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File: 107 KB, 670x446, 14 Go weiqi board game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7061306 No.7061306 [Reply] [Original]

I avoided 4chan all day, and learned how to play an ancient and venerable game.

What did you accomplish today, /lit/, you stuck up bastards?

Oh, frogposting?

How impressive.

>> No.7061310

>I avoided 4chan all day
And yet, here we are.
How impressive.

>> No.7061314

It's night now, doofus.

>> No.7061316

I'm too busy not putting round stones on a little wooden board.

>I avoided 4chan all day
And yet here you are.

>> No.7061319

It's either the same day as the day you learned Go, in which case you didn't avoid 4chan all day, or it's a different day, in which case you didn't learn to play the game today.

Your move bitch but those stones look dead to me.

>> No.7061320

41 frogs down, 9 more to go before I go to sleep

>> No.7061323

I attended the religious office for the death of a former member of my family. Gave me a lot to reflect on.

Simply "learning" go takes an hour though. What's your kyu ?

>> No.7061340

Go sucks. It's like chess but the patterns are much easier to learn, and basically someone who is only slightly more skilled at Go will win absolutely every time unless there is an absurd handicap. The game is simply too "solved".

two player board games stopped being interesting to me a long time ago though, I like political board games that involve alliances and betrayal and shit with 4-8 people. that's an actually interesting game.

>> No.7061344

I spent an hour crying and thinking about my grandpa who died 7 years ago and I'm not sure why.

>> No.7061347

Like a haiku

>> No.7061356

It's day somewhere, tit. The sun never does dawn on 4chan.

>> No.7061369

Maybe you are gay for him? Just something to think about.

>> No.7061373

> It's like chess but the patterns are much easier to learn

So ? If anything that makes the game more accessible for beginner. Also what do you call the "patterns" ? There pattern recognition and solving problems of all levels in Go, from the very beginner to the 9th dan.

>and basically someone who is only slightly more skilled at Go will win absolutely every time unless there is an absurd handicap

That's pretty much what the handicap is for (nothing similar for chess btw). And one stone of handicap is already pretty significant.

>The game is simply too "solved".

Pretty close to the opposite of true.

>two player board games stopped being interesting to me a long time ago though
>le I have outgrown your childish hobby meme
>le my hobbies are more interesting than your hobbies meme

So you actually don't like those games but make a point to comment them in a way that makes it looks like your preference is enlightened. Why ? Why post something that makes you sound like a retard but isn't really funny ? Even as a trolling tactic it's pretty boring.

>> No.7061392

I can't be gay for my grandpa because then I'd be straight.

>> No.7061408


>> No.7061413

someone should screencap this glorious moment

>> No.7061472

>took a walk
>bought cigarettes
>guy came over, bought weed
>walked back to store, bought beer
>texted girl

>> No.7061511

I'm a grill btw ;)

>> No.7061514
File: 16 KB, 320x288, 1337805245586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7061516
File: 189 KB, 876x299, how impressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go

>> No.7062136

>two player board games stopped being interesting to me a long time ago

Play against stronger opponents.

>> No.7062211

other guy already pointed this out but your definition of "solved" is almost exactly the opposite of what it means

>> No.7062239

learning the rules of go is easy. anyone can do it in 1 minute.

it's not an achievement

>> No.7062453

you actually have no fucking idea. go is actually the only classic board game whose top ranked players can beat computer programs. i think you're confusing it for connect 4 or othello lmbo

>I like political board games that involve alliances and betrayal
lol fucking greasy nerd with no appreciation of mathematical beauty and abstract problem solving go play your pokemon or d&d fucking neckbeard

>> No.7062473

dude championship chess players beat computers all the fucking time

>> No.7062492

No they don't lol. Humans have been outmatched by computers for over a decade now and the gap will only widen from here.

>> No.7062497

you mad

>> No.7062498

i can feel the wind of the fedora tip even through my computer screen.

>> No.7062504

ummm lol

look up ibm deep blue (no equivalent exists for go)


goes to show how buttblastingly dumb you are lol

>> No.7062512

We stopped saying 'lmbo' in ~2010 so don't do it any more.

>> No.7062518

i am not part of your we

>> No.7062522

I'll make you part of my we, bitch

>> No.7062542

Oh look, a weeabo learned a game only weeabos learn

Way to go. You're still worthless.

>> No.7062545

>4-8 people

So you play by yourself and pretend to be more than just one other person?

>> No.7062553

That is an extremely clever burn, Anonymous. I applaud you for coming up with it.

>> No.7062697

I summarized articles about Egypt for a daily business newsletter and got 4% completed on MGSV.

Sisi is a cool guy