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/lit/ - Literature

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7061193 No.7061193 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, how does it feel to be exactly like /b/tards, but the only difference is that you guys won't admit you're actually retarded?

>> No.7061204

every board on this website is /b/ + topic and the porn boards are the most on-topic boards you literally new retard

>> No.7061214

it feels pretty good, honestly

>> No.7061224
File: 67 KB, 600x750, 6ca456452d7c65f886de71a66b72c50e-paul-ryan-tiny-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you literally new retard

>> No.7061225
File: 207 KB, 500x667, ¬.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fully retarded.

The discontinuities of the thread format is highly disparate from the the sequential, connected activity that is bookreading. If anything the most appropriate kind of literacy required for this is newspaper literacy.

Faulkner did the neat thing of translating a highly chaotic mind that is Benjy into the sequential print, and we are the opposite of Benjy, translating our book-uniformed minds into this mess of a website.

>> No.7061240

frequenting the same internet site means we all have the exact same qualities yes.

>> No.7061246


Well it means your qualities are limited to those that can be shared within an interface that yes, is the same for everyone.

>> No.7061249

>Not Pol Ryon.jpg

Get the fuck out

>> No.7061262
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Benjy's was my favorite perspective in the Sound and the Fury. It was fucking irritating at times, but I definitely got a lot of use out of it as a writer. Did you notice how Dilsey's and Luster's diction was completely different in Benjy's perspective as opposed to the others', including the 3rd person narrator's? My interpretation of that was that, since Benjy was a retard, he couldn't see any difference in race or the way different races behave. In other words, Benjy was 'colorblind.'

The point is that at least other boards allow themselves to have low-brow tastes without feeling like plebs. I love literary stories and genre stories. I actually allow myself to be happy.

>> No.7061307

im even more retarded than the people on /b/ actually. i read 50 books a year just to remind myself how retarded i am (extremely)

>> No.7061328

Well, since I usually come to /lit/ to troll and not be serious, I'm perfectly willing to admit it.

>> No.7061332

>I love literary stories and genre stories. I actually allow myself to be happy.

Have you considered that some people don't want to bother wasting 5 hours reading a movie when movies exist, and that furthermore some people might not even like movies so "pew pew lazor wow swing sword at orc" might not be a disireable use of time? Have you considered people who aren't apparently assumptive retards as yourself have multiple areas of interest beyond reading, as you also seem to, yet still feel the need to make this retarded thread?

>> No.7061334


>In other words, Benjy was 'colorblind.'


Best thing I read today.

but I still hesitate to call Benjy a retard, I have a colorblindness of my own, I can't barely tell sane from insane anymore, I just see different modes of awareness or perception

>> No.7061351

All I'm saying is that it seems you people are too hesitant to enjoy anything that isn't considered high art. Fuck, even David Foster Wallace, whom everybody calls a pretentious faggot, enjoyed films like Aliens and Terminator.

>> No.7061353

I do not give a fuck about other boards.

Get out pleb

Anyway guys, back to Plutarch...

>> No.7061358

>m-muh intellect

>> No.7061380
File: 717 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite thing to do is take ketamine listening to bad rock music unshowered in a field and The Thing is one of my favorite movies. I abhorr genre fiction with the exception of some horror short stories for their aesthetic, because it sucks and is a massive waste of time for what it is.

>> No.7061383

Feels fun, nothing like an extra layer of meta to liven things up.

>> No.7061393

>m-muh ________

>> No.7061394


>Anyway guys, back to Plutarch...

Posturing way too hard.

Dial it down there, chief.

>> No.7061398

moar liek plebtarch amirite

>> No.7061407

That was the point little guy

>> No.7061417


>corny amounts of effort was the point for you

Point taken, spectrumtits.

>> No.7061442

>I was totally pretending to be retarded.