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/lit/ - Literature

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7064371 No.7064371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT unironic pomo fags post concepts, arguments, and passages that they found enlightening and actually relevant to normal people living down here in the ivory tower slums

prove to me pomo isn't just psuedo-intellectual posturing and snarky dismissals of all value judgments /lit/

>> No.7064378

le pomo spook meme

I guarantee you haven't even read Foucalt

>> No.7064380


You would be wrong. Can you go posture elsewhere?

>> No.7064386

The trouble with pomo is that the words on their own have meaning, but the sentences pomo authors construct with them are indistinguishable from word salad produced by hebephrenic patients on the back wards of any state hospitals.

>> No.7064407
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pic related
I genuinely feel bad that reading is so hard for you

>> No.7064417

OP here. i posted this thread because i think delueze's pluralism is p interesting. and im a total greekfag who stays rashing on pomos

so nigga you wanna enlighten us plebs or u just gonna shit up the thread

>> No.7064441

worship is not on bended knee
nature knows not of mercy
to pray is to accept defeat
bow and beheaded by the beast
beggar on a bitch's leash
scum is desperate for release
worship is the way I ride
witching currents through the eye
of storms that force the false to die
worship the flames with which I rise
into apocalyptic skies

>> No.7064477

>tfw you meet the one professor in your department into continental philosophy who actually engages with it without being disingenuous, and who isn't merely using it to pad out his articles with foucauldian Bald Studies jargon
>tfw he takes you under his wing and you become a postmodern butterfly without being tainted by its attendant political circlejerk
>tfw you soar off the branch of his tutelage and cast a furtive glance backward one last time, at the thousands upon thousands of flightless grad student worms, still building their useless cocoons out of derrida's reheated feces
>tfw you soar triumphantly into the crisp morning air, the plebeian din of transgender shakespeare deconstruction fading at last into nothingness behind you

>> No.7064653


>> No.7065023
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TBCATH (to be completely and totallly honest), irony and satire as well as sincerity and realism ruin literature at this point. All works until 2000 are excused, but if ur piece of work has anything to do with that spectrum being the main focus ur book should be burned

>> No.7065567
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nice quote there

>> No.7065870

so what are your ideas or viewpoints that you adhere to ?