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/lit/ - Literature

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7074944 No.7074944 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this piece of shit academia's darling?

>> No.7074953

How can the teaching of writing be too white? Are they telling students to only create white characters, or what?

>> No.7074955

I think he's an idiot, but I still enjoy his stories. It's weird--considering how political he is, I haven't found that many of them make an overt political statement.

Then again, it's been around two years since I last read him.

>> No.7074957

Look at your picture

>> No.7074958

Because identity politics is the game you have to play these days

I for one am sick of how crime is dominated by minorities

>> No.7074965
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>> No.7074968

he's right

>> No.7074973


>thinks Pulitzer is worth shit

>> No.7074982

More like they're telling students to write for white people. I've had some experience with this where professors and other students have complained about people's use of slang or another language when writing from a non-white American POV.

>> No.7074983


They're courses run by white people for white people and their reading lists will either be made up entirely of white people or acceptable non-white people like Zadie Smith. Teachers and fellow students will try to make you adopt a similar middle class white voice a lot of the time in their feedback because writing a book in ebonics is considered a bit lame.

The problem is that literary fiction is inherently middle class. So what can you do? It's not like say a music degree where there is room for say Caribbean music or jazz. Diaz is just pissed that all of his readers are white and middle class but he doesn't know what to do with the anger.

>> No.7074991

Isn't this the guy who wrote the book that name drops every Sperglord book/video game in a Ready Player One fashion? I mean, his writing is painfully white. The only thing not white about it is the author

>> No.7074992

Unbearable Whiteness of Beaner

>> No.7075004


I had similar experiences. I did a Creative Writing course and some of the work I submitted was written about rural characters and it made references to their lifestyle and used their dialect.

People seemed to get a bit annoyed when they didn't immediately recognise a word, but I know from experience that readers in the field actually get a bit of a kick out of it as long as it's not alienating. They also seemed to absolutely fucking hate American English even when it was a narrator that had no clear nationality. I suppose it might have killed the narrative a bit but I get the sense it was just them getting annoyed on principle that it wasn't British.

>> No.7075015


In Oscar Wao, he also has this crappy "irreverant" style where he talks like an edgy (white) teenager. It's quite annoying to read.

If that's supposed to be "middle class white voice," then what the hell do Toni Morrison and Ralph Ellison write? Are they considered "acceptable non-white people" because they're too famous, or their prose is too "white"? Does the book have to be written completely in a rap to not have a "middle class white voice"? Is "Wardene be cry" a wonderful example of racial consiousness or something?

>> No.7075022


His writing style has a certain cadence to isn't typical of a lot of middle class white writers. It's very informal in a way that I can imagine some people that have a hard on for classics wouldn't appreciate. It's decidedly un-literary literary fiction. I think the references to white nerd culture are kind of an exploration of the conflict he faces being a Pulitzer prize winning teacher of Creative Writing at MIT while trying to write Latino-inflected stories about the street.

>> No.7075023

unbearable too-whiteness is a fucking retarded, stuttering term tbh. reads like shit.

>> No.7075035

I don't have much of an opinion on this, but I just wanted to say that Oscar Wao has the worst structure of any novel I've ever read.

>> No.7075077 [DELETED] 

They write in pitiful nigger voice

>> No.7075100

Brown Nobodies Angry About Whites, Again

Chingchong McDingle reporting

A shocking turn of events today as some brown person on a college campus said that brown people should get more free money, and that white people should stop being so competent so that brown people can catch up. A number of brown people chimed in to agree. "Bix nood mup da doo didda muhfuggen bum tickley," said Gahanjit Mahajpur, whose ancestors were muck farmers in southern Vvardenfell. "Muh programs kill whitey bix nood. Your country will adapt to service us." Rachel Weinberg, junior associate assistant temp professor of AIDS Culture Studies at NYU, was even more damning, denouncing everything ever done by white people throughout history, except all the bits that benefit brown people. "Oy veyyy, how dare white people invent the novel and short story and narrative prose fiction, landmarks of self-expression in the history of human consciousness, and then dare to read and write whatever they like! Don't they know they only invented those things so brown people could use them?" The dean of the university was unavailable for comment, having been lynched and hanged by a diverse mob for dithering momentarily on which politically correct jargon was appropriate to the situation.


>> No.7075111

This is some James Joyce tier comedy

>> No.7075114

8.7/10, if you'd specified what the dean said that would've bumped it up to an 9. Not even being sarcastic, I enjoyed reading that.

>> No.7075116

Unbearable whiteness would sound better and get the exact same point across

>> No.7075179

Best post I've ever seen on 4chan

>> No.7075183

He isn't. Why do people use "academia" as an empty boogeyman?

>> No.7075188
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>tfw academia is a Cultural Marxist conspiracy directed by a group of rabbis in a secret facility beneath to European Parliament aimed at frustrating all my dreams and ambitions.

>> No.7075194
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>tfw the jews are out to annoy me personally

>> No.7075198
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it was the KGB actually

>> No.7075199 [DELETED] 

dubs, check.
keks, check.
quality post, check.
screencapped and saved

also, this belongs in Hypersphere.

>> No.7075206

Voice of our generation. Mr Trump, we have your running mate right here.

>> No.7075208

This is transparent satire but funny alright.

>> No.7075271

>whose ancestors were muck farmers in southern Vvardenfell
Have to admit I laughed hardest at this part.

polite sage

>> No.7075297

Someone has to be designated the foremost youngish English-language novelist of color. Someone has to get the part. It fell to him. Shit happens.

>> No.7075302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7075321

ayy gimmy dat talent whitey, its reperations.

>> No.7075357

The use of slang isn't a draw for people that don't read. Poorer, less educated people don't read valuable works because they generally fail to see the value in it, not because of some trumped up oppression.

>> No.7075716

Here's an excerpt from Oscar Wao:

"I've waited forever to be in love, he wrote his sister. How many times I thought this would never happen to me. (When in his second-favorite anime of all time, Robotech Macross, Rich Hunter finally hooked up with Lisa, he broke down in front of the TV and cried. Don't tell me they shot the president, his tío called from the back room, where he was snorting you-know-what.) It's like I swallowed a piece of heaven, he wrote to his sister in a letter. You can't imagine how it feels."

>> No.7075806

Snorting you know what !!! omg

>> No.7075820

Yeah, academia also focuses too little on Hindi writers of non-Indian heritage.

>> No.7075823

>because writing a book in ebonics is considered a bit lame.

And rightly so.

>> No.7076196
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>> No.7076231
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>having been lynched and hanged by a diverse mob for dithering momentarily on which politically correct jargon was appropriate to the situation.

>> No.7076235

happy Chinese new year
praise be to Allah

>> No.7076250

>tfw you don't even want to write anymore because you'd be considered "problematic" and have hack writers rip on you for being "too white" even when you aren't white but just have a lot of white characters.

Why can't I just write genre fiction and be happy?

>> No.7076251


>> No.7076254


>> No.7076255

You could write about robots.

>> No.7076258

>lol I'm just saying racist things because it's funny,lighten up anon, Donald Trump for president!

>> No.7076260

>I'm afraid of words

>> No.7076261

You're damn right I'm triggered by racists coming on /lit/, shitting it up, and straw-manning and trivializing the aims of the social justice movement.

Fuck off to /pol/ where your ignorance is contained.

>> No.7076266

>niggers claim White institution isn't niggerish enough

>> No.7076273

He is obviously using racial epithets to prove a point you ideological psycho.

You SJWs have gone too far with your ideological babble, and people are on to you.

>> No.7076274

This should be capped

>> No.7076294

Look around, more people every day awaken and give themselves over to fighting inequality in the world.

Your kind, who take pleasure in perpetuating the disadvantage of minorities so that you may feel better by comparison, are losing, and will be all be forced to atone for your wrongdoings.

>> No.7076298

>Your kind, who take pleasure in perpetuating the disadvantage of minorities so that you may feel better by comparison, are losing, and will be all be forced to atone for your wrongdoings.

How is anyone "perpetuating the disadvantage of minorities" by writing a satire on the internet?

Either you're a troll, or you're more dangerous than I thought.

>> No.7076303

By being racist; by refusing to fight inequality and the sentiment that begets it in all it's guises. Complicity is no better than eager participation when you are the benefiting party in the circumstances that must be ended.

>> No.7076306

>Satire is racist

Yeah, just kill yourself.

>> No.7076312

THIS is literature

>> No.7076317

You do realize that just because a brown person does something or forwards an idea, it's not necessarily correct, right?

You can fight for equality and still realize that academia is a turd and that both white people and people of color get unfairly fucked by the system and by ideologies across the board.

Also, if you can't laugh at some fucking satirical post on goddamned 4chan of all places, you're a fool. Saying the word "nigger" doesn't automatically make me a racist.

>> No.7076319

It is indeed, no one without genuine qualms with the social justice movement, and thus with the idea of equality, would produce such a thing.

You're scum, that's all there is to it. Just be glad of your anonymity.

>> No.7076322

Isn't Sherman Alexie a better candidate? He even writes books for da kidz sometimes.

>> No.7076326

I see we have a master baiter among us.

>> No.7076331

>Just be glad of your anonymity.

Is this a threat?

>> No.7076334
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Get out of here, Abe.

>> No.7076335

>You could write about robots.

>> No.7076338

>implying the ChingChong McDingle post was racist

>> No.7076339

You care way too much about "problematic" and being called "too white" to become a real writer.

>> No.7076340

It is a term that encapsulates hundreds of years of oppression, hatred, and disenfranchisement. It is never appropriate for a "white" person to use, not even in jest.

Only because you do not know a minority's suffering does your mind trivialize it. This is the very same complicity I mentioned, and is damning.

Yes, there is no place for you in contemporary society.

>> No.7076341

Why should I 'fight inequality' anyways? What virtue is there to people being 'equal'?

>> No.7076349

This. Equality is literally a buzzword that can mean a million things.

>> No.7076350

>Just be glad of your anonymity
Yeah, I bet you'd love to organize a social media mob to punish /lit/ for its free expression.

Get fucked.

>> No.7076361


>> No.7076373

Equality of opportunity.

The elimination of legal disadvantage. The elimination of the prevalence and acceptance of racist beliefs in society which contribute to bias and to unfavorable socialization for minorities, and the elimination of economic disadvantages which disproportionately place minorities two steps behind at birth, by the aforementioned means and justifiable positive discrimination.

Inequality begets suffering, something you could only support if you revel in people being below you or are mentally unwell.

>> No.7076399

And why am I obligated to alleviate this?

>> No.7076419

You benefit from the inequality as it reduces the competitiveness of a vast portion of the population. You either work to remedy this, or are actively complicit in it's perpetuation, and thus as racist and evil as anyone. Alleviate suffering, or admit that you wish it to remain so that you may be removed.

>> No.7076422

It's telling that you ignore my other points and focus exclusively on the "nigger" point, so I'm assuming you're either a troll or an overzealous retard.

"Nigger" does not encapsulate oppression, hatred, etc. All of those things encapsulate "nigger", along with a ton of other shit. Stop trying to pump out things you think sound smart and try actually being smart. Nigger is a word, given meaning by whomever speaks and hears it. Period. It is a tool of hatred, yes. But times are changing my friend. Black folks are caring less and less about the word, and that's because they can take care of themselves.

Meanwhile, white people with a chip on their shoulder and racists are, ironically, working together to keep the word in power, by not shutting the fuck up about it and attaching more significance to it than it deserves.

Guarantee you this: If every black person in America would agree, at this moment, to simply laugh at the word "nigger", by tomorrow morning it'd have lost all power, and Cletus could spit it out between his ragged teeth with impunity between swigs of moonshine, all to no avail.

You don't want to help PoC, you want there to be an issue so you can have something to do with your time, otherwise filled with the humdrum of the stereotypical white bread caucasian office drone. White people are so afraid of being caught in their own stereotypes that they inadvertently perpetuate the stereotypes of others.

>> No.7076425
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>> No.7076432

>literally kafkatrap model C

>> No.7076444

Calling it evil doesn't really answer the question.

>> No.7076446

Political Correctness is stupid because it's trying to police art and expression , something which is impossible to do.

On the other hand flagging and criticizing hate speech is not censoring. No one is forcing anyone to not say hat he wants, but don't play the victim when people dislike you for what you say. This goes verily both ways, but right-wingers latch only on the one side of this issue.

>> No.7076450

lol shut up faggot

>> No.7076454

"disliking" something becomes practical coercion and censorship when it is social suicide

when your culture responds to finding out some random bank teller at their local branch happens to vote against immigration by boycotting the bank, instead of going "oh", you have a problem

you can dislike ideas, but you shouldn't care when people hold them

>> No.7076458

The rest of your post says nothing meaningful or contentious.

And while it is fundamentally true that the term acquires it's power from the perception others have of it, it almost universally has all of it's racist and deleterious connotations intact when used by whites, and thus should never be as a rule of thumb. It is only to those who suffer it to determine it's meaning and future. I'm more than certain most any black person would not approve of your use of it should they not have any context in whatever conversation they might overhear.

That you should imply the social justice movement it's about helping the disadvantaged in absurd, and is likely but a way you justify your own complicity - by misconstruing the efforts of those who refuse to abide discrimination.

>> No.7076461

im white and i was born in a country that had jackshit to do with slavery so i can say nigger all i want.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.7076463
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lol defending black people on the internet

tyrone would sooner call you a fuccboi than thank you for your service faggot

>> No.7076475

Why are leftists doing shit we'll be forced to do around 2050 when we will be effectively a minority by then?
Seems like a lot of hassle. Like why even invest your whole life into something that'll inevitably be the case in a not so distant future?

>> No.7076477

I happen to be close friends with Tyrone, as I sleep with his sister to further enrich my appreciation for African-American culture. We have quite a lot of respect for one another.

>> No.7076480


Tbh doing kind works for the need to be applauded is pretty niggerish

>> No.7076484

The word "nigger" is, funnily enough, a spook.

>> No.7076487

>Gahanjit Mahajpur, whose ancestors were muck farmers in southern Vvardenfell.
I lost it

>> No.7076488


That's not really an argument against anything.

People have biases, this is a fact, and you cannot remove them.

If one where to go preach in the street how good Pedophilia is he would get publicly stoned.But this is how culture works, it has exterior and interior limits. The fact that people are offended by Nigger is no different. But right-wingers just latch unto this one thing and start playing the victim.

Moldbug has created an entire discourse around PC persecution of right-wing discourse, but this is simply not true, there is no right or wrong , it's just that the present culture develops antibodies to a rival and opposing discourse. This is extremely paradoxical in terms of Western Cultures defense against reactionary thought because it preaches enlightenment values like free speech. But this is just ideology and empty rhetoric, at heart none of it matters.

Unlike PoC crusaders or "persecuted" right-wingers , I am not a moralist. Because morality most of the time has nothing to do with culture and it is pointless to use moral arguments as to why free speech is good or bad or if saying nigger should be frowned upon. Because even morality in the end is just sentiment, just like personal bias is.

>> No.7076495

The problem isn't "whiteness" inherent, the problem is that all creative writing classes only read contemporary American short stories. You know, shit like Diaz

>> No.7076497


Because the Anglo-Saxon race is pathetic and deserves all the cukening it is currently being served.

t. A poor eurofag.

>> No.7076504

>perpetuating the disadvantage of minorities

Sorry for reading Shakespeare and studying up on British history.

>> No.7076509

Educating yourself is a microaggression, shitlord.

>> No.7076523
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>> No.7076525

Logic is racist, too, according to the White Privilege Conference.

>> No.7076539

"Junot Diaz" needs to be replaced with "Dominican Literature Man" a la Black Science Man

>> No.7076546

In criticising people for their race (white), gender (male) and sexuality (straight), SJWs become the very people they claim to oppose.

>> No.7076562

funny is funny, anon, and that post was fucking funny.

>> No.7076572
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It's amazing that progressives expect populations like poor whites and Asians to be okay with their children getting a worse education in exchange for looking tolerant when kids who don't give a fuck about school get bussed into their districts or they try to practice affirmative action in magnet school admissions. You really have to be out of touch to think people are going to hamstring their children for any reason.

I've actually had an activist minority student at a top university accuse me of trying to silence him for requesting that he structure his arguments in a logical manner for the sake of clarity. The basics of logic really shouldn't be beyond you if you're at any university, never mind a good one.

>> No.7076588

Is this supposed to mean anything?

>> No.7076590

That's actually good

>> No.7076591

It's waffle disguised as a profound statement.

>> No.7076603

>It's like I swallowed a piece of heaven, he wrote to his sister in a letter. You can't imagine how it feels
this is a really good line.

>> No.7076608

I'm deeply embarrassed for anyone who finds this funny

>> No.7076613
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>Privilege status:
>[x] checked
>[ ] unchecked

>> No.7076619


So no true scotsman?

>> No.7076622

You cannot support affirmative action then call other people racist you stupid hypocrite.

If its wrong to discriminate against black people its also wrong to discriminate against Asians to 'help'.

>> No.7076631
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>> No.7076636
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>> No.7076645

If it were all about writing ability, sure.

>> No.7076654

>He thinks any book with a significant portion written in a constructed language is something to be put aside lightly.
Ojalá se agarre sida el mestizo agringado maricón.

>> No.7076659

Not true, as the end goal is equality.

Certain groups must be elevated. This is not the same as continuing to hold disadvantaged groups down.

>> No.7076661


someone make an edit where the quote is attributed to Cormac McCarthy instead.

The "we're taking over part" doesn't make any sense though.

>> No.7076667

That actually doesn't answer the question.

>> No.7076674

What's waffle?

>> No.7076686

It's written well, but how is it particularly un-white? i think this shit is a function of his ego, he thinks his writing is far more distinct and of higher quality than it really is. Good, yes, but I couldn't tell he was brown except that he added the word Tio.

>> No.7076687

It should've went,

"yeh, but I can write what I want."

"Well I have to respect that"

And the world goes on same as before.

>> No.7076689

>but how is it particularly un-white?

If you have to ask, you're probably too white to notice.

>> No.7076700

What about people who won't read the fantasy books written predominantly in a constructed language? He addresses almost none of the question. He's a mediocre thinker at best.

>> No.7076703

Two possibilities:

Non-whites are wrong, and just doing this kind of shit because its flavour of the month.


Non-whites are right, in which case whites are playing directing into their cards.

Both are equally terrifying.

>> No.7076708

To speak to this "issue" generally, I'd just add *old* whiteness.

Old white people seem to have very rigid ideologies and use their narrow views as the basis for everything. Because of this they're constantly pandered to, but the minute you, say, suggest that James Bond should be black, they start throwing a hissy fit. It's hilarious.

>> No.7076711


>> No.7076715

>bum tickley
What does Tim Buckly have to do with this?

>> No.7076721

In a perfect world people really would give so few shits.

Apathy is the true thing lost in the garden.

>> No.7076722
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>a statement against white people couldn't possibly be serious

>> No.7076728

It's more that you are blaming "old white people" for doing exactly what all old people do.

>> No.7076735

Old minorities don't mind seeing films full of white people though.

>> No.7076746

>college undergraduate attempts to summarize Wordsworth's Prelude for his term paper introduction

>> No.7076764
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In 50 years, theyre won't even be a Europe to complain about this stuff

>> No.7076765

Like waffling. You know BSing shit in your papers.

>> No.7076770

>being against bigotry is a Zionist conspiracy
kek, if you want to be a racist then just say so.

>> No.7076771

You know this how?

How do you know what the exact watching habits of the elderly portion of 14% of the population are? I'm sure they are neither the same as elderly whites or young whites/blacks.

>> No.7076782

Attached posts don't mean endorsements. I don't care about the jews, I don't care about PoC in general. They seem to think me not giving a fuck about them amounts to hate.

>> No.7076784

Well if I widen the argument and say ALL white people vs ALL minorities, I'm still right.

>> No.7076801

Better question: what the fuck is considered 'white' ? Anyone with light-skin? Well here's a problem with that: there are tons of different cultures, many against one another, who are all of 'white' skin. There is no prose that is 'white'. This only shows me more that as academia continues to devolve, we will continue to get more post-modern bullshit spouted that tells us to feel bad and give more money fo dem programs to whoever the author is.

Remember the Greeks, we are in the Iron Age and it will continue to go to shit. Most of society is fucking retarded so let them be retards and don't write to get a 'good' standing like this faggot Junot Diaz, who by the way, has enough lack of skin color to still be considered white by many people.

>> No.7076804

>social justice movement
this doesn't exist??

>> No.7076805

All whites are ideologically rigid while all minorities are less so?

So, ignoring that the claim is patently false to begin with, you submit that there are intrinsic differences between racial groups that result in differences in the nature of their opinions? That is the definition of racism. I presume so since it is absurd to imply EVERY minority group could be ideologically more fluid than whites despite their massively different circumstances without implying an intrinsic difference.

>> No.7076809
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You know it's only a matter of time before pedophilia advocacy becomes normalised

Fucking Teleionormative shitlords
(Yes, social justice coined a term to describe natural sexual attraction to adults Teleiophilia)

>> No.7076818

As someone who was literally bussed across town for 7 years so that my test scores would make the ghetto kids look smarter on a state report, its pretty fucking funny that i spent all of middle and high school being constantly insulted for being white, only to get to college where people say "Black people can't be racist."

>> No.7076819

>it is absurd to imply EVERY minority group could be ideologically more fluid than whites
They are because they have to be. Everything panders to whites. But the moment something doesn't, white people are the main ones jumping out the window, all of while claiming it's not a race issue.

>> No.7076822
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>started off on a slippery slope
>thinks he has an intelligent point

>> No.7076823

There's while white people have agency, PoC are a monolith of pure intentions and deserve reparations

>> No.7076826

There is literally nothing wrong with being a non-exclusive pedophile.

>> No.7076827

Nice shitpost m8
I'm not even white.

>> No.7076828

not who you're replying to but
>everything panders to whites
How so? Give an example. Every time I ask someone to tell me what being 'white' means, they get flustered and don't know what to say except "uhh they have more money."

By the way, even if it did, so what? Make your own bullshit instead of crying like a little baby.

>> No.7076832

simply epic, bravo /pol/

>> No.7076839

They're already trying to convince the rest of us gender body disphoria isn't a mental illness, what's so different to say Transracial identities (Rachel Doeshal), transpecies (otherkin), attraction to children (NAMbLA) or any other bullshit boursgeois identity group spawned from the west in the last 100 years?

>> No.7076846


>> No.7076849

Every story is about whites. Since you jumped in late I should let you know I'm using film as an example since that's what I initially started with.

>By the way, even if it did, so what? Make your own bullshit instead of crying like a little baby.
Again, you jumped in late. At least read the chain of posts to get what is being said. My point is that white people are a lot more rigid in the type of content they're willing to experience, while minorities are pretty okay with experiencing content that doesn't directly pander to them.

To bring it back to the larger point of this thread, I find it funny how white people seem to lose their shit whenever this point is made. In their eyes, you just cannot make that point. It doesn't exist, you're wrong because reasons, etc.

>> No.7076856

What constitutes "children" to them? Because I'm all for lowering the legal age to 16. Jared did nothing wrong.

>> No.7076865

I fucking love these kinds of cartoons.

This one has some particularly great faces.

>> No.7076869


>minorities are pretty okay with experiencing content that doesn't directly pander to them.

Then what's all the kerfuffle about? Rather you should be pointing out that blacks, like everyone else, would rather see art that they can relate to. That like everyone else, they want to see art made by and about people who look like they do.

>> No.7076873

>My point is that white people are a lot more rigid in the type of content they're willing to experience, while minorities are pretty okay with content that doesn't directly pander to them.
how so? and what do you mean 'pander'? as in a white protagonist? as in the retarded james bond example?

>To bring it back to the larger point of this thread, I find it funny how white people seem to lose their shit whenever this point is made. In their eyes, you just cannot make that point. It doesn't exist, you're wrong because reasons, etc.
That's actually the exact way you're acting. When white people ask "Well what do you mean?" anyone of 'color' (whatever the fuck that means, anything less than a gradient shade) will suddenly say "OH LOOK WHITIE AGAIN MAD CUZ WE TAKIN OVER."

I mean you literally have no point. Make a point and I can respond. Instead of "oh you cater to whites" well how so? Give a point. You need a point to say you're making a point.

It's funny because I've even met people who were 'colored' who think your lot is fucking retarded.

>> No.7076879

I think people are annoyed because of two reasons
>White people need to shut and step aside to let PoC take over in an effort to address representation
>This mediocre piece of work is amazing and deserves more merit than all these boring white, cishet, middle class males because it is written by a disabled, pansexual, jewish Pakistani

>> No.7076886

It shouldn't be surprising that 65+% of the population is "catered to."

And the fact that they are doesn't mean blacks like it, in fact the existence of a whole film industry catering to them when they are only 15% of the population implies otherwise.

Also, last I checked, Straight Outta Compton killed with white audiences.

>> No.7076887

Why shouldn't white authors write people with whom they can relate? It's easier for a white guy raised in suburban America to write a story about a white guy raised in suburban America.

>> No.7076890

Young as you want, generally Nambla adovates like their prepubesents.

>> No.7076891

>jewish pakistani
Isn't that a contradiction?

>> No.7076893

A bunch of 20 somethings arguing about diversity are a vocal minority.

>how so? and what do you mean 'pander'?
The story can't feature any themes which relate exclusively to a non-white male perspective.

>I mean you literally have no point
Or you want so badly for me to play into your "well what exactly is *white*?" bullshit. As if most white people are just so open-minded that they don't have distinct preferences as it relates to entertainment.

>> No.7076895

Because books exist to serve the black man, duh

>> No.7076903

Because it perpetuates that their activities are normal when it's racist and exploitative or some shit.

Really they're just angry that it sells and SJW's trash doesn't. LGBT will always be a niche market for a niche section of the population but they want to be part of the mainstream

>> No.7076905

>It shouldn't be surprising that 65+% of the population is "catered to."
Which is fine. My entire point is against the reaction when black, female, gay, etc. characters pop up in various works. There shouldn't be such a "OMG WHY ARE THEY FORCING MINORITIES INTO EVERYTHING!?!" backlash from whites, but there is. Why?

>> No.7076908

Daily reminder white people don't actually exist, whereas etnicities like Pictish, Saxon, French, Celtic, German, Italian, and Slavic are all real ethnicities with distinct culture and values

>> No.7076909

i cant be fucked to read this thread but is Oscar Wao any good. i bought it with a B&N gift certificate a while ago but I havent read it yet

>> No.7076911

>The story can't feature any themes which relate exclusively to a non-white male perspective.
As in...? A lot of stories have universal themes that anyone can relate to. That makes it a good story. That is what makes stories get popular. Give me an example or you still don't have a point, just like the rest of the retards who claim what you do.
>Or you want so badly for me to play into your "well what exactly is *white*?" bullshit. As if most white people are just so open-minded that they don't have distinct preferences as it relates to entertainment.
What bull shit? I'm just asking for an example and you're acting just like the rest I talk to. You can't give an example. Open your mind up. Unless you can give me concrete examples, you have no argument.

>> No.7076917

You're diminishing the point when it's not that basic.

You can take a pretty generic story and it will be received differently depending on the race + sex of the protagonist. This speaks more about white people and what they're willing to accept than it does minorities. It has nothing to do with relating to a broad group of people. Last I checked most people aren't pirates, bank robbers, spies, space knights, etc.

>> No.7076918

>Started from the shtetl now the whole tribe's here. Fuckin commie. Slavic Jewish Muslim, if that's confusing you're not cool enough to get it. She/her
>A state of Misandry

You're not cool enough to "get" it

>> No.7076920

science departments usually have all the microscopes

>> No.7076923

>A lot of stories have universal themes that anyone can relate to. That makes it a good story.
Yet if the protag isn't a white male is performs significantly worse. Clearly all it takes for something to be okay with white people is if the characters are white, preferably male, and straight. It can be about anything from that point.

>> No.7076927


there was actually in the early 20th century a small community of Jews in Karachi. these days theyve all fucked off

>> No.7076928

me too, I can't believe this actually makes anyone laugh in any way other than "I AGREE WITH IT SO MUCH"

>> No.7076929

Because turning white characters into minorities is a distinctly inferior proposition to creation new minority characters.

People claim minorities need characters to identify with without acknowledging that people simply already have particular ideas about those characters they don't want to see changed arbitrarily.

>> No.7076930

Also Ghandi was not a revolutioanry because he was anti-black and supported Indian colonialism in africa

Where are the Black Indian's in the narrative of India's independence movement?

>> No.7076937

Beautiful, Chingchong McDingle is by far the most influential journalist of our time.

>> No.7076938


>linking /pol/ psy-op troll account to make a point.

You are not making your position any better either.

>> No.7076940

That's true but if we're talking fictional characters whose story isn't dependent on their race, it shouldn't matter.

>> No.7076942

>Yet if the protag isn't a white male is performs significantly worse.
That's based on hollywood assigning the parts, not necessarily white people. What if they assigned the same role to an asian or black person? Look at Django Unchained, that did amazing. Blame Hollywood, not white people for assigning good roles to white people.

>> No.7076943


>> No.7076960 [DELETED] 


>> No.7076962

If it doesn't matter, be consistent and keep them what they always were for the sake of continuity.

>> No.7076973


If this clown was white nobody would have heard of him

>> No.7076980

I'm all for all of that but I don't think going after satires of social justice is the most productive thing to do. I mean the effects of much worse racism in the past already has it so the majority of blacks are royally fucked and caught in a feedback loop of economic shittiness (can't get real job or education because neighborhood sucks, neighborhood sucks because nobody can get real job or education). I don't think employer's racism is the problem, blacks are just already super fucked and poor and unemployable as people.

Give blacks more education and leave "microaggressions" alone, they're not that big of a factor. If blacks under education can't handle the fact that their "culture" is a poisonous result of horrible living conditions and past oppression, and worth absolutely nothing in itself, then they will fail to get the most out of a reasonable education system. Trying to protect black feelings in college is counterproductive. Valuing non-"white" culture is counterproductive to giving everyone a level of equality.

>> No.7076987

She's deleted her account but I garuntee if you go thorugh her tweets, you'll see she's very much real and a welcome part of the SJW community. I used to troll her myself until it got boring. Funny thing is, she's authentically none of those things, her Grandma was jewish, she has vague Russian ancestory and her ex-husband was a Somali muslim which she converted to. She's just a edgy bland white woman uncomfotable with her identity.

>> No.7076990

white ethnologist tries to take witch doctor seriously, politely waits for rational explanation of witch doctor's ideas as witch doctor sharpens dagger to kill the evil ethnologist and make virility potion from his heart

>> No.7076992

Since people keep replying to these, I'm going to clarify that I was being deliberately inflammatory. I will not, however, return to /pol/.

>> No.7077003

Did you ever get beat up for scoring well on tests? I've heard of that happening to kids, usually white but some Asians too. The perps are, you guessed it, black kids.

>> No.7077004
File: 192 KB, 481x347, dfw 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because niggers don't read

>> No.7077006
File: 170 KB, 640x480, 1436236313557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the social justice movement.

>> No.7077012

It's true that the American cultural world only seems to have room for one young brown novelist at a time. Similarly it can only accommodate one black cultural critic (Ta-Nehisi Coates)

>> No.7077019
File: 540 KB, 554x380, toilet witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.7077025

Why do you talk like you're in a fucking video game?

>> No.7077029

You better not be implying that sounds like an edgy white teenager cause the first thing that comes to my mind is some mexican kid who watches mecha anime on late night mexican television and is in love for the first time and his dad or someone is doing coke which he's afraid to mention directly as he's timid and a tad too innocuous for the environment he's living in.
I have no context for any of this btw, but if thats close to what he was going for then he did a superb job, really.

>> No.7077037

Define social justice

>> No.7077039

is there that backlash? proportionate amounts of gay, lesbian, black, mexican etcetera characters have been in media since the 90s, every white person is used to it. White people go nuts for sense8 in which there's I think one straight while male out of 8 main characters, same with OITNB

>> No.7077043

Never got beaten up for doing well on a test, because they separated the magnet classes from the regular ones (except things like PE, which was not fun). I did get shoved around in the halls a fair bit though, and my friends who were dumb enough to walk around in the neighborhood got mugged all the time. One of our teachers actually got his car jacked after school one day, which was pretty memorable.

>> No.7077044

>You better not be implying that sounds like an edgy white teenager
No, I just posted it as an example of the book's nerd references.

>> No.7077054

This is such an important point. Like half of white people are as oppressed as any of the darker-shaded peoples; Italians, celts, slavs, etc. It's really only the WASPs that have had it great consistently.

>> No.7077063

for fucks sake there are more box office hits with black cop main characters than actual black cops

>> No.7077064

Both shows have a certain demographic though.

>is there that backlash
To cite one recent example, Star Wars. A good portion of white people seemed to chimp out at the mere thought of a black guy being the lead. The studio never even implied that he was.

>> No.7077075

I googled "Unbearable Whiteness". There's a lot of unbearably white things in the world it seems!

>> No.7077080
File: 26 KB, 460x276, Waffles-and-syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toothsome victual.

>> No.7077082


>A good portion of white people

you mean "a good portion of white supremacists on 4chan" here, right? In real life none of the many, many white people I know give even the slightest fuck

>> No.7077096

Good point

>> No.7077102

Also, while there were at least a couple of articles written about how white people were annoyed about a black character in Star Wars, they all sourced like 1 youtube comment or a pair of tweets.

>> No.7077145

Literally the best post ever made on /lit/.

>> No.7077153

Most minorities today are shitty writers, and it's a shame. They are capable of creating some fun reads but everything has to be so damn dour and serious and they just have to address social justice and whatever oppression they're constantly struggling with all the time and then things will be ok for a while but there will come a point in every book when some white person will be racist either casually or directly and this reminds the minority of their minority status.

I detest this "slice-of-life" shit that passes as literary fiction these days. Take a page from Delany and create something that actually interests and engages. You can still have a message, although let's be honest all the messages have been done to death and beyond.

Do you think that if you keep harping about the same issues over and over that it'll suddenly be more effective? Work smart, not hard. And getting "triggered" or offended at everything, I just laugh at this. What a bunch of pansy ass fools, your ancestors went through shit you couldn't even dream of but you're whining because whitey acted like a meanie poo. You can only be catered to so much.

Stop being spooked. You're giving these things power over you you fools.

>> No.7077163

pet minority. academics want to show that they're « diverse ».

>> No.7077170

>take creative writing class
>writing looks like this "dem wuz dey best o dey timez nigga an dey wuz de bes of dey times mufuka"
>professor tells me to write correctly
>call writing classes racist

>> No.7077173

>Diaz is just pissed that all of his readers are white and middle class but he doesn't know what to do with the anger.
i doubt that he's pissed about that—he'd be in the poorhouse were it not the case. he knows that white liberals, being guilt-ridden ethnic masochists, will like him even more if he insults them.

>> No.7077201

I don't think that's the point. I thinkwhat he's getting at is that the Creative Writing Courses taught in the US are noticeably dominated by rich white kids. Which is true. Still, non-white authors like him have their niche and their circlejerk too, so he seems like a bit of a dick to be complaining.

>> No.7077214

I thought it was good. I'm Mexican, though, so I could easily get all the references in Spanish. It won't get many defenders here.

>> No.7077222

More like the best post ever. It's gonna go down in history alongside the Satyricon and Candide as the best satire ever!

>> No.7077223

Felicidades, pendejo, no entendiste el punto.

>> No.7077226
File: 91 KB, 930x1311, Hollande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else is going to dominate a writing class? poor people who actually need to work for a living?

>> No.7077235

Even then, Charlemagne committed an act of genocide against the Saxons, not only that, but people of the Saxon kingdoms in Britain got fucked over by vikings

>> No.7077237

Point taken, but still, the "write for white, standard people" attitude that other posters have noted in those courses is kind of fucked. I can't confirm how true it is, though, I'm not from the US.

>> No.7077304

I spoke fluent Spanish at some point in time and I'm not allergic to nonwhite people like most of /lit/ apparently now is. Looking forward to it now, thanks.

>> No.7077317

>Unbearable Whiteness
What the white whale was to Ahab, has been hinted; what, at times, he was to me, as yet remains unsaid.

Aside from those more obvious considerations touching Moby Dick, which could not but occasionally awaken in any man's soul some alarm, there was another thought, or rather vague, nameless horror concerning him, which at times by its intensity completely overpowered all the rest; and yet so mystical and well nigh ineffable was it, that I almost despair of putting it in a comprehensible form. It was the whiteness of the whale that above all things appalled me. But how can I hope to explain myself here; and yet, in some dim, random way, explain myself I must, else all these chapters might be naught.

>> No.7077320

Though in many natural objects, whiteness refiningly enhances beauty, as if imparting some special virtue of its own, as in marbles, japonicas, and pearls; and though various nations have in some way recognised a certain royal preeminence in this hue; even the barbaric, grand old kings of Pegu placing the title "Lord of the White Elephants" above all their other magniloquent ascriptions of dominion; and the modern kings of Siam unfurling the same snow-white quadruped in the royal standard; and the Hanoverian flag bearing the one figure of a snow-white charger; and the great Austrian Empire, Caesarian, heir to overlording Rome, having for the imperial color the same imperial hue; and though this pre-eminence in it applies to the human race itself, giving the white man ideal mastership over every dusky tribe; and though, besides, all this, whiteness has been even made significant of gladness, for among the Romans a white stone marked a joyful day; and though in other mortal sympathies and symbolizings, this same hue is made the emblem of many touching, noble things- the innocence of brides, the benignity of age; though among the Red Men of America the giving of the white belt of wampum was the deepest pledge of honor; though in many climes, whiteness typifies the majesty of Justice in the ermine of the Judge, and contributes to the daily state of kings and queens drawn by milk-white steeds; though even in the higher mysteries of the most august religions it has been made the symbol of the divine spotlessness and power; by the Persian fire worshippers, the white forked flame being held the holiest on the altar; and in the Greek mythologies, Great Jove himself being made incarnate in a snow-white bull; and though to the noble Iroquois, the midwinter sacrifice of the sacred White Dog was by far the holiest festival of their theology, that spotless, faithful creature being held the purest envoy they could send to the Great Spirit with the annual tidings of their own fidelity; and though directly from the Latin word for white, all Christian priests derive the name of one part of their sacred vesture, the alb or tunic, worn beneath the cassock; and though among the holy pomps of the Romish faith, white is specially employed in the celebration of the Passion of our Lord; though in the Vision of St. John, white robes are given to the redeemed, and the four-and-twenty elders stand clothed in white before the great-white throne, and the Holy One that sitteth there white like wool; yet for all these accumulated associations, with whatever is sweet, and honorable, and sublime, there yet lurks an elusive something in the innermost idea of this hue, which strikes more of panic to the soul than that redness which affrights in blood.

>> No.7077325


This elusive quality it is, which causes the thought of whiteness, when divorced from more kindly associations, and coupled with any object terrible in itself, to heighten that terror to the furthest bounds. Witness the white bear of the poles, and the white shark of the tropics; what but their smooth, flaky whiteness makes them the transcendent horrors they are? That ghastly whiteness it is which imparts such an abhorrent mildness, even more loathsome than terrific, to the dumb gloating of their aspect. So that not the fierce-fanged tiger in his heraldic coat can so stagger courage as the white-shrouded bear or shark.*

*With reference to the Polar bear, it may possibly be urged by him who would fain go still deeper into this matter, that it is not the whiteness, separately regarded, which heightens the intolerable hideousness of that brute; for, analysed, that heightened hideousness, it might be said, only rises from the circumstance, that the irresponsible ferociousness of the creature stands invested in the fleece of celestial innocence and love; and hence, by bringing together two such opposite emotions in our minds, the Polar bear frightens us with so unnatural a contrast. But even assuming all this to be true; yet, were it not for the whiteness, you would not have that intensified terror.

As for the white shark, the white gliding ghostliness of repose in that creature, when beheld in his ordinary moods, strangely tallies with the same quality in the Polar quadruped. This peculiarity is most vividly hit by the French in the name they bestow upon that fish. The Romish mass for the dead begins with "Requiem eternam" (eternal rest), whence Requiem denominating the mass itself, and any other funeral music. Now, in allusion to the white, silent stillness of death in this shark, and the mild deadliness of his habits, the French call him Requin.

Bethink thee of the albatross, whence come those clouds of spiritual wonderment and pale dread, in which that white phantom sails in all imaginations? Not Coleridge first threw that spell; but God's great, unflattering laureate, Nature.*

>> No.7077331

*I remember the first albatross I ever saw. It was during a prolonged gale, in waters hard upon the Antarctic seas. From my forenoon watch below, I ascended to the overclouded deck; and there, dashed upon the main hatches, I saw a regal, feathery thing of unspotted whiteness, and with a hooked, Roman bill sublime. At intervals, it arched forth its vast archangel wings, as if to embrace some holy ark. Wondrous flutterings and throbbings shook it. Though bodily unharmed, it uttered cries, as some king's ghost in supernatural distress. Through its inexpressible, strange eyes, methought I peeped to secrets which took hold of God. As Abraham before the angels, I bowed myself; the white thing was so white, its wings so wide, and in those for ever exiled waters, I had lost the miserable warping memories of traditions and of towns. Long I gazed at that prodigy of plumage. I cannot tell, can only hint, the things that darted through me then. But at last I awoke; and turning, asked a sailor what bird was this. A goney, he replied. Goney! never had heard that name before; is it conceivable that this glorious thing is utterly unknown to men ashore! never! But some time after, I learned that goney was some seaman's name for albatross. So that by no possibility could Coleridge's wild Rhyme have had aught to do with those mystical impressions which were mine, when I saw that bird upon our deck. For neither had I then read the Rhyme, nor knew the bird to be an albatross. Yet, in saying this, I do but indirectly burnish a little brighter the noble merit of the poem and the poet.

I assert, then, that in the wondrous bodily whiteness of the bird chiefly lurks the secret of the spell; a truth the more evinced in this, that by a solecism of terms there are birds called grey albatrosses; and these I have frequently seen, but never with such emotions as when I beheld the Antarctic fowl.

But how had the mystic thing been caught? Whisper it not, and I will tell; with a treacherous hook and line, as the fowl floated on the sea. At last the Captain made a postman of it; tying a lettered, leathern tally round its neck, with the ship's time and place; and then letting it escape. But I doubt not, that leathern tally, meant for man, was taken off in Heaven, when the white fowl flew to join the wing-folding, the invoking, and adoring cherubim!

>> No.7077333

This tbh.

>> No.7077335

Most famous in our Western annals and Indian traditions is that of the White Steed of the Prairies; a magnificent milk-white charger, large-eyed, small-headed, bluff-chested, and with the dignity of a thousand monarchs in his lofty, overscorning carriage. He was the elected Xerxes of vast herds of wild horses, whose pastures in those days were only fenced by the Rocky Mountains and the Alleghanies. At their flaming head he westward trooped it like that chosen star which every evening leads on the hosts of light. The flashing cascade of his mane, the curving comet of his tail, invested him with housings more resplendent than gold and silver-beaters could have furnished him. A most imperial and archangelical apparition of that unfallen, western world, which to the eyes of the old trappers and hunters revived the glories of those primeval times when Adam walked majestic as a god, bluff-browed and fearless as this mighty steed. Whether marching amid his aides and marshals in the van of countless cohorts that endlessly streamed it over the plains, like an Ohio; or whether with his circumambient subjects browsing all around at the horizon, the White Steed gallopingly reviewed them with warm nostrils reddening through his cool milkiness; in whatever aspect he presented himself, always to the bravest Indians he was the object of trembling reverence and awe. Nor can it be questioned from what stands on legendary record of this noble horse, that it was his spiritual whiteness chiefly, which so clothed him with divineness; and that this divineness had that in it which, though commanding worship, at the same time enforced a certain nameless terror.

But there are other instances where this whiteness loses all that accessory and strange glory which invests it in the White Steed and Albatross.

What is it that in the Albino man so peculiarly repels and often shocks the eye, as that sometimes he is loathed by his own kith and kin! It is that whiteness which invests him, a thing expressed by the name he bears. The Albino is as well made as other men- has no substantive deformity- and yet this mere aspect of all-pervading whiteness makes him more strangely hideous than the ugliest abortion. Why should this be so?

Nor, in quite other aspects, does Nature in her least palpable but not the less malicious agencies, fail to enlist among her forces this crowning attribute of the terrible. From its snowy aspect, the gauntleted ghost of the Southern Seas has been denominated the White Squall. Nor, in some historic instances, has the art of human malice omitted so potent an auxiliary. How wildly it heightens the effect of that passage in Froissart, when, masked in the snowy symbol of their faction, the desperate White Hoods of Ghent murder their bailiff in the market-place!

>> No.7077342

Nor, in some things, does the common, hereditary experience of all mankind fail to bear witness to the supernaturalism of this hue. It cannot well be doubted, that the one visible quality in the aspect of the dead which most appals the gazer, is the marble pallor lingering there; as if indeed that pallor were as much like the badge of consternation in the other world, as of mortal trepidation here. And from that pallor of the dead, we borrow the expressive hue of the shroud in which we wrap them. Nor even in our superstitions do we fail to throw the same snowy mantle round our phantoms; all ghosts rising in a milk-white fog- Yea, while these terrors seize us, let us add, that even the king of terrors, when personified by the evangelist, rides on his pallid horse.

Therefore, in his other moods, symbolize whatever grand or gracious thing he will by whiteness, no man can deny that in its profoundest idealized significance it calls up a peculiar apparition to the soul.

But though without dissent this point be fixed, how is mortal man to account for it? To analyze it, would seem impossible. Can we, then, by the citation of some of those instances wherein this thing of whiteness- though for the time either wholly or in great part stripped of all direct associations calculated to import to it aught fearful, but nevertheless, is found to exert over us the same sorcery, however modified;- can we thus hope to light upon some chance clue to conduct us to the hidden cause we seek?

Let us try. But in a matter like this, subtlety appeals to subtlety, and without imagination no man can follow another into these halls. And though, doubtless, some at least of the imaginative impressions about to be presented may have been shared by most men, yet few perhaps were entirely conscious of them at the time, and therefore may not be able to recall them now.

Why to the man of untutored ideality, who happens to be but loosely acquainted with the peculiar character of the day, does the bare mention of Whitsuntide marshal in the fancy such long, dreary, speechless processions of slow-pacing pilgrims, down-cast and hooded with new-fallen snow? Or to the unread, unsophisticated Protestant of the Middle American States, why does the passing mention of a White Friar or a White Nun, evoke such an eyeless statue in the soul?

>> No.7077346

Or what is there apart from the traditions of dungeoned warriors and kings (which will not wholly account for it) that makes the White Tower of London tell so much more strongly on the imagination of an untravelled American, than those other storied structures, its neighbors- the Byward Tower, or even the Bloody? And those sublimer towers, the White Mountains of New Hampshire, whence, in peculiar moods, comes that gigantic ghostliness over the soul at the bare mention of that name, while the thought of Virginia's Blue Ridge is full of a soft, dewy, distant dreaminess? Or why, irrespective of all latitudes and longitudes, does the name of the White Sea exert such a spectralness over the fancy, while that of the Yellow Sea lulls us with mortal thoughts of long lacquered mild afternoons on the waves, followed by the gaudiest and yet sleepiest of sunsets? Or, to choose a wholly unsubstantial instance, purely addressed to the fancy, why, in reading the old fairy tales of Central Europe, does "the tall pale man" of the Hartz forests, whose changeless pallor unrustlingly glides through the green of the groves- why is this phantom more terrible than all the whooping imps of the Blocksburg?

Nor is it, altogether, the remembrance of her cathedral-toppling earthquakes; nor the stampedoes of her frantic seas; nor the tearlessness of and skies that never rain; nor the sight of her wide field of leaning spires, wrenched cope-stones, and crosses all adroop (like canted yards of anchored fleets); and her suburban avenues of house-walls lying over upon each other, as a tossed pack of cards;- it is not these things alone which make tearless Lima, the strangest, saddest city thou can'st see. For Lima has taken the white veil; and there is a higher horror in this whiteness of her woe. Old as Pizarro, this whiteness keeps her ruins for ever new; admits not the cheerful greenness of complete decay; spreads over her broken ramparts the rigid pallor of an apoplexy that fixes its own distortions.

I know that, to the common apprehension, this phenomenon of whiteness is not confessed to be the prime agent in exaggerating the terror of objects otherwise terrible; nor to the unimaginative mind is there aught of terror in those appearances whose awfulness to another mind almost solely consists in this one phenomenon, especially when exhibited under any form at all approaching to muteness or universality. What I mean by these two statements may perhaps be respectively elucidated by the following examples.

>> No.7077352

Do it, touch Moby's dick

>> No.7077356

First: The mariner, when drawing nigh the coasts of foreign lands, if by night he hear the roar of breakers, starts to vigilance, and feels just enough of trepidation to sharpen all his faculties; but under precisely similar circumstances, let him be called from his hammock to view his ship sailing through a midnight sea of milky whiteness- as if from encircling headlands shoals of combed white bears were swimming round him, then he feels a silent, superstitious dread; the shrouded phantom of the whitened waters is horrible to him as a real ghost; in vain the lead assures him he is still off soundings; heart and helm they both go down; he never rests till blue water is under him again. Yet where is the mariner who will tell thee, "Sir, it was not so much the fear of striking hidden rocks, as the fear of that hideous whiteness that so stirred me?"

Second: To the native Indian of Peru, the continual sight of the snowhowdahed Andes conveys naught of dread, except, perhaps, in the mere fancying of the eternal frosted desolateness reigning at such vast altitudes, and the natural conceit of what a fearfulness it would be to lose oneself in such inhuman solitude. Much the same is it with the backwoodsman of the West, who with comparative indifference views an unbounded prairie sheeted with driven snow, no shadow of tree or twig to break the fixed trance of whiteness. Not so the sailor, beholding the scenery of the Antarctic seas; where at times, by some infernal trick of legerdemain in the powers of frost and air, he, shivering and half shipwrecked, instead of rainbows speaking hope and solace to his misery, views what seems a boundless churchyard grinning upon him with its lean ice monuments and splintered crosses.

But thou sayest, methinks that white-lead chapter about whiteness is but a white flag hung out from a craven soul; thou surrenderest to a hypo, Ishmael.

>> No.7077361

Tell me, why this strong young colt, foaled in some peaceful valley of Vermont, far removed from all beasts of prey- why is it that upon the sunniest day, if you but shake a fresh buffalo robe behind him, so that he cannot even see it, but only smells its wild animal muskiness- why will he start, snort, and with bursting eyes paw the ground in phrensies of affright? There is no remembrance in him of any gorings of wild creatures in his green northern home, so that the strange muskiness he smells cannot recall to him anything associated with the experience of former perils; for what knows he, this New England colt, of the black bisons of distant Oregon?

No; but here thou beholdest even in a dumb brute, the instinct of the knowledge of the demonism in the world. Though thousands of miles from Oregon, still when he smells that savage musk, the rending, goring bison herds are as present as to the deserted wild foal of the prairies, which this instant they may be trampling into dust.

Thus, then, the muffled rollings of a milky sea; the bleak rustlings of the festooned frosts of mountains; the desolate shiftings of the windrowed snows of prairies; all these, to Ishmael, are as the shaking of that buffalo robe to the frightened colt!

Though neither knows where lie the nameless things of which the mystic sign gives forth such hints; yet with me, as with the colt, somewhere those things must exist. Though in many of its aspects this visible world seems formed in love, the invisible spheres were formed in fright.

But not yet have we solved the incantation of this whiteness, and learned why it appeals with such power to the soul; and more strange and far more portentous- why, as we have seen, it is at once the most meaning symbol of spiritual things, nay, the very veil of the Christian's Deity; and yet should be as it is, the intensifying agent in things the most appalling to mankind.

>> No.7077366

Is it that by its indefiniteness it shadows forth the heartless voids and immensities of the universe, and thus stabs us from behind with the thought of annihilation, when beholding the white depths of the milky way? Or is it, that as in essence whiteness is not so much a color as the visible absence of color; and at the same time the concrete of all colors; is it for these reasons that there is such a dumb blankness, full of meaning, in a wide landscape of snows- a colorless, all-color of atheism from which we shrink? And when we consider that other theory of the natural philosophers, that all other earthly hues- every stately or lovely emblazoning- the sweet tinges of sunset skies and woods; yea, and the gilded velvets of butterflies, and the butterfly cheeks of young girls; all these are but subtile deceits, not actually inherent in substances, but only laid on from without; so that all deified Nature absolutely paints like the harlot, whose allurements cover nothing but the charnel-house within; and when we proceed further, and consider that the mystical cosmetic which produces every one of her hues, the great principle of light, for ever remains white or colorless in itself, and if operating without medium upon matter, would touch all objects, even tulips and roses, with its own blank tinge- pondering all this, the palsied universe lies before us a leper; and like wilful travellers in Lapland, who refuse to wear colored and coloring glasses upon their eyes, so the wretched infidel gazes himself blind at the monumental white shroud that wraps all the prospect around him. And of all these things the Albino whale was the symbol. Wonder ye then at the fiery hunt?

>> No.7077399

>i hate comedy & fun

>> No.7077405

Everyone mad about this post has no business reading real literature and should leave this board

>> No.7077420

/pol/ could never come up with something this funny. Not even /lit/ could. Honestly not sure what someone as talented as this is even doing on 4chan

>> No.7077442
File: 7 KB, 159x200, Mfw+i+m+still+afraid+of+everyone+_8679f40496aa36dbb62f68b934d30be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was about to make a snarky comment about the unnecessary length
>but then remembered the other day the thought of a white page being being the most frightening thing in the world came to me

>> No.7077446

I know a place on the internet where you can find posts just as good.....

>> No.7077466
File: 207 KB, 809x367, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak /lit/ has arrived, it's all down from here.

>> No.7077467

It's a single chapter, formatted like an essay on whiteness, how is it too long?

>> No.7077495

ayyy lmao

>> No.7077499

It's not the physical length by itself, it's that it goes on and on without much real substance. Was a whole chapter really necessary to describe what can be so terrifying about the color?

>> No.7077516

>it's that it goes on and on without much real substance.

>> No.7077537

>It's funny to be incendiary and openly racist toward minorities
Maybe if you're in high school or frequent /pol/, /b/, or (now) /v/.

>> No.7077547

Racism isn't funny, racist jokes are funny

>> No.7077557

fuck you and die, b itch

>> No.7077563

It wasn't funny and was not presented as a joke. It sounds like the same drivel you'd find on /pol/, except with better grammar. Satire can be funny, but there is no way of determining whether that was meant to be satirical. Regardless, exploiting vapid and overused stereotypes is probably the lowest comedy you can employ, arguably second only to fart noises.

The fact that anyone on /lit/ found that funny really helps me gauge the mental maturity of the anons here.

Case in point.

>> No.7077567

Because ultimately it's just a list of things that are white, it doesn't focus on extrapolating on the color's significance on itself.

>> No.7077579

>Because ultimately it's just a list of things that are white
But that's wrong, it just requires a good bit of personal experience and some knowledge of history.

>> No.7077588

fi this place is so bad then why don't you leave, nigger

>> No.7077593

>it just requires a good bit of personal experience and some knowledge of history.
How does that make it not a list?

>> No.7077600

If you can't participate in civil discussion like a mature adult, why don't you leave yourself? You won't be missed. In the meantime, I recommend catching up to your age.

>> No.7077618

And what point is that? Nothing that anon said is characteristic of an "ideological psycho". Instead of jumping on the opportunity to play the "you're an SJW" trump card (and almost always without warrant), how about you actually respond to the anon's statements?

Except it's real. It's unwise to speak from a place of ignorance and stupidity, so can it.

>> No.7077624

i don't leave because of the low but extant possibility that a post like this gets made: >>7075100

>> No.7077644

You'll find an abundance of similar epithets and diatribes on >>>/pol/. Go there and start a "make fun of SJWs" or "average SJW" thread. It'd be much better for you to go there and get an ample supply of like-minded mockery.

>> No.7077656

I already said they're never as funny as that post. >>7077420

>> No.7077664

>tfw your taste will never be this indiscriminate

>> No.7077673

That's because you aren't there enough. Start your journey now.

>> No.7077687

show me an example of a /pol/ post as funny as that one and maybe i will

>> No.7077728

I don't have to hold your hand, nor am I able to determine what you consider "funny", nor do I believe you will hold your side of the deal.

You already waste your time on /lit/ and obviously contribute fuck-all to the discourse here; you are even met with open hostility by users who disagree with you on a fundamental ideological level. You're better off at an echo chamber like /pol/.

>> No.7077736

Teliophilia is a technical classification developed in the fields fo sexology and psychology. It existed well before the modern social justice movement; your demonstrably false revisionism benefits nobody except you and your own deluded ideologues.

Also, there's something called a "Schelling fence". It's unlikely that pedophilia would be normalized because there is valid rationale that renders sexual conduct between adults and minors inherently inappropriate. If evidence surfaces that this is not true, however, then why the fuck do you care so long as the relationship is healthy?

>> No.7077741

Lol incessant huffing and puffing over a wacky internet post that isn't ideologically correct is "discourse" now

>> No.7077748

This post is especially sad since you're clearly in the minority here

>> No.7077755

Calling people out on their bullshit and telling them to fuck off is what I'm doing. At no point did I entertain this as proper discourse. That's a classification only you have placed.

>/pol/ false flagging and false majority construction automatically renders dissenters of openly racist shitposting a minority
Regardless, it doesn't change my point.

>> No.7077761
File: 35 KB, 512x512, 1436000579330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related: you

>> No.7077768

LOL at beign too autistic to just use the word "samefag" but I guess that's oppressive to gays

>> No.7077771
File: 28 KB, 350x430, 1431819393787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7077790

>I'm out of replies, so I'll just respond with shitposting memes since I clearly lack the mental fortitude to actually engage in a colloquy of substance and the integrity to accept when I'm wrong
Thanks for shitposting. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.7077812

How does it feel that people will be going back to laugh at the post that you're so mad about for years and you will never produce anything with even the minutest fraction of value

>> No.7077824

I don't give a shit. People who find that drivel funny are typically the sort of two-bit dipshits that I don't actually talk to. Similarly, assuming that anon did anything of real "value" is a farce, doubly so if you think simply living another day doesn't top it. So I'll frame the question in a way that actually fits my attitude of this incident, if you don't mind:

>How does it feel that retards will be giggling at a screen capture of an off-topic, mediocre shitpost on /lit/ for years to come while you do other things with your time?

I'm completely fine with that. The more exigent issue is why the fuck you are defending an off-topic, mediocre shitpost on /lit/ and the retards who find it funny.

>> No.7077833

you sound angry.

>> No.7077834

You shouldn't say retard, i'ts ableist

>> No.7077853

That's because you're also retarded, anon.

You clearly don't understand what the term "ableist" means or what "ableism" is, nor do I give a shit if you think I am when my goal is to insult someone.

>> No.7077869

"Retard" is a slur that's oppressive to the mentally disabled. In using it you are contributing to a culture of hatred towards some of the most vulnerable groups of people.

>> No.7077870

please don't use the r slur, i find it triggering

>> No.7077899

>mentions Robotech Macross
It's not fucking real, idiot.
I hope it's not real.
Because Robotech is a fucking butchering of Macross

>> No.7077915

For a Hallmark card.

>> No.7077926

The book definitely sucks if only because Junot Diaz failed to do his requisite anime research for a book about an anime nerd

>> No.7077930

Thomas Pynchon is way older than Diaz and his anime references in Bleeding Edge are flawless

>> No.7077936

possibly in the mawkish tone and the nonsensical metaphors. or the code-switching into spanish.

>> No.7077950

It's ok he's a darkie his opinion doesnt actually matter.

>> No.7077954

/m/ here
Is there any other mistakes he makes like this?
How do you fuck up such basic research. Did the kid not have access to the internet or something? Fucking no one watches Robotech because it's a frankensteinian shitshow.

>> No.7077959

Then redistribute wealth and make reparations for historical injustices leading to modern situations, and the crime statistics won't be racially skewed.

>> No.7077961

He's not a piece of shit and he raises a good point

>> No.7077963

Kid probably just watched it on TV or something (book takes place in 80s), but that doesn't chang ethe fact that no one calls it "Robotech Macross"

>> No.7077984

Pretty sure historical injustice doesn't lead to lower IQs, kid :^)

>> No.7078002
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>> No.7078014

Pretty sure you don't know anything about IQ, gramps.

>> No.7078034

That's just him being an MFA from one of the most conventional MFA programs.

>> No.7078058

He' upset that there aren't enough female and minority versions of Jonathan Franzen

>> No.7078141

>Southern Vvardenfell
Alright I was bored by typical pol rants but I laughed like an idiot at this 10/10

>> No.7078166

you niggers better thank god nobody is translating paulo choelho quotes

>> No.7078202

What kind of anime does he reference though? Shitty Moe & Shonen or glorious Mecha & Seinen? I have never had the urge to read Pynchon but this may change my mind

>> No.7078205

I'm sending this to him.


>> No.7078209

I remember Bleeding Edge mentioning Ghost In The Shell (correctly), but I'm not that other anon

>> No.7078218

Ghost in the Shell, Akira and Dragon Ball Z. You know, the most popular ones back in 2001, which is when the novel takes place

>> No.7078226

the only possible way so many people could claim to like something so unfunny is if someone samefagged like the first 10 responses to it and the rest of the idiot /lit/ hivemind agreed

>> No.7078237

It's funny, what's your issue? I'm guessing you are triggered by something pol might laugh at. It's more the absurd writing I enjoy.

>> No.7078264

I want to watch Junot Diaz read /pol/ and then be very angry in a self-conscious faked latino way

>> No.7078267

It's a very well-executed joke, tbh

>> No.7078274

there's like nothing funny about it. the only possible way anyone could like it is if they went SO TRUE after every cliche unfunny joke

>> No.7078276

also after googling I guess "bix nood" and "Vvardenfell" are references to a meme and a video game. great stuff guys

>> No.7078279

So you admit you thought it was unfunny because you weren't cool enough to get the references...

>> No.7078283

no I thought it was unfunny because it was dumb unfunny shit for teenagers desperate to think of their sense of humor as edgy. at least Sam Hyde has jokes

>> No.7078287
File: 244 KB, 512x512, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most popular ones back in 2001
excuse you?

>> No.7078290

I don't think it's that edgy.

>> No.7078292

>course almost entirely made up of sjws dosen't manage to fit their standards
These peoples are a fucking plague.

>> No.7078293

Then cap it, retard.

>> No.7078297

it's not edgy at all. it's about the most boring common opinion imaginable. but the people who like it think it's countercultural (it's not)

>> No.7078303

I don't see why a common opinion can't be expressed in a genuinely funny way.

>> No.7078306

me either, hope someone does eventually with that one

>> No.7078315

OK. I'm sure you have comedy that you can enjoy as well, and that's fine.

>> No.7078412

So you think its okay to hold down Asians you racist hypocrite?

>> No.7078793

>it was not presented as a joke.

you really thought Chingchong McDingle would report the news on 4chan?

>> No.7079119
File: 332 KB, 386x515, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was presented as a hateful mockery of multiple minorities, not as a joke. If you want to call it a joke, then you're free to do so, though keep in mind that it's at the same level of propriety and humor as "NIGGERS, amirite??"

Pic unrelated, my image CAPTCHA.

>> No.7079205

I'd like to personally suggest that James Bond is in fact, not black.