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7069600 No.7069600 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Infinite Jest so hated?

I haven't read it, but the growing hatred towards it is intriguing. Books like The Fountainhead were pretty good and they're considered shit-tier here.

>> No.7069607
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>The Fountainhead
>pretty good
I like Infinite Jest but I suspect you're not ready to appreciate it.

>> No.7069617

The Fountainhead was pretty majestic and I enjoyed Howard Roark for the bold individualism he represented, but that's from the point.

Why is IJ so disliked?

>> No.7069618

a lot of people think its just a meme.
These people havent read it or didnt get it.
Thats part of the meme.

>> No.7069620
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>> No.7069629

I tihnk most people who hate ayn rand havent really read ayn rand.
For instance, DFW actually kinda agreeed with Ayn Rand, anyone who read and understood teh Pale King would know that (But honest to God that's like next to no one on this board)

>> No.7069633
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I'm the one making fun of OP for liking Rand. I went through that phase myself and read every Rand novel in that time. I read The Pale King last year and yet I have no idea how you could say the two are related.

I'll grant you that Wallace was deceptively conservative but that's not the same as being an Objectivist.

>> No.7069634

His suicide.
The Rand Monologue with the levitator.
Toni Ware.
If none of that means anything to you, you did NOT get it.

>> No.7069688

Did they catch him? Oh my god, I was living in Denton when this was going on.

>> No.7069712

ive read some rand.
its lame, but i can see how it gets mediocre people hard.
never read wallace, but if its got any rand-ishness thats like finding out beck is a scientologist.
so depressing.
will prolly never pick up a wallace book.

>> No.7069715

DFW literally has no parallels to Rand. That guy is a fucking retard. DFW's work is centered around, first and foremost, compassion. Rand is a self-professed antipath. There is no relation between the two.

>> No.7069723

>implying objectivism cant incorporate compassion to reach max potential.

Does Jesus ring a bell?
youre an idiot surface-reader.

>> No.7069725

Because New Sincerity and Hysterical Realism are rot.

>> No.7069729


seeing this:>>7069723
aight. i wont throw the baby out with the money i made selling the baby parts.

>> No.7069730

Because it started the Young Adult genre as claimed by John Green

>> No.7070025

Atlas Shrugged is a rambling yet readable mess with an inconsistent message but the Fountainhead is a fan fic about getting raped by muscley men who are good at talking in court. Each detail is aimed to enhance the rape; to paint it as justified or to retroactively make it seem part of some political message.. It's a rape book.

>> No.7070055


People are too lazy to read enough of it to understand it so they decide it's crap.

>> No.7070206

I guess this is as good a place as any to post this:

I just want to thank /lit/ for memeing the hell out of this book. It was this constant posting that made me decide I was going to read it. I'm just over half way through now and I can honestly say I love it. It's made me laugh a lot, it's got some really interesting characters and it's even made me think about a few things. As well as this, despite being very dense it's incredibly readable.

I would never have picked it up, but for /lit/, so thank you.

>> No.7070293

IJ is loved by 95% of people who have read it and memed to oblivion by 70% of those who haven't

Most "IJ hatred"(even though Im not seeing much) comes from people who only heard what it is about and went like 'shit, and this is the great contemporary novel? What the fuck? Seems shit...' and so on

Be careful OP.

It's amazing btw.