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/lit/ - Literature

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7068861 No.7068861 [Reply] [Original]

What books will help me become a normie?

>> No.7068885

The art of the deal by the trump.
das kapital by karl marl
phenomenology of the spirit by hegel
The little red book by mao tsetung
the motorcycle diarrhies by che guevara
the catcher in the rye by jd salinger
Atlas shrugged by ayn rand
the tommyknockers by stephen king
the republic by playdoh
The elements by euclid
the god delusion by richard dawkins
the communist manifesto by karl marl
the anarchists cookbook by colin powells
My twisted world by ts elliot
The selfish gene by richard dawkins
fifth business by robertson davies
finnegans wake by james joyce

>> No.7068892

>My twisted world by ts elliot
i kek'd

>> No.7068893

that's a cute pepe :3

normies don't read so you're looking for the wrong thing

maybe starting strength, or some other gym guide

>> No.7068907
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Go to Amazon with cookies disabled (use incognito, a public computer, etc.) and look at the main page of the "Books" department. Read any book. Alternatively, look at the best-sellers page of Amazon and read any of the most recent best-sellers. Do not read any book written before the 21st century.

>> No.7068916

I tried reading a couple of normie books (Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird, Charles Dickens) but I ended up giving up because I broke down crying one night.

>> No.7068924

one cannot become a normie, only be born a normie.

>> No.7068928

Nice fresh meme m8

>> No.7068937

Don't read. Just watch shitty Netflix shows, read wiki articles on meme philosophers, poets, authors, books, etc., and listen to trite pop music. You'll be a normie in no time.

>> No.7069438

This and Ted talks. Plus spirts

>> No.7069441
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my diary, tbh

>> No.7069444

I've never seen any Ted talks. What's so bad about them?

>> No.7069473

why don't you watch one then

>> No.7069482

there was actually a TED talk about how TED talks suck


>> No.7069491


and its rebuttal

>> No.7069492

Some of the older TED talks are fine. Overrated sure, but they can be interesting. It's the absolute garbage TEDx talks that give it the bad reputation.

>> No.7069496

This is pretty good advice. But you can also read pop/pseudo science shit like Outliers or Reddit-tier fiction because thats what most normies will read.