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/lit/ - Literature

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7071169 No.7071169 [Reply] [Original]

ITT : We determine the final boss of literature. My suggestion : The Voynich Manuscript

>> No.7071176

>still thinking of literature in video game terms

time to uninstall WoW faggot

>> No.7071181

I've never played WoW in my entire life.

>> No.7071192

Let's start a new final boss of literature right now, one word at a time

I'll start:


>> No.7071203
File: 107 KB, 640x401, ButcherRoom[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manuscript on alchemy and astronomy
>we have deciphered half the plants and half the stars by now
>it is likely some anatolian language that didn't survive tamerlane and has surviving relatives on the caucasus mountains
nah, moar like the non-mandatory sub-boss tank on level one

>> No.7071205

It's not literature if nobody can read it

>> No.7071235

Linear A obviously.

It's a lost chain back from the start of Western civilisation, the greeks.

>> No.7071247
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Posting the obvious answer early on

>> No.7071256

game are literature though. games are compiled literature.

>> No.7071261

Then it's perfect. /lit/ equates indecipherability with quality anyway. That's why it's always jerking itself off over Finnegann's Sake and Uselessyes and Gravity's Dickjoke.

>> No.7071264

that doesn't mean you don't have it installed

checkmate athiest

>> No.7071268

>/tv/ poster tries to get a memetrain going on /lit/
>it's failure just like his life

>> No.7071304


>> No.7071350

In the realms of the unknown

>> No.7071358

End it in fire

>> No.7071360


>> No.7071364

Julian Rios - Larva: A Midsummer Night's Babel

>> No.7071370


>> No.7071375

here is an alternative to Finnegans Wake

Joseph McElroy - Women and Men

>> No.7071414

Why do plebs always feel the urge to make everything including literature ludic? Can't you read like everybody else without thinking of XP and “bosses”?

>> No.7071429

>Why do plebs always feel the urge to make everything including literature forbidden? Can't you read like everybody else without thinking of sin and “inquisitions”?

>> No.7071433

>Villon's stuff written in XV century argo.
Gogol is like a surprising heavyweight for me.
Again not final boss tier, but Dictionary of the Khazars is formally very impressing.
There are pre-classicism plays that lasted for several days and all the characters were actually based on real people from the court.
the phone book may be considered a contender if you are dada or something.
Khlebnikov poems.

>> No.7071455
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Pure misery

>> No.7071473
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Hypnerotomachia Poliphili

>> No.7071478

You're putting too much thought in to what is meant. It's simply another way of what is the most difficult work in literature to read/understand. It's not like OP is thinking, "Oh, boy, if I read the Voynich Manuscript I'll reach level 87 in Bullshitting!"

>> No.7071504
File: 73 KB, 500x372, tumblr_m4chnnKR8b1qjtmq6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you finish war and peace

>> No.7071673

This looks interesting

>> No.7073232

The Cat in the Hat.
Not just reading, but grasping all of the symbolism present in its 33 words.

Finale should be as Zen as finalising literature could be

>> No.7073264
File: 398 KB, 1390x787, Gwyn, Lord of Cinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the final boss doesn't need to be the hardest

>> No.7073289


When I finished War and Peace I was finally kind of disappointed. The drops are lame and felt like end game content of the last expansion.

Thick Book Librarian by the way.

>> No.7073312

Has anyone here read this, or attempted to read it? What's it like? Is it Wake-tier in difficulty?

>> No.7073342

now do in search of lost time

>> No.7073521

He's hard if you don't bug abuse

>> No.7073528

I think its worse. At least wake can be recited. Traum reads like computer code

>> No.7073553

Damn man. Well, if it's harder than FW, that sounds like the true "Final Boss" of literature. Or perhaps it's one of those hidden, optional Final Fantasy bosses that's like twice as hard as the actual final boss. Finnegans Wake, after all, is the obvious choice (at least for an English-speaker), but Zettels Traum waits in some obscure corner, ready to pounce, festering in translation. There's been an English "translation" (if it can be called such a thing; I find the concept of a Wake translation, for example, highly implausible) going on for like 8 years, right?

>> No.7073578
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Yeah, the english translation in the works for a long time now. Not many people are hopeful it'll ever be finished.

Also, pic related, it's the first page of Zettels Traum

>> No.7073584


Well, what do you think about the plausibility of trying to translate it? Is it in the sort of extremely multilayered language of the Wake, or is it more restricted to variations on German itself? By the way, have you actually read it, or just looked at it?

>> No.7073585

How the fuck do you even read this shit?

>> No.7073587

The Voynich Manuscript is that optional sideboss that the programmers made it actually impossible to beat

>> No.7073588

>Hypnerotomachia Poliphili
>seems interesting
>check project gutenberg

i'm so excited

>> No.7073602


>> No.7073616
File: 98 KB, 800x596, Δίσκος_της_Φαιστού_πλευρά_Α_6380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta My Way Voynich Fucking Shits

>> No.7074062

Got it on my Kindle, I'm going to tackle it. Sort of wanted to read it in Italian, but It also has latin parts, which I probably won't be able to go through.

>> No.7074144

i read an article within the last month or so that said the translation was finally finished, and it'll probably be published by dlakey archive, who've done most of his other books that have been translated.
the only problem left is that it'll probably cost a couple hundred bucks at least and probably won't be in print very long

>> No.7074175

>Villon's stuff written in XV century argo.
Villon was an argonaut?

>> No.7074182

>Gogol is like a surprising heavyweight for me.
wat wat wat

>> No.7074187
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A little bit like the Renaissance version of House of Leaves

>> No.7074194
File: 291 KB, 600x900, 10ElementalMastersBookCoverLarge[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside ladies

>> No.7074196

Not really. There was a book written in the 40s that used HEX codes.

>> No.7074692
File: 74 KB, 412x351, CryingPepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw were only 20 years from another 40s

>> No.7074706
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>> No.7074750

Codex Seraphinianus doesn't count because it doesn't fucking mean anything. It's a masterpiece, but not a literary one.