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7060339 No.7060339 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still quite Chumpski when he's a hypocrite who holds millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts and did research that was paid for by the Pentagon, an organization he demonzies whenever he gets the chance?

>> No.7060408

His books on American foreign policy are breddy good

>> No.7060427

He's a biased Commie shill who can't accept that socialism doesn't work. He has a bad understanding of the way nation-states' foreign policies work and his ethical standards can't possibly be met by any state capable of maintaining itself.

>> No.7060436

Why do people care about pseudo-intellectuals that score them meme points around other people who want to feel smart instead of reading actually intelligent people who aren't as popular nowadays?

>> No.7060440

>He's a biased Commie shill who can't accept that socialism doesn't work

I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not.

The chap (and socialism) has been so thoroughly and so unfairly slandered that you might actually believe this.

>> No.7060441

Name one intelligent human. Protip: you can't

>> No.7060450

Are you a socialist?

>> No.7060457

me, tbh

>> No.7060458


That requires a rather complex answer I doubt any one here would find in the least bit interesting.


>> No.7060470

I want to know why you're defending the most destructive economic and political system the world has ever known.

>> No.7060480
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>> No.7060485

Answer the question, please. Are you a socialist?

>> No.7060491
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>> No.7060498

You're just jealous that a communist makes more money than you.

>> No.7060521

Answer the question or I'll just assume you're a Judaeo-Bolshevik and ignore everything you say for the rest of the thread.
Stalin may have been wealthy, but his wealth consisted of a shitty state kept alive by tormented forced laborers and a powerful propaganda apparatus. He's no one worth envying.

>> No.7060522

You do know capitalism, while simultaneously partially responsible for the technological and medical revolutions, is also partially responsible for the extreme underdevelopment in the post colonial world. As is the shock and phenomena of ideological tyranny in the form of eastern European socialism stem from both militant parties, recent revolutions from monarchies, and catastrophic wars with other central European monarchies and fascist states.

History isn't black and white, rather a continuum of personality and curiosity driven ambitions.

>> No.7060528

That's waaaaay too nuanced for me. I'm just going to blame the jews for everything.

>> No.7060542


Guys, guys - fellow /lit/erati. I'm justified in telling this gentleman to crawl back to /pol/ aren't I?

>> No.7060552

>You do know capitalism, while simultaneously partially responsible for the technological and medical revolutions, is also partially responsible for the extreme underdevelopment in the post colonial world. As is the shock and phenomena of ideological tyranny in the form of eastern European socialism stem from both militant parties, recent revolutions from monarchies, and catastrophic wars with other central European monarchies and fascist states.
>I-it was the Nazis' fault that Soviet society was so repressive! Never mind the pre-war atrocities and the Soviet-Nazi pact!
I'm not falling for this old classic.
>History isn't black and white, rather a continuum of personality and curiosity driven ambitions
What's your point? Socialism paints a pretty black and white picture of history, this is an odd claim coming from a socialist.
>muh boogeyman

>> No.7060558

I fucking hate 4chan. When my revolution comes all NEETS will perish.

>> No.7060559

go for it, or just keep egging him on for comedy

>> No.7060589
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I'm sure.

>> No.7060655

Keep trolling, I'm laughing my arse off here.

>> No.7060658

You just need to understand the historicity behind socialism as a statewide internalized sociopolitical philosophy and why fascism, as a reaction to liberal capitalism, was also a tool to serve as an other for the communist tyrants.

>> No.7060663

This place is a fucking Commie den, isn't it? I thought that had changed by now. What happened to the good old days when we used to have Ayn Rand threads on a regular basis?

>> No.7060678
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>> No.7060679

Lol. No-one gives a shit about how you fight your ridiculous culture wars you knob. You're an irrelevance.

>> No.7060694

>culture wars
You think I'm some Fox News-watching Trump/Bush/Carson faggot? I'm a registered independent who believes in constitutional sovereignty and the rule of law. I only like free markets because the alternative is worse. Hell, I'm a fucking Keynesian.

>> No.7060703

OP here, no one has adequately answered my initla question. You're all hung up on ideology.

>> No.7060714

>Hell, I'm a fucking Keynesian

>thinks that capitalism can actually be a closed system that doesn't require the constant incoming consumption of new capital and labor.
Everyone point and laugh.

>> No.7060725

The allowance of corporate bodies as authorative entities will not survive.

The Keynasian notion of raising tender at the risk of debts is just allowing more cash to exist and bind us as a citizenry. And with cash becoming more fluid in electronic currencies this distanced representation of economic help dually serves as a tool for oligarchic pressure.

>> No.7060743

Keynes takes that into account.
>The allowance of corporate bodies as authorative entities will not survive.
Do you have evidence to support this claim? You seem to be acting like you've had a vision of the future.

>> No.7060766


>hundreds of millions of deaths
>unfairly slandered

Top laff

>> No.7060781

>OP posts a Slavoj meme
>Goes on to make a stink about how much he hates the thing he vaguely understands as socialism

>> No.7060791

it's so bizarre how Marxists often have objections to Keynes that are basically indistinguishable from the right-wing/Austrian objections

>> No.7060792
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>muh hundred gorillion

I thought a single hundred million was the agreed-upon figure, Murray

>> No.7060793


>politically illiterate britbong

Is that what R Farage told you?

>> No.7060795


If you understand socialism you wouldn't be Socialist

>> No.7060806

I'd rather be on the guy with money's side

>> No.7060821

>Hasn't heard of feudalism

>> No.7060828


>politically illiterate

I take that as a compliment, thank you.

>> No.7060846

Itt: Americans

>> No.7060856


ITT: eurobese who would flunk econ 101

>> No.7060866

It's ASS you English dog!

>> No.7060867
File: 71 KB, 580x300, What-the-fuck-is-a-Denmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminded of a quote...

>He is a man who is unusually incurious, abnormally unintelligent, amazingly inarticulate, fantastically uncultured, extraordinarily uneducated, and apparently quite proud of all these things

>> No.7060880

Quoting Hitchens with any degree of sincerity is pure pleb.

>> No.7060885

Fair enough, but using that reasoning makes your ideology sound cruel, biased, and shitty IMO.

>> No.7060887


The UKIPer would surely know about such things.

>> No.7060894


Politics in the 21st century is a thoroughly despicable field

>> No.7060896

what the hell isn't

>> No.7060900


Isn't Chomsky an anarcho syndicalist?

That seems fairly explicitly non-communist, and irrefutably not communist in the Marxist-Leninist sense.

>> No.7060902

What country do you live in, faggot?

>> No.7060905

The alternative is the side that explicitly states that it's proud of the millions of corpses it's produced. The exploitation if workers isn't as bad as the murder of capitalists.

>> No.7060911
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Don't waste your time. If it has a vague association with "the Jews" it's automatically thrown into the bad pile.

In other words, we're dealing with an A-grade cretin here.

>> No.7060912

What did Zizek mean by that quote? Does it make sense in context?

>> No.7060917


Zizek's purpose isn't to make sense.

>> No.7060930

It's almost like there's a middle ground, between totalitarian communism and pure capitalism.... What am I thinking of? Something about workers controlling the means of production. You know, like communism, but with the power in the hands of workers/voters instead of a state.
Bet Chomsky would hate that though....

>> No.7060944


United States you double nigger.

We are only 43 percent Socialist

>> No.7060947

It's too bad that utopian Communism is exactly utopian. You're a moron if you think it's possible.

>> No.7060962
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>point made
>quite some distance
>a bit more
>your comprehension

Why O why are people so stupid?!

>> No.7060970

It's literally the definition of socialism you two blathering retards.

>> No.7061007

He explicitly said totalitarian Communism, which is different from utopian Communism. If he wasn't talking about utopian Communism, whatever he was talking about would basically be utopian Communism.
No, that's Communism. Socialism is the process whereby the workers seize control of said means.

>> No.7061023


>He explicitly said totalitarian Communism, which is different from utopian Communism. If he wasn't talking about utopian Communism, whatever he was talking about would basically be utopian Communism

Is this your attempt at redeeming yourself?


>> No.7061052

Is that supposed to be a response? Anarcho-syndicalism is a fever dream.

>> No.7061067

So fucking what? Some people aren't content with second best. Or seventh best.

>> No.7061133

You'd rather believe that your imaginary perfect world ican be attained in your lifetime, contrary to all evidence? I seriously hope you're a theist, and I honestly don't understand why you would fight for an impossibility.

>> No.7061144

He never looks happy. He strikes me as a miserable little man.

>> No.7061185

really? I find it the opposite, he always seems to enjoy his lechures and really gets into him

Look at him at home talking about his son one minute in to this video

>> No.7061445

Haha I'm an atheist, and if I didn't fight and argue for the principles I believe in, I might as well save some time and blow my brains out.

>> No.7061451

>You'd rather believe that your imaginary perfect world ican be attained in your lifetime, contrary to all evidence? I seriously hope you're a theist, and I honestly don't understand why you would fight for an impossibility.
You don't understand humans very well, then

>> No.7061464

>not posting the obvious choice from that play

>> No.7061695

Get some more realistic principles, bucko.
>They think that art shows human nature better than humans themselves do

>> No.7061712


>> No.7061719

>>They think that art shows human nature better than humans themselves do
The fuck are you on about m8?

>> No.7062196

Huh, I guess it's just the beard, then. Beards sure can make you look like a severe motherfucker.

>> No.7062539

>I like free markets

pick one.

>> No.7062601

The idiots posted songs from a musical, as if the content of a work of art could yield accurate sociological or economic data.
A little intervention keeps everything free.

>> No.7062607

Chomsky is Russel Brand in a tweed jacket
he tells dumb dumbs what they want to hear

>> No.7062613

What is this quote taken from?

>> No.7062625

Slavoj Zizek, Marxist-Leninist philosopher extraordinare

>> No.7062635


>Wow, what an apologist. This man is definitely advocating pograms and will send all the rich people to a gulag; and you sound completely rational and not even a little bit like an ignorant reactionary...

You're not even a particularly good reactionary, because you didn't bring up his supposed support of the Cambodian Genocide, as any rightist worth his sand would have. Even then, all you could have said was that he accused the media of fabricating Cambodian crimes, after they essentially instigated the situation which lead to the Khmer Rouge's accession by bombing the country to the stone age.

>> No.7062639

>The idiots posted songs from a musical, as if the content of a work of art could yield accurate sociological or economic data.
No one was talking about sociological or economic data, you autist, they were talking about your inability to comprehend why some person might fight for an impossibility. Which incidentally only makes your assburger's more evident.

>> No.7062640

You're literal scum.

>> No.7062641

I'm familiar with the human tendency to be committed to impossibilities. I'm just trying to point out that you're all going to be disappointed when you end up in jail under what will inevitably become totalitarianism.

>> No.7062661

Alright then. Let's look directly at your accusations, and their relevancy and meaning.

You point to his (1) wealth; and the fact that he (2) did research that was paid for by the Pentagon, presumably meaning that he has no right to criticise it.

(1) I would reply that in his original field, he was described as "the father of Linguistics," before he went on to also work as a philosopher and political advocate. He has published over 100 books, is one of the most cited people in history. He has made contributions to artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, logic, mathematics, music theory and analysis, political science, programming language theory and psychology. His contributions to thought are almost unbelievable. Therefore, it's relatively unsurprising that after a career of over sixty years of hard work he has some money left over, which is approximated by a site that was trying to smear him as a mere 2 million. If he is the hyppocritical closet capitalist that you are attempting to paint him as, one could logically surmise that the vast majority went to charity.

And now for the second part of this (2). People actually did attempt to have him removed because of his views, but his theory of language and other work was considered too influential. But more importantly, such a matter shouldn't actually matter, only his theory's and whether his work is leading to a better tomorrow should. It honestly doesn't seem as though you've read a single word of his work.

>> No.7062664

You meant theories, I'm guessing.
The fact of the matter is that he's a liberal hypocrite, no better than Naomi Klein or Rachel Maddow. His research for the Pentagon proves it.

>> No.7062669

Yeah sorry about the typo fam, it was pretty dumb tbh (to be honest) smh (shaking my head)

>> No.7062670

So you must agree that Chomsky is a hypocrite and a liar

>> No.7062672

Can you site anything in his work that you disagree with?

>> No.7062679

When you read his work, one can't help but be struck by how well cited all of his arguments are. And I just covered how Chomsky's supposed hypocrisy is generally irrelevant. If you like, I would also add that he's both more honorable and charitable then anyone you could mention.

>> No.7062689

Chomsky now has a Brazilian second wife who was born in 1965, so she's younger than his kids. He's obviously a creep.

>> No.7062699

Sorry, that last part was unnecessary. I'm tired, and I don't want to act the prick, particularly when my writing is shit.

>> No.7062712

His Anarcho-syndicalist/Socialist position.
He's a hypocrite.

>> No.7062798

Literally everyone is a hypocrite. No human world view is based on pure facts, rather (subconscious) power considerations.
Subjective experience being a part of the universe also contradicts the existence of "pure" facts in the universe, our brain can only create subjective models of the universe.

So what is left is judging people on traits you find admirable. And Chomsky has a bright mind and can deliver a cohesive story backed by many [citations], making him a very interesting person to listen to/read.

>> No.7062806

Don't bother anon, you're arguing with one of those people who's convinced they have everything perfectly figured out and just wants you to admit it, not hold an actual discussion

>> No.7062867

Space isn't stupid.

>> No.7062871

>Chomsky is wrong, I (teenager in 4chan) am right
welcome to the Internet

>> No.7062874

>Socialism paints a pretty black and white picture of history
n e v e r r e a d M a r x : t h e p o s t