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File: 25 KB, 300x387, Philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
706159 No.706159 [Reply] [Original]

What qualifications do I need to study philosophy?

I know its a random question, but this is the place to ask.

>> No.706163


>> No.706167

You need a talent for memorizing 'deep' sounding quotes and repeating them at opportune moments so as create the impression that you're intelligent.

>> No.706170

You don`t need any specific qualifications, but you should be able to think independently.

>> No.706175


Do I need good grades?

>> No.706178
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And shades. Don't forget shades.

>> No.706186

Depends on which university you`re going to. Not in most cases. Some of your grades should be good i guess, the ones related to philosophy, writing, thinking, writing essays and such, but i don`t think its really needed

>> No.706188


That was pretty humorous.

>> No.706194 [DELETED] 


I see. The thing is that I live in Australia and philosophy isn't a real big topic here and I'd have to go to university to do it.

>> No.706198


Or you could just read philosophy books.

>> No.706200


I see. The thing is that I live in Australia and philosophy isn't a real big topic here so I'm just trying to work the subject out. Thanks a lot!

>> No.706208


I read some, I like Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche. Keep ion mind i'm 17 and some of the things they express in there works seems a bit too "mature" for me, but I feel as if I understand it.

>> No.706211


Then again its probably just the conservative catholic upbringing I was brought up with.

>> No.706219 [DELETED] 

I`m just 17 as well, read all those a long time ago, anyway, you should just get into the subject, and if you want to study it, just do it. I know some poeple who do, it seems fun, but not a lot of job opportunities

>> No.706222


>but not a lot of job opportunities


>> No.706223

Just read more, you should really get into the subject before deciding to study it. May be more fun to read some in the spare time. If you decide to study it you may have some trouble getting work

>> No.706227


I understand but with all due respect, money would not influence education with me.

However with that being said, a career is essential for my life goal.

>> No.706228
File: 766 KB, 1700x2158, 1273297722585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you're smart enough to study philosophy, then please for the love of all that is good in the world, DON'T.

Go and study economics or anything that will give you a good career at the end of it. Just read philosophical books instead. I don't mean fucking The Alchemist. I mean just grab something like a beginners guide to Aristotle, then read Aristotle and Plato. Then read whomever the fuck you want to read.

I recommend that you read Hume, Descartes, Hegel as essentials, but don't be afraid to look for help understanding the texts whenever you need it.

Just please, please don't let idealism ruin your future and saddle you with a delightfully intellectual degree that has no application in the job market.

tl;dr - The truth.

>> No.706232


Thank you.

>> No.706234


Studying something just because it will get you a job is equally as foolish as studying something with no practical applications.

>> No.706238


It may be foolish, but it pays the rent.

>> No.706239

Sure, its not necessarily about the money, but more about actually getting a job, if you cant get a job there`s really not much point doing it is it? I know a guy with a doctorate in Philosophy, he was the best in his class, and 5 years later he has 20% employment at the Uni. If you can get a post as a professor its pretty good pay though

>> No.706240


Every time I hear someone go, "GET A DEGREE THAT WILL GET YOU A JOB", my mind automatically translates it to "LOWER YOUR STANDARDS, IT'S ALWAYS THE RIGHT CHOICE".

>> No.706245


I'd rather be homeless than spend my life 'paying the rent' as it were.

>> No.706246



>> No.706254

What a joke.

>> No.706260
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>> No.706269


"I'm unemployed, but I've got my ideals. My little sister pays my rent, but I've got my virtue. I'm single, but thats because all the woman are money grabbing and don't like nice guys, BUT I'VE MAINTAINED MY 'STANDARDS."

They are only your standards, chump. Mine are ones based on pride and self sustenance, but I didn't have to give my soul to anyone, or beg to anyone. Grow up and see if your kids will grow healthy eating your values.

>> No.706270



>> No.706272


Or become a martyr and die at the stake!

>> No.706275


Tired of /b/'s bullshitters and people who believe they can deny reality with some secret, mystical knowledge. What are you going to do? Develop a martial art to protect yourself from the cold and hunger? Perhaps you're going to drain the moisture that you need from the clouds you're going to float on in the lotus position?

To be honest, I'd rather you were homeless than working to pay the rent, because with your attitude, you'd do a lousy job, and you'd whine all the time about all the selfish people who are working hard for their families, for their futures.

"If we all did nothing, then none of us would need anything." Good luck in your tribal society.

>> No.706277


>implying this is /b/

>> No.706278


Read the last fucktasia. I've never had to sell out, as if your LIFE is a matter of hipster credibility in the first place. Seriously, if you're so young that you're concerned with ideas like 'selling out' then you've got no idea how to fight for your own survival. Don't worry, mommy will always be there for you.

>> No.706281


And then lets hope that all the great things that humanity has achieved will float out of the magical sky God and onto our laps.

FUCKING IDIOTS. Yes, there is inefficiency and inequality in this system, but it would be worse under any other system. There are issues to address, such as global warming, but that is what legislature is for.

Demanding that the whole system is reset and started again, isn't the solution. It is just an admission that you feel helpless.

Don't reject the process, engage in it and effect it.

Nothing will be done, unless someone does it. Its so simple it seems stupid to type it, and yet, it seems like so many socialistic idealists forget that SOMEONE actually has to do the work to make the world turn.

If each earns based on his needs, what is the point of having ability? What is the benefit of hard work? I'm not going to wait for God to reward me for supporting your fucking socialist apathy. I will however work for myself and challenge the inequalities that I see.

Simply because I'm proud of what I have does not mean I'm too closed off to the world to appreciate other people's suffering. What it DOES mean is that I'm in a genuine position to offer people work, to sustain themselves, rather than begging. Who wants to be a beggar. Who would make computers if there were no profit margin?


>> No.706282


Are you happy? Just asking.
Because rent and some chicks arent the world for everybody and maybe when you're 35 and you find out your wife left your 'pride' and 'self sustenance' for something 'lower', you will realise that people's ideals and dreams are not the same just because someone didnt choose my lifestyle it doesnt mean they gonna fail. Your life isnt a example, bro.

>> No.706283


Shit. You're like 4chan's Joseph Goebbels.

>> No.706287

None at all.
Anybody can study Philosophy, although it does take some form of intellect to use that understanding of Philosophy and manipulate it to further your career.

There's no money in Philosophy, sorry.

>> No.706290


You seem to not understand that capitalism is the necessary bedrock for socialism, and if anything is a greater engagement of capitalism's material rewards, for more people, than any liberal reformist could hope for. fail 101.

>> No.706293


So typical of an ignorant capitalist to think he needs the system.

>> No.706295
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>> No.706292


I see; well then what careers could you use an understanding in philosophy may I ask?

>> No.706297


Taking a degree that doesn't lead to work, leads to poverty, but I don't see how being able to support myself means that my wife would lead me.

The problem is that you're so set on the idea that only you, and people with your mindset are capable of caring for other people, for their family, of being sensitive.

I can tell you this, if you continue to uphold these values, you will suffer a lot, unless you're going to live the cloistered life of a monk. You're going to feel frustrated and angry, and you're going to blame the rest of the world for being insensitive.

The truth is that you're demanding to drag everyone down to your level, not asking them to be the best of themselves. The best of a person is what they can achieve, it is not what abstract moralist ideals they can try to enforce on the world.

Don't assume that the lofty beliefs of the spirit are in any way higher than the ability to fulfill the material needs that haunt the steps of every man. I don't mean greedy, material needs, I mean the very basics.

>> No.706300


No, sir, you fail at reading, please apply yourself to looking at the words I've typed before you respond. Many thanks in advance.

>> No.706302


I think you'd find that is socialist thinking. As a capitalist, I know the system needs me. At every single step it needs me. Please don't confuse a capitalist and a conservative.

>> No.706308

ITT: there are only 2 options in life. Study something you enjoy and end up living alone, in poverty. Study something you don't like (i.e economics) and become forever rich and live a long life with the girl of your dreams.

Cool logic as always, 4chan.

>> No.706312


Or become a ninja, of course.

>> No.706325

what did you expect, wisdom of the crowds only works of the crowd is not mostly made up of retards...

and do you really wanna be the waist-coat wearing bespectacled adult who sighs at the sight of his nephews beating each other with fruit?

>> No.706334

OPs profession is trolling

>> No.706339

...capitalists... ugh, the word makes my mouth feel foul

>> No.706352

urgh, getting back on topic! i am in australia and study philosophy. normally you do a plain arts degree and then major in philosophy and float around and do other arts units. to be more employable do a double degree. i do arts/law, allowing me to be employable and learn some sweet argument techniques. that and philosophy looks grand on your resume, just not by itself! the struggles with philosophy is trying to structure a good argument in an essay with various counter arguments etc, especially when there is never one distinctive right answer. read a generic introduction to philosophy text and see what you dig. i love studying philosophy and enjoy having structured discussions and being able to ask questions and such rather than just being lonesome with so many books i could possibly start upon. good luck!

>> No.706358


Then there are the people who enjoy economics... Lucky bastards.

>> No.706367


He types on the computer he OWNS.