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/lit/ - Literature

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7072352 No.7072352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does lit never acknowledge that women are worshipped by society and favoured over men and have a really easy time getting sex or relationships? And that being an unattractive male (based on facial aesthetics or ethnicity) is hard? Why is it so controversial to say that many feminists just want unequally distributed advantages?

Why are you guys never calling each other out on the narcissistic desire to be a novelist just for the sake of being a celebrity or part of the literati?

Why is Ayn Rand hated but Stirner loved? W.r.t. politics, is Chomsky pretty much right about everything? What about stuff relating to today's USA? Does he ever call out the illuminati / bilderberg?

Why is Reddit so repulsive to 4chan? Is it the sincerity? Strangely, /tv/ hates Reddit despite being just as willing to gobble up marketing bullshit.

Why will I be frowned upon for creating my own religion, even if it doesn't demand money from people or make them do anything illegal? Will le edgy anti atheists on lit defend me if I did?

>> No.7072378

>being an unattractive male is hard
>implying that being an unattractive woman is less difficult
Seems that you're wrong here, bud. Being an unattractive woman is just as difficult as being an unattractive male (I would argue that they have it harder, tbh). Actually, women have shown through numerous studies to be more likely to settle for an unattractive partner than a male. So fuck you.

>> No.7072381
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>Why does lit never acknowledge that women are worshipped by society and favoured over men and have a really easy time getting sex or relationships? And that being an unattractive male (based on facial aesthetics or ethnicity) is hard? Why is it so controversial to say that many feminists just want unequally distributed advantages?

It happens all the time, despite those being topics for /r9k/ and /pol/. They only come up very occasionally in literature and often aren't that interesting in that context.

>Why are you guys never calling each other out on the narcissistic desire to be a novelist just for the sake of being a celebrity or part of the literati?
Most novelists are narcissists. If we tried to suppress that, there would be no more novels. Believe it or not, some people here actually like books and wish writers the best even if they're bad people.

>Why is Ayn Rand hated but Stirner loved? W.r.t. politics, is Chomsky pretty much right about everything? What about stuff relating to today's USA? Does he ever call out the illuminati / bilderberg?
Rand fucked up by trying to express herself in long novels while being a terrible prose stylists and rape fetishist. Chomsky is only rarely brought up here and he's criticized plenty despite being a topic for /pol/.

>Why is Reddit so repulsive to 4chan? Is it the sincerity? Strangely, /tv/ hates Reddit despite being just as willing to gobble up marketing bullshit.
Reddit's format and moderation are stifling. Nobody likes /tv/ here.

>Why will I be frowned upon for creating my own religion, even if it doesn't demand money from people or make them do anything illegal? Will le edgy anti atheists on lit defend me if I did?
Why would you care what people on /lit/ think of you? Do it or don't, damn dude.

Stupid, stupid frogposter.

>> No.7072385
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r9k / redpill ideology isn't ignored, it's discussed often enough.
the advantage of average cute girls to be able to get banged quickly doesn't really make them so much happier. Do people generally seem happy to you, do women look happier? They don't feel the joy from fucking randoms in the way you would, if you could suddenly lay any average girl on the street.

I don't see people posting their work in full, the discussion remains theoretically. It's a place to discuss passions, after all, not realistic pessimistic career advice.

Stirner is /lit/s beloved secret, not an unsympathetic well discussed philosopher.

Calling people out for narcissistic desires pretty much runs against egoism too.

Reddit is where the others are and it's not funny.

I doubt anyone would care for your religion. If they care and talk you down, then obviously only because you push it. Why push it if it's just for you?

>> No.7072387

>It happens all the time, despite those being topics for /r9k/ and /pol/.

Yeah but it's usually me brining it up. Usually we get liars like this guy>>7072378

>> No.7072389

haha damn dude you proved me wrong my b

>> No.7072394


I'm sorry, but you seem to have been infected by /pol/

Please take two aspirin and don't call me in the morning.

>> No.7072412

>Yeah but it's usually me brining it up.
Maybe you should consider moving to >>>/r9k/

>> No.7072429

Gb2 /r9k/

>> No.7072470

>being an unattractive male is hard

So is having Downs syndrome, but I don't see them complaining about it.

>> No.7072495

>Why does lit never acknowledge that women are worshipped by society and favoured over men and have a really easy time getting sex or relationships?
its mens fault

and women only have a easy time getting it
but keeping a long lasting relationship all depends on the guy

there's a story about tinder on how plenty of girls felt used and sad that after the guy hooked up and fucked the shit out them. the guys never called them back

there's a reason why false rape claims are at an all time high

>Why is it so controversial to say that many feminists just want unequally distributed advantages?

only on the internet and around dumbass college kids
Just IGNORE THEM AND soon they will have nothing to talk about ffs

anyway it falls back on guys again for letting this happened

>> No.7072501

That's because you never have to see any, I work with yards and they fucking hate being who they are

>> No.7072516

Fair enough, doesn't change the fact that complaining about your inherent disadvantages rather than accepting or attempting to overcome them is unproductive.

And as >>7072495 says, all of women's power comes from men. The real solution here is for all men to become gay, thereby allowing us to sell our sperm to the highest bidder so that the human race can survive.

>> No.7072548

DAE women are whores who wont fuck me?

>> No.7072571


>Why does lit never acknowledge that women are worshipped by society and favoured over men and have a really easy time getting sex or relationships? And that being an unattractive male (based on facial aesthetics or ethnicity) is hard? Why is it so controversial to say that many feminists just want unequally distributed advantages?

Because we are reasonable, and thus, do not subscribe to red-pill "theory". It is the saddest and most transparent bullshit on these boards.

Women are wicked when you're unwanted.

>> No.7072581

Thats a rare pepe wtf

>> No.7072633

>Women are wicked when you're unwanted.
this is pretty fucking true unfortunately

>> No.7072642

Erase Tinder, download Grindr

have sex every fucking day

>> No.7072645


>> No.7072654

Not everyone who doesn't want to fuck you hates you.

>> No.7072666

-/lit/ has a minority of white knighting betas, feminists and butthurt women. Most aren't like that, some speak frankly and call bullshit all the time but no one wants /r9k/2.0. Stop being a bitch about bitches, nig.
-Because this board is filled with narcissists.
-Because the latter didn't justify being a selfish prick.
-Because Chomsky is a Jew.
-Something about stealing chan culture and being a circlejerk, idk.
-Go ahead but I personally would consider it artificial trash.

>> No.7072667

Because lit has its own set of cultural values, one of which is being seen as intellectual, requiring that socially stigmatized beliefs are rejected without consideration.

>> No.7072672
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Tinder is already master race
>Match with girls on my campus
>Never contact them again if we meet up even if they're obviously attracted to me
>Just sit in my shitty efficiency telling myself that it's not my fault I'm single while my roommate and I stew in the smell of sweat, semen and garbage for days at a time
Living the dream