077081

Timothy Zahn
Michael Crichton
Edgar Allan Poe

I think. Something like that. Those were my favorite authors around that time.

>> No.7077133

Arthur Conan Doyle or Agatha Christie 12-13
Ken Kesey 14

>> No.7079065

Probably Stephen king when I was 14

>> No.7079069

Marquis de Sade

>> No.7079131

Poe or Steinbeck.

>> No.7079149

Neil Gaiman
Alan Moore
Philip K Dick

Terry Pratchet and Larry Niven were never favorites but I read a shit ton of them for some reason.

>> No.7079157

13: Seneca.
14: Aeschylus.
15: Knut Hamsun.

>> No.7079171
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>> No.7079192

Tolkien. Those were simpler days.

>> No.7079195

Kafka and Lovecraft

>> No.7079209

No Palahniuk?


>> No.7079240


12: Tolkien
13: Vonnegut (actually still Tolkien, but for the sake of variety)
14: Palahniuk

>> No.7079258

12. Mervyn Peake
15-16.Pynchon and Borges
17-18. Proust and Joyce
19- Cao Xuenquin
Now- lost interest in fiction, for the most part. I find Psychedelics, philosophy and mathematics way more fullfilling now

>> No.7079259

Phillip Pullman
Melvin Burgess
Terry Pratchett

>> No.7079268


Psychedelics do get old you know. And there's a lot of philosophy to be found in literature. But to each his own.

>> No.7079292

Probably my girl Jacqueline Wilson.

>> No.7079293


>> No.7079309

You sound like one of those annoying "old soul" types who would tell me how mature everyone has told them they are, when really they're just a pretentious kid.

>> No.7079316


>> No.7079393

>28: Gene Wolfe
Way to backslide.

>> No.7080184

Without memes, with honesty and all that?

>J.K. Rowling
>Cornelia Funke (THE German child/YA author)
>Christopher Paolini
>Jonathan Stroud
>Rosemary Sutcliff
>and probably everything I got my reading-hungry little hands on

>> No.7080291

Darren Shan.

>> No.7080323

Gogol and Tolkien.

>> No.7080629

I think Stephen King. I liked Irvine Welsh at a young age too, but that might've been more 15-16.

>> No.7080648

Poe, Tolkien, and Palahniuk.

>> No.7080673

Guy who wrote "All Star" by Smash Mouth, Eminem, Eminem.
I wasn't into reading. I used to hate it.

>> No.7080699


>> No.7080741


You sound like one of those new fag types that take all the bait put in front of them

12. Musil and Pynchon
13. McElroy and Gaddis
14. Luc Van Tien
15. Chanson de Roland
16-18 various Indian and Chinese poems
18 - now working on Linear A

>> No.7080766

Ray Bradbury
George Orwell
George Orwell

>> No.7081619

Joyce at 12.

Rowling at 14.

What happenned?

>> No.7081659

>19: Dumas & Dostoevsky
>22: Borges
>24: Cortázar

Shouldn't it be backwards, man?

>> No.7081664

>Knut Hamsun

my nigga

>> No.7081669

>Musil at twelve